Monday, December 31, 2012


One thing I've learned: everything in the entire world is political.
Your kid is 8 years old?
Something go your way?
Anyway today's blog is the one I found on the big list o' women with political blogs even though approximately 0% of the content is related to politics.
She sort of reminds me of the Meanest Mom but not quite as douchey and therefore way more forgettable.
I was 19 when he died … 28 years ago today. I’ve known my father-in-law for 22 years now … longer than I knew my own father. Well, that’s not quite right. I still know my dad. But I only had him here in person for 19 years. Ah, well. This is what happens with the passage of time.
A year ago, my telephone rang at 3 in the morning. It was hospice. We might want to get there now before Mom died, they said in less clear words, which made it harder to snap out of my sleepy haze. I was the only family member they could get on the telephone. I started calling the rest of the family. Hospice called again at 3:30. Mom was gone.
What a shame.
She was a good man--
what a rotten way to die.
It was Friday. I had to tell the kids at breakfast that they weren’t going to school. And why. The grieving began.
We each dealt with our loss in our own way.
Except for the initial shock and the funeral, two of my children said very little. I broached the subject once in a while, but they made it clear they really didn’t want to talk about it. I hadn’t said anything for a while.
This is terrible.
One morning, we were in the car on the way to school with the radio playing, and I was singing … “Hey, soul sister … ain’t that mister mister …” when I heard this tiny voice from the back of the car. I turned down the music and asked, “What was that?”
I wish there was something more I could say.
Actually are you listening to Train?
You deserve to be bludgeoned.
“Do Christians die?”
Ah. I’d been waiting for this. But it still took me by surprise.
Then the questions just tumbled out, one after the other.
Will you die? Will Pappa die? Do we all die?
Everyone you know will die
Everyone you will ever meet will die
Everyone you know will be dead a very long time
and then the sun will explode, killing everyone and destroying everything you've ever known.
Have fun at school today~
Dear Santa,

Please explain to my first-grader that your elves don’t have the parts to make iPads. Or … something. (*cough* $499 *cough*)
Santa got a little wasted this year and got you a Galaxy 3S instead.
Same shit just way cheaper.
Dunno how it happened, kid.
Enjoy that higher resolution though.
My son, who wrote a letter to the king 5 1/2 years ago, 
I finished reading States of Mind: A Search for Faith, Hope, Inspiration, Harmony, Unity, Friendship, Love, Pride, Wisdom, Honor, Comfort, Joy, Bliss, Freedom, Justice, Glory, Triumph, and Truth or Consequences in America
Christ all mighty that's some title.
It made me look at my own life and wonder what I’ve done, where I’ve been and where I’m going. It made me think of regrets, and it brought out a little envy.

I mean, the man wrote this book in his 20s. Did I do that? No. (I started research for one in my early 30s, but I obviously didn’t write that book.) He seemed to have such a clear path for his life. Did I? Never. He admitted that he suffered angst from basically a perfect life. Have I? Oh, I wish.
>Author says the book came naturally to him with no effort
There's an entire mythology behind being an author that is true regardless of nation or language and has remained unchanged basically since the invention of writing because non-writers buy into it without question.
How many times have you heard this one:
there was a spark of (divine) inspiration and the entire book came out in one weekend!
I never actually prepared to write-- I just went to bed and woke up and the words were in my head just waiting!
I feel (divine) inspiration whispering to me all the time!
Liars, all of you.
I really give a shit about all the pictures of your kids.
I haven’t done one of these things in a while. Well, a list of things I like about me? I’ve never done that. Have you?
No can't say I'm enough of a twat to write down what I like about myself.
Well, there's one: I'm not enough of a twat to write down what I like about myself.
But now I've done it, so am I that much of a twat?
1. I’m a good (self-taught) cook. I like that others enjoy my food.
2. I’m a loving mother. I’m not perfect, but I know my kids, and I listen to them. I love them for who they are.
3. I’m a voracious reader, and I’ve passed that on to my children.
I mean I guess you seem involved with your kids.
Your blog is certainly about them a lot.
This list goes on but no that ain't happening.
Oh I thought of a skill I'm actually proud of: in video games, if a weapon is ranged and drops off I can hit someone I can't even see yet with it.
I've skipped like 20 pages of this bullshit now.
This blog is seriously fucking boring.
Jesus Christ.
No fuck this I'm out.
Fuck blogs.
Fuck the internet.

Friday, December 28, 2012

You stole my thing

Blogging in Amerikkka is today's blog.
Pretty sure I've called America Amerikkka  before.
I feel ripped off somehow.
Once again America is taking its annual day of self-congratulatory celebration and I must admit, I am feeling disappointed, disrespected, and a tad bit bitter on behalf of my Ancestors and the way in which their American stories are ignored.
So anyway--
Listening to the media programs of the day, you would think that the experiences of Africans and their descendants in this country -- federal and state sponsored and supported kidnappings, enslavement, torture, rape, Black Codes, Jim Crow, and the modern day James Crow Esq. (still!!), etc. -- never happened.

The fact is that on this day, African Americans are left out of the popular American Narrative. We do not fit into America's description of itself as ". . . land of the free" where ". . . all men are created equal".
Who is MLK I don't know he just has a holiday and roads named after him.
We do not fit.

Our very presence is a "gotcha!" to America's sense of itself as a fair country; a meritocracy; a land of opportunity where ANYONE can get ahead if they only work hard enough.
>people are hired on arbitrary things like race and gender and other bullshit
Yeah hardly.
As long as blogs like this exist we're not a meritocracy.
Our history here -- despite President Obama and the myth of a "post-racial" society -- proves the lie of that.
The president of the US is half black for Christ's sake.
Honestly someone just linked me a Girl's Generation video so the amount I'm not paying attention to this blog is approaching a new record.
Sorry ended up watching 3 of their videos.
How can the next be hotter than the last?
There's only like 7 of them or something.
And this is not to say that there haven't been opportunities for success at all points in American history for African Americans. However, what success has been achieved -- and there is more than plenty on which to brag --has been more as a result of the drive, perseverance, resilience, and heart of African American individuals, families, and communities than as a result of any inherent fairness and equity of America. 
Meritocracies by definition aren't fair.
That's the point.
Do you want a meritocracy or not?
For months I’ve been following the “Occupy” mobilizations and pondering what –- quite frankly –- felt “wrong” about something that -– on the face of it -– seems oh, so right.

Then I read an article by journalist Stacey Patton ("Occupy isn't black America's fight", The Washington Post Outlook section, 11.27.2011), who oh-so-brilliantly provides the context and sheds light on what seems to be Black America’s relationship with this overwhelmingly white mobilization.

In her article, “Occupy isn’t Black America’s Fight”, Ms. Patton serves up an October 2011 Fast Company survey finding that African Descendants, who are 12.6% of the population in America, make up only 1.6% (!!!!!!!!) of the Occupy Wall Street mobilizations.
Today is the dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial and, of course, the only thing that too many Americans seem to know about this great man – his “I Have a Dream” speech –- is on full display as the national narrative for this event is being woven by media and participants. 
I don't even know that outside of that line, frankly.
It's not that I don't care--
actually yeah it is.
Looking at and listening to the dedications and speeches and remembrances, I admit that, rather than feeling pleasure and pride, I am feeling sadness and pure panic:
He was a great American
please just take the memorial
Look I'm giving it to you
just take it
I'd be the worst Caesar in situations like this.
I'd have a wrecking crew on standby the second an ungrateful shit like this gave me trouble.
Panic that this dedication will be yet another reason -- for Americans who are always looking for reasons -– to say “okay, let’s now ignore racial disparities! This is more proof that we are ‘post racial’! And anyone who says otherwise is a race-baiter and a racist!”;
People just hate people.
case in point
in EVE Online people will hate you based on your in game character's race that isn't actually a real thing. 
Fascist Caldari scum
fucking Commie Gallente--
Also the Caldari split from the Gallente. Ethnically they're the same people.
Oh right I'm the only person fucking gay enough to give a shit about the back story of EVE Online. My mistake.
Panic that we will forget the economic realities of living Black in America: that the unemployment rate for African Americans is the highest that it has been in 27 years at 16.2% (when the total national unemployment rate stands at 9.1%);
Black people in EVE Online are also the weakest of the four groups.
Yeah actually it is.
This was the sign held up by Kirtland High School students and their parents (according to all media reports) to taunt the losing Harvey High School team at the end of their recent football game in Ohio.

