I'm not sure why I felt the need to explain myself. This isn't Livejournal, after all.
Anyway get ready for a lesson in self indulgence and reproduction.
Lordy it's coming.
My posts are about 80% friends only and 20% public. Please feel free to add me, but I'd like to know where you found me and what we might have in common before I'll add you back. Thanks!
Considering you update literally every day I'm left with the perplexing reality that you post five times a day.
How are you celebrating Leap Day?
Celebrating leap year.
This is a holiday now, apparently.
By mourning the death of my first true love, Davy Jones. I hope this isn't the start of a Leap Year trend or anything. If so, you're next David Bowie (who, ironically, is also named David Jones).
That's not ironic. That's barely even a coincidence.
What, did Davey Jones die on a leap year?
Is this his birthday?
Did David Bowie die and no one told me?
For the first week of my bed rest, rather than gaining 5 pounds like I expected, I actually LOST two pounds. Who would have thought.
Hang on I'm gonna call Fox News--
It's super vain and silly, but I feel like I look SO BANGIN in this photo from our maternity shoot earlier today. I just had to say it.
>huge, fat ass
>disgustingly wide hips
>matronly arms
Here's a picture of her other spawn holding a sign that says "28 weeks" and she's all big and pregnant.
This really is indulgent and vain, she wasn't joking.
There are a bunch more on my flickr, including closeups of my awesome hair and makeup. Marshall was in charge of directing the poses, by the way.
We truly live in a great time.
Oh and there are your fat legs.
And a closeup of your face, this is great.
And you generously provide a profile view.
And a 3/4ths view
And a frontal view.
I can fully review the unfortunate reality of your facial structure now.
Your nose is very large.
Your eyelids are too heavy.
Lips are too thin.
Your cheekbones and chin appear within an acceptable range, however.
Eyebrows are sparse and oddly shaped--
Small ears.
All in all not too bad, though. Assuming 5 is average I'd give you a solid 6.0/10.
No excuse to be acting like this, but then again there is no excuse to be acting like this.
Here's a post entitled "super creepy sky" and not to be a complete dickhead but that sky looks cool as hell.
Here are the fabrics I bought the other day. The one on the left will be a dress or skirt and a pair of Marshall shorts, the second will be a skirt, and the rest are Marshall shorts. I can't wait to get started!
Seriously who gives a shit?
Also I couldn't link all the ink I'm using because they don't make it anymore.
Look at the amazing vintage red cape my coworker gave me today! She found it in her mother-in-law's attic this weekend and immediately thought of me, rescuing it from the Goodwill pile. I'm so in love with it, I feel like it's easily the coolest thing I now own.
Look at those cankles, man.
I know I'm not linking any of the pictures but you can go to her blog and click on any solitary entry and see her so whatever I'm not going through that exercise in tedium.
Pretty spontaneous. Aaron, our friend Derek, and I got matching scissor tattoos on our middle fingers, simply because I dreamed that we were going to.
You can now never get a job teaching.
And here's another tattoo-- you'd think someone who took pride in the quality of her skin she'd be hesitant to junk it up with paintings of cats.
I'm having a really bad day at work. Just needed to share.
Fucking off on the internet.
You know maybe you should do something about it instead of whining. I know when I'm busy at work there's no time for moaning.
Here's a post where she says she loves doing laundry.
There's a good wife.
I guess.
I'm trying to find some cute birthday party invites for Marshall, and everything is failing me. Even etsy, and I was so sure I'd find a million amazing things.
Why'd you name your kid Marshall? Do you hate him?
Mark. There we go.
My plan was for something involving a red fox, inspired by the movie "The Fox and The Child" (go rent it, it's beautiful). I want the colors to be mostly light robin's egg blues and reddish oranges.
All my colors end up looking desaturated like it's a WW2 movie.
Maybe I'm depressed.
I'm trying to paint this one Dark Eldar bitch's hair strawberry blonde and I'm having trouble reconciling the typical color of that with my love for desaturation.
Here's an uplifting story about a little girl dying of cancer--
Wow, she really posts about how sad she feels and can't figure out why. Could it be you're reading about dying cancer patients?
Oh there's your hair but it's brown. I knew you weren't a natural redhead.
I know this is probably a long shot, but can anyone confirm or deny for me that Petra Hayden is dead??
Here's a post saying she should dye her hair strawberry blonde which is funny because I just got done mentioning how much of a PAIN IN THE ASS that is to paint--
I don't think you should, incidentally. It's a lot of work.
Here's a list of things you're supposed to check off. You check it if you're afraid of this thing and if you score more than a certain amount you should seek counseling.
I don't see a "I FEAR NOTHING FOR I AM FEAR INCARNATE" option so I guess I'll just skip this little test.
[X] monsters under my bed (shut up! I saw a movie once and it's haunted me forever.)
Bitch are you 5?
Also I was just informed Davey Jones died.
09. What did you want to be when you grew up?
A housewife. Unfortunately, I am grown up.
11. Which characters are overrated?
Kanji? Does that count?
As in one of the three primary writing systems of Japanese?
Or the guy from Persona 4?
He was a good character, fuck you.
I mean everyone pats Bioware on the back for exploring gay characters in video games and how brave it is of them but here's a gay character actually handled tastefully and no one says word fucking one.
Bioware's answer to gay characters is to have them have a ton of gay sex. They are defined through having gay sex.
And then girls can do their annoying fangirl squee shit over it and I get a migraine.
Kanji was a deep character who was incidentally gay.
You know, exactly like A REAL FUCKING PERSON?
God people who like video games suck.
I didn't like Persona 4 as much as 3. The character development felt a little more strained, honestly.
Considering the entire plot revolves around character development in a realistic and meaningful way that's a pretty serious charge to levy.
Everyone wants to see me as a blonde again, so it would be the perfect opportunity to do that again.
Also people like Persona 4's gameplay more than 3 but again I have to disagree. 3 was a legitimate challenge but 4 was that artificial "hurrr enemies deal 2x damage so hard" challenge.
I mean sure the friendly AI in 3 was dumb but it wasn't that bad.
Unless you're using Mitsuru.
But then again what kind of idiot uses Mitsuru?
the AI in that game sure loved its status effects.
Oh right I was supposed to be reviewing a blog.
This one sucks.
There, reviewed.
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