What do you expect from someone who names themselves ANGEL OF FUCKING DEATH?
Boring posts about how haaaaaaaaard algebra 101 and Japanese 101 are.
Because, you know, you definitely can't sleep through that bullshit or anything.
I found this blog on ONTD_Political (of course) and I found this blog through 3 potential entries.
1. entry about republicans blocking one of Obama's pet projects to bring more jobs back to the US
2. a US senator proposes the only reason the Colorado massacre was allowed to occur was because the movie goers were too cowardly to stop the shooter (I don't even think Warhammer would propose something that crass)
3. Chinese dictionary refuses to acknowledge a word's new application: homosexual
For a blog about politics you'd think 1 and 2 would be the natural candidates but, of course, ONTD_Political can't shut up about gays.
A newly published edition of an authoritative Chinese dictionary has come under fire for leaving out the homosexual definition of a word commonly used to refer to gay men and lesbians.I mean Christ, this makes news?
The word "tongzhi" traditionally means "comrade" and has been widely used by the Communist Party. But in recent decades the word has evolved to refer to homosexuals.
Wow, imagine, a country with literally thousands of years of history in white washing its own past regimes doesn't let that shit fly!
I'll be sure to write a strongly worded letter to China that some whining cunts on Livejournal in America are very unhappy that they didn't put a definition in a book!
Because if you don't say it, it's not a thing, right? :pSays one comment. In fact, yes, in this case. Words will shift. If you suppress this one long enough people will apply it to a new word. The Chinese government, I assume, could give two shits about gays. They just don't like the application to the term "comrade" because, unsurprisingly, most of the central political figures in China are remnants of the old communist regime.
ugh its like trying to write them out of historyAll right calm down. Last time I read a line like that my FFXIV character was watching a city get obliterated by a magical death laser from an airship.
When China invents a magical death laser--
First I want to see a Youtube video of it and second I hardly doubt they'd use it to menace gay people.
They might wave their new weapon willy at the US but I hardly doubt anyone gives a shit about gays.
...I knew that this itouch would act up more than usual. The wifi bars thing didn't show for the entire day until I turned it off and on again.HOLY SHIT GUYS
...guess for now a journal post can serve as a note of this.
Then it didn't even give me a bounce notice until today.
Let this serve as a note.
So in case you didn't get the memo, Mike:
haha yeah
Ugh this scald burn mark on my right hand....the layer that makes melanin is gone and it will take some time for it to come back. But dealing with the fact my skin looks like meat.....I can see the dark spots where the fair follicles are and it's weird... I just want my skin color back... When I push on it it turns white....... So don't push on it?
I should've never had taken college algebra at this point in my life. My life is too damn stressful at this point in my life. I cracked under it and still thought I could go on. What an idiot I am.I'm trying to illuminate you baka gaijin (translator's note: "baka gaijin" means "stupid foreigner in Nihongo [Japanese]) about the WONDERS OF ANIME AND YOU DARE SPEAK OVER MY PRESENTATION?
Traveling between two colleges.
At one college, I'm taking Japanese and thaws annoying ass group of friends think it's ok to fucking talk while others are giving presentations. In every Japanese class I've taken there's always annoying people.
God damn I've never was aware of how much if my CPU I use.....man I really need a new oneBecause a CPU
you know, it's a finite resource. That shit cannot be replaced once it's gone.
And you definitely can't free up system resources by stopping unnecessary processes.
Bottom line: once your CPU is full you might as well replace it.
I had so much fun last night. For my birthday we went to moto-i, the first sake brewery outside of Japan! It was 7 people altogether, just a small group of close friends. Only two people couldn't make it due to schedule conflict. I didn't go crazy and get shit-faced I had one cocktail, shot of nigori sake, and a little bit of my friend's bloody mary because she didn't expect it to be spicy XDXD holy fuck you are retarded.
I am completely obsessed over Angry Birds.Grrrrrrl gamer here
That is all.
So when I was at the Job Fair Friday, I saw a guy from my English class. He said his paper isn't coming up too well. Ok, not everyone is great at writing.
But then.You're telling the preacher, brother, but what can you do?
