Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Thank goodness I don't care

All right.
Let's read some shit.
One thing I've learned about ONTD_Political is that it isn't really that political. Like this story about new black politicians being hard right liners and how it's a shift from the typical "African American being Democrat" stereotype?
No comments.
Seemingly no one gives a shit.
Not that anyone should but it is unusual for a group about politics to care so little about politics.
But talk about gays and HOLY SHIT PREPARE FOR COMMENTS.
Anyway this seems like a suitable target.
I guess.
I haven't really read it so I don't know~
Today, I'm clicking through Tumblr, and I see this quote:
"Being a Marine is a state of mind. It is an experience some have likened more to a calling than a profession. Being a Marine is not a job – not a paycheck; it is not an occupational specialty. 
 I believe it, too.
My old college had a lot of military personnel for some fucking reason and the marines always seemed the least well adjusted.
This is the kind of stuff that parents just eat up, and the stuff that really loses its lustre when you're sitting in 134 degree heat in Taqaddum, Iraq, or when you're explaining to the CO for the fourth time that his computer doesn't hate him and it only does what he tells it to and "sir, you really can't leave your passwords on a sticky note stuck to your monitor because that's a violation of security policies", or when you're on a 15 mile hike just because your battalion commander got a bug up his ass two weeks ago and really wanted to hike around "scenic Camp Lejeune".
I dunno.
The only marine I'd ever consider being is a space marine and that's only because I'd be 9 foot tall and could spit acid.
Also the armor is really cool.
And fighting for the Imperium of Man seems way more noble (even if really heinous at times) than fighting for an oil company's bottom line.
Basically what I'm saying is if you want to sell me on warfare you have you make me superhuman first and then have a good reason for doing it second.
And this is the only entry.
Heh probably should have looked closer, oh well--
So I started reading another blog to review, found a good one then realized I'd already reviewed it.
Man I have a weird photographic memory for this crap. Who remembers this blog except me?
It was that gay guy who wrote like a chick.
Wait no that doesn't narrow it down.
That gay guy who called his life partner beloved.
No, no one remembers that.
Forget it.
Another blog I've reviewed.
What the fuck is going on?
Here we go. Just kidding about the previous blog.
THIS ONE IS FRIENDS ONLY but don't worry I bothered to investigate this time and I've found that to be a filthy lie.
Dear Hollywood, who are the 3 actors you in your infinite wisdom have narrowed down to play Finnick? Let me guess... 3 white boys. Now Hollywood, let's review: Finnick Odair is 24 years old and described as being very handsome and tall with tan skin, bronze hair, and stunning sea-green eyes.
I had to Google this and apparently it's the sequel to Hunger Games.
Who cares?
She's upset this character is being played by a white man.
Because, you know, "tan skin" is clearly an indicator he should be black.
Although I see where she's coming from because if I'd read that in a book about a chick and then they picked a white chick instead of a brown girl to play her I'd be disappointed.
Not upset but I'd probably think twice about seeing the movie.
Then again one of my favorite books is The Count of Monte Cristo and any movie based on that book has more problems than the skin pigmentation of the actors in it.
Oh apparently this is a white girl whining.
Shut up.
I can totally be this hypocritical about this shit.
Watch me.
3. Yesterday I found out that someone who was really shitty to me for a number of years is living a really crappy life these days. I'm not happy she's miserable, I sort of feel... blank about it all. As much as I appreciate some good old fashioned revenge, this isn't really that for me. 
No because revenge is something you earn with your own two hands.
Someone picking on you in high school then subsequently leading a shitty life isn't really revenge.
It's incidental.
Unless we're applying that George Herbert quote.
You know the one.
"The best revenge is living well."
Bunch of crap.
I mean, she's an awful person, so I'm not overly shocked that she's finally getting her own crap back in spades. I think more than anything I'm sad that it all happened, and kind of mad at myself for allowing her to hurt me as much as she did. Live & Learn, I guess. 
Time to get over high school I think.
I mean there was this one asshole kid who picked on me in high school and no joke I'm seriously struggling to remember his name right now.
I think it was Mike.
Mike something.
Mikey. Mikey boy.
I don't remember.
We're going to celebrate Beltane tonight, on accounta the full moon, even though 15 degrees Taurus proper doesn't happen till sun/mon. For us, Beltane has always been about the "charging of our scared dreams."
Me too.
Sounds like a character in a JRPG who would be really annoying but you'd tolerate because she had a really useful ability or something.
The seeds of the new year, new cycle, new aspirations were planted at Spring Equinox, now Beltane charges them, or makes them fertile. For us, it's buying a house and having a little prosperity, plus health and joy for the new year's cycle. What are yours?
I always think of the Goddess Sedna when I think of my Pisces friends.
Me neither.
What the fuck are these things?

I love water goddesses. Sedna is my favorite, though. I just love that she was quantified as a "vengeful" goddess - her default state was to withhold the food the hunters wanted, and they had convince her to allow bountiful harvests. I don't know. That's just awesome.
What a cunt.
Does she need the harvest to live?
It's not like we're arguing about what to watch on TV. People need food to not fucking starve to death.
All right here's my master thesis:
1. it's your fucking job and
2. if you don't we fucking die
I cannot imagine the Greek gods acting this cunty. Sure they might fucking kill you or turn you into something but at least you never had to convince them of shit.
Ceres was goddess of the harvest and the hunt and she gave these things freely because that's what she did.
Unless Persephone, who controlled the seasons, held sway. Then times might get rough.
But you couldn't get mad at her. It's what she does.
What proceeds is more bullshit whinging about nonsense no one cares about--
Something about bears, what--
I'm going to bed.

Friday, May 25, 2012


I know before I said I'd do that ONTD_Feminism thing but I really think I need to tease that further.
Besides I clicked on this by mistake and it's way more entertaining.
Monday for ONTD_Feminism, I promise.
This is Lair of the Dragon Lady.
When I hear the term "Dragon Lady" I think of a mysterious and hot Chinese woman.
So imagine my surprise when she's a black woman.
I guess you can just call yourself whatever the fuck you want. Whatever.
Comments disabled because this is not open for discussion.

I would like to make a general announcement to anybody who comes here as a guest of this LJ.

This is MY space. As long as it's within the terms of service, I can do and say here whatever the fuck I want, and I don't owe anybody shit. If you can deal with that and post here like you have some home training, you're welcome to post.  
I'd prefer just to post about your space from my space.
It may come as a surprise to some people, but I'm actually very forgiving. It actually takes very little to earn forgiveness from me.
Can't say I really care.
Why am I posting about this?
Which brings me to social justice and the culture of self-flagellation and/or grovelling as apology.

I'm sure you've seen it before. Privileged person shows ass, gets called out, then follows up with an apology that is less about acknowledging a mistake and moving on and more about how they feel oh so guilty about their privilege.
I'm not sorry for being a white guy.
If you're waiting for that apology from me I suggest you stop holding your breath.
There's this pattern of behavior I notice in White men that really has to stop. It goes like this:

