Today is slim pickings. You'd think with today's writer's block it'd be easy, but no-- quite the opposite.
Do you think women are treated as equals? What changes would you like to see?
Now maybe it's my own exacting standards but with a softball like this I was searching for something really above the pale. I mean how many entries did I skip past that were "HURRR THEY SHOULD BE TREATED BETTER THEN (sic) MEN! LOL!!!!!!!!!" or "they're already equal because blah blah I'm boring" or my personal favorite "we may be treated equally in America (qualifying) but IN AFRICA--" oh yeah, Africa with a long history of human rights.
Anyway I was searching for that response to this question.
You know, that response. Basically I was looking for several key phrases, namely "patriarchy" a hyphenated word that involved "socio-" (as in "socio-sexual") hyphenated words with "socio-" in them are my favorite because despite graduating from the University of Pussy with a degree in Pussy Sensitivity (with honors, no less) to this day I still don't understand what that means. The economics of sexuality?
I was also looking for buttmad and, most importantly, the entry had to be incomprehensible.
I think I found it.
I think Alex is is a girl, so Alexandra and not Alexander.
I guess.
I like to torture myself! No, really. I like to torture myself because only a fucking masochist would go through the responses to today’s (frequently fucking moronic) writer’s block question.
I was initially drawn in because we felt similar things but I think as you'll soon find we felt them for different reasons.
1. “In most cases, I do believe women are treated as equals. I've always been taught to treat everyone equally and with respect, as that is the only way you yourself will be treated that way. However, I do believe there are a handful of people that do not treat women with the respect they deserve.”
LOLLLLLLLL oh boy I love it when people try to reduce complex processes with simple explanations and ‘aw shucks my parents taught me’ rhetoric.
I always loved it when the pussies would get all angry and indignant.
I remember one class in particular where we got this guest speaker who lived through the Civil Rights movement (big fucking deal, my parents also lived through it) and speaking out about how WE'RE ALL RACIST AND IMPERIALISTIC.
I don't remember too much about it because I was making eyes at the Korean exchange student.
Too bad she didn't speak English very well.
Oh well.
Most women are not treated as equals because most women are not the same. A white, upper-class woman will be treated with more respect than a lower-class woman of colour. There’s a phrase feminists often use called intersectional analysis, and it’s important, because it looks at, challenges and problematizes interlocking systems of oppression based on gender, class, race, ability and sexuality (IT’S FEMINISM 101).
I just wanted to tell her "baby, it's okay, I speak English and I don't understand it either."
2. “Here in America, yes, women are equal(sometimes, we are SUPERIOR). Other countries, cultures, and religions still have a very long way to go. Too bad we import the cretins on a daily basis.”
YAY AMERICA, OTHERIZING AND ETHNOCENTRISM. Otherizing creates the conditions for discrimination; difference is a way of structuring hierarchies of power.
I'm going to be honest: I love the term "otherizing" it's that perfect trifecta of being based on an actual word, completely meaningless and completely douchey. I used to drop that word in my essays like it was going out of style. Although to be fair, it probably is going out of style. Pussy sensitivity vocabulary seems to have a very high turn over rate.
We think that ‘difference’ is a quality that lives in other people.
I'm not saying I'm not different from other people but people should be more like me.
My philosophy is inherently superior to that of others.
There’s a debate going on the U.S. right now -- women’s right to abortion is under fire in a way it has not been for YEARS. Do you know why that is? It’s because it’s easier to control women by way of criminalizing or making illegal forms of necessary birth control. Another way of maintaining the SUPERIORITY of women is a consumer-based, capitalist patriarchy (profligate at the expense of the third world! Neo-liberalism is totally awesome!). By ‘cretins’ I assume this person means immigrants, and by racializing poverty they are effectively stereotyping all other non-white countries and cultures despite drastic poverty and homelessness rates in the U.S. & Canada.
Go on, read this. I read it three times and I'm still trying to figure out the ultimate point of this paragraph. It starts with abortion because it's easier to control women through birth control (logical leap) and yet we're maintaining superiority of omen through capitalism (err, because women in other types of society were more liberated?) and it (meaning capitalism as a whole, I suppose) is created at the expense of the third world. Now I was taught in pussy sensitivity that "the third world" is an otherizing (HEH SEE I STILL HAVE IT) and antiquated (yeeeeeeeees) term that further solidifies existing stereotypes and cultural notions (fuck yes) that's literally how I wrote essays. The parenthesis are just my own self-commentary about how awesome I am at this bullshit.
Here's something hidden behind an 18+ (!) cut that's labeled as VERY IMPORTANT. Whatever it is must be badass because it crashed Livejournal.
Or maybe it's my computer saving me again. "Listen, friend, I'm going to give you some extra time to think on this."
Now I'm getting a Javascript error.
Praise be to Zeus?
Oh, what? Whatever it was it's completely gone now. Apparently it's about how they airbrush vaginas in magazines.
For once it seems like the shit hidden behind the 18+ cut is actually pornographic in nature and yet it's not here.
I'm actually a little disappointed, I'm not gonna lie. I don't even know if this is the blogger's fault. I'm going to assume it is just to be safe, though.
It's like Livejournal is telling me to go play FFXIV, or something.
I'm going to save this entry and come back to it later so no promise that this'll continue from this point on.
Just read an interesting novel by first-time German author Charlotte Roche called “The Wetlands”. It’s about an 18 year old girl (Helen) who, while recovering in hospital from surgery to remove an infected hemorrhoid that she cut while shaving, charts (and eats) her bodily secretions while recounting her various sexual exploits.
Glad I waited 8 hours for this.
The book has been denounced by some as a “masturbation pamphlet”. HarperCollins published it in Canada earlier this year, but I haven’t had a chance to read it until now.
I don't know how you people do it but when I think "masturbation" the phrase "eating bodily secretions" is pretty far away from my thoughts.
In Western culture the media is generally viewed as sexually liberal and often times explicit, but this book's fundamental purpose argues the opposite. Our society is threatened not, primarily, by objectification and X-rated sexual inhibitions, but by the “prudishness that hides behind silicon breasts”; in other words, the “unspeakable” grooming habits that most women go through in order to look glossy, highlighted, and pristine in their nakedness, begging the question: where do you draw the line between hygiene and obsessive compulsiveness?
I draw the line at "eating bodily secretions", in fact.
Women are not exploited by how much skin they show, but by how much skin they shave, pluck, and hyper-sanitize. That is perhaps the real indignity.
So don't shave.
Just don't expect me to date a smelly gorilla woman and I think we can find some middle ground.
It is a fresh portrait of women, sexuality and body comfort, which is a real departure from what we see all around us. It's an important book for girls to read (despite the fact that there is imagery you may not be able to recover from -- although that's part of it's charm).
Important for girls to read.
Sorry about that shit, ladies.
Meanwhile in MAN TOWN: THE AENEID.
Oh shit, your story is about an infected hemorrhoid?
Mine is about high adventure on the seas and having sex with brown girls.
Oh and I'm up to the first entry.
Well let's end this on a high note--
I present you Shake10, a series of four images of a dog shaking its head captured with high speed film.
I defy you to find a funnier picture.

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