But then he goes on about gow gender studies really don't interest him that much and and thats why hes having trouble with his paper. He claims to acknowledge that this is probably a bad thing since its an important thing to learn, but....hes just not that interested.
Bitches gonna bitch at you until you drill that drivel into your fucking skull.
I can just imagine how he'll contort this to mean he doesn't want to attacked for his views. IT JUST HIS OPINION GAIZZZZZ. Douche's opinion are apart of an institution that oppress women, non-cis and non-hetero people. I do not care at all if he were to be attacked for his views in class because he would deserve it.AND IF YOU THINK DIFFERENT YOU ARE A BIGOT.
You're both assholes and you both suck at writing. Stand aside and leave your petty politics out of my sight because I don't have time for either one of you.
I now realize why going to school always ends up bothering me......because of the lighting they use, the floaters in my eyes become REALLY apparent. Its fucking annoying.Because it's dust in the lens of your eye.
God why can't there be a cure for them.
If you're really aware of floaters it might be a serious medical condition. Might want to have that checked before you go blind.
I just was harassed today at school. Around 1:45 pm.OH SHIT PEOPLE
I was playing the piano, when someone opened the door. I turned around and it was this creepy as guy just standing there, w/ his foot in the door. He kept on asking "c-can I listen to you play the piano?" he wanted to stand IN the tiny ass room watching me. I told his I'm not comfortable w/ that, go away, etc. but he didn't. He just stood outside the door, watching me. I yelled "AWAY!" but all he did was move outside my view. I just didn't feel safe. I didn't want to play the piano anymore, but I also didn't want to leave the room. He looked in one more time, then left. After gathering up the courage. I left the room.>doing shit at college
I knew I had to talk to someone about this.So a guy--
wanted to listen to you play the piano
maybe was taking some sort of interest in your boring life and you immediately freak out and have to tell someone like you were just raped.
I mean the guy was probably an asshole but I think this might be a bit of an overreaction.
I didn't want to but I knew I had to. I tried finding my Intro to Women studies instructor in her office, but she wasn't there. So I tried finding my Women Respond to Violence instructor. Not in her office. I went back to the 4th floor of the H building to find Jennifer March. Not in her office. Looked at when she would be in her office. Not for a couple of hours. Feeling completely hopeless. YES! she just walked right in to her. Told her what happenend to me, crying my eyes out. She suggests that I go talk to the counselor.Guy made eye contact. Clearly a threat.
She tells the secretary what happened. And he calls the counselor. Its a guy.....didn't feel comfortable talking to him at all....I bring up why this harassment is triggering to me, and he tries to delve deeper into that....theres are the peopel you talk to about shit like that, but not NOT going to talk about it w/ a male. He suggests if I want to talk to a females counselor. Yes I do.This asshole clearly belongs in prison. I hope you get him.
So I talk to her about what happened, and she says the best thing to do is to file a report w/ the public safety office. I'm comfortable doing that, so we talk to the police officer, I give a discription of the creepster, and write the a report. The most unforturnate part is.....there are no cameras near the piano room. Theres one way down the hallway, and thats the closest one....so the officer says he wants me to come by tomorrow after my class, and he may he an ID on the creep. I hope so.
And the harassment doesn't end there.Oh shit
it is so hard being you.
I'm walking to my bus stop and this guy is talking about me body like I'm a god damn object to his friends. Like I can't fucking hear. I know I wasn't the only one he did this to, but the creepster I can't take it. SO I tell him "God, I cannot fucking stand your kind!" And then he follows me to the bus stop (luckily there were people there) and tells me the SMILE.All right that might actually be harassment. I don't know the full details because you seem a bit unreasonable but if it's actually as you described then that qualifies.
All I wanna do is stare him down. And to make shit worse, a little prick dancing to his music tries to say hi to me.See then you say shit like that and I suspect you're just a turbo cunt and everyone involved in this story was just being friendly and you immediately have to tell your therapist about the scary eye contact all the men in your life make.
Here's a post with a cut that says "this gives me alot (sic) to think about"
there is no such word as "alot"
you don't say "acat" or "adog" so why is "alot" a word?
White liberals know about racism.Black liberals don't know about it, though.
Or black conservatives?
Only white liberals know about racism.
