Of course, woman writing violent domination and humiliation fanfiction starring two men.
King Arthur and Merlin, naturally.
I mean can you think of any two better candidates for this treatment than the King of the Bretons and the wily mage?
I certainly can't.
I suspect this has less to do with ancient Breton mythology and more to do with there's a TV show about it.
Also this layout, despite being incredibly douchey, is definitely readable.
So there's that, I suppose.
What other foreign languages do you know? Which one(s) do you want to learn?
The amount of honesty to this question surprised me. I was expecting three major answers: Russian shit no one can read, LOL JAPANESE ^_^ and the snooty faggot "French and Italian because I'm high class" and yet most people were willing to admit they barely passed high school Spanish.
American English, Japanese, Spanish, & Mandarin Chinese. Enough Latin, Italian, Korean, Egyptian and Modern Arabic to get around, and can read French, and Portuguese.
I'm trying on the German, I really am!
And then we come to this answer.
There's a part of me, and it's a large part, that's calling bullshit on this. You've managed to learn Japanese, Mandarin to fluency (apparently) and "enough to get around" of Arabic and Korean and yet you're struggling with German?
I'm not buying it.
Also, take me to the part of the world where you need Latin to get around.
Hey everyone.
I want to let everyone know I am doing fine. I am recovering. : ) Thank you all for your kind wishes.
Awwww what happened to my special buttercup?
I been able to write a few paragraphs, and draw a little, but nothing too big.
But, I do seem to be able to make small minor art at the moment, which means i can do shit, which means im a little happier and can get my mind off the funeral sunday. Maybe I can get back to full writing and drawing mode soon. How odd...
So, shimeji merlin it is then.
Must be something major to tame this amount of creativity!
Oh, funeral.
Somehow you've made the death of another about you.
Unsurprising but still.
hey everyone.
One of my good friends just recently died, so I'm putting this up while I'm still lucid and too numb. I wont be able to update anything for an unknown amount of time.
Should I post this on my main wip fills on kinkme as well?
My friend died
Should I post to Kinkme?
"Only you can answer that" would be my response.
What-- how do these thoughts even become related in your mind?
Friend died--
What is Kinkme?
I can guess but let's find out.
Seller of fine adult toys-- ah, an account she has for fanfiction of the kinky nature.
And here's some fanfiction.
Warnings: noncon, dubcon, bonds.
Have you ever seen that episode of Spongebob where he has to go to the bathroom and the only labels on the door are a question mark and an upside down question mark and he's not sure which to use so he waits until someone goes in and it's just a series of sea monsters coming in and out?
I suddenly know how he feels.
There are warnings but I have no way of heeding them. This reminds me of my bottles of paint that are entirely in Spanish but then quite emphatically there's a skull, an exclamation point and a stick figure man on fire.
Oh boy.
Summary: Now, she is the only thing he misses, looks forward to, and he hates himself for it.
Merlin lies in the darkness.
He has lain there for such a long time. He doesn’t know how many hours or days, he’s been here. The minutes stretch by uncounted. He could have been lying here for years and not have known it, as his mind grows duller, breaking down, succumbing to the madness.
I think you'd know if you were lying there for years.
Also I'd like to point out Merlin is one of three figures in Breton mythology who can raise the dead.
Another is Christ so that's pretty fucking powerful.
And the other is some witch but let's not dwell on that.
Merlin's sorcerous power approaches that of Christ himself.
Obviously he wants to be tied up because there's little physically stopping him, I'm guessing.
He has begun looking forward to Morgause’s visits.
It is the warmth, he misses. He is sure that is what he desires. The warm fire from the torch, the witch brings with her.
I'd like to point out Merlin doesn't really fear her in any story I've ever read, he just lets her troll Arthur so he'd learn some lesson about chivalry or something.
So this goes on and on like this and then it just ends.
Only my art muse is awake today. That being said, anyone want some art for their fic? : )
I wish I had an image to encompass how douchey these two sentences but I don't.
I don't blame myself, though. I don't think such a beast exists.
I came out to my grandparents today. We were sitting in the living room, watching those old westerns, when I told them " I like men...a little."
My grandfather leaned over, and told me in the deepest southern accent " you're now just fucking figuring this out?"
Well, needless to say I received enough hugs to last a lifetime, and I was the only one who cried(a little!)
Seriously, Christ all mighty. I was never so confident this was a woman.
You'd think I'd fucking learn, though. Never, ever commit to a statement of gender until you've seen then naked. You just cannot tell.
So, all I wanted to say to everyone out there was, thank you for your wonderful fanfictions, and simply being awesome people. : ) I think I may write a 'coming out' story for Merlin now.
Maybe it's because I'm such a mythologyfag but writing coming out stories for Merlin seems especially tacky to me.
I'll be right back, I need to go have a good cry.(I never actually stopped. All well, fuck it!)
Yes, congratulations.
Can we, for once, not make this a self-indulgent production?
Of course not, I was just being rhetorical.
Or "ironic" if I'm feeling hipster.
Oh boy, another fanfiction entry.
Summary: “How dare you talk to me like that, I am the King!” Arthur spat, brandishing his sword. He didn’t know the strange naked youth, nor did he care.
The heavens mourned as the almighty sat within the council of gods. He wept, they all wept, as they watched one of their mortal children, destroy all he saw. Like a plague his forces swept the land, leaving nothing but death in its passing.
They sent the ruler visions, pleading him to stop the wars.
‘King Arthur, of the house of Pendragon, the son of Uther, and the godson of the Almighty god Constantine,’ they plead,
I think we have some confused mythology, here.
Although it was popular opinion at the time that England descended from the line of Troy after the sac of Troy at the hands of the Achaeans--
So in a way--
no fuck it this is stupid.
So the gods command you to not conquer the land but instead fuck other men.
That's some theology.
Can I do neither or do I have to do one or the other?
I can't believe this is a man.
Speaking of:
Jissai has come to the realization that he may be just slightly...very slightly...what's the word here?
Ah, yes, slightly,little, pinch of gay.
Speaking in the third person, are you?
Also what point did you realize this? When you were writing masturbatory material prominently featuring gay sex?
Christ on a cross.
Picture he drew of two men in bed together--
Well, since I am still waiting on my fanfic muse to return, I have been drawing like there is no tomorrow on the merlin fancomic.
Fanfiction muse.
That's the retarded half sister of the other muses.
She's missing an eye and half her jaw and has a club foot-- we don't talk about her.
Another fanfic with the warning "future violence" which sounds more up my alley. Let's see.
You can do this
You chant the words over and over again, in your mind.
Like a prayer, a frail hope that you cannot but predict will break and fall as its wings shatter and eyes go still.
Nope fuck it.
Also have you skipped enough spaces between sentences? Maybe I should start doing that so it looks like I've written more than I have.
Except all those good wizards.
Magic is evil. Unnatural. It corrupts and twists a man until nothing but a monster is left, greedy eyes wide, scanning the horizon in search for its next conquest.
Or burn the witch--
What stance do I take so I can disagree with this toolbag?
I feel like I have to disagree with him.
I mean before he's practically sucking Merlin's magic dick and now this.
Uuuuuh fuck it.
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