Wouldn't you just start a new journal as part of some sort of "fresh start" plan? No, I guess you can't let those four golden sentences pass you by. Four sentences every eight years-- an entire book is only 10,000 years in the future.
I finally found a blog of some substance but the substance was so incredibly boring I found myself reading it without really retaining anything, sort of like school.
Holy fuck I cannot believe how dull you people are today. Is it a full moon or something?
No, it's 39% and waning. Jeeeesus Christ this was like extracting teeth, and I'm pretty much settling.
fidning it hard not to choke on the optimism that's being shoved down my throat.
although it has been getting increasingly easier to keep my head above water, if you know what i mean.
... No, I can't say that I do.
Hey, writing this shit is kind of like doing the "capture a Lagiacrus" quest without Cha-Cha, if you know what I mean. NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN EXPLAIN YOURSELF.
came across so many childhood photos of myself. it's interesting for me to try to see my soul inside that little body.What, are you a demon or something? You don't see like mere mortals do, instead you see the mortal corruption they leak so people like Grey Knights and Exorcists are totally invisible to you?
Is it boring or lonely? Is this implying you're not boring if you're not lonely?
my life is rather boring, but it's not half as lonely as it might seem from the outside looking in.
keep your eyes locked with the pavement, you're in no position to be pointing fingers.
but niether am i. and yet here i am again.
inhale the sin, exhale the regret.

1. what did we used to have in common before i found myself?
was conversation always this strained? or did we just never speak?
I imagine a conversation with you is more of a struggle to understand what the fuck is happening than anything in particular.I always love it when people say that. I NEED TO FIND MYSELF HURRR. I hope a person says that to me one day so I can just point at them and say "FOUND YOU YOU'RE RIGHT THERE."
2. i feel like i used to just be a walking mixture of everyone elses' emotions.Christ this is almost a religious experience, isn't it?
This is where you find God and become yourself by adopting the doctrine millions upon millions of people before you have-- errr, how are you unique, again?
Hey, hey, if we're all God's children, what's so special about Jesus?
slipped into a dream for an entire week, and woke up to find that things had changed since i had given in to temptation.Holy shit has anyone played Morrowind? That's exactly what this is. She's an Ascended Sleeper.
It explains everything: the not making much sense, the apparent worship of dark powers, the sleeping for weeks on end-- well there's only one cure for being a 6th House Cultist.
i'm just trying to remain as simple as possible,
are you?
You have never had a simple day in your life, don't even kid.
it's clear to see that when we said we'd find ourselves, you headed in the wrong direction.
That's a bit presumptuous, isn't it? Oh we need to figure out who we are but you're clearly wrong about yourself. I somehow know you better than you know you.
Bitch at least I make sense from word to word.
beginning to see the world through brand new eyes.woke up this morning and just understood. it's hard to explain.
Holy fuck that's almost word for word a level up message in Morrowind. This is a journal for a Morrowind character.
i am a master painter when it comes with words.

i could cradle you with sweet nothings, give me just a moment and i'll tell you all the lies you've been dying to hear. i could... but i won't.
I think it's time to leave a comment.
Dear Danika,
What the fuck is wrong with you? Why have I been reading this for a half hour and cannot for the life of me figure out what you're on about? Are you like this in real life?
And she's disabled anonymous comments. Well, fortunately--
There, all posted. Hopefully this'll get some answers.
Good thing I got this Livejournal account.
See I'm not just funny jokes. I'm getting to the bottom of this.
i remember the days when there was no caution. when we took leaps of faith without a second thought.
"No Fear! No Pity! NO REMORSE!"
if there's a rehab for adrenaline junkies i think i may need to aquire a scholarship.
Scholarship for rehab. Pretty sure that's not how rehab works. Oh, forget it. We could literally be here forever trying to figure this out. I'll just have to wait for my comment to pull through. I'll update everyone on this important mission Friday.
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