Oh this is a cross post on ONTD_Feminism.
I'm rolling with the punches, people. If you can't keep up--
don't feel bad because neither can I.
If they're good liberals, they try to modify their behavior, because they care. They listen and watch and learn and figure out how to avoid the blatant racism a lot of people don't even notice they carry out. But they're not perfect. Their racism inevitably takes on new, more insidious forms, and the places it accumulates are usually those where white liberals assume elitist positions. One of those areas has been cutely dubbed "food snobbery", and it irritates me to no end.You're just looking for something to whine about.
I come from a poor town on U.S./Mexico border. Fancy dining was in the few chain restaurants that dared take a risk on the populace. The population is 95% Latin@. Mexican food was part of the landscape, not anything special or fussed over. Suffice to say, I was somewhat astonished when I went off to college and met a girl who whined about how Tex-Mex wasn't REAL Mexican food. No, it's not Mexican Mexican, but it's made by Mexican-Americans and Mexican immigrants who live right next to Mexico and thus I didn't care to hear her whitesplaining about authenticity. But she knew better, you see; she had traveled into Mexico's interior, dined at some authentic tourist trap and had authentic ethnic cuisine, and now she was clearly an expert on the subject. No silly Latina was going to sway her views, and at the time I lacked the vocabulary to articulate what about her relentless obsession with authenticity rubbed me so wrong.So the black guy that works at this Japanese restaurant I go to sometimes--
does that make the food soul food too?
This is a legitimate point. The stuff you buy in America is watered down, homogenized pap for idiot masses like you. The fact is, Mexicans don't cook their food like it's cooked in America.
This might be a good thing (sanitation) and it might be a bad thing (homogenized taste).
You have to ask yourself if it's worth it.
Preferrably in a mirror.
While crying.
I finally realized what it was. You see, what "food snobs" really want is to appreciate food that helps them pretend they are removed from the rabble's banal American existence, and immigrants and non-white populations are tools for doing that.>Banal American existence
Because you know, it's only boring to be white. Other people have culture but white people are blank slates--
Isn't this racism itself?
Saying these people are unlike white people?
You go to China and you can't eat orange chicken, as delicious as it is.
Well you can now after it was imported to China.
Yes, orange chicken, staple of any Chinese restaurant in America, is an American invention and an American export.
But you see where I'm coming from. If you throw fucking--
I don't know--
Duck sauce on fish and chips suddenly it's not British cuisine. It's British cuisine plus something you, an American, have added.
It's now American cuisine.
It might be fucking radical. I'm not saying it sucks because it's American but calling something American Mexican food is a marketing ploy by Americans to sell shit food to Americans.
You should probably just go to McDonald's because I'm getting tired of explaining this and goddamn those fries are good.
They want to be special white people, well-traveled and educated white people, who eat all kinds of crazy ethnic things that will impress their friends. No cream of mushroom casserole here; they are all about "real food". They eschew mainstream restaurants and invade hole-in-the-wall places in ethnic neighborhoods.If you want food poisoning be my fucking guest but meanwhile I don't mind the Chinese food I get from that one place.
Mostly because the girl who owns the place is pretty cute but also because it's pretty good.
They'll award points for rough edges and sparse decor, and they love it when the staff barely speaks English.
She speaks English beautifully.
Not as perfect as I, but she does a damn fine job for a nonnative speaker.
And that's how I know the place is up to code.
Mexican immigrant?
Guess what you're now an American citizen.
selling shit
to Americans
isn't Mexican food anymore.
that covers your pizza food group
Then we go to High Point to a place called--
I forget the fucking name but it's awesome YOU'LL LOVE IT and that has your grain and chicken food groups covered.
I have now covered all three food groups there are.
Chicken, pizza, grains.
Best food I know of, you're welcome.
Shut up everyone.
This isn't a racism thing or a privilege thing so much as it is a statistics thing.
Speaking of I'd like to make a quick aside to tell you about a baller as fuck guy:
Fritz Haber
You have him to thank for all the fucking food you've been shoveling into your fat, unworthy maws for the last 150 years.
This guy was so fucking smart he realized all the fat people he created would be a problem in the future so he promptly invented ways to gas them all in WWI.
