Second and perhaps most important is you must have every single safety lock on the blog. You have to have the one at the start where you have to agree you're 14 or older, then every subsequent post needs to have that same agreement before you can read.
If I'm 14 coming in, I must be 14 when I click on an entry, asshole.
Also the current featured blog has an entire two posts (both introductions) so this leads me to believe the amount of child safety you have on your blog far outweighs any actual content in terms of how good it is.
So we have twoooo possible choices for a blog today. "The Truth That Came Before" (???) or 「いつでも今日が、いちばん楽しい日」 (???)
I have some grammar reservations about the latter but we'll skip over that. Rest assured I don't think it makes as much sense to normal people as it makes to her.
I think we'll be taking a foray into weeaboodom today because reading this other cunt's blog has me almost immediately wondering what's going on with my new Head Smash Aggron.
Came pretty close to ragequitting FFXI a couple weeks ago after being tortured by a particular piece of bullshit known as the Thief AF questline and following that up with more crappy salvage runs.
I'm sorry I take back everything I was about to say about your blog.
The quest in question pits you against a series of dice rolls that repeatedly screwed me over, turning what should have been a 30~ minute in-game trip into a boring and frustrating five hour chore that took me a week to finish.
Actually if I recall you just have to beat three people at dice, so realistically it'll take as long as it'll take. I think the average time is something like three hours, mostly because the game appears to cheat like a motherfucker.
Then I got my Scholar past level 60 and finished that set of AF quests and... oh yes. :D (PS: SE, salvage is still retarded)
"Do you want to do a salvage run?"
"Let's do Dynamis instead and cause a lot of drama and fall apart instead."
And indeed we did.
That's the only reason they invite you to any Linkshell activity, by the way. Your entire goal is to find treasure. You contribute nothing to the actual fights as a thief.
And, actually, said annoying dungeon in Okage prompted me to start Persona 4, which... wow... is awesome. I mean, I enjoyed P3, but P4 is just... wow. Squee goes here, etc.
Here our relationship turns.
Considering the hardware, the game looks fantastic, the story's pacing is good and tone is a little lighter,
>story is a little lighter
>these games typically focus on the apocalypse
Soooooo my main problem with Persona 4.
Enjoying the Obama administration yet? Hope you're exercising your rights while you still have them.
Yeah because McCain would have been so much better.
Finished Persona 3 + FES stuff. Game was fun, but too long.
>too long

Someone was asking for some advice on Monk the other day... when in reply to my comments about Monk's AF he said he was too superior (aka lazy) to use macros, that set off some alarms,
They punch things. I went 55 levels of samurai and 55 of warrior without a single macro. You don't need macros as melee classes. Not while leveling, no.
and when he said he had a haubergeon ready for when he got to level 59, I about slit my wrists (not really) and told him he should just stop playing the game before his fail got even worse.
??? Has this fucking game changed that much since I quit?
The story was totally whack as far as concept with a worldview I can't agree with,
Well, on Tuesday I made the trip up to San Antonio for my Microsoft certification test. San Antonio's roads are a mess (lots of construction) and it was hard to find the place...
>San Antonio
>San Antonio
You bet. As someone whose post-apocolypse gaming goes back as far as the old game Wasteland, I was really looking forward to Fallout 3.
Big fan of the post-apocalypse setting and can't even be bothered to learn to spell it in the interim 21 years between Wasteland and Fallout 3.
Spent Single's Awareness Day on FFXI getting Samurai from level 68 to 71,
Heh, heh, heh.
So I found her character in FFXI (I think) and I must say for someone so pro at leveling and gearing her gear is pretty average-to-good at best.
Anyway I'm now bored of her bullshit. I must turn my attention to the MAJOR SURGERY I'm having tomorrow.
1 comment:
MNK doesn't get Haubergeon bro
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