Check out this motherfucking question:
How has technology benefited the world? Or has it worsened it?
The answer is too complex for you retards to properly grasp it but suffice it to say the world has benefited immensely from technology.
When you say "the world" I assume you mean "humanity" because overall other species don't give a fuck one way or another.
I know HUMANS KILL ANIMALS HURR DURRR but really less than 1% of all the species that have ever lived are still around so humanity is ultimately a flash in the pan in comparison to some disasters.
How has technology benefited man?
A more appropriate question would be how hasn't technology benefited man?
Longer lives, healthier lives--
bullshit electronics you can stand around and gawk at in the middle of the produce department while I'm trying to put organic oranges on a shelf and you're standing in my fucking way.
In fact, speaking of technology benefiting people: the produce department.
Trucks to ship shit from halfway around the country, the Haber process which likely helped grow the fucking food in the first place (can't naturally plant that much shit to feed this world's bloated population) refrigeration to keep it from spoiling, pesticides to make sure it's maggot free-- literally there should not be a solitary moment in your life where you are not in awe of what people who aren't peasants have done for you, lowborn.
And yet the answer overwhelmingly is "both".
Oh right, blogs.
Here we go.
Define "technology," and I'll be able to give that question a far more concise and direct answer.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Define technology.
What, are we all working off a different definition?
Techne, meaning skill or craft, and -ology, meaning the study of.
Suffice to say that I believe that humans—like other primates, corvid birds, and sea otters—are tool-users by nature.
You believe humans are tool users.
As in you're not sure?
I'm pretty sure humans use tools. I'm pretty sure you used one to type this bullshit, in fact.
Come to think of it: where is your reading comprehension? The question wasn't "do people use technology?" it's "has it improved the world?"
F- see me after class.
Apparently she got banned from a WoW board (who gives a shit?) and this drama extends over two posts. Maybe you should go play the fucking game instead of whining about a suspension on a forum.
Damn female pandaren discussion jumped from fat-shaming to thin-shaming.
... So I'll explain.
Pandaren are a race of panda men in the Warcraft universe. They are the focus of the up and coming World of Warcraft expansion, errr, something Pandaren.
Furries, as we call them in the real world. And the nerds are upset their furry waifus aren't thin. Or women are upset they don't realistically portray women (read: they aren't fatter than they are in real life) or something. I can't figure this shit out and frankly I don't give a shit.
She's not at all appropriate for the race's theme. But the thin-shaming B.S. is a whole 'nother ballgame, and it needs to stop.
Everyone's talking about body shaming and gay marriage and the depiction of fucking people of color (their term) in a video game. When did video games become so political?
Oh right, when people who have no business playing them started playing them.
Also people of color aren't properly represented in MMOs? The center of my game play experience in FFXIV is a woman of color so go suck 53 dicks. I have two minority cards to play in that shit.
Keep in mind, first off, that even in games where I can customize my characters, I never attempt to create "myself" in the game: For one, I almost never play humans.
Don't care.
That said: on principle alone I agree, wholeheartedly, with this article. I find it fundamentally weird that you're more likely to be able to play a blue alien (with the standard-issue Heroic Build, of course) than to be able to play a fat character.
I omitted the link because blogs linking blogs linking blogs and she summarized it for you.
If you care you can find it.
Also: video games are sold to men. That's how it is.
Nerds are way more attracted to hot blue bitches than fat chicks.
I know most weak willed faggots would apologize here (sorry but that's how it is, IE) but it seems obvious enough to me I'm surprised I even have to state it.
In fact you should apologize to me for wasting my time like this.
(Totally not grumbling here about how my draenei priest is supposed to be pudgy, or that my mage is skinny and flat-chested,*
I mean seriously? You're pissing because your character isn't flat enough?
I'll admit I'm fond of a smaller chest myself (stating as often as I do that brown girls and Asian girls are the choice for cultured gentleman such as myself limits me in regards to tits) but you don't hear me complaining that Edie has a larger chest than what I would have picked out, do you?
Of course not. It's silly.
In fact, an open minded, reasonable, liberal, superior man like myself would say I like her anyway.
or that the retvindicatrix is rawboned, even if their damn models don't reflect it because that wasn't an option, no siree...)
No idea what that even means--
Now, I've still got some degree of hope that Blizzard won't screw up female pandaren (all noise from self-entitled nerds aside).
>Self-entitled nerds
>entire video game culture made by nerds for nerds
man we sure are assholes.
Seriously change the term "nerd" to something else to see how stupid that sounds.