He's German
fucking with chemical warfare
but he's not a Nazi because he died before that shit happened don't you people fucking read Jesus Christ not all Germans are Nazis.
Guy was BFFs with Albert Einstein anyway.
That's how smart people function, you know.
Oh, you're German?
That's great I guess but what's really cool is FEEDING HALF THE WORLD WITH THIS THING YOU DISCOVERED.
Oh you're a Jew?
You know if you ONTD_Feminist cunts want a real woman historical figure to be proud of why don't you pull someone like Kathleen Antonelli out of your list of important women achievers?
Because unlike some radical feminist cunt this woman actually achieved something in her life:
she was one of six people to invent the fucking computer.
Never hear about her, DO YOU? Know why?
Not because she helped contribute to one of the most important inventions of all time--
but because she also did it while being a housewife.
This woman literally invented a field of mathematics to make computers work but you never hear about that shit.
I've almost decided to write a religious text--
because you idiots need more self help books you'll promptly ignore--
and I've decided that one of the things I'm going to encourage is a meritocracy.
Jew, German, black, white, Chinese--
stand ye on your merits alone.
Yet ketchup is the one thing mentioned so far that isn't actually an American invention.
It's a Chinese invention.
I think that, above everything, is my problem with people in general.
You talk and you talk and you're so enlightened and you're so high and mighty and yet you're completely dead fucking wrong in everything you say.
Step 1: learn something
step 2: then you spout off about it.
"Ketchup" doesn't even sound like an English word, DOES IT?
I can even write this shit in Mandarin you pretentious fucks because I actually paid attention in school and took useful classes instead of fucking woman's study 101:
It's brine of a pickled fish, but then the Malaysians got the recipe and said "wait what if we use tomatoes we borrowed from the Italians instead of rotting fish" AND THUS WAS BORN THE GREATEST GARNISH EVER.
It's a Chinese
and Malaysian invention
imported to America
by the British--
it is not a fucking American invention.
And this is why you don't want ethnic cooking because all of the food you eat no matter where you're from is disgusting.
It's just your mother shoveled it into your ungrateful face when you were a kid so that's what you like now.
"Be saved, as unworthy as ye are"--
Thus spake the book of Timothy chapter 1 verse 5.
After the opening lines which are
"you're stupid and full of shit
I hate you
you're going to hell
live with it."
It has nothing to do with the Japanese food. They only called it that because it was about the only exposure Americans had to Japanese culture outside of sumo wrestling and origami.
The reason for the name change?
Because its actual name, "Ue o Muite Aruko" doesn't roll off the tongue of a typical English speaker.
Also the song is depressing as fuck and I think the marketing people realized this.
Great fucking song though, probably one of the best Japanese singers of all time--
and, like every great singer in the 1960s, died in a plane crash.
Why am I talking about this at all?
I don't remember either but I feel like this blog is so full of shit I have to draw attention away from the bullshit.
Seriously the guy could whistle almost as good as Otis Redding I'm dead fucking serious.
Sorry felt that fit in.
Surely a religion that blends Greek mythology, transhumanism, personal efficacy, futurism, technocracy, meritocracy and a strong Gothic (like from the Goth people in Germany) aesthetic will be a huge hit with the common idiot.
my favorite Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius.
One of the first people to propose nutrition as a key to being healthy.
Look how baller this guy is.
Look at this one half paragraph from his Wikipedia page:
Will you ever read anything like that about Obama?
"Most skilled in the law" and "prudent and conscientiously just emperor"?
He revalued the currency.
Like the Chinese did.
And what did Obama do?
There's a leader you could take some pride in.
He wasn't preaching fucking bullshit about austerity then jetting off to Hawaii for a vacation.
He wasn't whining on Livejournal about what white people were eating.
He was busy being emperor and writing one of the most influential philosophical texts ever written.
2000 years later Wikipedia acts like it's on a first name basis with the guy.
Will the entirety of Livejournal ever add up to even a fraction of a fraction what the people I've just mentioned have accomplished?
Of course not.
is bullshit.
I'm going to bed.
Not as perfect as I, but she does a damn fine job for a nonnative speaker.
And that's how I know the place is up to code.
