Are you guys ready for TERA beta this weekend?
I can't wait.
Given the choice of time travel, would you go back in time or forward?
Today's writer's block.
Either answer is good, really. Using your knowledge of events to come to conquer the past is a worthy goal.
Traveling to the grimdark year of 40,000 is also a good goal as well but you might find yourself in some kind of culture shock.
I guess you would in the past as well but at least you're a space man to those primitives.
I have absolutely no need to know the future! It would only freak me out.
Being able to time travel wouldn't freak you out but GOING INTO THE FUTURE WHAT?
Also shouldn't you always be freaked out, then? We're all traveling to the future, just really slow.
But, going backwards in time, that would be fun!And there would be all kinds of havoc, ba ha ha HA!, that I could wreak by, of course, trying really hard to make things better. Like, "Don't step in front of that bus" kinda stuff.
Really, that's all you can come up with? Going into the past to keep people from stepping in front of buses?
What if you set off a chain of events that caused Hitler to win WW2, exactly like that episode of Star Trek?
The only true answer is to conquer the past or travel to the year 40,000.
Wish I could go back to high school and tell off tons of people instead of fantasizing about doing it now, at my 25th Reunion this summer.
>Going to your high school reunion
Here's a really long and boring post about how dry her eyes are and how they're not dry anymore.
Who does she thank for this?
Jesus, of course.
Well he did heal the blind I guess.
For three months now, I have been trying unsuccessfully to get the guys off to school on time.
They both come from Spanish cultures and time is not a big deal, plus we fundamentally disagree on what time they need to be up at the school. I think, living five minutes with no traffic from the school, that we need to leave the house 10 minutes before the bell rings. Believe me, with all the last-minute traffic, even when we leave with that luxurious window of time, we still pull up about the time the bell rings.
>5 minutes with no traffic
>schedule 10 minutes in
So her kids are lazy shits and don't show up on time, got it.
Now she's saying they'll get fired in the future but since my generation is filled with babies I imagine work will turn into adult daycare in the future.
Okay, I weigh about 180 lbs, or less, (because I don't keep scales in my house anymore, and have to go to the doctor's office to find out how much I weigh), at five foot 9, which would never, even in an alternate universe, be considered skinny, but keep in mind that I weighed 450 lbs (or higher!!) for 10 to 15 years.
"I'm not skinny" and yet this entry is entitled skinny.
I can't wait to see how 180 pounds at 5'9" (I'm taller and yet manage to weigh significantly less and I'm a man, who are supposed to weigh more than women) is justified as skinny.
Also consider that I have 20 to 30 pounds of excess skin and if it were magically removed tomorrow, I'd weigh about 150 lbs or less.
So, for me, I'm not just skinny right now; I'm DAMNED SKINNY!!!
Bulletproof logic.
BMI: 26.6
Overweight: 25+
Normal weight: 18.5-24.9
Undweight (skinny territory): ~18.5
You're almost 10 points off by my reckoning.
Wait, don't tell me! Now you're impressed, right???
Not really.
"Oh look, I'm doing what I should be doing I get a gold star, right?"
This is truly a miracle. Not the biggest miracle that has ever happened in my life, but it's certainly way up there on the list. Even if I were an atheist, I'd have to believe in Divine Goodness to explain this one.
I'd agree with you if willpower or liposuction didn't exist.
But unfortunately they do so I'm not lacking for rational explanations to this phenomenon.
I mean goddamn, this'd be like if I started pumping mad iron and when I gained huge muscles said "oh wow this must be the work of Jesus Christ and not ME LIFTING LOTS OF HEAVY SHIT."
There is not a way in which Zeus isn't a superior deity. There's a scene in The Aeneid where he has the option to save some asshole from himself and Zeus basically says "well I could save him but I shouldn't because he'll never learn this way."
So he doesn't and the guy dies and we all come away a little wiser.
Every day, I wake up, thanking God. Despite my current circumstances. And I have to believe that God didn't deliver me out of all this just for me to be completely and permanently disabled by this current sickness.
If you were a firm believer in Zeus you'd be thanking yourself because only faith in Zeus breeds conviction and willpower enough to make a change by yourself.
I had a super-duper good pain-day yesterday!!
Yes, I was still in pain. Yes, there were moments when it was really bad. But, those moments were incredibly sparse, even for a good day. I used probably one third the amount of eye drops that I normally use, and I even had to go grocery shopping
Oh man not grocery shopping holy fuck.
What a trooper.
Really, people don't realize it if they're lucky, but if you can get out of bed in the morning and you are blessed with the freedom and the ability to go about your day without being in pain, or without being stuck somewhere connected to a machine of some kind, or in some other way impeded, you are doing fantastic!
All those people in Africa caught up in brutal civil wars?
At least you're not hooked up to a machine!
Hey all you North Koreans, toiling under a brutal dictatorship?
Could be a lot worse. You could be toiling under a brutal dictatorship WITH DRY EYES!
Life is GREAT!!!
So, people suck sometimes. So what that you can't pay the bills on time, or you hate your job. You are not in pain!! You are not in agony every minute of the day!! What is there to complain about???
Yes my life sure isn't as hard as yours with your, what was it, DRY EYES?
I could have real problems like DRY EYES.
I feel so guilty that I haven't accomplished something absolutely outstanding in my life with the gift of health all these years that I didn't even appreciate.
Well I think we've already established God is directly meddling in your daily life so if you haven't currently achieved anything of note surely it is by His Will.
You know what I'd entitle this entire blog? "First World Problems".
Literally this entire blog is about how she has no friends on Livejournal despite being at least 40 (who gives a shit about friends on the internet you're an adult with a family), dry eyes (which is a brutal health condition don't get me wrong) and a few brief mentions about how her kids are often late to school.
If my kid was late to school I'd just start waking him up earlier and earlier until he got the message.
What's worse: a pit of snakes or a pit of spiders?
Spiders in general don't give a fuck but snakes are assholes.
I'm thinking that the odds are that the pit of spiders is worse.
Most snakes, I think, are not poisonous.
Well if we're going by that logic most spiders aren't poisonous.
Even if they are their bites are a mild inconvenience but the few snakes that are poisonous will fuck you up.
And maybe it's the same way for spiders; I don't really know. But I think a larger percentage of spiders than snakes are harmful.
Of course even nonvenomous snakes can still fuck you up because they have filthy mouths.
All right well I'm tired of looking at her ugly face so I'm going to go do something else.
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