  • I say something critiquing or poking fun at White privilege, male privilege, and/or straight privilege.
  • White man decides that I'm hostile and angry and personally attacking him - as though he knows me and my thoughts/feelings/beliefs better than I do. And certainly those feelings matter less than his own because Black women are (to coin a phrase) "rhino-hided she-beasts" until proven otherwise.
This is cross-posted from another blog but as near as I can tell she wrote this.
So what I'm already getting from this is you're someone who can dish it out but can't take it and because you can't take it everyone else is somehow an asshole.
Maybe he's just critiquing the sensitivity of black women.
  • White man decides to verbally put me in my place by attacking my intelligence, my sanity, or my morality - as though I must be stupid/crazy/evil to say what I say. They have learned the lesson very well - Black women are intellectually and morally inferior.
  • I shut up and keep my pain to myself because it's no use talking to the person who does this. I've been trained very well and know that I am supposed to remain silent in the face of White/male anger and disapproval.
  • The person who does this walks away with no clue how fucked up this whole thing is. They too have been trained very well and know that there's no point listening to that Angry Militant Black Bitch about anything.
In fact, there isn't a good reason to listen go an angry, militant anything because when your goal is to engage in a dialogue then by definition you're looking to change someone's mind about something. Know who isn't doing a lot of critical thought?
Angry, militant anythings. 
Over the past few days, I've been doing a lot of thinking and reflecting, and I'm starting to believe that POCs need our own movement that comes at social justice from our ways of doing things.
What is your way of doing things, exactly?
White folks just don't know what they're doing, and our time is better spent empowering ourselves than trying to convince them to use their power correctly.
You're right. White people have accomplished relatively little in history.
No, really. Let's make a short list of what white people have accomplished:
space travel
the Haber Process
video juegos
Dire Straits
but you're right.
This is not some Black militant separatist bullshit. This is people who know what's up understanding that if we want freedom, justice, and equality for all, we have to do it the right way, not the White way. 
Where we do things the right way, not the black way.
See how racist this shit is when you just reverse it?
I'm going to speak about my people, Black people, African Americans. Chattel slavery was the most complete system of dehumanization ever designed. Slavery did it's damndest to take everything from us: home, language, family, history, religion, freedom, life, happiness. Slavery inflicted every conceivable violation upon the body and spirit on a scale unprecedented before or since. It's nigh unfathomable for any of us living today to comprehend what that was like. It tried to take everything human away from us.
Well not you because you were born in the 20th century but please, do go on.
I'm a tough nut to crack for a variety of reasons, not the least being that I have a very strong weeding-out process. Apparently I can be pretty intimidating to a lot of people. Not sure why. It's not like I have a history of violent outbursts or something. Then again, it's possible I can be hard on fragile egos.
Watch out, internet badass over here.
I think the issues with nerd culture and fandom boil back down to intersectionality imho.
Of course.
That's a thing, is it?
And as a black man whose lived in the south his entire life, THAT should tell you something.
This is a guy--
Apparently this is a woman?
I don't understand.
Nor do I care.
Anyway this blog kind of devolves into her (him, whatever) just linking me shit I'm supposed to read and then me promptly not reading it.
So it's a belligerent black woman trying to get me to read bullshit I won't be reading. Just like my college years.
Anyway this blog was kind of a dud I'm really sorry.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


This is racism 101. A group of people with white guilty on the internet!
So. I know the classic racist cliche is "all those people look alike." And the inability to distinguish people of another ethnicity from each other is a fairly standard marker of prejudice.
That's because all people of a given ethnic group are likely to look alike.
There are only so many standard deviations a face can have, you know.
I have moderate to severe difficulty telling faces apart in general; I tend to run with context, haircuts, and broad categories, and if those change or are too close to someone else's, I can't tell people apart without a lot of familiarity. (I've occasionally mistaken my sisters for each other, or not recognized them immediately, after not seeing them for more than a year. I only have two.) And this difficulty gets worse with PoC, especially if my brain keeps categorizing hairstyles I'm less familiar with as roughly the same thing.
"Oh shit I'm sorry."
Problem solved.
You've admitted this is a problem you have with people in general.
I do not want to be the person doing the "all you people look alike!" thing to PoC. Even if I'm not phrasing it like that. Even if it's true for white folks too.

Does anyone know a way I can fix this, or work around it better? "I'm terrible at recognizing faces and remembering names" may well be the simple truth, but if there's a way to fix this, I'd really rather do so, rather than keep assuring PoC that, hey, it's not my fault I'm confusing them with other PoC.
Only have one friend of a given ethnic group.
Problem solved.
The police brutality you are just now noticing is what we call business as usual.


People of color
I've never been brutalized by the police.
And I try to keep it that way.
Dear White People:

When a person of color critiques a problematic statement by a White person, the thing NOT to do is respond by explaining its literal meaning or historical source, particularly if nobody asked. When you do this, you are not adding a necessary perspective.
All right I get it, fuck.
This is in response to some claims I've seen - that the white mainstream is appropriating from geek culture, that metrosexuals are appropriating the markers of gay culture. I'll comment/edit with specific examples as I find them.

How do you all feel about these claims?

I can see how it can be argued that calling "mainstreaming" of subcultural markers "appropriation" can actually trivialize the experience of appropriation when people of minority cultures attempt to discuss the matter, so I can see how it would be silencing. But I'm white, so I'm taking a wild stab in the dark.
If I see another one of you high school sluts in a Mario shirt and big nerd glasses trying to be cute--
Can anyone point me towards some resources on respecting people of color in romantic or sexual contexts?
Are you fucking kidding me?
You date a brown girl so you don't have to do research in how not to offend her.
Might as well date a white bitch at this point.
Also offending people in sexual contexts?
Might want to keep your sex slave fantasy a secret until you're sure she's cool with that kind of shit but I'm pretty sure that applies regardless of color.
Or gender, really.
I have been googling and looking at the tags of various LJ communities, but so far I have not found any resources written from the anti-oppression stance. I would be elated to find something aimed at queer women, but I will appreciate all suggestions.
Hello, white girl here. One of my old friends from college is Chinese. Occasionally, she would say things about Chinese people and Asians in general which struck me as...not right. As a white person, I didn't feel like I had the right to tell her she was wrong, but what she said made me feel uncomfortable. She said that all Chinese people had two basic personality types--they were either obedient nerds who did nothing except study, or they were rebelling against the obedient nerd type.
Sounds like a cool chick.
Why are you bitching about her?
This, she said, was because of how they were raised. She said that this was why she didn't really like Chinese people, and why she definitely won't date any.
Heck yeah.
I'm aware that there are culturally ingrained parenting techniques Chinese parents tend to follow, but I find it hard to believe that there are no exceptions. I also find it hard to believe that there are only two ways that these methods can be responded to.
Surely someone with enough personality to distinguish between stereotypes doesn't fully conform to one.
Have you ever heard of something called a joke?
I'm pretty sure when people say shit like that they aren't being serious.
Or, if they are being serious, they're not totally serious.
If I heard a white person saying these things it would be very easy for me to call them out on it, because it's stereotyping. But it's her culture. I went to high school with a lot of Chinese people and observed a variety of different personality types which contradicted her statement. Her personality contradicted it!
 What I want to know is--was that the right response?
I've had black people and Asian people do this shit to me and I tell them straight out:
"no matter what I say here I'll look like a racist honky so I'm just not going to say anything at all."
Then they laugh and we all lighten up.
I feel guilty about agreeing with her that all Chinese people are basically the same--it feels like I'm dehumanizing a enormous and varied group of people.
All people are basically the same.
Calling all Chinese people the same isn't racist, then. It's a subset of the above logic which is colorblind by definition.
I've been talking with some POC buddies who are active with online social justice circles, and we shared similar observations and frustrations when it comes to White people in social justice, especially when compared to POCs in social justice.
I am prepared to bring the Emperor's Justice to everyone.
I don't think anyone on this planet is fully prepared for it.
It will be sweeping
It will be swift
It will be characteristically brutal.
Right now I'm tutoring at an ESL school where most of the students are Korean and Japanese. Often in conversation I'm complimented by students on my looks - my blonde hair, blue eyes, large eyes, large breasts, tall, whatnot. When I was in Japan I got compliments like that all the time - which I usually don't mind that much, but one day I had a conversation with my host mother about makeup - I said I never bothered to wear makeup, and she said that's fine because I didn't need it - Japanese women need makeup to make their faces more contoured, but white people already have that. 
It's a manners thing. Ego is a big deal in Japan so they'll never say YEAH I'M FUCKING HOT AS FUCK they'll call themselves ugly.
Here we'd call it false modesty but it's a big deal there.
After that conversation I became really uncomfortable getting compliments on things that basically boil down to racial traits.
"No I'm not pretty, I'm really ugly."
They won't know how to handle that shit.
They don't expect you to know their bizarre system of manners so it's like this weird double down thing.
And sometimes I want to pull out my hair talking to Korean girls - so many beautiful girls want to get plastic surgery, especially eyelid surgery so they can get double-eyelids. On the one hand I recognize that they don't see eyelid surgery as being racially loaded - it's just something that loads of people do in Korea (look at Korean celebrities; 95% of them, men and women, have done it).  
I'll agree that is a sick practice and should stop immediately.
Unless they're ugly.
Speaking of Asian girls with big eyes, have you ever seen Anna Tsuchiya?
How should I respond to compliments like this? I just usually change the topic or avoid answering. I always tell Korean girls "you're beautiful the way you are, you don't need surgery" but I don't know if I'm just being patronizing.
Fuck it, man.
You do realize Asians are on par with white people in terms of ease of offending, right?
They don't really offend.
Well they might, but it will be over stuff besides racism.
At the end of the day I'm the only one reading racial politics into it; Asians in Asia (as opposed to immigrants, that's another can of worms) don't seem to see this stuff as racially related at all.
That's because it isn't.
You're making this about you and it isn't about you.
People are genetically attracted to things that are different yet familiar.
Blue eyes are different for a country that is almost 100% brown eyes.
But I tell you guys who actually have the most luck in Asia are guys with dark eyes and hair because they have similar coloration (at least in passing) but their faces look different.
So should I say anything, or should I just suck it up and stfu?
You should definitely shut the fuck up.
Is anyone aware of any good resources about whites teaching in primarily minority schools? I come from a pretty homogeneously white area. I'm hoping that the summer training will go in-depth into cultural and racial sensitivity, but I don't want to depend on them to provide all the necessary training and support. 
You are so many levels of fucked.
I want to prepare myself as best as I can to be as sensitive and aware as possible of the issues my underprivileged students will be facing. I've been collecting journal articles and related book lists, and the fellowship program has provided me with a list of possible resources, but you folks are so great and helpful that I thought you might have suggestions too. 
All right let me break this down for you.
I'm willing to go through this as many times as you need to understand this but I will not accept any whining or whinging because this is the honest fucking truth and I will not have you puss out on me.
So basically 80% of the kids there will refuse to learn.
5% will try but are so fucked they kinda give up
10% will try sometimes but then they'll not try other times. These are your problem students because only rarely do they acknowledge this is of their own doing and they'll try to blame you for why they're failing.
3% don't belong in your class. They belong in a special needs class but either are completely undiagnosed or are technically of average intelligence but are borderline illiterate they just seem to have a learning disability.
1% have a diagnosed learning disability but are being mainstreamed.
1% are actually there, trying, and will succeed.
Anyone have any advice? I know I'm going to make a lot of mistakes, probably multiple times a day, but I want to do right by these kids, to the best of my ability.
Save yourself.
In a parenting debate community, someone just brought up Huck Finn and the original version versus the censored version (where the n-word has been completely replaced with "slave").