(Look at how tolerant we are! We dare to venture where most white people do not!) If they're feeling really enthusiastic, they'll join their local gentrification pioneers and find a way to install themselves next to these adorable foreigners until the neighborhood is full of other white people, at which point they'll grumble about racism and oppression. They'll grumble about those other white people because they feel in their hearts they have somehow transcended white, transcended trashy.Because only white people can be trash.
I've heard people say that "you can't good Mexican food outside Mexico/the Southwest". People, Mexican immigrants are everywhere. They do not lose their culinary powers the farther they wander from the motherland. They are allowed to modify traditional recipes to their own tastes, even if doing so horrifies the white people who think that immigrants have an obligation to uphold the static and pure vision of "authentic cuisine". Making changes, food snobs say, is so American.IF YOU DO IT
Mexican immigrant?
Guess what you're now an American citizen.
selling shit
to Americans
isn't Mexican food anymore.
Food snobs ignore the fact that most nonwhite people do not have the money, the time, the childcare available to travel the world and dabble in the foods of their or their ancestors' countries of origin. They forget that most nonwhite people in the U.S. live in grocery deserts, and thus cannot indulge in organic beef and exotic ingredients from the farmer's market (does the bus even go there? Who knows, we use the Prius.) They are not interested in immigrants or nonwhite people who cannot facilitate their journey of culinary discovery.Ok there's this pizza place called New York Pizza (shut up that's what it's called I don't think it's a chain) then there's the Mellow Fucking Mushroom, then the guy down the road who is actually Italian (AUTHENTIC)--
that covers your pizza food group
Then we go to High Point to a place called--
I forget the fucking name but it's awesome YOU'LL LOVE IT and that has your grain and chicken food groups covered.
I have now covered all three food groups there are.
Chicken, pizza, grains.
Best food I know of, you're welcome.
Shut up everyone.
What happens if you challenge food snobs and confront them with their bullshit? Oh, they'll argue with you. Good food, they'll say, has nothing to do with race, and they'd really love a world where everyone could eat like them.Unfortunately there isn't enough protein on earth for everyone to eat like your typical fat American.
This isn't a racism thing or a privilege thing so much as it is a statistics thing.
Speaking of I'd like to make a quick aside to tell you about a baller as fuck guy:
Fritz Haber
You have him to thank for all the fucking food you've been shoveling into your fat, unworthy maws for the last 150 years.
This guy was so fucking smart he realized all the fat people he created would be a problem in the future so he promptly invented ways to gas them all in WWI.
He's German
fucking with chemical warfare
but he's not a Nazi because he died before that shit happened don't you people fucking read Jesus Christ not all Germans are Nazis.
Guy was BFFs with Albert Einstein anyway.
That's how smart people function, you know.
Oh, you're German?
That's great I guess but what's really cool is FEEDING HALF THE WORLD WITH THIS THING YOU DISCOVERED.
Oh you're a Jew?
You know if you ONTD_Feminist cunts want a real woman historical figure to be proud of why don't you pull someone like Kathleen Antonelli out of your list of important women achievers?
Because unlike some radical feminist cunt this woman actually achieved something in her life:
she was one of six people to invent the fucking computer.
Never hear about her, DO YOU? Know why?
Not because she helped contribute to one of the most important inventions of all time--
but because she also did it while being a housewife.
This woman literally invented a field of mathematics to make computers work but you never hear about that shit.
I've almost decided to write a religious text--
because you idiots need more self help books you'll promptly ignore--
and I've decided that one of the things I'm going to encourage is a meritocracy.
Jew, German, black, white, Chinese--
stand ye on your merits alone.
They hate bland American food and they complain about how white food is accused of being boring, as if white people didn't constitute the bulk of internationally acclaimed chefs, restaurant owners, grocery chain owners, farmer's market farmers, and even the goddamn cookbook authors.I like how at one point I might have skipped over where she bitches that these food snob people bitch that Americans use ketchup.
Yet ketchup is the one thing mentioned so far that isn't actually an American invention.
It's a Chinese invention.
I think that, above everything, is my problem with people in general.
You talk and you talk and you're so enlightened and you're so high and mighty and yet you're completely dead fucking wrong in everything you say.
Step 1: learn something
step 2: then you spout off about it.