In the week since, the Ohio NAACP condemned the sign as "racial and ethnic intimidation."
People should be punched for saying "you mad bro" because they break it out before there's any reaction period.
no I haven't even--
14 year olds need to learn to troll better.
A kid said that to me while I was working.
That was a big problem because I couldn't even call his mother a whore like I can online.
So I did what any sane person would do in my situation:
Now we see the media equivalent of "You Mad Bro?" as media and bloggers engage in a campaign to discredit the Ohio NAACP as "race baiters" while excusing the race-baiting actions of those Kirtland students and parents as "bad sportsmanship".
How is calling someone bro racist?
Black people have a monopoly on the word brother now?
I call my friend Mike bro all the time
and I mean it in a knightly sense.
We've gone to war together, basically.
We both almost died eating at a Mexican restaurant from violent food poisoning.
We're basically brothers.
That restaurant went out of business the next day too, no shit.
It was like their last fuck you.
Not usually included in the reporting about this incident is the fact that Kirtland High School has a 98% white student population and is located within a white (99.1%) enclave.
99.1% white? Wonder what their school rating is.
Harvey High School predominantly black?
Wonder what their school rating is.
Instead of whining about some stupid fucking football game if we want to talk real problems with race in America why don't we get to the bottom of that?
I've seen this time and again, too. So yeah, you kind of are race baiting when there's a clear issue here and it isn't over some sign at a dumb football game.
Nor does the media usually include the fact that Harvey High School's student population is 53% students of color.
Only the most determined, pugnacious, willfully blind will deny what this means in terms of the vulnerability of Harvey High students to being stereotyped racially, economically, educationally, in the media, and by their white Kirtland High peers. And the "You Mad Bro?" sign clearly shows how well that message has been learned by these young Kirtland students.
Motherfucker I'm a white guy making double what they do at a minimum wage job, I'm the authority figure in the room and they say it to me, for fuck's sake. It's pretty benign as far as language goes.
If this were only a case of bad sportsmanship, they could have used any of a number of slogans that did not hint of racial/cultural appropriation and micro-aggression.
>cultural appropriation
Black people invented brothers.
There you have it.
We see racial appropriations all the time. They are like the air we breathe, the water we taste: expected, unnoticed, and necessary. From TV shows who use hip hop and other music to emphasize story lines and the actors in them as being "cool" and "hip" and "street smart" and "dangerous" -- and other adjectives that are racialized as the cultural norm -- while only using white actors as the lead characters; to young white suburbanites who are the major purchasers of hip hop music; to these self same youth who easily purchase and walk around decked out in the hip hop styles that Afrikan Descendant youth can't afford; to the white people we see walking down the streets in dreadlocks and who will argue that dreadlocks are not an indigenous style from the loins of the Afrikan Diaspora but is instead a "lifestyle choice" found naturally in all cultures (free tip: don’t fall for that. . .).
White people aren't allowed to like hip-hop or it's racist.
Appropriation – otherwise known as being a “culture vulture” (someone who not only racially appropriates but makes reputation and money off that appropriation – for example, Elvis Presley, Eminem, and Quintin Tarantino are names that are often mentioned. . .) -- has long been part of the American Narrative. And although one could debate the degree to which America in 2011 finds its Afrikan descended citizens palatable – despite the election of President Obama – there can be little credible argument regarding the role of America’s racial appropriation and white-washed assimilation into the white cultural narrative the cultural markers of Afrikan Descendants.
Elvis made money because black people worked hard.
Not because he was talented or a charismatic person or anything.
Wouldn't this do more to hurt race relations than it would to help?
Wouldn't white people and black people listening to, say, NWA kind of have the message of "maybe we aren't so different after all" instead of THERE ARE WHITE THINGS
I don't even like rap and I like NWA.
Micro-insults: Nonverbal communications that subtly convey rudeness and insensitivity and demean a person's racial heritage or identity. An example is an employee who asks a colleague of color how she got her job, implying she may have landed it through an affirmative action or quota system.

Micro-invalidations: Communications that subtly exclude, negate or nullify the thoughts, feelings or experiential reality of a person of color. For instance, white people often ask Asian-Americans where they were born, conveying the message that they are perpetual foreigners in their own land.
Yeah I've asked Asian people that before and no one has ever gotten pissed.
I don't believe in the history of the world that has ever happened.
Southern people have asked me where I'm from.
BECAUSE I'M FROM UP NORTH INNIT and I didn't get mad.
It's a perfectly valid question.
How about I phrase it like this instead: "what group of ancients do I have to hate for your stupid face being in my line of sight"?
This is why racism exists. This shit hurts any sort of progress way more than it helps.
Social psychologists Jack Dovidio of Yale University, and Samuel L. Gaertner, PhD, of the University of Delaware, have also conducted studies that established that many well-intentioned whites who consciously believe in and profess equality unconsciously act in a racist manner, particularly in ambiguous circumstances. This often unconscious pattern -- one that is not necessarily grounded in any white supremacist ideology but refers in part to the aversion of whites to being seen as engaging in racialized thinking -- especially given the conscious belief of these people in the adherence to racial equity principles (these are the people who will triumphantly crow or quietly beam that they “marched with Martin Luther King”; or that they have Black people in the family [“my son/daughter is married to a Black woman/man. . .”]; or that they have “given my life to the struggle”) -- is called “aversive racism."
Even not being racist is racist.
I remember in pussy sensitivity we had to play this bullshit game where you had to shoot people based on whether they had a gun or not and it was to prove you were racist because white people were more trigger happy shooting black people than white people.
Of course in my years of video gaming the second I saw a gun-like object in someone's hand I was double tapping them in the fucking skull.
No one knew what to make of that.
"You don't have to shoot them twice that's really throwing the score off" the guy giving the test said.
"Yeah can't be sure the first one gets the job done, buddy."
Because whites very rarely-to-never are held accountable for incidents of aversive racism or micro-aggressions, and because the impact to people of color in the face of the same is that they are left dealing with the emotional baggage
This shit isn't micro-aggression. It's like this entire neighborhood (white or black) went to war with me. 
‘Tis the Season to once again see who and what we are really worshiping: Christ or Consumerism.
Them that dwell on Mt. Olympus and the Imperial Cult.
Although it is easy to forget, this is really a spiritual and religious holiday -- and I'm not talking about worshiping at the altar of consumerism, although we genuflect at that altar en masse every year about this time.
Praise Persephone who brings the change of the seasons
without change there is stagnation.
But this year it is different: we are in the middle of an economic crises such as we have not seen since, many say, the Great Depression. 
People -- especially Afrikan descendants (African Americans) -- are losing homes, jobs, and life savings; are hanging on, having survived gas prices of almost $5.00 per gallon, ARM loans that doubled the price of mortgages and foreclosed homes like falling Dominos; and long-established companies folding as quickly as a bad poker hand.

People are running scared and feeling grateful for just holding on. . .

Just in time to go out and amass MORE debt in the name of Christmas.
I've avoided commenting on it before now but is there a reason you're spelling Africa with a k?
Taking back the k?
Also you always put in parenthesis (African Americans) so just say that.
You'd think we'd be dropping to our knees and giving thanks in prayer for surviving, economically, in a year that many have not. You'd think that, for Christians, the focus would be on the "Christ" in "Christmas" rather than on that other “C” -- Consumerism -- that we've been seduced to believing is ". . .the reason for the season."
I think my gods would be pissed if I thanked them for the shit I had.
In fact there's a long tradition of punishing foolish mortals who act like twats.
I'm not one to question their divine will.
It truly is the religion of personal accountability.
And the main reason it's not around anymore :(((((((((
It is at times like these when our faith (however we believe) needs to be front and center.
Oh but I get weird looks if I talk about what I think.
DISCRIMINATION :(((((((((((((((
All I have to say is THE BROTHA SPEAKS THE TRUTH about white women who are threatening to withhold their votes from Barack Obama -- or give their votes to John McCain -- in "protest" to Hillary Clinton's Democratic primary loss.
>White women
Trying to reason with one of those is like
I don't even know.
Don't do it.
This is an open letter to those white women who, despite their proclamations of progressivism, and supposedly because of their commitment to feminism, are threatening to withhold support from Barack Obama in November. You know who you are.
What's wrong with that?
They've picked their side.
I picked my side which is why I cast my vote for Caesar.
Not voting for Caesar is like voting for poverty, really.
Well, the holidays are here -- again -- and once again, I’m shaking my head at the massive scale madness that seems to engulf so many of us each year.

And it leads me to wonder: what are you REALLY “celebrating”?
That summarizes your post shut up don't even do it.
Now, some folks say that they are “celebrating” this religious holiday or that one.
Well I was supposed to offer libations at the temple of Zeus this day--
oh wait.
And now poor Kwanzaa is on the run from the powerful, all-encompassing, greedy hand of American consumerism.
The next person to celebrate Kwanzaa will be the first. That shit isn't real.
First we must agree that racism/white supremacy is the mother's milk of this country. Any thorough reading of history will support that contention.
Must we?
I don't have to agree to anything.
No, we must wrap our minds around the accurate definition of racism: racial and cultural prejudice and discrimination, supported intentionally or unintentionally by institutional power and authority, used to the advantage of one race and the disadvantage of other races.