Self-entitled Chinese making Chinese culture for the Chinese.
Have you ever considered perhaps video games aren't for you?
You don't see me marching into a fucking scrap booking store and demanding to be accommodated, do you?
Oh here's her idea for an MMO.
Let's do this shit.
First off: the genre. Let's stick to fantasy, for now (although space-opera could be fun).
First sentence and already I have a big fucking problem with this. Let's stick to fantasy for now?
Like what, if you change your mind mid development they just have to dump all those art assets and music to shift it over to scifi?
Also yet another fantasy (or scifi) MMO. Good, there definitely aren't enough of those.
Along with being non-standard, the world would be big—as close to "sandbox" as I could get it. The environment would ideally be as interactive as that of DDO, with traps, climbing, secret passageways, and destructible items.
Yes, because that's what makes a world sandbox. Tons of dumb busy work.
God this is already bringing my piss to a fucking boil.
Now, character creation: Dichotomous, race-defined factions are getting old. Now, the idea has been challenged a few times in the past; WoW has different sorts of elf on each faction, and Rift has different elves and different humans.
An MMO without factions?
Never heard of one of those before.
Your first MMO was WoW, wasn't it?
You do realize that's fairly unusual and pretty much bound to WoW and its clones, right?
Most MMOs don't have two factions that battle-- never mind.
My solution would be to do away with race-defined factions altogether. You'd start neutral with all of the rep factions in the game (possibly one step higher or lower, depending on various factors) and gain (or sometimes lose, if you fell in with a faction that had a rival) reputation as you played. These pairs of rival factions, by the way, would also determine PvP; you'd sign on as a "mercenary" for one or the other and fight mercenaries from the other side.
Or how about you go with your original sandbox idea and let players define the factions?
Guild versus guild fights?
You know, sort of like TERA or Lineage 2 or Star Wars Galaxies or Ultima Online or any number of MMOs that have already done this exact idea?
The game would have at least as many playable races as WoW.
Wow at least as many race choices as World of Warcraft.
Over 10 entire races in this video game!
How is it I bullshitted a design document for an MMO and the term "World of Warcraft" didn't appear once?
Why is it every MMO now has to be "World of Warcraft PLUS THIS"?
I'm up in the air as to whether or not to include the standard fantasy races, but there would certainly be a lot of nonstandard ones. (Among others, I had in mind a race with some limited capacity for flight, and a semi-aquatic race.)
Oh hey what's this?
I mean goddamn are you even trying?
Each race would have at least two starting areas (some of which would overlap with starting areas for other races), which would influence customization options and, potentially, starting reputation with certain factions.
It's called Everquest. It came out in 1999.
Customization? Here's where I'd really want to start going above and beyond. The creation screen would be as intuitive as those of Rift or DDO, with a similar number of alterable categories (specific facial features, eye color, et cetera). You'd also get the same plethora of options within each category—for each race and sex—as WoW has for...let's say female humans.
World of Warcraft is not well known for its character creation options and probably isn't a good standard of comparison because it is pretty much the lowest.
Off the top of my head I can think of at least five games with more character creation options than WoW that came out before WoW so really when you say "more character creation options than WoW' you could just say "some character creation options."
I'd also implement different body types, but not in the form of a body slider. I've seen some ridiculous bugs result from glitches with those. (A limited height slider like Rift's, however, shouldn't have the same issues.) Instead, your character's race and sex would not rigidly determine your model; you'd get a choice of three or four different models with distinct but not extreme physiques (slim, muscular, average, pudgy, and so on) within that race and sex.
TOR did this.
Or as I called them: "normal, manjaw, fat and fat".
Who gives a shit about physiques in video games?
Waifus are petite and waifish
If you're a fag you pick the big beefcake with rippling biceps and cocks-- SIMPLE SHIT LET'S DO THIS FUCKING VIDEO GAME I CAN'T WAIT TO CLICK BUTTONS FOR HOURS ON END LIKE A LAZY PIECE OF SHIT.
Art style would be high-quality, consistent, and less cartoonish than WoW's, but not so realistic as to edge into the uncanny valley.
FFXIV, Age of Conan, EVE, Phantasy Star Universe, FFXI, TERA (arguably), Warhammer Online--
Also you don't want bleeding edge graphics that excludes 90% of all possible consumers when your idea is to get money from them every month.
Now, to actual character building and advancement:
Yes, I'm over halfway through your "design document" (as I'm generously going to call it) and finally we're approaching gameplay.
It's really telling when gameplay appears after character customization (trying outfits on) and graphics.
