Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It begins.

Today I'm trying something new. Instead of my bitter jaded (awesome) self, I'm going to be pleasant this entire entry.
It's opposite day, I've decided, and I'm playing.

So I have been thinking as of late, why do we chose the hobbies we do?

Wow what a thoughtful question I hope spending three fascinating paragraphs on this subject brings you close to your answer! Also: God bless.

Really, now some of them are easy to explain they are cool and a thrill.

I think anything you do is cool because you're a cool person! Like all of Livejournal! LOL!!
So that one I can understand but what about the "duller ones"

As I said before, anything you do is cool w/me!
I mean I knit and do cross stitch and what not.

Please tell me more. Please.
I bake because my family and friends seem to like what I make so I am more then happy to do it and I LARP because well it is just fun *S*

LARPing, that is, Live Action Role Playing, certainly is tons of fun for socially well-adjusted individuals!
So lets see what I have been up to as of late?

I didn't ask but it's nice to see you're a mind reader because that is definitely what I was thinking.

It has been a good weekend this weekend.

This weekend. That's good. I was worried you were referring to a previous weekend and then I'd be totally lost.

Went to a movie with nolans cousin and saw My Bloody Valintine.

That sure is some creative spelling you have on the word "valentine", Lishazkatz. It's refreshing to see such a rebel on the virgin spelling planes of Livejournal.

I got things done for D&D tonight so I may work on my knitting.

D&D, LARPing, knitting AND cross stitching? My word what a range of talents you have! I bet there's a whole treasure trove of skill that you haven't yet shared with your faithful readers!
I have been a little moody but that is part from the season sensitivity, the fact I have not been sleeping well and the fact I have not been feeling well to.

Oh, well, as long as you have an excuse. That's okay.

I know not really great excuses but they are the truth.

Telling the truth is important. People always love to hear the truth.
I Love You, I find that these are three of the most powerful words someone can use on a person. And these seem to be the most important words there are in my opinion.

No, I agree. Also thanks for changing your font. It adds a lot of variety to my drab Times New Roman posts!
Squeeee I get make up from a place I thought I couldn't. *happy dance*


Things are going wonderfully with nolan and I.

Clever use of "I" there. Glad to see the grammar lessons haven't caged your creative spirit.
He is going to be getting his hearing checked by and occupational therapist through the school in the new year, either he is not hearing things properly or his hearing is to sensitive.

Oh that's good, I was worried he was like his mother.
Err, he-- uhh-- had hearing problems. That's what I meant.
I wasn't insinuating you're an idiot, or anything, far from it.
I know a lot of people have been telling me we are making to much out of some of the things he is doing but well.

I'm sure there's a bitter grammarian somewhere keeping a tally of how many times you've gotten the difference between "to", "two" and "too" right and I'm certain he's not happy about the result.
Luckily I know of no such person.
That I am not smart enough, looking at my friends and what they do, lawyer, managers, working for the government, jobs that you need to be smart to do.

Yes I have known a number of people who work for the government and all of them have been paragons of intelligence. Entire offices filled with nothing but the best and the brightest.
That really explains why our government, here in the United States, is run as well as it is.
But then I come down to earth and realize that no not really and it is just a matter of time before I am told to take a hike and they get someone better...and I wouldn't blame them.

What a sourpuss attitude!
Think positive, no one would want to fire you! You're awesome.
Well friends, I think that's about it for my new acquaintance, Lishakatz.
Have a pleasant evening.

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