The critical element which differentiates racism from prejudice and discrimination is the use of institutional power and authority to support prejudices and enforce discriminatory behaviors in systemic ways with far-reaching outcomes and effects.
Oh yeah this shit.
From pussy sensitivity.
Let me translate: only white people can be racist.
There you go.
I'd like to point out she only updated 3 times this year. Apparently racism isn't as serious an issue as she makes it out to be.
If it were you think she'd manage to update more than once every four months.
Anyway I managed to reach the end of this bullshit so I'm out.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


There’s a new petition making the rounds; one I signed quickly, although it left me profoundly discouraged. The editorial board of New Moon Girls , a magazine for young girls, is asking Target to stop color coding its toy aisles.  
But what struck me as much as the grouping by color was the extremely rigid way the toy manufacturers had color coded the toys and their packages.  I hunted with very little success for red trucks, for dolls dressed in yellow or green outfits, for little cooking sets with bright colors rather than pastel pots and pans. Even in the one row near the store entrance that had several boxes of dolls on the same shelf with boxes of various toy machines–snow mobiles, rocket ships and airplanes—the stereotypical two colors proclaimed:  “GIRL!”  “BOY!”
My new 3DS is blue because I'm a fucking man
fuck you.
I only play MANLY fucking games, too.
Like gay Final Fantasy rhythm games.
Interestingly, the aisles with books and games were far less color coded, at least at the Target store I visited. Book covers and game boxes did not, with the glaring exception of some very pink games, display the same degree of color coding found in the toy aisles. It appears more acceptable for girls and boys to, at least some of the time, read the same books or participate in the same games, than it is to play with any but the most gender stereotypical toys.
Yes, Target should try harder to mix up its toy aisles.
Oh yes please.
Make it impossible to find anything in the name of gender equality.
Oh, want some Hot Wheels?
Did you check next to the aspirin?
Think I saw them next to the batteries, I dunno.
You got me, man. I only work here. I'm not the person who invents where this bullshit goes.
Incidentally Pokemon cards are next to the Lays.
We should all sign the petition.  But  we also need to pressure toy manufacturers.  First order of business, more colors for everyone. A rigid two color code for toys, pink for girls, dark and black for boys undoubtedly simplifies manufacturing and store inventories.  It’s good for business.  It is not good for children.
I dunno. Let's ask the kids if they'd like some variety.
 What about more brightly colored cars and airplanes, or boy dolls as well as girl dolls? 
>Boy dolls
GI Joe.
Next issue, retard.
What about addressing the lack of girls playing with cars on the front of those packages or the absence of boys on the cooking sets?  What about more diversity in terms of racial background? Almost of the faces on the boxes I saw were white.  We all want affordable toys for our children, but surely there are ways to provide a wider range of choices for parents and children than those available in the toy aisles at Target.
God you're a twat.
Way to ruin a fucking holiday.
Hope you're happy, Whore of Babylon.
Christmas is cancelled because this twat isn't happy with the packaging.
The least important thing about the toy you're buying.
Sorry kids, Christmas is cancelled.
In fact, fuck your toys and fun, too. Someone might be offended.
Here's a nice gender neutral rock you can play with.
If any of us thought the battle for less gender stereotyped toys had been won, we were wrong. We’re a long way from fulfilling the 40 year old promise of the Marlo Thomas song, Free to be You and Me.  Our work must include renewed attention to the gendered messages that greet children and their parents every time they wander through a toy store.
I think I've been playing my 3DS too much. All this text looks vaguely 3D for a second then goes away.
Am I going insane?
It’s been almost two weeks since the elections. I am sleeping normally for the first time in months.  The money pouring into the campaigns of the some of the most extreme anti-woman, out of touch candidates astounded and scared me.  Could it make a difference?
Man I sure lost a lot of sleep over that election, too.
What if Obama doesn't win again?
Me on election day consisted of getting up late, getting a text from a bro asking if I wanted to vote, me responding I had nothing else going on so I might as well and HOLY SHIT WAS IT INTENSE.
On Sunday, I was enjoying a nice dinner with my family at a new local restaurant that actually features produce from local farmers’ markets.  All was good, until my 8-year-old daughter decided to ask our waitress, “Who are you going to vote for to be President of the United States?”  Too young to know that it’s not ‘polite’ to ask strangers about politics, she was surprised to hear the waitress reply, “I’m not going to vote.  I’m 28 years old, and I’ve never voted because I don’t know enough about the issues to vote.” 
Please don't give this woman a raft of shit. She's working a shitty service job.
Let her go in peace.
That answer stunned my daughter into confused silence because she’d watched the debates and had her own clear ideas about at least a few of the issues.  In the awkward silence, my 70 year-old dad (a pro-choice feminist) gently suggested to our waitress, “Well, you don’t have to know a lot about every issue to know who to vote for — even if you just know about where the candidates stand on one issue….”  At that point, I knew he was hinting strongly at Obama’s and Romney’s clear differences on the topic of women’s reproductive rights, and I did not want to go there — not with our waitress, in the middle of a family-friendly restaurant.
I hope everyone jizzed in your drink.
I had people like this when I worked at my shitty grocery store.
Please, lady, I don't give a shit about your crusade. I gotta stack these round apples into a perfect pyramid in 30 seconds or I get yelled at. Please stand aside and let the continuous abortion that is my job proceed as planned.
I have to sit here and listen patiently while you tell me about something I don't give a crap about just because I incidentally put your apples out?
In high school my father, an electrical engineer, tried hard to persuade me to think about studying engineering. It was the late 1950’s and his argument went something like this: “You do well in your science classes; you like them; there are very few women in engineering and the country needs more. It will be a profession where you can stand out. ‘Standing out’ in a field because I was different and doing something women didn’t do, was not especially appealing to my teenage self.
Ever consider being a housewife?
Because whatever building you build will fall one day but the douchebaggery you inject into future generations will proceed until the apocalypse. 
I mean you can be an engineer and do that but think about it for a second.
Classroom experiences reinforced my hesitations. Teachers said things like, ‘Well, how did this happen? Susan and Mary received the highest marks on the  physic’s  quiz. You guys better get focused, girls aren’t supposed to outrank you.” Or, “Good work, girls, sure you didn’t have the math book under your desks? Ha, ha, just joking…”  The message was clear; boys do well in science and math; girls don’t.
I hate giving tests.
I'm a substitute for Christ's sake. Now I'm giving this test and I don't even know what the fuck the subject is.
Gee kid I dunno I don't actually speak French.
Looks good to me I guess.
Also if any of you cheat make sure you're halfway clever about it. If I see an open book under your desk I'll call you a moron.
If I see you checking the label on your Coke a little too intensely I'll let that one slide.
These discrepancies are often attributed to individual choice.  The list of ‘personal choice’ explanations is long—and loaded with stereotypical assumptions about women: Women don’t want to spend long hours in the lab; women prefer dealing with people not test tubes; science doesn’t fit with family responsibilities.
It doesn't.
Remember what I said before.
The disease you invent whatever vaccine for will one day evolve to be immune to the vaccine--
but the douchebaggery you inject into future generations endures.
Today, August 26th, is Women’s Equality Day.  For many not actively engaged in women’s issues, it’s merely another in a long list of little known ‘days’.
Hey man I don't have that day off (summer vacation wooo) so fuck it.
The authors were curious about why people in the US work more than those in Europe. They start with this: on average, people in the US work more than people in Europe—one study shows the difference is 30 percent more; other studies show how little vacation time, paid sick leave, or family leave that the US has relative to European countries—although the current recession may end up reducing these differences.
I bet that's how she spins this.
just bullshit about men and women--
who gives a fuck, goddamn?
Holy Christ.
Please go visit a tumblr that two of my students created.  It’s fantastic.  They’ve been a bit astonished at how much attention it’s gotten in the 30 hours its been online, but when you go over, you’ll see why:  it’s interesting, the photography is stunning, and the explanations of feminism are smart and clever.
Hooooly Christ.
Well looks like they gave up about 11 months ago with like 20 submissions. Guess they couldn't even find pussy sensitivity people lacking in shame enough to make one of these signs.
“Mom, I think I’d like to be a photographer,” my 10-year-old daughter, Maya, said recently.
“That would be very cool.”  Inside, I found myself thinking: I hope you can earn a living doing that.
I'm sure this is some sort of -ism.
Also who gives a shit what a 10 year old wants to be when they grow up?
I mean I know you're obligated to care but you don't have to make a thing over this.
When I was 10 I still wanted to be a robot.
Give her another few years for life to crush her sense of childlike wonder and she'll be on the same path to being a  miserable twat you are.
Don't worry.
Sometimes, I think it would do academic feminists good to read a little more about sex.

Big Big Love, Revised: A Sex and Relationships Guide for People of Size (and Those Who Love Them) by Hanne Blank (Celestial Arts 2011), recently released in its second edition, is written and marketed as a sex manual for fat people and their partners. 
Ohhh goodness.
Incidentally I got a lot (three entire people!) of positive reviews of that entry where I linked songs from Youtube in an attempt to make a soundtrack for the entry.
I know it's a little late to start doing that for this entry but I think this song is appropriate right now.
And as a sex manual, it’s quite good.  But the reason why I’m reviewing a sex manual on an academic feminist blog is that the book offers a perspective on fat sexuality that you’re unlikely to find in any academic text, and it’s a perspective worth reading.
I try never to think about fat sex, honestly.
The existence of a nuclear family is to a large extent dictated by nature. According to Aristotle (Politics, Book1 part 2) “there must be a union of those who cannot exist without each other; namely, of male and female, that the race may continue (and this is a union which is formed, not of deliberate purpose, but because, in common with other animals and with plants, mankind have a natural desire to leave behind them an image of themselves)”. 
If you think you're smarter than Aristotle I'm here to tell you you're mistaken.
She didn't even reference Aristotle after this.
This blog is a continuous disappointment.
How can a group of people ignore Zeus' mandate that we should try to be as awesome as we can be this hard?
Ask me five years ago and I’d have told you I’d be first in line to challenge gender stereotypes if ever I had kids myself.  I minored in feminist cultural studies! 
>minoring in feminist cultural studies
Wow it's like you don't want a job or something.
SCIENCE GRRL: Why I’m not worried about China
Well, you must either be privy to information no one else is or you are deluuuuuuuusional.
Arne Duncan and I have often held differing opinions when it comes to our children’s education. Considering that he use to run the school system where my seven-year-old attends school, I have years of experience of yelling back at my radio hoping that Duncan hears my cries. In December the results from another international test to gauge where the world’s children rank were released. The USA did not get an A+. Duncan bemoaned our results in math, science and language and pointed towards China as a threat to our intellectual dominance.