Should classic works of literature that have racial slurs be changed for school reading?
Are you out of your fucking mind?
Of course it should be uncensored.
Does it matter the age of the students (middle school versus high school)? Should those books just not be read in schools? Should a teacher avoid reading the book out loud - 
Is it less offensive written than it is spoken?
Also yes you should avoid reading anything out loud. You read at home so we don't have to do it in class.
First, do I, as a white woman, have the right to butt in when I hear one minority making what I interpret to be a racist comment about another minority? I have one experience where an acquaintance (who is Latino) made a disparaging remark about blacks; I didn't say anything, but was silent and visibly uncomfortable. He replied with "It's okay, I'm Latino, I"m allowed to say that." I had no idea how to reply.
What, is it just white people who aren't allowed to say racist things?
This guy at the place I volunteer seems to have a real vendetta against Chinese people - he's gone off multiple times, but "dirty and rude" about sums up what he usually says. I'm not sure where he's from, though I know he's Asian but not Chinese.
Shit, he could be anything. Asians sure hate other Asians.
He might be Chinese, actually.
I know I can't really know a lot of what goes on in relations between different Asians (and I've known people before who resent China for pretty valid political reasons) and I don't know whether it's my business to say anything or not, not to mention I think he's spent time in China, while I haven't, so I haven't got a leg to stand on even if I did counter him.
Soooo shut the fuck up.
The second one is a bit easier - I keep hearing people say that Chinese drivers suck, and I really have no way to yea or nay this through personal experience as I don't drive myself, but it smacks of a racist stereotype to me. Does anyone have some statistics that can shed some light on it? I've searched but had no luck.
In the US if you hold a valid license from another country (except one) you can get a temporary license in the US if you're a tourist.
That one country is China.
Sometimes, the presenters can be pretty condescending to a majority-Latino class. Little things that add up -- instead of counting "one, two, three", they'll say, "uno, dos, tres"; when calling on a student, they'll call him "senor". The sort of thing that you can be easily dismissed for overreacting about when you call 'em out on it, but which amounts to something more significant when it happens over and over again, and -- most importantly -- which the students in the class are certainly picking up on. 
Finding cultural common ground?
Fuck that shit.

Now, when it's the white presenters doing this stuff, my wife has no problem pulling 'em aside to talk about how it's unacceptable. But it's not just the white presenters who do it. The challenge is -- how does a white lady talk to a person of color about how he or she is marginalizing people based on race in a way that's effective? Obviously every presenter of color she works with has more firsthand experience with racism than she does, but that doesn't mean that they're not also capable of acting in a discriminatory fashion. 
Why the fuck do white people have to police everyone about racism?
I kind of liked it when an angry black woman was calling me a racist, actually. At least then I knew what was what.
Now I don't even know what the shit. White women are calling black women racist over comments about Hispanics--
The only thing I can think of now is a cleansing conflagration that will purge the world.
i everyone,

So, I am thinking of going to Paintball with my work colleagues and a friend. It sounds like massive fun, and a great sport to play.


At Action Paintball, there are battlefields named after countries (granted, not all of them are). But it bothers me that they're named after real life countries / battlefields (Like Long Tan, Cambodia, La Drang. There's even one called Gallipoli, as well. Which seems to trivialise the sascrifices made by brave soldiers at Gallipoli). Would you consider this to be racist/an example of cultural appropriation? 
If there's a Khe Sanh I'm so there.
There isn't.
(Note: Originally posted at ONTD_feminism, but it quickly got buried under a lot of more recent posts. But if you're a member of that LJ comm, it would be great if you posted there too.) 
Wait, stop. They're giving me targets to review now.
These guys are clearly allies.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Oh shit I'm sorry

What the fuck
has happened in your life
when you write fanfiction about soap operas?
I feel like I should apologize beforehand because I'm clearly about to pick on the mentally ill.
This is the blog (inappropriately enough) entitled "Dante's Inferno" written by what I assume is a gay man who calls himself Professor Chaos.

... Not too much more to say about this, really, so let's just go right into it.
Why is Easter called Easter? Shouldn't it be called “Unburial Day” or “Night of the Living Christ” or “Jesus 2: Resurrection Harder”?

