Friday, May 25, 2012


I know before I said I'd do that ONTD_Feminism thing but I really think I need to tease that further.
Besides I clicked on this by mistake and it's way more entertaining.
Monday for ONTD_Feminism, I promise.
This is Lair of the Dragon Lady.
When I hear the term "Dragon Lady" I think of a mysterious and hot Chinese woman.
So imagine my surprise when she's a black woman.
I guess you can just call yourself whatever the fuck you want. Whatever.
Comments disabled because this is not open for discussion.

I would like to make a general announcement to anybody who comes here as a guest of this LJ.

This is MY space. As long as it's within the terms of service, I can do and say here whatever the fuck I want, and I don't owe anybody shit. If you can deal with that and post here like you have some home training, you're welcome to post.  
I'd prefer just to post about your space from my space.
It may come as a surprise to some people, but I'm actually very forgiving. It actually takes very little to earn forgiveness from me.
Can't say I really care.
Why am I posting about this?
Which brings me to social justice and the culture of self-flagellation and/or grovelling as apology.

I'm sure you've seen it before. Privileged person shows ass, gets called out, then follows up with an apology that is less about acknowledging a mistake and moving on and more about how they feel oh so guilty about their privilege.
I'm not sorry for being a white guy.
If you're waiting for that apology from me I suggest you stop holding your breath.
There's this pattern of behavior I notice in White men that really has to stop. It goes like this:

  • I say something critiquing or poking fun at White privilege, male privilege, and/or straight privilege.
  • White man decides that I'm hostile and angry and personally attacking him - as though he knows me and my thoughts/feelings/beliefs better than I do. And certainly those feelings matter less than his own because Black women are (to coin a phrase) "rhino-hided she-beasts" until proven otherwise.
This is cross-posted from another blog but as near as I can tell she wrote this.
So what I'm already getting from this is you're someone who can dish it out but can't take it and because you can't take it everyone else is somehow an asshole.
Maybe he's just critiquing the sensitivity of black women.
  • White man decides to verbally put me in my place by attacking my intelligence, my sanity, or my morality - as though I must be stupid/crazy/evil to say what I say. They have learned the lesson very well - Black women are intellectually and morally inferior.
  • I shut up and keep my pain to myself because it's no use talking to the person who does this. I've been trained very well and know that I am supposed to remain silent in the face of White/male anger and disapproval.
  • The person who does this walks away with no clue how fucked up this whole thing is. They too have been trained very well and know that there's no point listening to that Angry Militant Black Bitch about anything.
In fact, there isn't a good reason to listen go an angry, militant anything because when your goal is to engage in a dialogue then by definition you're looking to change someone's mind about something. Know who isn't doing a lot of critical thought?
Angry, militant anythings. 
Over the past few days, I've been doing a lot of thinking and reflecting, and I'm starting to believe that POCs need our own movement that comes at social justice from our ways of doing things.
What is your way of doing things, exactly?
White folks just don't know what they're doing, and our time is better spent empowering ourselves than trying to convince them to use their power correctly.
You're right. White people have accomplished relatively little in history.
No, really. Let's make a short list of what white people have accomplished:
space travel
the Haber Process
video juegos
Dire Straits
but you're right.
This is not some Black militant separatist bullshit. This is people who know what's up understanding that if we want freedom, justice, and equality for all, we have to do it the right way, not the White way. 
Where we do things the right way, not the black way.
See how racist this shit is when you just reverse it?
I'm going to speak about my people, Black people, African Americans. Chattel slavery was the most complete system of dehumanization ever designed. Slavery did it's damndest to take everything from us: home, language, family, history, religion, freedom, life, happiness. Slavery inflicted every conceivable violation upon the body and spirit on a scale unprecedented before or since. It's nigh unfathomable for any of us living today to comprehend what that was like. It tried to take everything human away from us.
Well not you because you were born in the 20th century but please, do go on.
I'm a tough nut to crack for a variety of reasons, not the least being that I have a very strong weeding-out process. Apparently I can be pretty intimidating to a lot of people. Not sure why. It's not like I have a history of violent outbursts or something. Then again, it's possible I can be hard on fragile egos.
Watch out, internet badass over here.
I think the issues with nerd culture and fandom boil back down to intersectionality imho.
Of course.
That's a thing, is it?
And as a black man whose lived in the south his entire life, THAT should tell you something.
This is a guy--
Apparently this is a woman?
I don't understand.
Nor do I care.
Anyway this blog kind of devolves into her (him, whatever) just linking me shit I'm supposed to read and then me promptly not reading it.
So it's a belligerent black woman trying to get me to read bullshit I won't be reading. Just like my college years.
Anyway this blog was kind of a dud I'm really sorry.

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