But I’m really not that worried about China.
America didn't get an A+ but we do feel best about ourselves so therefore we're still #1.
No, I’m not happy that our kids had an average score. I’m not happy that we’re losing ground to other countries. What I really am worried about is that this news will fuel a new fervor to copy China’s method of educating our kids. And that’s the real bottom line isn’t it? How do we want to educate our children? What kind of children do we want to raise?

“Successful ones!” I hear you. But how do you define successful?
She's a Chinese spy. That's all there is to it.
The reality is that while China and other countries may be beating us out on standardized tests, the USA is still winning the overall education game. The number of Chinese students coming to the USA for graduate education continues to climb. They come here for the superior educational experience in all fields, including education theory. The USA is winning in terms of innovation and ideas. We may not be making a lot of widgets in this country, but we are overflowing with ideas on what to make, design and invent. I am though in favor of extending the school day, but not to cram in more studying at the expense of their imagination and well-being.
>Extending the school day.
No. It stays the length that it is and additionally I'd make Friday a half day.
I'd encourage more independent learning and actually bring back study skills and teaching them the lost art of patience.
The reality that China beats the US on international testing-- which is a measurement of knowledge before anything else--
is a fact. The belief that China will never beat the US in education is not important. What is important is the fact that China is positioning itself to overwhelm the US on most fronts that matter.
Kicking back and saying "yeah but we're the idea men so it's okay" is akin to handing the title of superpower to the Chinese.
We may be the idea men today but what about tomorrow or the next day or the day after that?
The US is too blinded by this instant gratification nonsense the TV is funneling down your throat and without fail the US population buys into it.
China might be a third world cesspit now but they have a booming population, a growing economy and an increasingly wealthy and educated middle class.
Don't be afraid of them today.
Be afraid of them tomorrow.
Or just keep eating McDonald's and watching TV. Whichever feels good now~
Man fuck this blog.

Monday, December 24, 2012


Christmas on a Tuesday.
Also the enlightened local government decided to resume school on a Thursday this year.
So you know. You get to start a new semester on a Thursday, then go Friday then another weekend.
I'm thinking of just putting those two days in as "work free" (AKA days off) days and hoping no one calls those two days because what the flippin' heck am I going to do those two days?
My break was supposed to start Wednesday but someone needed my assistance Friday so that's how it goes.
I'm too popular for my own good.
Anyway, enough talking about my boring real life. I'm starting to sound like one of those bloggers what like I review--
can't have that.
As a child growing up in LA, I knew that different neighborhoods had different houses. My grandmother lived in a small wooden house in downtown LA, and I lived in a small stucco house in the suburbs.
... Well I grew up in MD and was under the delusion that different neighborhoods had the same houses.
I just assumed every neighborhood was its own parallel tangent universe.
ther neighborhoods had different houses. At the time, I thought that it was geography that dictated the difference, but as I traveled more, I realized that it was time. There were small wooden houses in nearly every city, as well as stucco houses, and old Victorian houses. It depended on when they were built, not where.
It also depends on where you live.
That's why Japanese houses look Japanese--
and houses near the beach are kind of dull colors because the salt water eats bright color paint--
Also if the phrase "old Victorian house" didn't tip you off to perhaps when it was built (the Victorian era) then you might be a little bit stupid.
Today we are seeing an uprising of Americans concerned about the loss of their standard of living. The politicians and many people refer to it as the loss of the "middle class".

What was the middle class?
Yes, what is the middle class?
We've been waiting so long for you to explain the concept to us. No wonder the economy sucks.
It was workers who were paid well enough to be able to buy a house and a car, have plenty to eat, take vacations and buy their kids toys and then send them to college.

The pretense now is that the middle class are a special breed of people, hard-working and college educated, honest and thrifty. But that's not at all true. 
Would you believe the term isn't easily defined?
 It was a time, not a people. A time when organized workers got good wages and benefits, and the ruling class was willing to share more of the proceeds of the labor that they got from the workers. People today work just as hard, usually for longer hours, and many college educated people make low wages. The people haven't changed, the times have.
And yet the term dates to the 18th century.
I imagine times have changed more between the 18th century and the 1950s than the 1950s to now.
I don't think things are that different, honestly.
God this entry sucks.
Just typical whinging about how our American democracy is collapsing all around us and who gives a shit, honestly?
I just wish the fucking thing would collapse already so I can tell you people you were as dumb as I said all along.
I may have blogged about one of my co-workers a few years ago, when he bragged about how much he loved going down to Texas, as part of his military police duties, and performing "cell extractions" for practice, because the Texas authorities didn't care how brutal they were. 
Of course Texas.
Last week, he came to work and explained that when he woke up that morning, he had 5 phone messages from the military, telling him that he was honorably discharged, with full benefits, unless he got his Congressman to intervene in 24 hours. WTF? He was dumfounded. And so am I. He said that in no way would he quit the military now, not when he'd worked so hard to get where he is, and not when he had a sweet deployment coming up in October.
 Why indeed? And why was someone who has been in the military for years sent to boot camp? And how did someone in the Military Police end up in the Special Forces? I didn't ask him any of that. 
How does an MP end up in the special forces?
Because the special forces recruit from any other job?
You have to understand special forces are basically hired goons that you can just unleash on an unsuspecting populace.
But I do know that the military picks the most brutal of their members to be in the most repressive of their units. So, I'm guessing that that is how he ended up in Special Forces. But why the sudden drumming out? Is it possible that the US is really taking the protests of the Afghan government seriously?
Look, the military is run like a business in the US.
An extremely inefficient business that would go bankrupt without the government propping it up but still it's total decisions by committee 24/7.
And are they weeding out those that they know will live out their brutal fantasies of wielding power and dealing out fear, torture and death to those unable to fight back? Are they actually trying to stop US soldiers from raping, murdering and urinating on Afghan civilians? When I told this story to friends on Saturday, one of them said that the same thing happened to a friend of her children. Although he was diagnosed with PTSD, he was to be re-deployed to Afghanistan, until they suddenly informed him of his immediate honorable discharge from the military. Interesting. 
No American Empire

All empires fall, usually from overextension. The U.S. has over 700 military bases around the world, and the stated
goal of the U.S. military is “full spectrum dominance” of the globe. Not only is this impossible, it's illegal and immoral.
>world politics
No such thing.
All life on Earth depends on the ecosystem in which we evolved. What we call the "economy" is what humans have created to provide for our needs. What we call the "financial system" is the way in which we trade goods and services between ourselves and others on this planet.

Is the system working? I don't think that any rational person would conclude that it is. 
Well I'm not a hunter gatherer and none of my friends are hunter gatherers so I think it's working in at least some capacity--
In fact: never hunted or gathered once in my life.
Still here.
Many people in the United States, including all the corporate candidates and some in the Occupy movement, demand a return of the so-called "middle class".

What was the "middle class"?

After WW2, when the rest of the industrialized world had been bombed into rubble, the US rode high. After decades of agitation, the ruling class gave some ground to the working class, and vast sections of the working class were paid very well, especially the unionized members. Although the widespread purges of the 50s decimated leftists, especially in the government,unions, education and the media, the idea that workers deserved to be paid a living wage, that the elderly deserved a pension, that the unemployed deserved a pittance, continued to form the basis of our society.
Idiot: the middle class was not an invention of the 1950s.
It was an invention of the renaissance. 
It is so embarrassing to read Americans blogging about politics because most Americans really seem to be under the delusion that 90% of the shit that they consider American was an invention of a time well before America was a country.
America invented freedom and the middle class.
We are told that mammals evolved during the dinosaur era, but were small and few. When the meteor took out the dinosaurs, the mammals flourished.

Faced with the overwhelming control of our country and others by the giant multi-national corporations, many people are responding by forming small cooperative ventures in the belly of the beast.
Speaking of something unrelated, what's up with cooperative ventures?
Seriously, what the fuck was that?
What does that have to do with any of that have to do with dinosaurs?
Organic farmers, food co-ops, small manufacturing concerns - all are very good things.