Thank you for asking, Rhetorical Device! According to the Venerable Bede, an 8th century monk who didn't earn his title from NOT being the Wayne Gretsky of documenting Christian antiquity, Easter is named after Eostre. 
Wayne Gretsky of Christian antiquity--
She was the mother goddess of the ancient Germanic tribes in Northern Europe. Eostre's aliases among Anglo-Saxon pagans include Austron, Ausos, Ostare, Ostara, Ostern, Eostra, Eostur, Eastra, and, finally, Eastur. In what's going to be a recurring theme for this post, she was a fertility goddess.
Clearly the Bible was divinely inspired and not just an already existing haphazard jumble of fables, parables and psalm lyrics with some other bullshit injected into it to appease/intimidate/convert whatever savage tribe the Romans were fighting at the time.
I fucking hate religious talks.
Especially from the nonreligious.
But especially from the religious.
Unless you're roaring a chorus of praise to Zeus, of course.
 So anyway the most recent news is that my dad turns 85 tomorrow. You’re probably thinking to yourself that I must be one old motherfucker but the truth is well you’ll never know.
In a previous post you admitted your first video game console was the Atari 2600 when it was new, which means you're old enough to have played an Atari 2600 when it was new which makes you at least 35, and that's assuming you played it as an infant.
I put you at 42+.
Men can fertile for a long time is all and well, I didn’t say how old my mother was and seeing as she’s dead that’s not likely a topic I’ll bring up.
Hey man you don't have to justify shit to me. I didn't ask and I don't really care.
Well once again I only have half a day to post about since I slept the first half away. 
Sounds like the perfect day, then.
So why does this post continue for paragraphs?
My nephew the (former) Jarhead came over for dinner. Of all the immediate members of my family I’d say he has the most going for him. A military career on his resume. Lived in CA during his stint. He’s back home now living in my sister’s boyfriend’s mansion and going to school on Uncle Sam’s dime. Optimistic. Fun. Loves to laugh and joke. Popular. Young. Handsome (def the best looking male/descendant of my father. I know a few of my cousins lucked out in that dept where as my dad, my bros and the other 2 nephews are pretty mediocre). Most of the rest of my family – males & females – are pretty screwed up. Jarhead seems quite the opposite. Yes I am jealous.
So there you go. Ringing endorsement for the military if I've ever heard one. You end up less screwed up than some wackjob on Livejournal.
Emo stayed over and slept in until well into the late afternoon. Ham is at her dad’s. Nurse came over w/Dora for a bit. Today was very relaxing overall. We also saw a more deer today. No pictures though. 
Nurse and Dora. Always together, eh?
Why do people do this shit? Does this guy seriously go back into his blog and reread this garbage?
This is so boring to the outside observer the first time I can't imagine wanting to read it a second time. Maybe he has friends that find this amusing somehow?
Then the house started filling up: Blondie and her SO Richie Rich (because my sister prefers men with money over looks). Blondies son Scrubs and his SO (who is rather insignificant in the scheme of things so she will go w/o a moniker – her only remarkable trait is that she is always on her phone every time she visits). We thought Scrubs was going to bring his daughter Prim but he did not. 
Oh my fucking Christ, dude.
Have you ever heard of editing? 
This one paragraph goes on for about fifteen more sentences.
My main issue with family get-togethers aside from the bore factor 
as that I am the only one w/o selective hearing therefore I can hear everyone talking at once, loudly and cannot distinguish enough of one conversation enough to focus and participate in. That and I have really have nothing to contribute as group conversations among my family seem to be topics totally foreign and again boring to me.
I must not have selective hearing either because all I can hear when I go to fucking work is a ton of background noise and some whiny fem music screaming over the speakers at three quarters volume.
It's amazing I don't come home with migraines. 
It's further amazing I'm capable of enough thought to listen to customers' whinging at me about the basil.
A testament to my patience, really.
Finally! I finally finished Atlas Shrugged! I don’t know if I actually disliked it. I really did want to try to read something with some cultural and/or historical significance to it. It was extremely philosophical which I’m not opposed to but it’s not like I had to read it for a college course or a book club where it could be discussed with others to put it in some context or offer some germane explanation of what the author was trying to get across. I pretty much understood the gist of it (though I did cheat and go to Wikipedia toward the end).
I'm surprised I made it all the way through college without having to read any Ayn Rand. She's pretentious, nonsensical and enough of a cunt to warrant studious reading from my fucking school.
So you coined a new philosophy called objectivism and in it you've stated that furthering your own goals is the ultimate good (or Machiavellian consequentialism, as it is normally known) and capitalism is the ultimate form of government because it gives everyone a chance to further their own goals (ignoring for the moment it provably doesn't) and then you turn around and do something altruistic (the antithesis if your philosophy) by sharing it with others.
Is there a book you really loved that was subsequently turned into a movie? Did it live up to your expectations? Why or why not?
I think everyone will respond that the movie never lives up to the book which I think is kind of bullshit.
Generally speaking people only know it doesn't live up to the book when they're aware there's a book in the first place.
For instance, did you know Soylent Green is based on a book?
Yeah it is. And the book is fucking bullshit. Soylent Green? Not even made of people.
4. Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code was one of the best and most memorable books I have read. 
This guy.
This is so fucking boring.
I'm done with this bullshit.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Hail Caesar

I guess--
Maybe I dunno.
Get ready for frank discussions of brown girls' vaginas.
I was excited for a minute but it only lead to disappointment.
Can nothing remain good and decent on Livejournal?
Good news, ladies! Society has discovered another new thing that's wrong with you, which means another opportunity for you to make yourself more attractive for your man. Score!
Turns out, the color of your vagina is gross and everyone hates it. So bleach that motherfucker. Bleach it right now!
I'm going to need some citation on this.
In this commercial for an Indian product called Clean and Dry Intimate Wash, a (very light-skinned) couple sits down for what would have been a peaceful cup of morning coffee—if the woman's disgusting brown vagina hadn't ruined everything! 
India, the country well-known for throwing acid in the face of women for adultery.
Yeah not going to buy this bullshit.
Come at me with a first world problem and we'll talk.
The dude can't even bring himself look at her. He can't look at his coffee either, because it only reminds him of his wife's dripping, coffee-brown hole! Fortunately, the quick-thinking woman takes a shower, scrubbing her swarthy snatch with Clean and Dry Intimate Wash ("Freshness + Fairness"). And poof!
That is a good point, though. No one wants to fuck a fish hole.
I don't see any products for cheese dick, either, so I'm calling into question your ability to clean yourselves properly, women.
Needless to say, certain citizens are troubled by this product—which, in addition to just being fucking insane, brings up painful issues about the hierarchy of skin tone within the Indian community. As if it isn't bad enough that darker-skinned people are encouraged to stay out of the sun and invest in skin-bleaching products like Fair & Lovely, and that white actresses are being imported to play Indian people in Bollywood movies, now everyone has to be insecure about the fact that their vaginas happen to be the color that vaginas are??? Splendid! 
Did you guys read about the Agni-VI rocket?
I think we have more problems with India than fucking cunt bleach.
They have a rocket capable of reaching basically anywhere not America and they're clearly mentally unstable.
Now ordinarily I wouldn't care about devious foreigners but thanks to the fucking internet and video games I find myself with friends in the Czech Republic and Finland so hopefully they won't be nuked.
Although their women will have fantastically white vaginas so maybe they'll be safe.
I don't even care about this so I'm just spinning my wheels. I doubt seriously India would employ their stupid rocket for anything other than Pakistan so who the fuck cares?
Well, I haver finally succeeded. I managed to order a CD for myself online on Yesasia^^
My mother paid.
Shame I couldn't get anything else. Money is WAAAAAAAAY too tight and buying something GACKT would have been waaaaaaay tooooo much, especially with the RIDICULOUS shipping fees we have to pay just because we are on the African continent.....
On the African continent?
Post on why piracy is okay--
Don't care about this--
the issues of not having a real choice in where you study is that you have to put up with whatever shit your varsity throws at you, including them not having stamps to certify your forms. 
South Africa is where she is.
I get it now.
I thought South Africa lost its entire infrastructure.
A post about how she got mugged--
South Africa sounds like a cool country if you're fucking Kenshiro, though.
first i got pick pocketed and my favourite phone ever is lost for good,

then i hear that Selena of SHE was in a horrible accident and suffered third degree burns to her body which will require skin grafts and a over a year of rehab and she might not walk properly again and now to make things worse.
South Africa sounds like the coolest fucking place ever.
Who lives here?
Apparently thieves and morons.
And I'm up to the beginning of this blog.
So to summarize:

