Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I'm not taking any shit or piss

Jesus Christ do I have a decision to make. This weekend is TERA Beta III but IT'S ALSO FFXIV PATCH TIME OH SHIT WHAT THE FUCK?
Too many sluts in my life right now and they're all named Edie.
Including this fucking blog. Fuck this shit.
I dunno this is a pretty important patch. New job stuff I want to get in on as quickly as possible.
Also I gotta go do the grocery store thing.
Fuck the economy.
I'm told I should be thankful I have a job at all because most people can't even get what I have but you know, come on.
A superior specimen such as myself can't be expected to do this lowly work for long.
Anyway back to the FFXIV shit-- oh wait, right, blogs.
I gotta save my off topic bullshit for the content.

If you’ve seen my fanfiction page, you already know a little bit about me. Relatively fresh out of grad school, newlywed, and fresh on the job, it seems as if I’m just now starting to put my life together but caught in one of those conundrums that ironically screams “welcome to the real world, you sucker.” I thought I had it all figured out. But who does?

Me, I do.
I'm less than two weeks into this shitty job and already I'm afforded (dubious) honors people with seniority over me don't have.

I never did like graduate school. In fact, I hated it. I was isolated from my friends and family and the town I lived in was a dump, other than the fact that it existed only as a college town. I didn’t go out to the bars and/or party because I was a graduate student – I spent most of my time studying. If I did have time to go out, I was either too broke or too tired to actually do it. I missed being in college. Graduate school is not college. Hell, getting a master’s degree is one thing. Getting a Ph.D. should be classified as full-fledged indentured service.

I didn't study like I should have and I graduated with honors.
I paid for that in a different way, though, holy shit.
As it turns out, the decision to attend a school like this with no source for gigantic funding or money-making-sports-machine established Ph.D. program in biology is really hurting my career right now. I have the degree but that's just a piece of paper. What I lack is knowledge only gained from state-of-the-art courses, laboratories, and overall research opportunities that was NOT present during my time as a grad student.

Yes, it's their fault you don't know fuck about shit and not your own for not studying.
Let me put it this way: AP students in high school are taking classes I took as a graduate student. Absolutely pathetic.

You know I had this argument with someone once, that graduate school is where the cocks are and college ain't shit but when I pointed out I was currently sitting in a master level class as an undergraduate and I have the highest GPA in the class and I'm starting to wonder if people aren't just dumber than I am and he disagreed and I'd have my ass handed to me eventually.
Well it never happened and now I hear this shit.
I was unemployed for several months before finding a part-time job and keeping it for over a year before finally settling for a full-time job that pays way below the skill level (as most jobs are right now. I’ve even heard of law and med school students being strippers to pay their bills. I say more power to ‘em).

I say you shouldn't sit down and accept this.
Homer called Odysseus one of the greatest warriors ever and it wasn't because he was strong. He was cunning.
It's time to be cunning.
Such a decadent society is filled to the brim with easy targets and babby's first backstab that a mind like mine can see coming a thousand miles away.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not ungrateful for what I have. I’m very aware of the economic situation all over the world, I’m very aware of the alarming number of people that got laid off and are unemployed (a few of my relatives are included in those statistics), and I know that I’m very lucky to be in the position I’m in.

Fortunate or not I will succeed.
Fortune is no reason to lie down and accept your lot.
Unless you're a peasant, of course.
Am I bitching about my degree? Well, yes and no, but I believe that hard work ultimately pays off and that God has strange way of leading us down the paths we’re meant to walk.

Oofuh – did she say God?

Damn right I did.


The hell am I doing in biology?

Good question. I’m a conservative Christian – and leaving all politics and religion out of this – what the shit am I doing scientific research for?

Conservative Christian
Supporter of strippers
No I'm not buying it.

My favorite Final Fantasy game had always been FFVIII, with FFX coming in a close second, but I’d never thought of Quistis and Seifer’s background or relationships that extensively until reading

I'm trying desperately to find that entry where I said "only girls like FFVIII" and I can't.
How can you like FFVIII? It sucked. The plot made no sense, the combat made even less sense and was tedious busywork and for a Final Fantasy game it only had one song on the entire soundtrack that approached memorable.

My hobbies include playing video games, reading fiction, and watching the occasional boob tube. I wish I'd look like a female anime character.

Anime characters have disturbing proportions. They'd be very unnerving to witness in real life.
I like to believe I have a sense of humor, something that also seems to be missing in science. I mean, it’s there…but it’s always the nerdy inside-joke “I’d like to get into your genes, heheheh” type bullshit. My type of humor cannot be seen in the workplace,

Neither can mine. If I call a customer a cunt I get fired but such is the price you pay.
Stifled robot or not, this is what helps me cope. This is me. I curse like a sailor, I love fantasy, I want to attend at least one comic-con in my lifetime,

You do? I've already said fuck and cunt like 15 million times in this one entry alone and you've said, what, hell once?
Oh God all her entries are hidden behind cuts and she only has three entries per page before I have to click "back 3 entries".
It's like she engineered this to piss me off.