We must switch to locally produced energy, food, goods and services, with trade on a smaller scale than the giant supply lines that the multi-nationals use.
Yes, we need to switch to trade on a smaller scale.
Let me just go to my local cellphone producer--
hey wait a minute.
But it's not enough to gather together and create people-sized organisms, as long as the multi-national dinosaurs continue to trample the lands, people, animals, fish, air and water of the planet.
Yes, let's dismantle all of that shit.
Have fun with no internet, phone system, education system or highway system.
You'd be dead in a month.
Beauty pagaent contestants frequently respond, when asked what they dream of, "I want to feed all the little children of the world." More likely, they dream of a modeling contract, followed by a movie career.
If someone asked me what I dream of I'd just recite that speech Mankar Camoran gives at the end of Oblivion because it sounds like the most insane rambling you've ever heard in your entire life.
And it's all read by Terence Stamp.
What does overproduction of food mean? What effects does it have upon America and the world when 6,000 daily calories of corn for every American is produced?
I know what it means in EVE Online: artificial shortages.
so that a people who used to think chicken every Sunday was high living now eat dead animals for every meal, usually deep fried in corn oil. 
... As opposed to all of us eating living animals, what?
The result? Obesity rates in the US have skyrocketed, along with the rate of diabetes. 75% of Americans are now considered either overweight or obese. It is interesting to see that farm subsidies are never mentioned as the source of the 500% increase in obesity since 1975. As with the skyrocketing unemployment rates, individual Americans are blamed. 
All because America grows a ton of corn?
I'm going to need some citation on this.
Or shit, let's keep it simple: I'm going to need these unrelated things to form a coherent idea first.
I'm willing to buy that because of corn Americans are fat but what the fuck does that have to do with unemployment?
Just as no one ever asks why 20 million unemployed Americans became "lazy" in the last 10 years, when globalization increased the numbers of factories moved out of the country, no one ever asks why so many Americans lost their willpower when the farm subsidies started. Instead, they are sternly lectured on healthy food choices.

Americans don't eat all of the surplus, of course. The rest of the overproduction is burned in cars or shipped overseas. 
Holy shit, international trade?
When the US invaded Iraq, the cradle of civilization, the birthplace of agriculture, one of the edicts forced upon that country was that Monsanto was turned loose to sell seed yearly to the farmers.
Birthplace of agriculture and yet it still looks like the surface of the fucking moon.
Irrigation people, come on.
Oh yeah. Most of the irrigated places are growing opium.
Convenient detail this cunt forgot to mention--
The primary country this country has with drugs is Mexico and the Arab world.
Just legalize the shit.
No one could compete.
Look what this country did with corn.
Corn, a crop relatively devoid of nutritional value and fairly difficult to grow and we grow enough to feed enough of it to keep even the fattest of Americans satisfied.
The greed of the 1% baffles most people. The 400 richest Americans own more than the bottom 150 million combined, yet most of the bottom 150 million Americans would be happy with economic security. While they may dream of winning the lottery, a good-paying job with a house and a car are all they really aspire to.
 Look. I did this shit all the time in FFXIV.
At some point it just becomes this insane game.
I'd corner the raptor skin market for days at a time just because I could.
Did I know if I'd make money?
I don't even know if I did. Money had ceased to have meaning to me in that game.
Things just cost money to me. The specific amount was so trifling and unimportant I didn't even bother keeping score.
But multiple mansions and cars and private jets and private islands don't seem to be enough for the insatiable rich. What character defect drives them?
I remember buying an expensive set of armor, then giving it away and buying it in a different color just because I didn't like the first set's color.
There were like 4 sets in the entire game at the time.
How can they justify taking from people who have almost nothing, in order to add to their inventory of expensive belongings?
Because you have the misfortune of starting a few minutes after I started playing or you weren't as clever at leveling as I was.
Most of my money was had when I was one of about 15 level 40+ leatherworkers.
Leatherworking was probably the second hardest craft to level (the hardest, culinarian, also had no use) and everyone needed some leather product or other.
This also gave me insight into a market most people didn't know existed and yep.
There we go.
My goal now is EVE Online because the market in that game is infinitely more complex and interesting.
Let's get this straight. Wall Street speculators gambled with home mortgages, running up trillions of dollars of collateralized debt obligations. Millions of people lost their houses.

Americans were unmoved. They shouldn't have bought houses that they couldn't afford when the mortgages went up.
Well, you know--
rule 1 of EVE Online: don't fly what you can't afford to lose. 
Never mind global warming. Never mind peak oil. Never mind the 50,000+ dead in car crashes a year, the dead bodies along all our roads, the air pollution, the urban sprawl.
So what?
No more cars?
Lady if this country did even a quarter of the shit you propose you'd be dead.
I can't imagine you growing your own crops.
And I don't mean just for eating.
Who makes your clothes?
Your medicine?
The timber for your house?
The glass for your windows?
Who mines the gold that's in your electronics?
Who synthesizes the polymers for your plastics?
Are you seriously prepared to lose all that shit without a ready replacement?
Where are you going to get water?
Assuming you are enough of a survivalist to grow your own food and hunt for food and leather to make clothes--
where are you hunting?
Where are you growing all your food?
50,000 dead each year from car crashes would pale into insignificance compared to the millions upon millions that would be dead when you rolled the calendar back to the stone age.
Look what happened to Cambodia. 
I wonder if there were cavemen decrying the invention of the wheel as the end of civilization.
Fuck everything.

Friday, December 21, 2012


Middle school kids are fucking whiny, man.
Oh well--
Christmas break now.
Speaking of being unreasonably whiny: women blogging.
The terrible crime and tragedy at Sandy Hook School has given rise to another blast of failed ideas that seem to pop up whenever there is a tragedy.

