Friday, January 23, 2009


Today's entry is the blog of an actress. Actresses, and I assume actors as well though I have never had the fortune of reading one of their blogs, have a particular flavor of douchebaggery that is at once familiar and wholly unique to them. Anyone reading this for a long time may remember this award winner.
Today's entry is a lot like that, so if you're really pressed for time you can just remember that entry and go away.
But if you must have new content, then go here.

I am frustrated. Last night's rehearsal was really fun, but my performance was not.

I know what's coming and I see on the back of my can of spray primer it says "VAPOR HARMFUL!" and that it'll cause brain damage. I wonder if I can hit that shit enough to cause brain damage before the douchebaggery sets in.
I have always been able to cry, always. At the end of November, durig The Women auditions, the director had to give me time to calm down because I cried so much during a scene. ut suddenly, all of that is gone.

I can sneeze on command. Not as useful as crying on command perhaps, but if I ever want to clear an elevator all I have to do is yell I HAVE EBOLA and start sneezing like mad.
I'm going to be like those actors I can't stand, who just screw up their faces and make crying noises. That's not acting, that's faking.

Acting isn't faking?
All right.
And, as it turned out, screwing up my face and making the proper crying sounds got me some tears... but I still didn't feel triumphant because I had to fake my way to them.

You must suck at acting if you can't convince people your fake crying is authentic.
I am just so frustrated... I don't know how to fix this, especialy since I've never had a problem before. It makes me feel awful, and I have no one to blame but myself.

I have a solution. You might not like it, though. Take needle nose plies and dig out your big toe nail. Any time you have to cry, stomp on that motherfucker.
Tears aplenty.
Christ all mighty this post is as long as my entire front page combined. I understand my posts aren't exactly on the short side but I at least try to do some editing.
WARNING: This will be a very long entry.

This is on the previous entry. Had she warned me at the end of the other one that would be almost kind of funny, which I think we all know by now is impossible.
Also she wasn't kidding. This puts the other one to shame.

There is a but of drama in the roommate department.

Somehow I get the feeling that's a recurring theme in your life, and I don't mean on stage. Also I'll chalk that up to a typo on "there is a but" instead of "there is a lot".

They are not social pariahs like I am and so have lots of friends in our room all the time.

I have known many actors and actresses in my time in high school, and all of them said shit like this, and yet all of them were invariably amongst the most popular kids in school.
It's bullshit is what it is. To evoke pity they don't deserve nor require.
This, however, pushed me over the edge. I cannot have anything bad on my record because I have to be invited back my third and fourth years and I don't want anything to jeopardize that.

Jesus Christ you got written up for making too much noise. This isn't the end of the world.
Our room is too small for murders to occur.

On the contrary, murder your noisy roommates and leave the evidence on the other beds.
In other, happier news... It's my birthday today. I am a very old nineteen.

Oh sorry I was reading this label again. Are you still talking?
"I'm so excited we get to go to a forge. I'm gonna feel so powerful... I'm gonna be like Zeus!" -P.J.

That was her quote of the day. Glad to see you theater fags know your mythology. Zeus definitely was known for his forge skills.
Oh wait no that was Hephaestus, God of the Forge.
Nice try though.
Also it was real knee slapper. Funny and accurate. My kind of joke.
I was being sarcastic, in case you couldn't tell. Fuck you, P.J.
A really cool thing happened today at rehearsal.

Let me guess, you ramble on for seventeen million paragraphs about nothing again?
I was waiting backstage for my next scene and I thought, "Man, I wish I had gotten that role in Over the Tavern." I seriously thought that... and then was very happy when I realised my error. Being onstage again has made me een happier than I thought it would. I'm sure everyone today thought I was very unprofessional because I kept smiling through my scenes. Annie doesn't smile until her last scene, but I was so happy to be there that I couldn't stop.

What do you know?
Wow she updates daily, too. She puts my entries to shame when it comes to number of words.
So anyway, today was my first day of classes.

I bet you're taking really hard classes.

I'm doing a lot of editing, by the way. She goes on and on about each.
Voice and Speech II

Here's the funny part about this class:

Going to be very hard, but good class, anyway.

Brutal, I'm sure.
Power of Play

I could take nineteen million classes if they were all like this. Here's what she did today in Practicum:

We did some easy stitching today and chatted.

Jesus Christ. I wish I could get graded and receive a degree for playing video games.
Mom and I went to Curves, then I decided to go to H&M and us my gift card to get a nice blouse.


There was such cool symbolism.

All right champ, let's see you navigate this one.
For example, when Sister A, Streep's character wanted the truth from Father Flynn, she opened the blinds in the window so that he was blinded by sunlight, like an interrogration light.

There was a lot of symbolism (some I didn't pick up on but read about later) with the windows- like people kept shutting windows, which someone said symbolised them shutting their minds from whatever they were thinking about.

The whole fingernails thing is hard to figure out- people have speculated that it is either about being gay or being overweight.

Well at least you're trying. Can't expect you to understand all that complicated light and window symbolism and take fucking Practicum. You're not a super hero, after all. One thing at a time.
All right you fags I'm done. My leg fell asleep while typing this and it's really going to feel weird when I stand up.

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