Friday, May 21, 2010

Yeah yeah yeah

Today we have another one of them writing-types. This one fancies herself a real author, too, with a reputation that can tarnish and everything. Considering I know everything about everything and I've never heard of her someone is living a deluuuuuusion.
Right now, one of my sisters is in Fairbanks at the State Meet for track. She's doing the triple jump today, long jump tomorrow. I'm hoping she does well. If she isn't first in state for the long, she will be impossible.


Another one of my sisters is in Utah, where today her fiance is getting his port removed and a central line put in. He's got a bone marrow transplant going on, because he's had cancer.

Oh. How does bone marrow transplant and cancer get less screen time than the long jump?
Perhaps not what I'd focus on but then again I'm not a real author like you so what do I know?
And my last sister is undergoing a road trip with her friend, because driving up to see our littlest sister (4'11 3/4 on a good day) long jump at state is worth six hours in a car with your best friend.

Do short people do well on the long jump? I imagine you'd want tall people because there's less of a height difference between you and the bar, but then again short people would have less to get over the bar so maybe--
And me?

I'm working on a potentially dangerous manuscript.

What, is it the Necronomicon or the Libre Chaotica? It poses some sort of threat to your sanity of the very fabric of reality?

It is about as reputation-tarnishing as it gets for someone who writes horror and adventure and everything unromantic and unfeminine.

... Twilight?
If you're writing Twilight I have some bad news.
In fact, it's even worse than that lame-o princess novel, and we all know what I thought about that.

Ah yes, we all know about that, don't we people?

Technically, it's a sequel to the Ellis story I wrote and didn't tell anyone about because I was ashamed to have written it. But that's only very technically.

How the fuck do you "technically" have a sequel? Either it is or it isn't. That's one of those things where there is no gray area, really.
I guess she'd be one to argue it's "in the same universe as her previous story" yeah well guess what: fuck you. That's not a sequel and only litfag nerd faggots argue about shit like that anyway.

Mathletics, an exploration of intelligence in high school, and possibly a dash of tutor/student relations stirred together in a girl's attempt to cope with having two math teachers for parents, and a set of best friends named after characters from Lord of the Rings.

Named after characters from Lord of the Rings? What kind of parent is going to torture their kid with names like Boromir or Imrahil? That's what all the names are like, by the way. They're all some sort of bizarre mix up of Irish and Welsh.
It works in a universe where everyone has crazy names but--
no, no, why am I still talking about this?

I have three younger sisters and they're all really very pretty.

I really care about whatever the fuck it is I'm about to read.
One of them has this amazing curly hair, and another has the most toned body ever--she's a size two or something and has these wide light brown eyes. The last looks a lot like our mother, except the whole lip piercing, but hey, her fiancee has cancer. I can't blame her for the bad fashion choice just now.

Her fiance (one e one day you morons will learn this) has cancer and you choose that opportunity to attack her fashion sense.
What a bunch of passive aggressive bullshit. That's really mean-spirited, and that's saying a ton coming from someone who frequently tells people to kill themselves.

My mom was all sorts of popular, when she was younger. Sewed like a goddess,

Goddesses are well known for sewing-- err.
I guess the Fates are, but outside of that I don't really recall Athena or Aphrodite taking up the needle in their spare time.
My sisters all inherited some permutation of that gene, and I've always felt really disappointed that all I got was her bad eye sight, instead. Being told that I'm awkward or write horrible monster crap has kind of been my thing for the past twenty years or so.

Oh, okay. You're the ugly sister. I guess that explains why you magnify anything bad that happens in their lives because to you that's justified.
Oh but that's okay, you'd probably argue. You were gifted (like it is popularly believed) with something inside that's better or somehow missing in them. Yeah well that's a pointless argument. The fact is you are jealous.

Being pretty was theirs. I've always felt like the awkward, maladjusted sister, mostly because they've told me as much my entire life.

And it's true, apparently.
I'm still a writer. And sharing the amazing parts of life is just as important as sharing the parts that make me uncomfortable or provoke my muses into gray-scaled disaster. It's all part of that human condition thing.

You know the Muses, at least classically, don't like people with an ego.

It's 3:00 a.m. and neither of my room-sharing sisters are asleep.


One is scribbling madly in a notebook (literally doodling circles) while watching Moulin Rouge and the other is trying to teach herself to solve a Rubik cube.

Soooo zany xD

Since the younger one's friend committed suicide, she's been sleeping oddly, if at all. She's been more erratic, but tonight tops it so far. She's not planning on sleeping, because she "can't sleep."

All right pro writer, I'm ready for some sort of interior exploration now.
The other sister has no obligations, no responsibilities, and no job. She's just drifting, so the lack of sleep while she tries to find a place doesn't bother her.

All right, pro writer, I'm ready for some sort of interior exploration--
My third sister is no doubt asleep in bed after a hard day's work, followed by helping take care of her fiance (who has cancer, and pretty much needs all the care she can give).

My sisters are all in fairly rough places, right now. I understand that they're really struggling with things.

That's it? "They're really struggling with things"?
Look, kid, I'm not saying you had to go full romantic on me and spend an entire book on this but some sort of glimpse into the ol' heart makes people want to care about your characters and not, well, not give a shit.
You know if you were really good at this writing thing you could have worked in some sort of implication about your sisters instead of breaking off into a paragraph of exposition but that is asking a lot of someone in Livejournal.
Sweet dreams, world, and if any of you should stumble upon a magic cure, please do feel free to pass it long.

Now I can't get that Eurythmics song out of my head.

Would I like musicals as much as I do if I had any talent or aptitude of my own?

That's an interesting question.
It's probably like magic, actually. Once you know what the illusion is you're amazed you missed it the entire time.

Today, I read a book that was so beyond my own personal abilities.

Huh you're going to have to tell me what that's like sometime.

It's burned into my brain, the amazing overwhelming level of awesome. It used to be, so many books astounded me. So many of them were brilliant. Wonderful.

I didn't mean now, Christ.

It’s easy to start the novel with a character already badly damaged from a traumatic life. They hate the world. They’re jaded. They’re cynical.

It's easy to start off with a low point. You know, instead of introducing the characters, building up some sort of relationship with the audience and then bringing out the tragic shit it's easier just to bypass all that and start with the whining.
I cannot believe how bad people are at this whole storytelling thing in 2010.
Stephen King is turning in his grave.

Look, isn’t it interesting what trauma does to a character?

Not really if your characters are all whiny sad sacks.
And anyway, isn’t it easier to relate to a character that is lamenting about the hardships they’ve undergone?

NOOOOOOO. It's easier to relate to characters that act like people. Jesus fuck are you really this clueless at everything?

It’s a lot more difficult to create a fully-fleshed character, living in the now, working through issues they’re only just now beginning to face.

You're trolling me. I got it.
Explain it to me, if you can, because I see it again and again, and everyone tells me it's more interesting, more exciting.

I just don't see it.

Ha, ha, youuuu.
Well on that note I'm going to go do something not so headache-inducing.

1 comment:

Robert said...

>Long Jump

Someone never played sports