Namely this layout.
I had to check with my eyes and monitor and PC and the cosmos itself about ten times to affirm I wasn't going blind so if you're doing the same thing, rest assured: what you see before you is happening.
It's .5 gray font on a light gray background.
I like how her blog is "friends only" (already established there's no such thing). Some friend. "You can't read this if you're not my friend but if you are my friend you get to eat shit" is how her "friends only" tag reads to me.
Also last blog was tapped out upon further study. Oh well~
Someone hipped me to the fact that it's probably a girl writing it who has a crush on another girl and after rereading my entry, the blog itself and going further back than I had in the previous entry I'm still not convinced.
What fictional television show would you want to live in? What character would you play?
So today's writer's block confirmed two things: Dr. Who is apparently the greatest television show ever if I'm going by popular opinion and no one knows how to spell the word "definitely" (hint: there's no 'a' in it).
oh my god, definitely Doctor Who!
I would seriously love to go for a spin or two or two thousand in the TARDIS.
like seriously, it has been a fantasy of mine to be spirited away in a whimsical flying contraption by a quirky alien since I was four.
It has been my dream to the prattling of some cunt while pretending I'm Stevie Wonder.
Thank God for this blog.
What are your best and worst personality traits? Do you think your friends would agree?
My best personality trait is I'm blind and my worst is I'm blind please help.
I think my best personality trait is probably that I'm a little crazy... in a good way. I take friendship really seriously, there are few things that I wouldn't do for a friend in need, even if they're asking me to do something insane, I'm usually game.
There is nothing worse than a person who thinks like this.
On the flip side of that, I can be a little sly and I'm an amazing liar, which is advantageous sometimes, but it isn't really a "good" personality trait, especially not in a friend. Though I'm not pathological, I can fib through my teeth if I need to.
I think the general consensus is that I'm missing a few marbles... although, it might come as a surprise as to how cunning I can be, since truly being cunning means fooling people into believing that I am always being truthful.
I write fanfiction and I play video games (don't hit on my silly boys XD) and I loooooove anime and manga and furry conventions and I'm totally into BEING COMPLETELY UNSURPRISING.
Sorry I've been dead for a few weeks, I've been really busy.
As soon as February is over I'll be able to breathe again. I re-applied to university in January because I'm not too happy with York, and if all goes well come September I will be living in downtown Toronto. I'm so over suburbia it isn't funny. And I'm not just saying that because I miss my fourteen-year-old Green Day fangirl days, but because I think this is a change that I really need.
Let me guess you want to do all the crazy and zany things a totally free spirited girl like you does like take drawing and acting classes, shop at Goodwill and knit and stitch because you are totally rocking it old school like that! Did I teeeeeeeeeell you guys about my fanfiction?
I want to live in a tiny apartment and play good music and bake and study and take acting classes, and that isn't really working for me right now.
I said stitch instead of bake and art in addition to acting but I'm still going to award myself full points.
Since I'm applying for graphic design though, I need to create a portfolio, and that on top of regular school work and rehearsals and my job has left me little time to actually talk to anyone.
If you could wake up and spend 24 hours in an online game with any weapons/powers, would you do it? If so, what type of game would you choose, and why?
FFXIV. Get money, fuck bitches.
Seems mundane but I know what goes into adventuring in that world and it involves getting shot by the Empire or eaten by a dragon or getting yelled at by twats so not worth the time.
Do you think Web sites containing "adult content" should be legally required to post warnings? How would you personally define the rating scale? Do you fear this would place a chill on free/creative expression?
I missed this question when it first came around.
Absolutely and if you're caught misusing the warnings you should be shot.
Goodbye, Livejournal.
Most certainly. And as long as there's still accessible to those who wish to view them, nobody needs to wave their "freedom of expression" flag in anyone's face.
The rating scale seems simple enough to me... anything with violent or sexual content should be clearly labelled.
Do you think society puts too much pressure on people to be in relationships and/or have children? Do you think this ostracizes people who would be perfectly content to remain single and/or child-free? Is this pressure worse around the holidays?
Oh shut up you fucking pussies.
Yeah, no one gets it because you're fucking crazy.
Almost everything in the media alienates single people. But yes, the holidays do have a way of warping the word "happiness" so that it can only come from a tall, good looking person in a business suit with a $10 000 ring in their pocket.
Yes, happy people are rich and attractive.
Back to the fields, peasants.
As for pressure on women having babies... actually no, not so much. I think babies have become the new taboo. Like homosexuality used to be. People today get their heads ripped off by the feminists of the world for even suggesting that they would like to have children.
They do?
Have I completely not been paying attention my entire life?
I've never once felt alienated watching TV because I was single and I've never once heard someone get scoffed at for wanting to have children.
It's treated as the most unnatural thing in the world. As though now, every woman needs to be 100% focused on their career and their social life, and not worry about having kids until age 32 rolls around and they start having regrets, which can lead to dangerous pregnancies.
You guys should live in a country run by me.
Your problems would seem insignificant by comparison.
For a while, I should add. Then things would be much better.