The "brilliant" liberals want to ban guns again. It never works, folks. The guns are not the problem. Sick, twisted, demented people are the problem.
This is apparently the #1 debate in America right now because of this shooting.
The only thing I want to say to this is "30 little kids got murdered. Can we not make this about you for two goddamn seconds?"
It sucks a bunch of kids got axed but meanwhile OBAMA WANTS TO TAKE MY GUNS AND JERBS.
If someone at the school had been armed, the killer would have been stopped before the death toll mounted. Look, most killers are spineless cowards who just want to be famous for something. They're too stupid to gain fame from doing something good, so they pick infamy. Murdering helpless people, especially children, is easy for them.
Yes, arm the teachers.
Smart solution.
I can't tell you the number of times the phrase "if I had a gun I'd have put one of those fuckers down" occurs in the teachers lounge.
Teachers are unhinged people. They'd do it.
Now that the initial shock and horror are subsiding a little and the funerals have commenced, we are hearing from mental microbes who want to pass new laws to restrict our freedom by disarming everyone (except, of course, the criminals). The blame game is in full swing, too. Let's blame the mother of the killer, shall we? Oh, she was the first victim... but the guns were hers! 
White women debating skills right up in this bitch.
Boy, I am really impressed by the way our brilliant government works, folks. It amazes me how legislation streaks through on the most important things and the news covers the essentials.
You have one speed for comedy and it's sarcasm.
Not even subtle sarcasm.
it's annoying is what I'm trying to say.
And hey, how about that Canadian genius re-writing "T'was The Night Before Christmas" to exclude the part about Santa's pipe smoking? I can hardly wait for the tobacco Nazi's in the USA to jump on board with that one.
It must be great being you.
I wish I had so little in my life that's of concern that my primary concern is rewriting some bullshit Christmas tune in Canada.
I mean take me for example.
Look at the myriad concerns in my life:
1. I have to know you exist
I think that's enough, really.
Good to know that we pay out the wazoo for such great legislation, ain't it, folks? 
This hasn't even happened. You're being an indignant cunt about a fabricated event.
You've probably heard by now that Hostess, makers of Twinkies and other goodies, has gone out of business. Wonder Bread and Ding Dongs have gone away... sad, indeed. Especially when you consider that those 18,500 workers refused an 8% pay cut to accommodate Obamacare and now have a 100% pay cut. Guess that union showed 'em, huh?
>8% pay cut
>catastrophic loss for many middle class Americans
Must be nice being that rich.
I believe you people have proven you can't handle free markets.
I am Caesar. My will be done.
Olive Garden and other restaurants have been faced with the choice of cutting back employee hours or going out of business, thanks to the multitude of new regulations, taxes and the ever grasping Obamacare. 
These companies lie out of their dicks.
I can't tell you the amount of lies fed to my at my shitty grocery store job.
yeah good job leaving that profit sheet out, dickbag. I saw the 300% markup on most of that shit.
You can lie to your other brain dead employees but not me.
Am I alone in believing that we now have an unaccountable ruler? A government above the law? And a population so stupid they voted for this mess?
I think if we had an unaccountable ruler he'd have come up with something better than this.
Every solitary decision the US government makes now is this milquetoast, design-by-committee bullshit that solves precisely dick.
Know how Lincoln abolished slavery?
By essentially illegally forcing it through the senate.
Good presidents see their will done no matter what.
Weak presidents compromise.
The election results are in. Now we can see what happens when the public is as uninformed and ignorant as they can get. We see that bread and circuses carry more weight than logic, reason and common sense.
>bread and circuses
Is this somehow implying that feeding the poor is bad?
Because in the grand scheme of things that costs the country virtually nothing and probably prevents a lot of other things like crime and such.
Look, lady. There's being cold and callous for a reason then there's this.
So, democrat voters, you have won again! Are you ready to fully enjoy the fruits of victory? Really? Oh yeah, free birth control and abortion on demand for any reason, that should thrill you. Free cell phones, yeah. Multi-culturalism abounding on every side, whooppee! Punish those terrible rich people and tax them to death, right.
Those poor rich people.
Of course, with abortion cheapening human life down to the lowest convenient denominator, older folks should start watching their backs. Obamacare and Agenda 21 are already talking about how us older folks have "lived a good life" and how we should be willing to "step aside" for younger folks so they can "live a good life", too.
Oh Christ are you for real?
And let's be sure to not just make Muslims proud of themselves (NASA's new mission), but give in to their demands for Shariah Law. That'll be loads of fun for you liberals, won't it? Explain to your daughters why they'll be better off with no education and having that cute little "excision" surgery to make them proper wives.
What the actual fuck are you on about?
I think the government should put you down just out of general principle.
I admit I'm not the biggest newspaper reader alive but I imagine I'd have heard the story where NASA advocates female circumcision.
Of course, ladies, being beaten for any and all reasons won't bother you a bit, right? And divorce is an automatic death sentence, but hey, the president loves Shariah Law so you can deal with it to please him, right?
Well the Bible does advocate that and you seem the type, so--
Think of Obama promoting your city on the hill and not Sharia Law, ok?
As election time approaches, it amazes me that so many people are "bored" by all the political talk. I guess it's normal for some folks not to believe it matters who gets elected. It's also normal for some people to vote based on who offers the most goodies or who tells a joke best or who wears the latest fashions. But that kind of normal doesn't work this year... nor should it ever.
Shouldn't but it does.
Quit bitching.
Man, how awful must it be to be you?
You claim to be an older American so I assume you're older than I am but you still haven't shed that youthful naivete of talking about things "like they should be?"
Yeah you're absolutely right-- people shouldn't pick their leader based on arbitrary things like fashion.
Aaaaaaaaaand I should be able to bang every single member of Girls' Generation on command.
But alas.
The third person is too young to vote and has a very liberal outlook. She thinks B.O. (B.S.) is cool and doesn't want to know anything else. Cool people have to be right, don't they? The schools these days are not likely to teach her anything more substantial than that, folks.
I can assure you, having taught these classes, that they do attempt to teach something more substantive than that.
It is, however, up to the little twat to pay attention and learn.
A lazy, anti-intellectual, instant gratification seeking, idiot mass begging for oblivion.
A wise person said that an informed electorate was essential to keep government honest and people free. Is this the "complacency" that precedes a dictatorship? It sure sounds like it to me!
Maybe that's what we need.
Clearly you dipshits can't handle your own affairs.
Nanny Bloomers aka Mayor Bloomberg of New York City, has really outdone himself this time. He is such a devoted dietician that he has effectively taken charge of the eating habits of everyone within his realm. Low salt, no grease, limits on sodas... boy he's a busy menu planner!
Good. Elect that guy president.
Now he's crammed one of the favorite liberal causes down the throats of school children and their parents. He won't let them decide what to eat, but he will sure enough encourage the much riskier behavior that comes from underage sex. If a 13 year old girl doesn't have the sense to eat the perfect foods, he seems to think she's perfectly capable of choosing to have sex whenever she wants to. So he's gonna solve the problems for her...
Why are you so concerned about the sex habits of 13 year olds?
13 year olds fuck all the time. I see the way they dress.
It's better they have at least some basic precautions.
No amount of telling them Jesus will cry if they do it will dissuade them.
Christ I can barely talk them out of not climbing on the furniture like animals sometimes.
That's right folks, your 13 year old daughter will be forbidden to drink a super-sized Coke, but she can sleep around all she wants. He won't hand out diet pills or appetite suppressants, oh no! But the morning after pill? Yep. And you don't even get to know about it!
Yeah that's smart. Give a 13 year old girl diet pills.
Have you ever stopped to think the difference between humans and chimps genetically is less than 1%?
Whatever separates us from chimps is in that 1%.
What if we ran into another creature that was another 1% in the same direction as we are from chimps?
Are we really all that different from chimps?
Am I the only person that thinks of shit like this?
But the bigger fact is what they're not telling you: 174,000 rounds of ammo is almost nothing compared to the 1.4 billion rounds of ammo being purchased by the DHS. And to my knowledge, nobody has explained why the DHS needs 1.4 billion rounds of ammo.
Someone wasn't looking too close at their market window.
Happens to all of us.
Usually to my benefit.
Also with the way you've been talking I'd expect you to be getting a big old girl boner over 1.4 billion bullets.
I wish I had the resources to make 1.4 billion bullets in EVE Online and that isn't even real.
The US managed that irl.
That's pretty kick ass if you ask me.
Just as in Nazi Germany, the modern U.S. government believes only the government needs ammo, not the citizens!
Would you even know what to do with a lot of 140,000 .357 rounds?
I wouldn't.
My family and racial heritage are mixed and I find this absolutely disgusting. It looks like the makings of a race war, folks. This is what happens when race is all that matters and people need to find their identity via becoming "hyphenated" Americans. Why can't we all call ourselves American and follow the Constitution instead of dividing into groups that resent each other?
Why indeed?
In 2008, all the black vote (O.K., very nearly all of it) went to B.O. (B.S.). The unemployment numbers among the black population in general and the young black population in particular, are staggering.

The Catholic vote went down the same rat hole, and now they are going to be forced to choose between offending God Almighty or closing hospitals (and other Church owned businesses).

The Jewish vote was nice and liberal and look at how the panderer-in-chief has treated Israel.
Oh shit, that was you before?
Oh, uhhh, shit?
Shouldn't you just say Americans had a liberal vote?
I recall an old Charlton Heston movie called "Soylent Green" about a "futuristic" society where they developed a new "wonder food" that people were eating when other food sources ran out. At the end of the story, Charlton Heston discovers that the new food is actually ground up humans.
Due to overpopulation all the other food was gone.
Apparently some "scientists" also saw that film and liked the idea. In fact, it seems they really, really liked the idea of cannibalism. Really Long Link and Really Long Link indicate that "soylent green" is with us today.
Links removed because fuck you--
and it's about stem cells you fucking cretin.
These "scientists" trying to cure diseases--
I don't know about you folks, but I'm taking the names of every company listed (and every one I can find through other sources) and removing all their products from my home. Permanently. Perhaps they'll stop using murdered babies in their food testing if enough decent people object. Or maybe they'll make enough money by selling them to the "pro-choice" crowd... 
The all-fired wonderful health care system in Canada has another valuable lesson for us all. A baby boy, named Joseph, is in the hospital. He has some form of a neurological disorder that killed his sister and is killing him. The Canadian "death panel" of bureaucrats has decided to remove his breathing tube and kill him (apparently it isn't cost effective to allow him to live). And they won't allow his parents to take him home or seek treatment elsewhere.
You should be all in for this.
why not?
You hate giving people breaks.
Kid couldn't survive on his own?
Tough shit, kid.
Imagine yourself in their position, folks. What if you lost one child and were about to lose another from a mysterious disease? What if your government doctors don't want to expend the time and money to determine what the disease is or allow you to go elsewhere for treatment?
What if you couldn't afford treatment?
Based on your previous argument death would be inevitable then because fuck people who can't pay.
Is breakfast the most important meal of the day?
It sets your metabolism.
Nope. We think it is because we have been told so for many years. Actually, the idea was started by an ad-man who worked for a bacon company. Bacon and eggs became a staple for breakfast after that. Bacon sold and the company got wealthy.
Mixing up stories and fuck sourcing things.
Americans prior to that ate a light, continental breakfast. This guy changed that.
I don't think the value of breakfast was ever called into question.
Lunch is the odd meal out, really.
It doesn't take a thousand hours of research, or a library of law or medical books or a degree in science to find the truth.
Well shit. Uneducated yokel who can't even be bothered to Google this shit says it? It must be fucking fact.
Fuck those scientists with their fancy degrees. In the arena of ideas we're all equal.
There's a bizarre disconnect here: your fundamental style of argument is really at odds with the shit you say.
You'd expect social Darwinism and pseudo-Machiavellian philosophy from me but then I fully acknowledge that all people aren't equal.
How can you argue God loves all the babies while simultaneously saying you should starve if you can't afford to pay for food?
Isn't that a contradiction?
At church, when the Pastor asked if there were any needs among the congregation, I mentioned my water problem. When the service ended, people started showing up to fill all my buckets and some even got into my basement to see why everything had frozen. It seems my water heater shut itself off and needed to be reset and the water main at the street was too shallow. Two of the men returned with electric cords and a small heater for the main. It worked and I now have running water again.
I live in a really small town. There are less than 20 houses (still inhabited) and only 3 actual businesses. Three homes are decorated for Christmas with festive lights and decorated trees, sparkling through the windows. There will be one or two more, but that's all. My home is one of the three.
That sounds awful.
Our mayor is a nice, likable guy, who is also the town handyman. Last summer, he repaired my front porch and next week he'll be doing some interior repairs for me. He meets with the town council once a month and gets paid in the "double digits" for all his efforts. He meets personally with any citizen who requests his attention.
I know what's about to happen and before you suggest it: most mayors don't live in a town of 20 people and therefore can't meet with their constituents to hear their bullshit problems.
Yep that's what happens in this post--
First of all it's important to note that the Pilgrims risked a dangerous journey into the unknown for freedom of religion. Not freedom FROM religion.
Pilgrims came here to persecute. The same laws that made Europe tolerant of them also made them tolerant of such heretical filth as Quakers.
Maybe she learned something, at least I hope she did. Racial and ethnic insults aren't funny, folks. Physical problems aren't funny either.