"Ketchup" doesn't even sound like an English word, DOES IT?
I can even write this shit in Mandarin you pretentious fucks because I actually paid attention in school and took useful classes instead of fucking woman's study 101:
It's brine of a pickled fish, but then the Malaysians got the recipe and said "wait what if we use tomatoes we borrowed from the Italians instead of rotting fish" AND THUS WAS BORN THE GREATEST GARNISH EVER.
It's a Chinese
and Malaysian invention
imported to America
by the British--
it is not a fucking American invention.
And this is why you don't want ethnic cooking because all of the food you eat no matter where you're from is disgusting.
It's just your mother shoveled it into your ungrateful face when you were a kid so that's what you like now.
"Be saved, as unworthy as ye are"--
Thus spake the book of Timothy chapter 1 verse 5.
After the opening lines which are
"you're stupid and full of shit
I hate you
you're going to hell
live with it."
When they talk about American food, they talk about white and whitewashed traditions. They do not include nonwhite people in these broad statements. They'll proudly tell you that they knew what horchata was before that song came out, as if there aren't millions of people who grew up with the stuff. In their mind, there's no problem with passing judgment on people's diets, any person's diet. Food snobbery makes them special.Or how about the only Japanese song to ever top the pop charts in the US: "Sukiyaki" by Kyu Sakamoto?
It has nothing to do with the Japanese food. They only called it that because it was about the only exposure Americans had to Japanese culture outside of sumo wrestling and origami.
The reason for the name change?
Because its actual name, "Ue o Muite Aruko" doesn't roll off the tongue of a typical English speaker.
Also the song is depressing as fuck and I think the marketing people realized this.
Great fucking song though, probably one of the best Japanese singers of all time--
and, like every great singer in the 1960s, died in a plane crash.
Why am I talking about this at all?
I don't remember either but I feel like this blog is so full of shit I have to draw attention away from the bullshit.
Seriously the guy could whistle almost as good as Otis Redding I'm dead fucking serious.
Food snobbery is about race. It's about xenophobia and the cynical use of immigrants.Hail Caesar.
Sorry felt that fit in.
Surely a religion that blends Greek mythology, transhumanism, personal efficacy, futurism, technocracy, meritocracy and a strong Gothic (like from the Goth people in Germany) aesthetic will be a huge hit with the common idiot.
It's about class and fatphobia and the relentless desire of a certain set of white people to be identified as uniquely sensitive to other cultures. To be the most special privilege monsters in the pile.Let me take another brief respite before I depart to tell you about another great thinker:
I don't want to hear about your food snobbery.
my favorite Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius.
One of the first people to propose nutrition as a key to being healthy.
Look how baller this guy is.
Look at this one half paragraph from his Wikipedia page:
Like many emperors, Marcus spent most of his time addressing matters of law such as petitions and hearing disputes. Marcus took great care in the theory and practice of legislation. Professional jurists called him "an emperor most skilled in the law" and "a most prudent and conscientiously just emperor". He shows marked interest in three areas of the law: the manumission of slaves, the guardianship of orphans and minors, and the choice of city councillors (decuriones). In 168 he revalued the denarius, increasing the silver purity from 79% to 82% — the actual silver weight increasing from 2.57 grams to 2.67 grams.One half of one paragraph in like a 50 page article about how baller this fucker was.
Will you ever read anything like that about Obama?
"Most skilled in the law" and "prudent and conscientiously just emperor"?
He revalued the currency.
Like the Chinese did.
And what did Obama do?
"Alone of the emperors," wrote the historian Herodian, "he gave proof of his learning not by mere words or knowledge of philosophical doctrines but by his blameless character and temperate way of life."HOLY SHIT.
There's a leader you could take some pride in.
He wasn't preaching fucking bullshit about austerity then jetting off to Hawaii for a vacation.
He wasn't whining on Livejournal about what white people were eating.
He was busy being emperor and writing one of the most influential philosophical texts ever written.
2000 years later Wikipedia acts like it's on a first name basis with the guy.
Will the entirety of Livejournal ever add up to even a fraction of a fraction what the people I've just mentioned have accomplished?
Of course not.
is bullshit.
I'm going to bed.
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