Michelle's "El Jay" as she calls it has the subtitle "... WHO'S READING THIS AGAIN?" Which is a cool application of capslock. Makes me think she's screaming it defiance. NONE SHALL PASS!
I am going through a LOT.
A LOT, guys. She's going through a tough time so please be nice to her :(
Nursing school is killing me emotionally, I never knew it would affect me this way. I've only been two 2 classes and I don't want to go back.
"two 2" classes. That's brutal. I'd say "stick through it, kid" but I know that's basically the point of first days in 101 classes. PURGE THE WEAK, so to speak.
I'm having trouble making friends cause they're either too stuck up or I just don't get around to talking to them. Having a friend would definitely make it easier, but of course I don't :(
:( Wallowing in self pity will get you friends.
All the answers are pretty much true it's just the BEST answer is the right one.
Hi welcome to college.
All I want to do is have fun again, like in high school. All I want is to be done with school and live with Ray. I want to finally get married, have a job, and do what I want.
>have a job
>do what I want
do ho ho ho ho.
I wish I wasn't such a shy and nervous person.
I used to be like you. I used to worry what other people thought and worried about leaving the wrong impression. Then I stopped giving a shit.
Why just today I had to deal with people I didn't know in an environment I wasn't familiar with. I got nervous for a second but then I remembered I didn't give a shit, so I marched in there and said my bit.
Believe me life is so much easier (and better) when you don't give a shit. Make it up as you go along! No one knows what they're doing, and everyone is wrong. Have fun with life, because in the end, you'll be dead and then you definitely won't care. So carpe diem and memento mori and all that other Latin shit.
I called a guy a loooser, then he's like, "can I take you out to dinner?" I was like, "free food heeeck yeaaahh!" Then we ended up going to the grocery store and buying little debbie cakes and beer.
Whenever anyone describes a dream to another person they inevitably look like an idiot.
I'm starting my careere (and I still can't spell it but i can spell diarrhea hehe)
... WHAT. How does being able to spell diarrhea somehow excuse you from spelling career? I can spell a fuckton of words but it doesn't excuse my inability to spell _________(just kidding I can spell every word).
A LOT. I'll be responsable for a lot of things too.
Well there you go, another word you can't spell. Responsible. Hell, let's go crazy. Let's keep a running tally of words you can't spell.
I did choose a day to wake up early when WoW is down. I'm retardeddddd...There's nothing to doooo!
I feel your pain.
I mean not in the exact same way because I play Final Fantasy XI, a game that requires a small (very small, let's not go completely bonkers here) amount of initiative to play.
Also I never wake up early. Especially not to play a game, so I don't appreciate that, either.
... I guess what I mean to say is my game is down right now and I wish it wasn't.
One nursing class: $900
That's insane. I better pass. And good thing that's the only class I'm taking. Good God! :O
ps. My boobs are ginormous ....if that's even a word. But I have to deal with it. I want to punch someone.
That's the subtext I get from nearly every sentence, by the way. She thinks she's special due to minor inconvenience number 43858 today. Also I bet she wanted me to get the imagine of some huge breasted model but I bet she's hugely obese.
Oh and getting 5 billion tests done on my stomach, throwing up, and some more fainting.
btw I got an A in Microbiology Lab...woooo!
Wow. You're not a complete failure after all.
I hate sociology.
Sociology is piss easy.
I seem to be more antisocial more than ever.
Somehow I doubt you mean antisocial. Probably more like "I don't talk to people."
I realized today in class that I don't talk to anyone.
Yeah that's not antisocial. Antisocial is being hostile to organized society.
So the 9/11 attacks, that was antisocial. Also counterculture.
That's the thing about these collegefags. They think blaring Rage Against the Machine in the school bookstore while some poor idiot is trying to get his book purchase together (hi me) is counterculture when in reality it's just annoying. Also please stop.
Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely happy and everything. But lately it seems like it's an act, like any chance I get I'm thinking about him and wishing he was right next to me and I would actually feel RIGHT for one.
I think that's called being homesick.
Also it's okay to be sad you're not obligated to be happy all the time. Remember when I said you should stop giving a shit? That kind of goes into that.
Why do guys always tell you to loose weight?
Earlier prediction was true. Do I know people or what?
Why do guys always tell you to loose weight? Ok yeah, let me just be annorexic and DIE. hope you'll be happy then.
I would be.
I'm like haha eff you I like my food :)
So what's the fucking problem? Shut up and eat your Little Debbie's.
Also I knew she was fat because:
- World of Warcraft. No skinny girl plays. It's a rule.
- "big breasts"
- dream about buying snack foods
Anyways, Just wanted to say gooood morning.

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