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I'm going to force the term "eCrusader" into common parlance, I've decided. There's nothing as humorous, douchey or pretentious as an eCrusader. Here's someone who takes a stand for shit and, because she told all her cunt friends on Twitter about it, she actually thinks she did her part in fighting the evils of the world.
This is the exact same misstep of logic that pussy sensitivity made: "raising awareness" is just a soft way of saying "I did fuck all but was vaguely aware of the issue."
Anyway, let your weapon hang and give your sword arm a rest, sister of the cross.
Join us in standing up for reproductive health and education. Planned Parenthood, the organization that delivers reproductive health care, sex education and information to millions of people worldwide, has come under fire in the U.S.
This is a common copy pastey thing that's going around.
Not even two entries in and already I'm barraged by the crusade line.
If you're from the UK and you believe in freedom of speech and an uncensored interenet, you really need to sign this petition. 
Hone your zeal.
If you let your anger burn too brightly it's liable to consume itself in the conflagration of hate.
The National Center for Biotechnology Information conducted a study on social conditions for Oregon teens and how they affected suicide rates. They found that 21.5% of the queer kids had attempted to commit suicide, whereas their straight counterparts had a percentage of 4.2.
"The archer who aims for too many targets is liable to miss them all," a Zen monk said once.
But my my, aren't you aware of the issues.
Personally I question why the National Center for Biotechnology Information is researching suicide rates in teens but that's just me.
A typical day for a queer teen in an unfriendly environment involves constantly hiding pieces of themselves from friends and family, and often listening to their classmates use their orientation as if it were somehow an insult. 9 out of 10 queer teens have reported being bullied, and out of this number, half added that this included physical harassment, and another quarter were physically attacked.
Sounds like high school in general to me.
Not to make light of this issue but seriously, aren't we all hiding parts of ourselves at any given time?
There's this thing that people don't learn anymore and it's called speaking to an audience and I won't go into great lengths to describe it but suffice it to say it's a thing you can do.
For example, you wouldn't say "fuck" around your grandmother.
Or maybe you would, I don't know you, but I might consider saying another word.
So do you talk about things other than the issues you aren't facing?
Okay, so I don't usually do this, but this is an issue near and dear to me and this is getting very little no attention in the mainstream media.
You don't do this very often?
Every single post has been this.
Mississippi is voting on November 8th on whether to pass Amendment 26, the "Personhood Amendment". This amendment would grant fertilized eggs and fetuses personhood status.
But thankfully the fetuses seem unlikely to turn out in record numbers to vote for this and they're only 3/8ths of a person anyway--
Wait no that's something else. My mistake.
Putting aside the contentious issue of abortion, this would effectively outlaw birth control and criminalize women who have miscarriages. This is not a good thing. 
Criminalize women for miscarriages in the same way it criminalizes mothers who have lost children to cancer, maybe.
I mean it's a bullshit law don't get me wrong but it doesn't need your help in sounding more ridiculous.
The reason I'm posting this here is because I made a meager donation to the Jackson Women's Health Organization this morning, and I received a personal email back hours later - on a Sunday - thanking me and noting that I'm one of the first "outside" people to contribute.
Well if they're going under I'd want my donation back.
That's 15 dollars in drinks at the local drug store I'll never be able to buy. WHO ELSE WILL TRY ALL THAT CRAP NO ONE HAS EVER TRIED BEFORE?
So if you sometimes pass on political action because you figure that enough other people will do something to make a difference, make an exception on this one. My RSS reader is near silent on this amendment. I only found out about it through a feminist blog.
Feminist blogs, man. It sure has been a while since I've done one of those.
- If you can afford it, you can donate at the site's link.
 Oh I'd be more than happy to donate--
but I just got Diablo III you see and well--
I figured stemming the forces of the Burning Hells was more important than some clinic in Mississippi. I look at the big picture, see.
And you may argue that the Burning Hells are fictional to which I would respond "has anyone been attacked by a demon today?"
I think not. I think I got this shit.
Since I just had some revealing discussions that both ended in my conversational partner all but saying "I am a douchebag", I've had an interesting opportunity to vent my spleen. 
Gee wonder why that would happen?
Background: some genius at Inception Kink requested fic of Joseph Gordon-Levitt paired with a hitRECorder. Some other genius wrote it, citing hitRECord chat interactions as part of their basis for canon. 
Inception Kink.
Joseph Gordon--
We haven't even reached the issue yet and already I'm prepared to call you a douchebag.
That particular hitRECorder and other hitRECords in general are understandably freaked the fuck out, and contacted the mods. The mods, in their infinite wisdom, decided that it is the right of random creepers on the internet to write fiction about real people, even when said real people feel uncomfortable and violated.
People, especially women, like it when you write creepy things to them.
That's what Twilight has taught me.
That's why I make sure to write daily love letters to Namie Amuro.
She's just playing coy now.
I don't even know what this is about and I don't care. It all seems very silly and I'm sure I don't have time for it.
Would you be upset if a long-term partner confessed that s/he'd committed a serious crime before you met? How do you think it would affect your relationship?
I think I'd be more upset if she hadn't committed a serious crime.
As long as it was something sexy and not "DWI that lead into a low speed police chase through Dallas" or something.
Also when I signed into Diablo III today this greeted me:

Ouph, that's harsh.
I thought you were the lord of terror, Diablo, not the lord of depression and existential angst.
Anyway I reached the beginning of this blog so I'm going to go do something the fuck else.

Monday, May 14, 2012


Sorry my updates Friday have been pretty sporadic. I'll do better about it. I've been really busy is the thing.
Anyway I found this blog through ONTD_Political, my usual go-to.
I know I said before I wouldn't spoil my source but fuck it.
Frankly I'd be happy if they closed shop.
Anyway I found this through a cunt posting some article about women making less money (in certain sectors) and everyone was butthurt.
Even though the article outright says the reason for this is largely due to the fact a woman's income is easier to lose than a man's and parenting is still a full time job for women.
I guess you cunts won't be happy until you're completely not raising the things you spawn.
How's this?
How about if it's such a bother for your career you don't have them?
I used to see this logic a lot when I was student teaching and it made even less sense there. "I'm really committed to educating the next generation..." but apparently not the next generation you had a hand in creating, huh?
Like I get you're busy and this school sucks but why are you here until 8 PM?
You're just avoiding your kids at that point.
Anyway on to the blog.
The first entry is entitled "Should I Be Worried?" and the answer is DEEPLY.
Why do cunts start entries like this?
So I know that historically speaking, it's much easier for the current President to run for and get a second term than it is for the opposition to win things back. I think 2004 with Bush showed us that, even though from the rage on my flist, I would have thought that he'd be voted out on a landslide.

So today President Obama stated that he is in favour of same sex couples to get married. And the reaction has been... mixed. 
On Twitter and Facebook (now, I'm Canadian, so keep that in mind - same sex marriage is already legal up here and I don't have a lot of Americans on my page) reaction has been mostly positive. 'Mr. President' was trending on Twitter earlier, and everyone seems happy. 
So you're Canadian-- why are you concerned about the American president, exactly?
Your whole cultural identity seems to be based more or less around the fact you aren't American. Prove it by fucking out of American politics.
I've noticed a lot of this lately in terms of general political issues when it comes to Obama, and I know that I'm Canadian and I don't need to care, but I do care. Because I have a lot of friends who are affected by who is in office in the US - women, people who need good healthcare, people who are gay/lesbian, people who are affected by the economy. 
Me it's me I'm affected by the economy.
So the cynicism and negativity that I see among Democrats here on LJ worries me. It worries me a lot, because I wonder how widespread it is, how many people who voted in the last election are feeling disengaged and cynical and negative... Because that is a dangerous state of being in an election year. People who are disengaged, cynical and negative quite often don't vote, they don't urge their friends and families to vote, they don't get into passionate arguments that might sway minds - and that would play into the hands of Republicans in ways that I don't want to think about. 
Yes because the Democrats are so much better than Republicans.
And different, let me also say.
I've seen a lot of comments about how this is only to win votes, that there's no risk, etc, etc. Uh. Proposition 8 and what happened in North Carolina yesterday should remind us (and I say us because I feel that not nearly enough liberal Canadians voted in our last election) that the right is very good at something, and that something is called mobilizing
Watch out we have a crusader here.
The ruined economy?
The wars in the Middle East?
The mounting (and predatory) Chinese economy?
So, caveat: I haven't seen Avengers yet. I'm thinking I'm going to have to leave it for a bit until the hype dies down, because between that and what I'm about to write about, I've kind of lost the desire to. 
Save the effort. I can review it in three words:
Mediocre Hollywood Shlock 
Anyway, first of all - there are spoilers in this entry and the one I'm linking to for a line from the movie, so if you haven't seen it and you care about that sort of thing, don't keep reading!

