I'm not even on Tylenol anymore.
It might be my superhuman constitution, come to think on it.
I am officially a second year pharmacy student! I survived this semester unscathed and managed to pass all of my classes! THANK GOD.
Yeah there's no escaping this theme today. PASSED ALL MY CLASSES HURR DE DERP.
I may not be the student of the year or the top 10% of my class, but I feel proud of myself for at least not failing this super ridiculous program.
Waiting for the "it's harder than medicine!" line but pharmacy technically is so I'm not really sure what's going to happen now.
I'm going to celebrate by spending the weekend in Baton Rouge watching my amazing boyfriend graduate.
I feel so grown up. :D
Oh, okay. Whatever.
I know, I know. First I delete my livejounal, and then I undelete it and post twice in one week. What is the matter with me?
I'd say the first time around you had a good idea then you lost it and then really lost it. Twice.
I originally decided to delete my livejournal because, let's face it, no one really updates that much anymore.
I will go months without posting, and when I do it is never anything interesting or particularly on topic in my life.
Had to do some minor editing to force her to the point.
Also: glad I picked this blog after reading this. I know most blogs end up this way but here's the guarantee.
I guess the main reason I aborted Mission Delete LiveJournal is because sometimes I just need a place to get these thoughts out of my system for everybody (i.e. nobody) to see.
Oh if only they would invent some sort of collection of blank pages bound and with a cover and with the word "journal" stenciled on the front in fancy gold letters.
Hey wait--
Only two finals left. Tomorrow's final is ethics/law and it will be easier than pie.
That's why I got a B in my educational psychology class. Apparently "consequentialism" isn't an acceptable philosophy in this, the year of the pussy 2010.
I'm not saying it's right I'm just saying that tends to be how things are. People don't really care if you, like, really really meant well. They want results, and the better the result the more the bad shit you did on the way can be justified.
Besides other famous consequentialists include Machiavelli and the Buddha so clearly some smart people share this view.
Guess I'm too smart for these fags, huh.
To celebrate, I went out to lunch with Laura and her sister Mary, played some Final Fantasy XIII, and Mom made chicken pot pie.
Girls playing video games, man.
Oh but it's okay, you might say. That's just the series evolving. No, no it fucking is not. That game is a step back in every category that counts. The only thing that game did right was the social networking (I.E., the part girls like). PUBLISH YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS STRAIGHT TO FACEBOOK YO.
"Oh look, I sat through three melodramatic, soap opera-esque scenarios in a row. More Gamerscore for me!"
Now I'm reading about how she broke her Zune and I'm so flabbergasted at how fucking dumb this is I forgot to breathe for about ten seconds.
And that day, not only did it fall out of my pocket on to the hard tile while I was walking, but it hit the floor, I yanked it up my the headphones, let it slip out of my hands, it hits the floor again, and I accidentally kick it in this big jumble. It was glorious.
What, were you trying to break it?
So my Zune is broken. It froze. I restarted it in my usual fashion, but this time it makes an ominous clicking noise and goes to a "5) Contact Support" screen. Luckily, it's still under warranty until June.
You know everyone goofs on Microsoft for being this evil mega corporation (which they are) but if that were my company I'd take one look at the Zune you state in writing to habitually drop and say "no, you're too stupid to keep it working. I'm not going to fix your fucking problem for you."
I can't decide what I'm going to do for lunch. It's not even lunchtime yet, but there is absolutely nothing left to do but contemplate lunch.
And apparently gnaw my ear off about it. Holy fuck, I could be training Pokemon, hunting monsters, shooting gangsters, working on Warhams-- today is my oyster and yet here I sit. Listening to you prattle on about nothing.
For all those about to vomit from all the love talk in my former posts (or for those just sick of love talk from Valentine's Day in general), I'm about to gush about my boyfriend.
No I got that out of the way yesterday. But please, this is why I don't vomit but once in 12 years. Lot of practice thanks to douchey blogs.
I'm sooooo in love with Brad. This is the happiest I've ever been. It's absolutely perfect. I know I'm being cheesy. I know, I know, I KNOW. I'm just so glad I've got someone so amazing and sweet and smart and funny and AWESOME.
Suddenly the guitar solo going through my headphones seems comically out of place.
FUCKING RAD. Oh by the way: boyfriends.
We can just chill. He sits at his computer and plays Heroes of Newearth. I sit on his bed, knit, and watch Supernatural.
A cynical man might suggest this is why you get along so well: he can sit and play his shitty Warcraft 3 ripoff and you don't bitch at him constantly.
One day we're getting a French bulldog named Jean Claude and a white Persian cat named Rocky. This shit is happening.
I was going to ask for the context of this but on second thought: no, keep it to yourself.
My second favorite part of the beach trip was listening to the first Harry Potter book on audiobook with Brad. The actual sand, sun, and salt water did not make the top five list. I'm not really a beach person. >>;;
You're boring.
It's been over eight months since Brad and I have started dating. It's clearly not our anniversary or anything, but today I just realized how long it's been.
Oh my God you're one of those people. I've met people like you. "It's our two month and three week anniversary!"
"Errr, congratulations. I guess."
Seriously is every day that much of an accomplishment for you?
My longest relationship was ten months long. Yeah, that's a little sad compared to one of my friends who's been in one for five years now. (oughcougherikacough) But even that ten month relationship had its own issues and drama well before the eight month mark.
I just wiped my mouth and got all this cool bloody crust stuff off. That's kind of what this blog reminds me of, actually.
So in reality I've actually finished two of my twelve DS games. Pokemon and Phoenix Wright.
Oh this problem can be solved gentlemanly. We will battle and whoever loses must leave the internet.
I'd like to warn you I have a new head smash Aggron, freshly RNG bred from SoulSilver. Basically anything not really defensive and resistant to rock is going down.
Recently Brad has gotten me addicted to MapleStory. I have a level 32 fire/poison magician.
I am tired of being sick! First I had this gunk growing in the back of my throat that made it hard to swallow. Yesterday I couldn't stop throwing up.
OH BOO HOO. Holy shit look at that winner head smashing his way through all these shitty bug Pokemon and taking no recoil damage.
It's a dinosaur made of metal. Going to give him rock polish and I'm thinking either metal burst or low kick. Metal burst seems like a cool idea but since I'm attempting to outspeed things with him I don't think a move that only works if you go second is such a smart idea. Also his glaring weaknesses to common move types mean he probably won't be able to take much of a hit.
In other news, I am almost done knitting my first pair of socks.
Although I could give him a focus sash, ensuring he can take a hit then metal burst it right back in their face but that seems kind of contrary to the point of Aggron as a physical sweeper.
Anyway I have a couple of movesets to finish and most of them involve mining for red shards, so while listening to prattle on about socks is real interesting and all I have to PREPARE FOR WAR.
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