I always grew up as one of the guys, simply because I fucking hate drama and I can't stand talking about what’s going on in Hollywood, Coach purses, or Sex and the City.

Number of times I've heard girls say they can't stand hanging out with other girls: too many to count
Number of times I've heard guys say they can't stand hanging out with other guys: 0
Are women biologically disposed to hating each other or is there something else at work here?
Personally I take this as further proof for why you should consider me the greatest sage of our time when I advise everyone to date brown girls but I can't really explain how these things are related yet.
Well, I don't have anything in common with some of these people. Take a gander at my profile. Hobbies that I like aren’t hobbies to other people; in fact, I’m somewhat of an outcast since apparently playing role-playing video games and having an interest in science qualifies me as a certified loser.

You like FFVIII. I have yet to see proof you're actually a fan of video games.
Here's her whining about how slutty Barbie looks now--
God I feel like I've been spending a lot of time listening to women whine lately.
Well it's that or nothing because I reached the beginning of her blog--

After bitching and moaning about how scantily-clad most of the dolls were (to their credit, they were wearing bikinis, but c'mon - it's almost December) to how much the fully-clothed ones cost (the specialty "princess" dolls were over $20 and others were just at $20), my husband and I finally settled on a Barbie doll that was wearing a hot pink, shiny dress with a black-bowtie-choker. She was apparently shopping, because her accessory was a grey shopping basket.

Bracing myself for "stereotypical gender roles" and I'm not putting up with any of this shit after working the grocery business for an entire two weeks.
All of the music that plays there: geared towards women
90% of grocery shoppers: women
all of the problem customers: women

What is she doing? Is she at a sex shop, searching for a whip? Is she at the drugstore, searching for items to make meth? I'll never know.

She's probably grocery shopping. I've seen some shit, man.
These 40 year old women come in dressed in what they have no business being dressed in and you can hear their biological clock ticking down like a fucking nuclear warhead.
I feel kinda bad for them.

I guess my point is that Barbie looks pretty skanky, and I'm not really proud I bought it.

There was this one Hispanic MILF that came in yesterday looking for ginger root (I remember because holy shit I've never seen ginger in my life) she was annoying but I was about to put the moves on but then her kid ran up.
I can respect being a dutiful mom but you know if you're going to dress like a skank at the grocery store you might want to leave the baggage behind.
And why is it none of the hot brown girls ever need help? I go out of my way to make sure their shopping experience is the best it can be because this is my in I'm a dutiful employee and yet they never do.
This toy is supposed to go to an innocent little girl through a Catholic charity, and while I'm definitely no saint, I don't believe a small child's toy should be sexed up like this. I also noticed that all of the Barbies have significantly more makeup than I remember, too. I suppose that my husband and I are to blame since we bought the stupid thing and didn't pony up to buy a more expensive version (I really wanted to get the Nurse Barbie, but that didn't happen), but come on.

See it's your fault. You bought slut Barbie when you could have had slutty fetish nurse Barbie instead.
I mean this is the reason she'll never become a nurse and instead will be a stripper.
I was, however, reminded of the movie Love Actually, when Emma Thompson's character was showing her husband two different types of dolls and said, "Now, which doll shall we give Daisy's little friend Emily; the one that looks like a transvestite or the one that looks like a dominatrix?"

(If you haven't seen the movie, watch it - it's definitely the season for it. I watch it every year around Christmastime.)

I don't think that'll be happening.
Unless I somehow spring ovaries.
So speaking of people dressed like dominatrices (as the plural of dominatrix is dominatrices just like codex's plural is codices and GOD I KNOW TOO MUCH SHIT) there's going to be a whole slew of new armor for dear old Edie this Friday.
Can't wait to get that monk armor, man.
Seems like she'll be a bit too decent, though. Can't have that.
Or maybe she won't. I don't rightly know.
The rule for the new jobs is you have to have a main job at 30 and a subjob at 15.
Of course I have all jobs at 50 so I'm going to be in for a fucking run around this weekend. Completing all quest chains for all jobs is going to be some shit, man.
Hopefully they're good and not like, I dunno, conjurer's quest line which is a bunch of goddamn whining.
Or worse, Goldsmith?
Holy motherfuck that quest was bad. MY BROTHER IS DEAD AND WAAAAAAH I LOVE THIS GIRL WHO IS A WHORE and I don't care, seriously. What do you want made and how much does this pay?
At least culinarian had the decency to be balls out insane on top of the whining.
Like you fell in love with a prostitute and you're surprised she is a prostitute for a living?
Come on, guy.
Oh right. Blog over.
Go home.

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