Anyway, today we have an adventure in words.
So last Monday, April 26th, I started the enumerator job.
Sounds like a job the Priests of Terra would have in Warhammer. Just this endless drudgery of paperwork and census taking for institutions that probably no longer exist and responding to inquiries from people long dead.
Holy shit it is the Priesthood of Terra.
The training lasted four days, and mostly consisted of learning how to fill out the mounds of forms that are a supplement to any federal job, plus sorting through the piles of confusion.
All right so already this blog has a big fucking problem with "too much information" so I'm just going to do some pruning of this nonsense to get one concise thought:
The Census is something that people are legally required to do. The IRS will never see the information, nor will US Immigration Services. However, some people are fearful for their privacy. The minimal information I need to get is, well, pretty minimal. Unfortunately, some people do not seem aware of any of the information in the preceding paragraph. I had a person who called me, yelling about privacy violations and the illegality of what I was doing and how this is harassment. She insulted me, left me feeling quite harassed, and I dealt with it by crying in my car for the next 20 minutes and then drowning my misery in Burger King.
Yeah I bet, fatty. I like that, though. You went to her house and yet you feel harassed? I don't think that's how it works, woman. Goddamn though, people. The census is 10 fucking questions and it's all over the TV and the radio about how if you don't fill it out they're going to come find you and bother you until it's done, so you might as fucking well do it and besides if you don't do it you won't get any of your government handouts so it is in your best interest and yet people still don't fucking do it.
There's a term for this (besides madness) and I can't remember what it is.
Yeah I read all of these words, too. I'm suddenly reminded of Uncle Tom's Cabin, for some reason.
Anyhow, this is my (entirely too long) writeup about our weekend adventures with Airtran.
I invented a totally awesome Uncle Tom's Cabin drinking game, speaking of which. It's incredibly simple. There's only two rules. First is you take a drink every time Stowe interrupts the non-action to ask how you, personally, would feel or tells you outright what to feel or think. The second is every time a character is introduced with some detail only to become a background character and/or totally forgotten.
Goooooood writing.
Andrew has finally seen The Wedding Singer, which is one of those movies that I like despite not caring for either of the lead people. I am a sucker for the 80’s.
I think that movie came out in 1998.
There’s also the fact that the only Adam Sandler movies I tend to enjoy are the ones where he doesn’t act like Adam Sandler.
>Adam Sandler movie

We’ve been watching Babylon 5, which I am totally obsessed with. Interesting plots that totally carry over from episode to episode, hooray!Interesting plots that carry over from episode to episode also known as "continuity" or "a story arc". So now she's about to tell this awesome story about "" and let's see how long it takes her to reach her point. I'm going to start at the beginning of the post and you're going to read it like I would. You get a little peek into what I have to deal with with these shitty blogs.
So back when we first moved to Denver, I signed up for a gazillion different meetups on, as I figured this would be a good way to meet people and such. Not long after that came Meetup Phase #1, which consisted of going to two different hiking meetups. The first one I went to by myself.
As an aside here, I should mention that I have horrible socialization issues. I like people well enough, but I have some rather introverted tendencies. The more people I am around, the more social anxiety I have, and the more difficulty I have relaxing and actually being able to talk to them. This can be ameliorated by knowing at least a few people, or by having the people be “my type”. Not that I’m really sure what “my type” consists of, I’ve just found some people are easier to talk to then others. One reason I really liked doing Nanowrimo were the group get-togethers. For the most part, I felt pretty comfortable being a bit social with the other Nanoers.
Getting back to the subject at hand, I was really glad that the meetup was hiking – i.e. it’s sometimes hard to keep conversation going when you’re huffing your way up a giant hill. While I enjoyed myself, I didn’t feel like I “clicked” with the people there. (The fact that I am talking about “clicking” with people might just be further evidence of my introversion, as extroverts just click with people by default.) I also got the impression that the people there were a bit more into hiking that I was – I’m pretty clueless when it comes to equipment, beyond “bring a flashlight and a jacket if it gets cold” type of stuff.
OH MY GOD STOP IT. Holy fuck I give up. It just goes on and on and on about nothing. What the fuck?
Incidentally, I have a fabulous idea for completely revamping the public education system. I think it's kinda detrimental for kids to spend a majority of their time around kids of the same age. A variety of ages would provide more opportunities for modeling, as well as help with behavior.
So this is the part where I say goodbye forever to my 20s.
YOU'RE 30? No fucking way. Do not believe it.
And on a final note, Nanowrimo is going more or less ok. Am at 13126 words right now, need to get to 15,000 by tomorrow night.
If anyone has no problems filling a word count, I'm guessing it's you. This brings me to another good point: what a bunch of shit national write month or whatever the fuck it's called is. "WRITE 50,000 WORDS IN A MONTH, QUALITY BE DAMNED!" This is now how you write books, people. It's how Stephen King might work, but it is not how good writers work. Now she gives me "sexual assault prevention tips" which I think the ultimate sexual assault prevention is this.
Holy fuck this just goes on and on forever about nothing. This is not worth the effort anymore, good grief. Happy Friday, fags.
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