Somehow I get the impression ONTD_Political isn't nearly as clever politically as it carries itself.
Also ONT_Political is angry at Mitt Romney because apparently he invested in a (successful) environmental cleanup group that dealt with biological waste-- namely aborted fetuses.
Romney, of course, is anti-abortion.
They're mad that a guy invested in a company that does two things the average ONTD_Political goer would support: the environment and a woman's right to choose.
I don't even know what to say.
I guess they're mad he changed positions which I'm pretty sure is what an intelligent adult does when he finds himself in light of new evidence or logic or whatever else made Mittens change sides.
Or it's convenient to be against abortion.
Either way I'm starting to warm up to the guy. It's this kind of Machiavellian disregard for common decency that will see this country through the impending dark age.
Anyway here we are.
I was at work talking with my manager and a higher up when I started to feel really hungry, then I started to get nauseous, then my vision started getting fuzzy until I could no longer see but could still hear, then... I guess I fainted, passed out, whatever you want to call it.Dehydration, dipshit.
Jesus Christ all mighty you people are so fucking stupid you forget to drink water.
Was all over really fast but they made me go to the doctor(at their expense, thankfully... they drew a lot of blood and stuff, so I can't imagine the cost), my coworker who's a former EMS nurse took me.That poor woman.
She must have the patience of several saints to not only resist strangling you but to actually help your miserable ass.
There didn't seem to be anything wrong with me, just didn't eat enough/get enough water today, so the only real concern is about the back of my head having hit that concrete floor. Only time will tell there.You just hit your head. It's not like any organ you use could be damaged.
That said, goddamn, that was kinda scary. I mean, for most the hospital visit I couldn't stop shaking. Don't think it helped matters that the higher up guy at work, the first one to my side since he was right there, was freaking out over it and saying things like "it looked like you had a seizure, your eyes went all wide"(probably when everything went black and I was trying to see).Man I'd kill for a 4 hour shift tomorrow.
So yeah, most exciting short, four hour, shift to date.
Nope, full 8 hours starting at 6 AM.
Maybe I'll just forget to drink water from now until then.
Nah I'd probably be okay.
The other day I was on my way home from work and suddenly my brain was all "I'm so hungry I could eat a whole village" followed by a "wait... whut?" Idk. I'm clearly a monster of some sort.LULZ xP
Dinner with parents tonight was a bad idea. I mean, I came for the food as I'm always good for good food, but two young white straight cis military guys, cousin and friend, talking about how 'gay (enlisted) people might use the fact that they're gay to get out of doing stuff by "claiming" to be harassed' and how 'everyone gets bullied, you just have to deal with it(same topic)' kinda put me on edge.*Oh gee, a bunch of 19 year old punks fresh off their latest indoctrination in the military aren't exactly the most sensitive people ever. Let's get offended.
But, I didn't know my cousin's friend aside from this meeting and I'm not too close to that particular cousin. Either way, I gave my input on the matter and it eventually got derailed/dropped by inquiries of what 'ginger' means in regards to people. Whatever.Oh shut up. Everyone knows every college age girl pretends to be a lesbian for a semester.
Except, my mother just decided to 'have a talk' with me about how I was very rude and shouldn't have 'gone off', something that no one else seemed to feel was what I did, on my cousin's friend about it and how I made him uncomfortable. Then she topped it off with a 'you might(lol, love that in there) be gay, but even if(again!) you are that, it doesn't give you the right to be rude to people about it!'
Knock it off.
The Dos and Don'ts of Being A Good Ally
Oh I know these. I've been playing MMOs forever.
1. Don't derail a discussion. Even if it makes you personally uncomfortable to discuss X issue...it's really not about you or your comfort. It's about X issue, and you are absolutely free to not engage rather than try to keep other people from continuing their conversation.And don't whine when you don't get to do the exact job you want. It's one 20 minute fight. Man the fuck up.
2. Do read links/books referenced in discussions. Again, even if the things being said make you uncomfortable, part of being a good ally is not looking for someone to provide a 101 class midstream. Do your own heavy lifting.Watch that 10 minute video. It'll teach you how not to stand in the fire you useless twat.
Oh I know it's really long but frankly 10 minutes of your time is less than 5 combined hours of everyone's time.
3. Don't expect your feelings to be a priority in a discussion about X issue. Oftentimes people get off onto the tone argument because their feelings are hurt by the way a message was delivered. If you stand on someone's foot and they tell you to get off? The correct response is not "Ask nicely" when you were in the wrong in the first place.I know it's bullshit and you weren't standing in the fire. Shut up and don't get hit by lava plumes.
4. Do shut up and listen. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of listening to the people actually living X experience.Yeah and I've done this fight like a thousand times so maybe you should shut your noise hole and pay attention when I say YOU CAN ONLY GET TWO ATTACKS IN BETWEEN ERUPTIONS.
There is nothing more obnoxious than someone (however well intentioned) coming into the spaces of a marginalized group and insisting that they absolutely have the solution even though they've never had X experience.Huh?
No, listen, I don't care if you're the best bard ever. Bards are shit for Ifrit.
You can certainly make suggestions, but don't be surprised if those ideas aren't well received because you've got the wrong end of the stick somewhere.You can argue all you want but the statistics are on my side.
5. Don't play Oppresion Olympics. Really, if you're in the middle of a conversation about racism? Now is not the time to talk about how hard it is to be a white woman and deal with sexism.No women are welcome in my runs. Nothing personal. None of you can keep your shit together.
Yeah I know you're the *one* that can (despite every girl gamer I've run into claiming to be this elusive snowflake) keep her shit together in this but even if you are the other idiots in my run can't keep their shit together around you so please keep walking.
Being oppressed in one area does not mean you have no privilege in another area. Terms like intersectionality and kyriarchy exist for a reason. Also...that's derailing. Stop it.Sorry I have to drop the bit for a second.
Is that a thing?
Kyriarchy is a neologism coined by Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza to describe interconnected, interacting, and multiplicative systems of domination and submission, within which a person oppressed in one context might be privileged in another....
Thanks I guess, Wikipedia.
Anyway where was I?
Oh yeah, how do I know your real life gender in a video game? You really think I give a fuck?
Shut up and throw a curaga when you fucking should.
6. Do check your privilege. It's hard and often unpleasant, but it's really necessary. And you're going to get things wrong. Because no one is perfect. But part of being an ally is being willing to hear that you're doing it wrong.I may not be perfect but I have done this fight a few times so I think I know what I'm talking about.
7. Don't expect a pass into safe spaces because you call yourself an ally. You're not entitled to access as a result of not being an asshole. Sometimes it just isn't going to be about you or what you think you should happen. Your privilege didn't fall away when you became an ally, and there are intra-community conversations that need to take place away from the gaze of the privileged.Yeah and speaking of safe places I've been playing EVE Online lately (AKA Spreadsheet: The Game) and I thought I was in safe space until some asshole lobbed a neutron bomb at me or something.
8. Do be willing to stand up to bigots. Even if all you do is tell a friend that the thing they just said about X marginalized group is unacceptable, you're doing some of the actual work of being an ally.
Then they tried to extort money from me. I have to respect any game that has rules flexible enough to allow a protection racket to be a viable part of the game but not enough to not figure out their Teamspeak 3 password and feed their secret kool kids klub bullshit to a rival corporation.I'm out of gaming things to talk about now. This is really kind of boring when you strip away me talking about irrelevant shit.
9. Don't treat people like accessories or game tokens. Really, you get no cool points for having a diverse group of friends. Especially when you try to use that as license to act like an asshole.
Yeah, fuck this blog.
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