**spoilers for the line past here**
Christ knows I wouldn't want the shitty super hero movie with the lamest fucking aliens ever to be spoiled!
Why are the aliens such a threat in the first place? Entire squads of them are dominated by a man wielding a bow and arrow.
That's right: a species capable of intergalactic conquest, a species that mastered laser and teleporter technology is dominated by neolithic technology.
Okay, Iron Man, you can put away the power armor: we went to Sports Authority and bought about 15 reflex bows.
Basically, the line 'mewling quim' made it into the movie (and I stand by my opinion that it shouldn't have), and now it seems that Joss Whedon is proud of that.
It did? I didn't hear it.
What does that even mean? I'm the unequivocal master of the English language and I've never even heard this word before.
Oh. It means cunt.
In the 1950s.
Who gives a shit?
But seriously, Mr. Whedon? This? This is completely garbage. This is garbage that has just stripped away a lot of my respect for you - respect that's not going to come back, after the scene with Spike in Buffy, after the problems in Dollhouse... It's like you're on a slippery slope and you think you're a feminist, but as Katie said to me today - you slip and your fanboy shows through and so does your misogyny and your sexism.
And who cares if you don't see it? It's a mediocre super hero movie and it already made 150 billion dollars or some shit. You really think the loss of 8 (Canadian) dollars is going to be felt that acutely by the producers?
The line shouldn't be in the movie and you shouldn't be proud of it. Period.

Edit: I just want to add here that I know that there are arguments both for and against using problematic languages in media, and I sometimes come down on one side and sometimes I come down on the other. I know that there are reasons for a villain to say something like this, and that's really not my main problem at the moment - my main problem is with Joss Whedon's remarks about it.
So don't see it. You're missing exactly nothing anyway.
Wandering around Good Reads, I've had to pause and wonder how many parents and adults out there actually take the time to try and look at kids books from a child's perspective.

I'm talking young books, like Love You Forever, by Robert Munsch.  
Wow you must lead a great life if this is your major concern for March 21, 2012.
Even I, on a Monday off, had more adversity in my life today than this. I was playing TERA so I was in several "kill or be killed" situations in the span of 45 minutes.
I'm still a little kill crazy, honestly.
*shakes head* Idk. It just seemed like a lot of the reviewers thought that it made sense to review every aspect of the book as though it was intended for adults, and that' not how you should look at a book for kids.
*VERBS* because you know kids do a ton of research on the next book they're going to read on the internet.
Oh! And in other news, I have approval to use an ereader at work, now!! After being told no by my last TM, I then found out that some of my friends were using theirs at work -
Originally I was going to make some sort of comment about it being easier to ask forgiveness than permission but man I wish I could bring my ereader to work.
But unfortunately I have to do work when I go to work.
Lately I find myself wishing I could turn this little train of mine around, go back a few years to have a better chance of figuring my life out.

Here I am, 31, and while I support myself and pay the bills and all that good stuff (which I'm proud of!), it's not precisely the fulfilling work that I thought that I would be doing when I was this age. 
I'm going to time myself tomorrow. I want to know the exact minute salad hits shelf and my day is officially off with a bang.
I don't regret my decision not to teach. Hearing about the trials and struggles that Katie goes through, I just don't think that it's for me. I mean - I got my degree, if I really wanted to, I could take the steps and do whatever refresher training I need, get my license. It's not what I want to do, though.

Since starting at my current job, I have to admit, I kind of thought that eventually I would move up. I did it so quickly at West, I thought it would happen here, too. But it hasn't, and recent events at work and in the industry is making me think that it may not be likely, either. They're condensing and trimming the roles that I'd thought that I would maybe move in to, and that means fewer job opportunities in the future, and more uncertainty. 
Faced with the grim reality that your entire existence is unnecessary and redundant.
Faced with the ever-darkening twilight of your miserable existence that for every single solitary proud moment in your life there are dozens upon dozens riding the same solar winds over accomplishes much grander and vaunted than yours.

The choice now becomes... What to do? And that brings along a whole lot of uncertainty.

I thought about getting my degree in Library Science, and that's still something I have in mind. I could go into Early Childhood Education. Or I could pursue Child Psychology, which is something that I've considered since I was back in highschool.

These will all involve money and time, of course. And in the back of my head is the small, niggling voice that eventually, that 30+ number is going to count against me - though perhaps not? I really don't know. But anyway, first I have to make a DECISION, and that is so, so hard. 
Truly, nothing has held you back more than yourself.
Wracked with indecision at every turn. A decisive person would have seen this through faster than a thousand times a thousand computer processes.
I always thought that a field would just sort of jump out and scream my name, but that hasn't really happened. I still have uncertainties about the jobs I listed above.. ECE: challenging enough? Salary high enough? Library Science: enough job opportunities? I'm not as wary about job love, here, because my love of literacy is something that will never, ever leave me. And finally Child Psychology: too challenging? Too expensive to do? Is it something I'd be good at, or just something I'd like to do?

And then there's the lingering, never-ceasing desire to write, of course. I don't think that will ever leave me. 
You don't need a degree to write, do you?
Self doubt tends to be my Achilles' heel - it has been since I was a teenager, actually. I spend so much time thinking about the what-ifs that sometimes it stops me from doing anything, and that's definitely a bad thing. 
Ever read Hamlet?
Oh well.
Anyway that was a nice detour into emo land. I HOPE THE NEXT POST IS ABOUT FEMALE PROBLEMS!
Jesus Christ it is.
Am I psychic?
I seriously had to pause for thought when I saw the title: Misogyny and Slash Fandom
I am so good at this bullshit.
So today this happened: Lucy Liu was announced for the role of Watson in the new Sherlock Holmes reboot, Elementary.
... Watson, the crippled British doctor in Sherlock Holmes?
All right.
So be on the look out for my updated version of the Odyssey playing on CBS. Starring Kelly Clarkson as a girl about to enter her first year of college. Because apparently when you reboot something it doesn't actually have to be about what it's about.

My first reaction: Awesome!! I am so there.

I feel kind of bad, because I've never been able to stomach the BBC Sherlock. I have a somewhat irrational dislike for the show, given that I've never watched it.

The only thing that it's done wrong is be introduced/announced right when I was highly, highly sick of SPN and the rampant misogyny on the show and among the fans.
What the fuck is SPN?
Oh. Supernatural.
Acronyms work however the fuck you want them to work. Don't worry about it.
When my reboot of the Odyssey is realized I'd like all of you to use the acronym TDS.
The oDysSey, of course.
Arguing until I was blue in the face about how female characters were being treated was not fun for me, and I will never, ever forget the way that Jo, Ellen and Ruby died. Nor will I forget the incredible, positive welcome that Misha received, and I've taken note of the way his character arc has been handled so far, in comparison to the female characters.

