Anyway check this shit out.
Pretentious hipster garbage.
Just look at the title of this motherfucker:
"Entries older than eight weeks made private. Edited on Mondays."
I mean why? Why make your old entries private?
Who gives a shit?
Oh well at least it makes short work of this blog.
Which is your favorite of the seven dwarfs?
Who gives a shit?
Blasphemy. Followed closely by Irony.So fucking edgy holy shit.
Easy people, we have a real internet hardass right here.
Hey, alright! I took a shower. I was at Home Depot today. Guess what I've got for you?
Spoilers: a really boring short story about nanotechnology.
Are you a girl?
Name three things you can’t live without.
Fucking writer's blocks are the worst.
Oxygen, water, and at least one atmosphere of air pressure to keep it all together.LOLOLOL XD SO FUNNY
What about gravity?
Also this is a girl.
Explains her choice in application for nanomachines.
You know in Ghost in the Shell they use nanomachines to wire a neural interface to peoples' brains so they can have a tactical overlay in their vision.
Belinda lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. The light through the thin, lace curtains traced patterns that constantly shifted. She watched those without thinking about anything in particular.
A few hours ago, when the clock in the main room had struck seven, Belinda had failed to get out of bed. Charlene had not said anything, but only made her own bed, got dressed, and went downstairs.
Eight o'clock passed without incident. Nine o'clock sounded like doors opening and closing. Ten o'clock's final chines echoed with footsteps.
“That's enough self-pity,” Annora said, not fully entering the room. “Get up and act like a human.”
Belinda pulled the covers over her head. “My grandmother is dead.”
“Charming,” Annora said. “You can talk to Charlene about it and she'll tell you all about how Evie is in heaven with her mother and my sister.”
That hurt more than a slap across the face.
“I'll give you thirty more minutes,” Annora said. “And that's more than enough time for you to get dressed, wash your face, and brush your hair. This is a working farm, not a hospital.”
Belinda threw back the covers and stared at her aunt's cousin. “Don't you mourn her?”
Annora frowned. “That's for later, when there's nothing to do. You can do that in the dark. The cows need to be milked during the day.”
God why
I'm two paragraphs into this mess, want to cool it a little with the dialogue?
I've written entire 20 page stories with less dialogue than what's right here.
The best computer is a man, and it's the only one that can be mass-produced by unskilled labor.
-- Wernher Von Braun
Just looking at these combat sequences and wondering why anyone would put actual human beings on the ground in harm's way.
A machine must be eternally instructed.
It bothers me. There's so much that should be possible--hell, is possible--that I should never have soldiers walking around on the ground. It keeps coming back to me, over and over, that no human should ever be harmed.
And the only thing that keeps me going is knowing how cheap a human is in comparison. I have to make an economic choice that a human with a shield and a gun is actually cheaper than a robot. I need them there for plot's sake, but I need a decent reason to have them there.
>I need a decent reason to have soldiers fighting
>I need them for the sake of the plot
Looks like you found your reason, then.
You really shouldn't develop emotional attachments to your characters for exactly this reason.
This is why your stories are all boring talky bullshit. Too afraid to put any bite into the story.
All of her stories, no matter the subject or location, are all exactly the same-- women talking and sounding really wise. How the hell have I read a scifi story involving aliens, a story about a modern day failing marriage and an idyllic story set at the turn of the century by you and all seem exactly the same?
Seriously that's the best you can do with nanomachines?
Fucking magic paint?
I've been playing this game called Deus Ex: Human Revolution lately and the first 30 seconds of that game have more action than all of your stories combined and I'm pretty sure most of the opening 30 seconds is, in fact, a phone conversation.
But at least you know it's building up to something, not just self indulgent whining. At least the game has a fucking point to make.
That's right: against the incredibly low standard of video game writing, you fail.
In fact, Deus Ex could have no violence at all and it'd still be interesting because there's still an underlying message it's trying to express.
Modern authors and I hate to say it but especially female authors seem to forget this step and it makes their writing very dull and uninteresting.
It doesn't have to be complicated-- it doesn't even have to really be a complete thought. Deus Ex's is more of a question: "what does it mean to be human?"
You know in a world where people have all of their bodies replaced with machines it's easy to see where the line blurs.
This could be an entirely peaceful society but I'd still be interested in it because it's an interesting question.
In fact, the first question you ask yourself before you've even fully fleshed out a plot or character is "why am I telling this story in the first place?" and reading about some bitch thinking while feeding her fish I get the impression you skipped that step.
And of course, there's action.
When you limit your dialogue it really tightens it up and forces you to make decisions about what your characters are saying so nothing comes across as frivolous or like everyone is mincing about for no reason.
Basically to make a long explanation shorter you suck at writing and should stop.
Character motivation, too, is usually pretty simple and doesn't need an entire internal monologue. Of course the girl who just lost a grandparent is sad. You should probably show us how sad instead of her telling us how sad she is.
Anyway I'm ending here because I'm tired as fuck but check these out:

Paladin, Bard and Black Mage.
Only 3 more sets to finish now~
Long-time reader, first-time (and looks like first ever) commenter (commentator? I never know). I've been following your blog since I tried tracking down a friend's LJ for mild stalker-ish purposes a couple years back, and the second or so hit on Google was an entry written on this blog riffing on her journal (and surprisingly, giving something of mine the most appropriate criticism ever in the process).
Jesus, look at those parentheses. I'm just as bad as everyone in this blog.
Anyway, long story short, it was a combination of seeing an anonymous person tear her to shreds and a couple wrong decisions to realize that she's kinda terrible, so in some weird way, I have Edie Finds a Corpse to thank for a bullet well fucking dodged.
Keep on keepin' on, man. You're pretty decent.
- A Fan
Hey thanks for the comment.
It's always nice to know my blind hatred for my fellow man can be spread to others.
What entry was this, by the way?
Oh, man. That'd be telling, huh. Oh well, no matter.
She's decent, I guess. Just in no way or form wifey material, hahah.
Oh yeah I remember this one.
I'd say any chick that into spiritualism and new age nonsense isn't wife material.
She'd be the one to get knocked up by a guitarist in a band at 30 when most girls outgrew that 10 years before.
Oh well, good thing you found out now and not six months down the road.
Good luck to you.
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