I enjoy a good joke as much as anyone. Clean jokes are funny. Jokes about the crazy things people say and do and the situations they can get into can be hilarious. Political humor, if done with class, can leave me in stitches.
I think you argued that before.
Anyway this entry is going on too long.
Fuck the internet.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Check yourself before you wreck yourself

Women and politics all right lets do this shit.
My migraine is all better, incidentally. Thanks for the 0 well wishes, plebeians.
What do you think, is it time to talk about gun control yet? Can we, huh, can we?
Had to tell 3 people to check themselves before they wreck themselves today.
Not going to have a gun control debate from 16 year olds who can't even legally own a gun yet.
Yeah and I'm an adult now so clam it up.
We're reading Paradise Lost, goddamn. I don't have time for your bullshit one way or another.
Dear Mr Genachowski,

Media consolidation is dangerous to our democracy, and I urge you to back off on this subject. Please do not betray the American People by allowing Murdoch and his like to buy up all the TV and newspapers in America. 
Like you have freedom of the press now.
What a fucking joke.
That's what I tell these kids. English class is important because it'll teach you skills you need later in life to figure out how much the TV and the crap you read online is lying to you.
Also if I'm teaching the class it's also the last time in your life the written word won't be a lie.
Rather, we need the Fairness Doctrine reinstated. It would better serve American democracy to break up the already too consolidated media empires that exist to propagandize on American soil.
plz go
Case in point: the american people want 500 million jobs NOW. What do we get? We get all the bobble heads talking 24/7 about THE DEFICIT - we get Austerity in the form of "entitlement reform" by which we mean stripping the social services we have already bought and paid for down to nothing, and giving rich people tax breaks.
We get states playing a zero sum game of musical chairs, trying to entice corporations to move minimum wage jobs from one state to another. This is crazy.
"I don't understand macro economics" is what I'm reading right now. 
One town in CT just paid over $100,000.00 per year each for a few tens of jobs, when they could have directly hired more than twice the number of teachers, firefighters, police and janitors to do real work for the townspeople, at a good remuneration rate. 
I spent a great deal of time considering my current economic and infrastructure policies in my empire.
I feel I've been-- perhaps-- remiss about my strong arm tactics before.
I don't think death should be the first step for corrupt bureaucrats. In many cases they serve a necessary task.
So, in cases like this, we should find the offending party and cut off the pinkie finger.
Then if they do it again the only answer is death.
In many cases these people have a great deal of education and training and it would be a shame to waste it if the pawn cannot perhaps be repurposed to serve in Caesar's great game.
Caesar is both kind and just.
Dear Mr President,
We hired YOU to fight for US in Washington.
A president is weak and can only maintain the status quo.
If you want real change you need a true ruler.
First You negotiate away all of our most important ideas - Medicare for all, adequate stimulus, tax the rich... then you "put on the table" our most cherished programs - Social Security, Medicare, support for the destitute...
I believe Caesar (the actual Caesar) taught us that it is better to die than to negotiate.
Negotiation is just another form of suicide, really.
Now you want US to fight the republicans for YOU? have you not been listening and learning these last three years?
God the government has you plebeians trained.
Fight the Republicans?
As if they're some sort of alien invading entity?
They're fucking Americans like you, for Christ's sake.
There isn't a Republican party to fight--
it's just a different group of idiots who disagree with your particular notion of macro level economics.
The republicans do what their corporate overlords want as expressed through their oracle the tea party.
Yeah buddy. If EVE Online has taught me anything it's that corpos are big assholes.
I thought that fighting for Democratic values was YOUR job. YOU have the bully pulpit. 
You elected a president expecting him to do something besides serve his own self-interest?
How fucking stupid are you?
I've joined the ranks of the unemployed. I've spent the last three weeks (when I wasn't calling on jobs) wandering around wondering what to do with myself. I always thought that if I didn't have to get in the car every morning and race to work, I'd jump on all those projects that I've been putting off for years - like writing, and blogging, and art projects and getting some exercise...

It turns out that self discipline is a whole lot harder than you'd think.
This blog has no back button. I have to click on each month which then opens in a new tab.
I guarantee I'm the first person to even look for a back button on this cunt's blog but come on.
Obama invited Bush to Ground Zero for tomorrow's appearance... Bush said no.
If Obama called me and told me to come out and do something I'd tell him no too.
Listen, Obama, I'm sure it's important or whatever but I got battlecruiser orders to fill.
Here's a post about how full of shit the petroleum industry is-- amazingly, this post was entirely reasonable and I agree 100%.
Of course none of these thoughts were hers and it's just a copied image from another blog but whatever.
Dear Mr President,

I listened to your energy speech and I was amazed that we still cannot have an adult conversation about our energy problems here in the United States.
Stockpile all the petroleum in the world then blockade the Middle East.
I'll sell you gas, China, for ten thousand dollars a barrel.
Seriously, why am I not hired as an idea man?
Disband all government think tanks. I've solved 100% of our problems as a nation.
I mean, you all but said we should "drill baby drill". Your administration is giving out deepwater permits like they're candy, before the oil corps have even cleaned up the last mess they made. 
No don't worry about those permits. I'm then turning over 50% of those profits to researching alternate fuel.
0 dollars of tax money goes into this--
I've successfully cockblocked the growing threat of China
and I've balanced our budget
with a single war.
I guess fuck the last 5 presidents, huh?
I'm ace pro.
 Create an artificial shortage you dipshits.
I mean goddamn, it's like none of you play EVE Online.
What was that fuel source that Goonswarm blocked?
liquid ozone or some shit?
Why aren't cars powered by liquid ozone?
Everyday I'm not driving a car fueled by liquid ozone is another day of my life fucking wasted.
They still have not shown that they know what they're doing or how they can prevent another disaster in the Gulf. 
I'm waiting for that phone call.
When you people are tired of shit not going your way give me a call.
You just need a guy with an idea and the balls to execute the idea.
Take this cocksucker in EVE Online. He was mining my kernite.
So I asked him, kindly, if he could leave some for me.
We can share. I'm not greedy.
When he said the entire system was his I decided to show him how mistaken he was.
In this situation I'm the Taliban. His characters were better trained, had better equipment and everything.
And yet I can lose everything I use to mine thousands of times over before I go broke.
Every single one of his losses is prohibitively more expensive.
Fighting me at all costs him way more than it'll ever cost me.
So he packed up and went home.
This is how terrorists win.
You think there's emotion in this?
If you're fucking stupid you do.
It all comes down to his presence cost me money.
Being a thorn in his side cost him more money than it cost me so he went.
Even if I lost I won.
If anyone tells you the war on terror can be won he's either a fool or a liar.
We need a CLEAN GREEN JOBS INITIATIVE the size and the urgency of The Marshall Plan, and we need it NOW NOW NOW! 
As I said.
I've solved this issue already.
You think the Chinese are ready for a green energy initiative?
They will be in 60 years.
As it is they're stuck in the 60s when it comes to emissions. 
I don't know how many people are smart enough to comprehend what will happen when 1.5 billion people are free of other countries for their energy source but all I can say is good luck keeping up, other countries.
If you want to attack China without invading (another no win situation) this is the only way to do it. Do it now while they still have an Achilles heel.
You've already bamboozled the American people into a bullshit war in the Middle East. At least get something to show for it.
People have already bled and died over a lie. Make it count for something.
Imagine if we took the 3.5 billion that we give as a gift to GE(one of the most profitable corps in the history of the world) and instead fund a solar panel plant in every county in the US - JOBS! 
I'd have a use for GE as Caesar. They can stay.
Take the billions we give away to Big Oil, and build a windmill plant in every big city in the US - JOBS!
Because as we all know a single windmill plant will generate enough electricity to power an entire city.
The windmill is a far older invention than the power plant so if that were the case it sort of makes you wonder why they bothered with coal in the first place.
 Tax Wall Street, break up "too big to fail".

Tax Big Oil, fund clean energy.

Tax the rich, fund Medicare for all.

Stop the WARS, Tax the War Profiteers!
Well if you stop the wars the war profiteers don't have as much money to tax, do they?
Come on, think about this shit for a second.
SAN ANTONIO — Oxytocin, a hormone with a rosy reputation for getting people to love, trust and generally make nice with one another, can get down and dirty, according to evidence presented on January 28 at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.
Bring me the man who discovered this.
I will give you a billion dollars to weaponize this.
This brain-altering substance apparently amplifies whatever social proclivities a person already possesses, whether positive or negative, says psychologist Jennifer Bartz of Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City.
Five billion.
Previous work has shown that a nasal blast of the hormone encourages a usually trusting person to become more trusting (SN Online: 5/21/08), but now Bartz and her colleagues find that it also makes a highly suspicious person more uncooperative and hostile than ever.
I won't go higher than seven.
You might be a Progressive....