I'll give you setting should come first since that is the most immediate thing you'll see in the game but come the fuck on.
While I'd stick with levels, I'd do away with classes altogether. Instead, you'd pick and choose from a set number of physical-combat and magic skills (of which you'd have a wide array of choices), and rout your advancement points into them.
So you'd keep levels but you'd do away with levels--
I'm confused now.
Levels generally define character strength in a level based game and what you describe is the so called (and often neglected) "skill based" model where skills are leveled independently with no level.
There would be no race restrictions to any skillset, although certain races might have edges in certain areas.
So there are race restrictions. MMO players especially will only accept the highest possible numbers. Saying one race is better at swords than another is telling your average MMO player "if you want to use swords be this race."
Perhaps what she was describing with that skill thing was a FFXI/XIV model where you have classes but can freely change between all of them?
I don't know.
Crafting would be separate from combat skills, and I'm still mulling over how I'd want to handle it. But the idea that some armor and weapons could be improved/upgraded by way of the appropriate crafting skills (and expenditure of materials) appeals to me.
So you've basically described WoW with a simple upgrade system that games in the 1980s had--
Man can't wait to plunk down 60 bucks plus 15 a month for this winner.
Armor would have volume to it. I like that detail in Rift, and to some degree in WoW (although that latter keeps occasionally Doing It Wrong). While I'd be tempted to include massive, over-the-top pauldrons just to preemptively placate the people who like the damn things, there would certainly be an option to hide them.
But what does it look like?
Segmented? Layered?
Eastern? Western?
And just to make the TERA kids squirm...any skimpy outfit (yes, there'd be a few, although they'd generally be either low-level items or difficult to acquire) would be just as skimpy (if not more so) on a male character.

Oh fuck games already do this.
Can you fucking believe this post ended with not a single solitary mention of what you actually do in the game? I have a vague idea of how a waifu might look and be dressed in the game. Well, I say "vague idea" but I think that might be a bit generous. So she'll be a race that might wear armor of some kind. Great, thanks for describing video games.
Apparently, a lesbian player1 asked why there were no gay characters in WoW2 at Blizzcon.
Because all of the characters in WoW are quest vendors specifically there to tell me to go kill 10 of X to get Y amount of EXP and Z item?
And, of course, there were the typical whines about "entitlement." As I asked several people: how is it any skin off your nose if the game doesn't cater exclusively to you?
Because there's 0 romance in World of Warcraft of any kind and to kowtow to every girl that wants it to be a wedding simulator basically ensures the slow demise of a game people otherwise loved?
She then bitches that "not appropriate given the setting" isn't an appropriate response but it is.
That is absolutely the response I'd expect to hear and I'd further add that any romance in World of Warcraft is inappropriate and not the focus of the game.
There was a poll in FFXIV recently voting for gay marriage in game.
I voted against it because I'm against marriage in game period.
Now, admittedly? Calling someone stupid is often the mark of a limited vocabulary. But questioning someone's intelligence (or at least reasoning capacity and/or educability) is not automatically an insult to mentally disabled people.* Even if one doesn't acknowledge the legitimacy of language drift?
Cool argument.
"Calling you retarded is okay because the definitions of words change."
Well then you're a stupid cunt who should die of AIDS but it's okay because definitions change and that doesn't mean nearly what you think it does. It's not sexist, it's language drift!
The part that really puts my nuts in a meat grinder here is someone called her a cunt (in an unlinked forum post that she mentioned in a post I didn't quote from) and she called him sexist.
I use cunt to describe both men and women who act a certain way so isn't that language drift and not sexism?
Somehow I bet it's not okay when I do it, though.
Also what really throws my rectum through a salad shooter here is she also linked the Wikipedia article to language drift.
Like I get it, you read an article once. Stop it.
Overzealous WoW fans who trash on Rift remind me of overzealous 4th-edition Dungeons & Dragons fans who trash on Pathfinder.
Shit got 'em.
What the fuck does that even mean? I know what all four of these things are and yet I'm completely clueless.
Next WoW player who whines about all of the grey and gray morality in Rift?
The morality in Rift was pretty straightforward from what I recall. I forget the factions but the one with the weird sun logo was the morally superior one.
The Defiant, that's it.
If you want some gray morality play some FFXIV.
Where even the good guys are bad guys.
That's how real shit gets.
Jesus Christ this entry sure is long. I guess when you get girls talking shit about a subject they don't understand that's important to me you've stumbled upon the PERFECT RAGE STORM.
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