I'm sorry she kept going on about shit that I'm convinced isn't even real and I couldn't read it because my optic nerves leapt out of my head and started strangling me.
If your best friend forgave his or her partner for cheating and lying, would you try to forgive him or her too? Would you find it difficult to spend time with them as a couple?
Am I reading this question correctly? Why do I care who my best friend is fucking?
Except when friends get into relationships with insufferable twats, I should say, but that's only because you lose them as a friend or they gain an annoying appendage that's always with them when you're hanging out.
I wish I could say that I'd want to respect my friend's wishes, but the truth is if I'm going to have to pick up the pieces every time this happens, I'm not so sure I'd encourage the relationship in the first place.
That and I have zero respect for any kind of infidelity, and I don't believe in second-chances.
Sorry bro I know we've been bros forever practically but something that doesn't even affect has now caused me to reconsider our status as friends.
Are you an oldest, youngest, middle, or only child? How do you think it has influenced your personality?
Only and I don't know because I only have a sample size of one.
Maybe if I could talk to the interdimensional mes we might be able to come to consensus on what being an only child has done to me.
Only child. And I have quite a bit to say about this.
This is why my blog is good and all other blogs are shit. Everyone else has sooooo much to say on the subject of themselves and my response was "I don't know" bordering on "I don't give a shit" which is always the preferable state in which to find yourself.
I think that family and faith are the two things that impact a person the most. My mom said she always wanted to grow up and have lots of kids, but she and my father separated after I was born, and she... how do I explain this... doesn't "believe" in being married more than once. She says it does not conform with her morals and values. Fine, whatever.
A highly respectable position.
You yourself said you don't believe in second chances. Well your mother gave marriage her one and only chance.
I don't know how to write families. I can write friendship, and I daresay, realistic relationships. Maybe that comes from not having have father or siblings, and a mom that worked really hard to support me growing up, but as a result was not around very much. I'm not trying to turn this into a I'm-a-teenager-my-life-sucks moment, but I think one of my biggest regrets is not having siblings.
I guess literally "regret" is a sense of loss or disappointment but I usually think of a regret as something you have control over. Like you were going to do something and didn't so you regret it (or, indeed, did something and regret it). I don't think something outside of your control is something you can really feel regret over.
But then again I feel regret for not being a space marine so maybe I'm just talking out of my ass.
Do you think it's okay to tell little lies about small things to avoid hurting someone's feelings? Or is there no such thing as a harmless lie?
Lie constantly.
There is never a good reason to tell the truth.
Honesty is the best policy.
It just isn't always the easiest.
A lot of people claim that they "can handle the truth" even if it hurts them, but I think that in itself is a lie.
People are cowardly and weak. Only the strong deserve the truth.
No matter what language you speak, you've probably come across words or phrases in another language that sound better than their equivalents in your native tongue. What's your favorite word or phrase in a foreign language?
On a similar but not stupid note the phrase "you are already dead" (of Fist of the North Star fame) sounds awesome in every language I can think of.
Actually if you look it up on Youtube the US got screwed out of Fist of the North Star dub. Japanese version is awesome (mostly because of the voice of Kenshiro) but the Spanish and especially the Italian dub are almost as good.
The English dub is fucking weak, man.
I guess it's because it's a hotblooded show and Spanish and Italian cultures are hotblooded so they'd kind of understand the psychology of Fist of the North Star better than English or something.
I don't know I'm just rambling to have to avoid looking at this blog and risk going blind and dying.
I'm so sleepy right now, but for some reason I have Celine Dion playing over and over in my head and I can't get to sleep.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I can't say I know a Celine Dion song which I consider the best policy in life.
Thrilling updates about my life:
1. Yesterday I ate chocolate ice cream (as opposed to vanilla) for the first time in 10 years, and it was very refreshing.
2. I've had Subway for dinner for two nights in a row and it's not doing my self-esteem any good.
3. York University is hot for me.
The year is 1943. You are a scientist working on the top secret Colossus project, an immense undertaking never before dreamed of by man. Its one goal: to decipher the Enigma code.
Flash forward 20 years: you are a scientist working in a hot Berkley University basement. your goal? To network two computers together to instantly(ish) send information from one computer to another. You are laying down the foundations for technology that doesn't even exist yet.
This is the dawn of a new era and the beginning of something that will revolutionize the way humanity understands information forever.
Flash forward another 10 years and you are IBM, positing that processors are now complex enough to handle graphical user interfaces, an idea Bill Gates takes and turns into his immensely successful Windows OS. For the first time computers might be within the grasp of the average person.
Flash forward a mere 35 years:
HAD ICE CREAM FOR DINNER xP is the summation of your collective efforts.
Shoulda gone into law, gentlemen.
I was lying in bed afterward and I had this great huge epiphany about the 1947 Greek Crisis which literally saved mysoulIA.
No idea what this means but I have to assume it's the 1948 Greek-Turkish "Crisis" where President Truman set a policy where the US would send aid (money, weapons, training, etc.) to prevent Greece and Turkey from falling into the hands of the Soviets.
Well I think I've finally gone blind.
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