Oh God am I in for it today.
To be perfectly honest the thing that pissed me off most is how every single entry is behind a cut and all of the entries are only titled with the date which makes finding my place in this train wreck a nightmare. Imagine if you were reading a book and every time you wanted to bookmark your page you had to entire a wind tunnel first.
Also you can't be assed to just remember what page you were on because LOOK AT THIS SHIT.
Also I had to agree I was 18+ to read this.
Video games that only ask you be older than 17 include a video game with visible nipples on women and a game where you shoot up a Russian airport.
Thank you, Livejournal.
First entry and we're off to a good start:
I have one, for those who are interested:
You know, for when Livejournal and Twitter are too highbrow for you?
Also clicking on that and I'm instantly assaulted by a text wall of whining bullshit.
You know in Afghanistan one of the punishments for homosexuality (and heresy) is to have a wall toppled over on you. I think I understand where they're coming from now because I feel like I just had a wall of text tumbled (get it, TUMBLed, TUMBLr?) over on me and I feel a little violated, honestly.
Does this mean I'm leaving Livejournal? Not a bit. In fact, I'm most likely going to be more active here than I will be on Tumblr.
... "Let me tell you about this website I won't be posting to so I can tell you I'll be posting more on this website you're already aware of."
Seems a bit counter productive to me but what do I know?
The name is my rabbit character's name. I didn't feel comfortable using my legal name on a public website because I'm a paranoid little thing. Call me a coward. Though I'd love to actually adopt Megan as my legal name one day.
Then you'd have to change the name of your Tumblr because you'd be using your legal name.
I have one.
That's right. eliki and I have been together since this last Christmas Eve, give or take a couple of days for various important e-mails to get through.
Qualifying statement he forgot: this is an e-boyfriend so SHIT AIN'T EVEN REAL.
Who or what is your opposite?
Remember this question?
God the pickings were slim that day.
I think that would have to be my twin brother. He's pretty much everything I'm not, and therefore he's the "normal" one by the standards of our society.
Translation: "he doesn't have a whiny blog on Livejournal and Tumblr where he attempts to affix as many labels as possible to himself."
I'm trans, he's not. He's married, while I'm not. Though I am dating someone again and quite happy about it. On that note, he's completely heterosexual, to the best of my knowledge, while I'm not.
I'm a heteronormative cisgender Caucasian heterosexual male.
Don't hit on me, silly brown girls.
He moved out of this nowhere little town and made it stick while I'm still stuck here.
So you're the bad twin. Got it.
We do agree on religion, though, in that we're both atheists, though he tends to lean more toward the anti-theist side while I simply maintain that because I haven't seen any satisfactory proof of any god or gods there's no reason to believe they exist.
Oh shit I forgot religion.
Heteronormative cisgender Caucasian heterosexual male nontheist with polytheistic sympathies.
Why can't we all just be people, maaaaan?
(There. More about me than you ever wanted to know!)
True statement.
All that and we still seem to get along better than many siblings seem to do. He's a good guy, if a tad too fond of video games for my taste,
Can one be too fond of video games?
Also you're a fit one to judge, furry.
"He's a little too into video games I mean what a nerd, right xP? Let me go cut a dickhole into my fursuit."
Write a poem or share one that you like.
No I don't think I should.
The problem with this question, of course, is that there are simply too many good poems to choose from.
Err, yes. Exactly the problem I was having.
What is your must-see holiday movie?
Die Hard.
Ha, well I think my answer is pretty obvious, really. I'd have to go with The Lion in Winter. The 1968 version with Peter O'Toole and Katherine Hepburn.
Obviously The Lion in Winter.
You know, that movie about King Richard (crusader extraordinaire) where he's emphatically not crusading and just being really boring and whines for two hours?
Thank you, Hollywood.
What's that you say? It's not really a holiday movie? Well, true, it's more a historical costume drama. But it's set during the Christmas of 1183, and isn't that close enough?
That was going to be my next point, yeah.
They even stuck in an anachronistic Christmas tree or two! Besides, isn't learning a thing or two about the history of the world more important than watching Ernest make a damned fool of himself in the same tired old movie you've been watching for the last 23 years?
I don't know if The Lion in Winter counts as "learning about history". I guess it does feature real historical figures but I don't think that really counts.
I mean if that counts then Call of Duty also counts because most of those take place in WW2.
Have you ever met anyone famous?
What do you want to bet he's met people no one has ever even heard of?
I think I've mentioned this several times before, but I did have the honor of meeting Peter S. Beagle once, when he came to give a reading at one of the local universities. I got his autograph, too, in my copy of his novel "Tamsin". Which makes it one of my most cherished possessions. Because I'm such a shameless fangirl.
Also I forgot this person identifies as female.
Whenever I see furry I just automatically think male.
Though I'm afraid I kind of babbled like an idiot when I met him, too.
I remember when I met C.P. Gause, hierarch of pussy sensitivity.
"This is Dr. Gause."
Blank stare to the girl next to me.
"The book we've been reading is written by him" she told me immediately.
What do you believe we are missing in this world?
Really? Compassion and the genuine desire to try to understand each other without letting our preconceived prejudices stand in our way. An embracing of the concept of love for all human beings regardless of race, sex or gender identity which would allow each of us to really be who we are without fear.
But not religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation, apparently, because you excluded those from your list.
Would you rather be a vampire or a vampire hunter, and why?
We've been over this a hundred times. Vampire hunter is the only choice.
I don't want to be either one. Vampires are boring, especially the modern sort. Even when they don't sparkle they aren't particularly frightening. As for being a vampire hunter, I can think of better things to do with garlic than waste it on the undead.
I've always preferred werewolves.
Oh shit, the furry prefers people who turn into animals, there's a real shocker.
So enough of this nonsense, let's discuss TERA first.
I've never in my fucking life seen a character creator that had such thought given to your options and yet actively tried to prevent you from exploring your options.
The whole system was needlessly obtuse and limited in weird ways.
It sure made making a waifu needlessly tedious and difficult but I, of course, triumphed.
The game itself is damn fine, too. I recommend it. I sure hope the difficulty ramps up. Though from what I've heard it does later which is good because currently the insane combo I discovered kills all enemies in one hit.
Anyway check this waifu out:

Still some fine tuning yet but that is why you play in betas, eh?
Or is it to test gameplay features, I forget.
Not sure if I'm sold on the hair yet and her lips are maybe a little too large and yet not wide enough.
I tried to compromise with the half realistic, half animu style they were going for in game but I'm not sure if it worked out.
See this is where Edie Finds a Corpse gets interactive. I'm asking for my nonexistent reader base to cast their vote.
Anyway this furfag is boring. I'm going to go wait for TERA Closed Beta 2 which is in 2 weeks ;_;
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