And I just couldn't stomach fandom's instant enthusiastic reaction to a show that had m/m possibility. The same thing has happened with Suits, and White Collar... Though the distaste and dislike in the SGA fandom bothered me too, when fans were tearing apart a wonderful character like Keller just because she was matched up with a character they wanted to slash.
Guess I better hate Final Fantasy now because all of the fans of that series are rampant douchebags.
You know you can dislike people who like stuff and still like stuff, right?
And it BOTHERS me that I feel this way. I want to be happy and excited when a new show comes out. I don't want to have to stick my fingers in my ears and go 'la la la' as I ignore fandom or the problematic aspects of the show. 
I know you're a resplendent child lightly aglow with the soft golden light of your own personal halo but meanwhile back in reality everything has problems and you kind of have to overlook them if you want to enjoy anything in life you miserable cunt. 
Also people are complete idiots who miss the point of everything. I can't believe you hold the fans of a show against the show.
I mean, after all, you like shows and you're a complete insufferable twat and I can't imagine liking anything you  like and yet I'm sure there's a book or something we might agree on.
Of course, I'm very aware of the problems with this idea - they're taking a show that is well known for its m/m tension and turning it hetero-normative, and that's a problem.
Am I the only person aware Sherlock Holmes was a series of stories written in the 19th century?
Sherlock Holmes was basically an autist who did manage one female romantic interest and as far as I recall Holmes also had a female companion at one point.
There was absolutely 0 homosexual tension between the two and this is coming from someone who has overapplied the term "fag" so much the term "gayfag" is required to describe gay people.
There's at least some chance that the studio did this because they don't want their audience slashing the main two characters, and that's a problem. 
The problem, then, is the writers of the show are regarding their audience with anything more than disdain. 
This isn't writing by committee, dipshits. There's a reason I'm paid to do this and you're drooling idiots who write gay sex fanfiction.
Just once I'd like a show to come out that isn't like that. I don't want to have to worry that m/m tension is going to come along with rampant misogyny. I don't want to have to worry that hetero-centric show is going to come along with homophobia. I just want shows that make me happy. Like Lost Girl and Rizzoli and Isles and Doctor Who. But I'm not really in the fandom for those, so. 
This is why I want women excluded from video games. They apparently feel the need to fraternize to enjoy something and video games are primarily a solitary activity. I don't need Facebook integration in TERA.
Idk. Maybe someday I'll give BBC Sherlock a try. But I'm still curious about the new one and willing to give it a shot, even if at the beginning I was pissed off that the US networks were so obviously copying the BBC. But a show with a main minority female lead? 
Somehow for all your feminist and gay pride posturings we manage to conclude the same thing about what makes good TV.
Scantily clad Asian women.
Of course I wouldn't watch a show with Lucy Liu in it but the conclusion is the same and that's what counts.
I'm sure most of you have heard of this already, but there is an awesome short story making the rounds: ILU-486. It is well written and bleak and powerful and makes you think - it put me near crying, if I'm honest. Maybe because it hits a little bit too close to home when I am thinking about the goings on in the US. 
Man the 486 was a great processor.
I haven't heard of this. What's it about?
Summary: In the not-so-distant future of Virginia, the Personhood Act has outlawed abortion and chemical birth control. That doesn’t mean they don’t exist, though.
Nope don't care.
If this is supposed to make me feel grimdark then I've read stories where people can no longer form unique sentences and the entirety of language is reduced to quoting state-approved quotes so you're going to have to do a fuck ton better to stir.

 for Evil Dr. Em and the twitter brigade

Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent them out another way? James 2:25
Oh God you started with a Bible quote
Are you trying to piss me off?
“No one’s making you take any,” Carla said, her face making an expression that looked like this: O_o.
Oh yeah.
No, great writing.
I'm moved to tears at this characterization.
Ahh, I just love the smell of misogyny in the morning, don't you? Or not.

Seanan McGuire is the author of Feed and many other wonderful books, and she has a new book coming out on March 6th.
Feed was a great book.

I've no doubt that Steve Jobs was just as difficult, arrogant and tempermental as they say he was, but he was truly brilliant - he saw doors where other people saw dead ends.

Rest in peace, Steve. The world owes you a very big thank you.
Thanks for iTunes, asshole. Why did reinstalling an entire operating system take less time than restoring a music folder?
Ohhhh goodness. I guess it's my own fault. When I find out a Canadian broad has a Livejournal I should just walk the fuck away because I know what's coming.
My blood pressure is what's coming.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Is there a bigger lie on Livejournal than "friends only"? The only thing that springs to mind is 14+ to view this shocking content.
Speaking of shocking content, it's fucking shocking how dull this shit is.
Hi all. I absolutely love that people find my random musings interesting enough to read. Quite flattered, really. That being said, I know some of you from all sorts of places: Photo comms, perfume forums, lj communities (adding comms, etc).

Some of the art/music/political posts are public, but If you want to see my random musings, they're all friends-only. Can you please leave a comment (all comments will be screened) letting me know who you are, and how you stumbled across my journal? If you know me from one of the photo comms, this is where you should tell me.
I'd like to remind everyone comments are 100% unscreened on this blog and also you are 100% uncensored.
As we all know only weak emperors have to censor their subjects. The best emperors let their subject speak more or less freely.
Emperors who let people speak freely:

Julian, Julius Caesar, Claudius, Aurelius

Emperors who hate your freedoms as Americans:

Nero, Constantine, Constantius II

Oh, and if I know you in real life, and we're dear friends already, go ahead and ignore this. I know who you are, and I I'm pretty sure you know and love me despite all my oddities, so I trust that you can self-filter the stuff you don't want.
Wooow, you trust a mere plebeian to filter himself from your lofty thoughts?
Stop spending time with the wrong people. – Life is
too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. 
So quit my job, got it.
Stop running from your problems. – Face them head
on.  No, it won’t be easy.  There is no person in the world capable of
flawlessly handling every punch thrown at them.  
Except Bruce Lee.
Stop lying to yourself. – You can lie to anyone
else in the world, but you can’t lie to yourself.  Our lives improve
only when we take chances, and the first and most difficult chance we
can take is to be honest with ourselves.  Read The Road Less Traveled.
Speaking of Aurelius.
Because he wrote a lot of books on stoicism-- anyway.
I should probably stop with the references 5 people will get.
Stop being jealous of others. – Jealousy is the art
of counting someone else’s blessings instead of your own.  Ask yourself
this:  “What’s something I have that everyone wants?”
A really high level FFXIV character. Clearly everyone wants that action.
Someone had the audacity to turn down my application to a linkshell today, speaking of which. I have never been so insulted in a video game before.
What, is level 50 in every job with top quality gear not good enough for your shitty little LS for me to get a front spot in a Garuda run?
I can't believe
I'm being put through paces
like common rabble
Stop holding grudges. – Don’t live your life with
hate in your heart.
Hate sharpens the mind as well as the resolve.
You will end up hurting yourself more than the
people you hate.  Forgiveness is not saying, “What you did to me is
okay.”  It is saying, “I’m not going to let what you did to me ruin my
happiness forever.” 
It's not about saying "what you did to me is okay" it's about saying "retribution will be assuredly swift and brutal."
Forgiveness is the answer… let go, find peace,
liberate yourself!  And remember, forgiveness is not just for other
people, it’s for you too.  If you must, forgive yourself, move on and
try to do better next time.
Justice demands punishment.
Stop wasting time explaining yourself to others. – Your friends don’t need it and your enemies won’t believe it anyway.  Just do what you know in your heart is right.
But I have to explain myself to others.
I actually had a good reason for not putting out the green lettuce.
We ran out of twister ties for it.
Oh, just use the Romaine lettuce twisters? Well then the system is going to report 40 Romaine lettuces that don't exist, order 5 boxes and meanwhile it still thinks green lettuce is sitting on the shelf untouched.
Amazingly I'm not as dumb as you seem to think I am, job. I kind of get what's going on and if you'd just let me do my job I'd probably get it done.
what a shit job.
Post about Egypt. How old is this blog?
Aaaaaand I'm up to the first post. Good. I'm tired.
Sorry for the short post but I spent too fucking long digging this bullshit up in the first place.