If you think that every patriotic American(including the mega-rich and the corporations) should pay their fair share of taxes, in order that We the People can invest in infrastructure that would benefit us all.
I'm progressive, guys!
Conservatives have accused me of being a socialist but liberals have accused me of Facism.
I'm positively zany!
So instead of giving tax breaks to companies for buying more machines to replace their workers, make big profitable companies pay severance to any worker they lay off, equal to a month’s salary times the number of years worked. And require that any corporations receiving government contracts and subsidies (including defense contractors) use the money to create jobs in the United States.
I don't understand this notion of "creating jobs" as if jobs are some sort of commodity you can trade in.
I know in an abstract way you can trade in jobs but that's not what I'm talking about.
I'm talking about the way people talk jobs are something you can box up and ship.
If you've had a job of making socks and your company severs what exactly are you qualified to do?
You can't fix the machines that now make the socks without going back to school which admittedly a lot of people do and succeed at doing but what about the rest?
If I'm a weapons merchant (excuse me, defense contractor) and the US government gives me money to create make work jobs in my corporation I'm seriously going to be looking at my bottom line and wonder if China couldn't offer me something sweeter.
If this sounds needlessly cold and calculating: this is how corporations think.
This is why they fire you and you don't fire them.
Take the $159 billion dollars that Obama is asking for yet another "supplemental" to fund the wars in the middle east... and make income tax go away for the first $35,000 for every American taxpayer. Then, take the $16,000,000,000 that's left and pay down the deficit.

I think that 550 BILLION dollars is more than enough to run the pentagon and run the wars too, and I don't want another red cent of my tax money going to kill poor people on the other side of the world.

The Catholic Pedophile scandal just seems to grow wider and deeper every day. The river of sickening accusations and the pricetag that goes along with it makes me wonder whether there will be a Catholic Church when this is done with.
Ha, ha wow.
Wondering if the Catholic church will go broke.
The answer is no.
They still have basements full of gold coins from the Crusades.
They have basically infinite money.
I'd seize it in my crusade to unite humanity but that's just me.
Consider it payback for Theodosius' indiscretions, okay. 
I'm righting thousand year wrongs, here.
Post about why China is fucking the US economy--
Anyway time for bed.

Monday, December 17, 2012


Let's be quiet.
If I don't perpetually miss Friday's update I'd skip this one but of course I missed Friday's so HERE I AM.
Gender based violence is such a huge problem in communities everywhere and it infuriates me that most refuse to acknowledge it. 1 in 3 women will be victims of domestic violence in their lifetime, 1 in 3 will be the victims of sexual violence and 1 in 4 the victims of sexual assault.
Women are told by society to be careful. To not be one of these victims, to protect themselves. We are told to not dress slutty and not get too tipsy. We are constantly being blamed for our own victimization.
If I squeeze my head it helps some.
I just need to squeeze it until my brains come out like toothpaste.
Of course, if I take that right turn onto MLK Drive (which I pass by daily), get out of my car and proudly proclaim how much money I have in my wallet am I allowed to be upset when it gets stolen?
That's not to say I was asking for it (necessarily) but it does seem to imply a certain lapse of judgment on my part.
As a woman if you're dressed in a short skirt and you get so hammered you can't say no--
well, you know. Precautions are always smart.
I think most women would agree that there is some level of fear going out alone at night or going to a rough neighborhood by ourselves.
If you go to a rough neighborhood alone with no precautions you kind of get what's coming to you, man or woman.
Just because men  shouldn't rape women (they shouldn't) doesn't really give you a free pass to take 0 precautions in your life.
Motherhood in post-1968 European Women's Writing:
'Cross-cultural and Interdisciplinary Dialogues'

Thursday-Saturday 24-26 October 2013
Sounds like a class I'd have to take in college.
"What do you like in English literature?"
"I really like ancient and medieval world literature and scifi"
"That's not really--"
Nothing illustrates that better than the rash of commentary following the recent death of sexual-revolution era author Helen Gurley Brown, says Heather Huffman, a 35-year-old author whose newest book, “Devil in Disguise,” continues her tradition of upbeat romances featuring strong female protagonists.
I wonder how feminists would react to my newest story.
AKA the greatest story ever told.
The female lead passes all your little gay writing tests--
she's just not a very good person.
Yes, oddly, in the literally 50 question quiz you can answer about your character the question of "are they a generally moral person?" doesn't appear once.
I guess to be an empowered womyn ethics are purely optional.
Viva la Feminista is located at the intersection of feminism and motherhood so it should be a given that we read banned books. And guess what, it's banned book week!
My new stance is that if your book is banned you're a pussy. True manly books wouldn't be entertained as acceptable in a school environment.
Burning Chrome?
Tried to push that one through for a short story unit.
I got as far as the title and who wrote it before I was instantly shot down.
That story didn't even reach the light of day to get banned.
10. To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee
Reasons: offensive language; racism
... It's against racism.
Jesus Christ you people are fucking stupid.
There's your war against women right there. Harper Lee is like one of five good women authors and she wrote exactly one fucking book and she's getting pigeon dicked by things she didn't actually do.
There should be an imperial book standard for schools and I should preside. I'd fix all these issues with reading in this country.
9. Gossip Girl (series), by Cecily Von Ziegesar
Reasons: drugs; offensive language; sexually explicit
Banned for being inherently anti-intellectual.
8. What My Mother Doesn't Know, by Sonya Sones
Reasons: nudity; offensive language; sexually explicit
Banned for being inherently anti-intellectual.
7. Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley
Reasons: insensitivity; nudity; racism; religious viewpoint; sexually explicit
I'll allow it but you faggots really need a new book to teach.
6. Alice (series), by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Reasons: nudity; offensive language; religious viewpoint
Never heard of it.
5. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie
Reasons: offensive language; racism; religious viewpoint; sexually explicit; unsuited to age group
Banned for being schlock.
4. My Mom's Having A Baby! A Kid's Month-by-Month Guide to Pregnancy, by Dori Hillestad Butler
Reasons: nudity; sex education; sexually explicit; unsuited to age group
3. The Hunger Games trilogy, by Suzanne Collins
Reasons: anti-ethnic; anti-family; insensitivity; offensive language; occult/satanic; violence
Banned for being babby's first entry into dystopian fiction.
So I guess I agree with this list but for different reasons.
That said I'd never ban this shit from a school library. If you want to read Sherman Alexie (for some fucking reason) on your own time then you should be allowed to. I just wouldn't allow this crap to be taught in a class.
It is my goal to one day be so controversial my book is banned in a country.
But I don't want to be 2 edgy 4 u so it's a balance.
I need to be genuinely shocking to religious people and liberal pussies is what I'm trying to say.
As a Latina voter, an issue on President Barack Obama’s political agenda which resonates is access and affordability for underprivileged students to higher education institutions.
The middle college I teach at is like 30% Latino and they leave high school with an associates degree.
If you played your cards right you could easily finance the last two years with loans and scholarships.
Not hearing this. 
Several years ago, I attended a Latina symposium in Washington D.C where a very curious (to refrain from using “ignorant”) attendee asked: Why many Latinas contributed to a high rate of high school dropout and teen pregnancy? The answer to such question permeates the social and cultural fabric of Latino communities throughout the country who have been marginalized and disenfranchised.
Brown girls.
With our busy schedules, we eat out a lot. We aren't foodies, so we stick to the casual fast-food circuit and neighborhood eateries. When we eat out, we tip around 20%.
Is that standard?
Because if so: whoops.

This is my New Year's gift to you.


You don't have to make a list of resolutions, you don't have to throw out the one you already made either. But I highly recommend that you get this book and read it with care.
The book is "The Gifts of Imperfection" and the odds of me getting this book and reading it are 0%.
As it stands I recommend a movie for you guys: Rambo.
The new one.
If you need a reason to see it outside of IT'S MOTHERFUCKING RAMBO watch this scene you ungrateful twat.
Trigger warning gratuitous violence lol xP
Before I get further, let me say that while this book looks like a "girl book," I truly believe that all the men in my life would appreciate this book. Because while women have more inclination towards perfectionism, men also have their own version of perfectionism...I think we call it "being a man."
Did you see that scene I just linked?
Have you ever seen something that senselessly violent in a movie before?
Brown explores what is behind our need to be perfect, our fear of being authentic and our fear of pursuing our dreams because "what if we fail?"
Fucking whining is what this book is.
There is so much in this book that it is hard for me to do it justice. Perhaps because this book hits me in places that are so personal that I can't share here. There were times when I was reading the book and I had to put it down and stifle a cry. Of course by the time I was done with the book, I realized I should just let myself cry.
Sounds stupid.
Read cool books.
 My name is Dior Vargas and I am an expert in publishing because I have been interning, volunteering, and freelancing in the industry for the past 4 years. 
>4 years
Fuck blogs.