Monday, May 7, 2012


Friends only, this journal.
Somehow I'm reading it--
Maybe it's a polite friends only. "I'm not going to stop you from reading this but I'd really ask you  not to if we're not friends."
Oh well.
WE HAVE A NEW PRESIDENT!!! Bless him and good luck because sh*tstorm is coming but I have faith, It will be for the greater good!!
She's French.
congratulations on your inept ruler, idiots. Enjoy your Obama: French Edition.
Wtf now? Petition against someone online? Sorry but it does bring very bad memories here. This is the bad side of kpop coming to the Games of Thrones fandom. I've seen already how it goes when you "petition" against another human being. Jaebum anyone? Block B?
I completely understand all of this.
No I don't. What?
I don't do this shit. I'm not here for personal vendettas ok? People have moronic opinions? I just let them have them and call on them about it but that's it. I don't "petition" for them to shut up. Everyone knows already that the girl is racist, homophobic etc. It's a fact so what's the point exactly?
Oui Oui
Why'd you censor shit before but not right here?
It's been hours since I saw that video from Games of Thrones season 2 and I'm still high on it. So far so perfect! 
Keep your cool.
I spent the ENTIRE VIDEO flapping my hands and making ecstatic dolphin noises. It was quite worrying tbh. But there it is!
All right, we get it. Keep your shit in.
gdfkgsk Needless to say: I am excited. Katniss is basically the Meera Reed of the YA lit.
This is in relation to The Hunger Games.
... Not sure why I felt the need to provide the background on this, come to think of it, because it makes about as much sense with the background as without it. Katniss is indeed the Meera Reed of young adult literature.
Because The Hunger Games is literature, apparently.
Pick any character from a fandom of mine and I'll answer the following questions:
Yes, I'll be sure to do this.
Amazingly, people too advantage of this opportunity.
I can't believe I just called this an opportunity.
I´ll pick Elizabeth Bennette.
Wow not Elizabeth Bennette (sic)!
Love her. The Original Heroine. She takes no crap from anyone, especially not from De Bourgh. She's a bit of what every girls wants to be you know. Pretty, nice, respectful, rebel, spicy and witty. And yet she also has flaws which makes her real.
A respectful rebel.
Also pretty telling when the first thing every woman wants to be is "pretty".
Not smart or strong or cunning-- pretty.
Small quiet nerdy fandom. Which means I love it XD. You know, once you've been into the Harry Potter fandom, nothing frightens you ^^
Yeah. Once you've been through the Harry Potter fandom you've basically been through war. Nothing can faze the jaded eyes of a veteran.  And I'm up to the start of this shitty blog.
Fuck everything.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Oh boy bitches whining.
What cutting edge entertainment.
"Well I don't have anything against gay people - "
"Oh, that's good - "
"I mean, some of them are just born that way and can't help it, you have to feel bad for them. Others of them are just hedonists."
"...huh - "
"I don't like bisexual people, though. Bisexuals are dirty."
Nope don't care.
Anyway TERA literally is the best game ever I found out after I switched servers and made a new character.
vent vent vent right anyway so

vacation week off work! yaaay
What other game lets you make a loli waifu who rides a lion?
Forgive the shitty screenshot I didn't feel like grappling with the camera and waiting for both parties to not have their eyes closed.
TERA has a very 3rd person shooter camera.
Open PVP sure is fun with Edie, too.
300 pound snake men want to rape her?
Also I picked mystic because I just can't stay away from the shitty support roles.
What's wrong with me?
Oh that's right she shoots fire out of her hands and has a move called teleporting jaunt that instantly warps her halfway across the fucking planet. No one can lock on.
then my godworshipping cousin and aunt from hong kong arrive! suddenly. with precisely one day of warning beforehand, thanks mom. I'm expected to entertain, so I do, and supposedly they are just staying here the one night then leaving. ok. I can do this. even though i really dislike them both - there is some odd backstory here,
I'm sure I care about this.
my cousin used to be a sleazy asshole attention whore that i disliked utterly then she FOUND GOD and became a stepford wife who tries to convert people and now she creeps me out hard but at least it's just one day and they're gon -
No I was kidding.
and jesus fuck don't start with 'impolite,' if I were in HK and my plans to stay with a friend fell out ID GO TO A HOTEL or something not to a relative's house where there ARE OTHER PEOPLE (unless I absolutely had to, and REMEMBER THESE PEOPLE ARE MILLIONAIRES.) because goddammit its not just 'sleep in a bed' when its family, you are OBLIGATING THEM TO ENTERTAIN YOU to be polite according to asian rules anyway and you KNOW it, even asking to stay is obligation-forming and being impolite. how the hell is it polite to invite people over without warning the other people who already live with you anyway? how the hell is it polite to force us to entertain them?
Them America Born Chinese girls, man.
went to the dmv today

took a couple of hours to renew my license

an old guy died waiting in line


just kind of keeled over waiting to get a new license for the next 4 years he didn't have
Jesus Christ what an awful thought.
-- Going to the DMV, that is.
can feel myself detaching from life again, goddamn

i hate when this happens, all the vague emotiony things kind of just go away and it sucks. it'd be easier if i were actually sad, this is more like being "meh" and uninterested in everything and bored and restless and pacing around in mental circles

i just want except i don't know what or where or how, and inb4 so ronery/forever alone because it's not another PERSON or even companionship or anything, it's - inspiration. or an idea. or an interest, or something to pour my mind into, something to care about that isn't frustrating and stupid and depressing to think about, something
Can someone please record themselves reading this because I can't bring myself to focus long enough to read this.
Just go to and record it please.
restless forever, can't sleep for more than two hours at a time because my mind is working too hard, i just lie there and think and can't remember what i was thinking about when i give up and get up. not sleeping makes it just get worse, i have all this vague nervous energy and i don't know what to do with it but i'm tired all the time, i'm burning myself up and haven't eaten properly in a week but there's no appetite or interest there, i just don't care

times when i need to be making something creating something working on something but i don't know what

come on, life, give something i can feel more than shallow and distant about
Blah blah blah existential whining blah blah why me blah blah bitching about parents
You're my age for Christ's sake. Shouldn't you have a job or something you can be moaning about?
Is a paid professional killer better, worse, or exactly the same, to you, as a murderer/serial killer who kills for personal reasons? 
Both are exactly the same.
What kind of question is this?
How about a paid professional torturer/abuser/etc etc vs someone who does it for personal reasons (or at least, not as a profession)?
A paid professional who doesn't do this as a profession-- what?
So like revenge?
Depends on the reason for revenge but I'd say generally that's better.
Obviously neither are GOOD PEOPLE but is one worse than the other?
I never root for a character more than when the driving goal is justified vengeance.
See: The Count of Monte Cristo.
1) the basic: you have to kill 1 innocent person (they would not have died without your interference) to save 5 innocent people, or let 5 innocent people die (through inaction). what do you do?
No such thing as innocence.
Next question.
2) the less basic: you have to kill 4 innocent people (they would not have died without your interference) to save 5 innocent people, or let 5 innocent people die (through inaction). what do you do?
That's not less basic. The crux is whether murdering to save lives is morally agreeable so ultimately the number of people saved versus killed shouldn't matter as long as the net gain is positive.
Really we're just arguing whether utilitarianism is moral or not.

3) the even less basic: you have to kill 1 person you love (they would not have died without your interference) to save 5 innocent people, or let 5 innocent people die (through inaction). what do you do? 
Let 5 innocent people die.
Are you even trying to give me a moral dilemma here?
4) if you answered kill the person you love for question #3, what if it's 2 people you love? 3? 4?
I didn't, so next fucking question.
5) who do you respect more, the person who sacrifices their loved one to save random strangers, or the person who sacrifices random strangers to save their loved ones? how would you rather have your own loved ones act, if it were YOU in danger? how would you rather have your own loved ones act, if it were THEM in danger? 
The person who sacrifices random strangers, of course. Why do I have to respect idiots with martyr complexes, especially when they're martyring others?
6) who do you respect more, the person who actively makes a choice or the person who lets time run out/things take their course/whatever without actively making a decision to do nothing? (does it depend on the choice they make?)
Considering the basis of all great cultural heroes in the entire world is they're men of action who take their destinies into their own hands (however futile the attempt may be) I think we can all agree people who make choices are far more respected and respectable than people who just sit back and wait.
I mean rationally if something good happens to you just by chance that doesn't really show a triumph of strength or moral integrity or wit or whatever.
Assume there's no legal interference or any like, GOING TO JAIL FOR MURDER even though you did it to save people etc etc this is just a question of morals
Question of morals for fucking 6 year olds.
The only part of this that approaches a moral dilemma is the first part when everyone involved was strangers but you removed all possible dimensions of morality from that when you said they were innocent.
So, yes, saving 5 Mother Theresas is better than saving only 1.
Now if the question is, say, do you save 1 known upstanding, tax paying father of 3 or do you save a bus full of kids who are effectively untested in life (one could be the next Hitler, who knows?) you might have more of a debate on your hands.
And the rest of this crap is copied IM conversations she had with other people.
What kind of monstrous egotist do you have to be to think anyone would want to read this?