Today's blog is entitled "Accidental Narcissism" and, like all blogs, narcissism is right, and coincidentally reminds me of the MYTH OF NARCISSUS.
Ameinias loved Narcissus, but, as a way of spurning his advances, Narcissus gave Ameinias a sword. Ameinias killed himself on the doorstep of Narcissus but before he died prayed to Nemesis that he (Narcissus) might never find true love, so Nemesis made him fall in love with his own reflection.
Narcissus later drowned admiring himself in a still pool.
Also Echo came into this at some point but no one knows what her deal is.
Moral of the story? Nemesis, like all children of Nyx, doesn't fuck around. Also it's bad to be like Narcissus. I don't know. I usually take a different meaning from things than most people.
So what do we know of this deplorable CUNT?
I'm CS. I'm 18, and I'm pretty average - don't let my vocabulary fool you.
First of all: ASDFK; it's snowing =DDD Go forth, little flakes, and accumulate! I think they may be listening for once.
I don't know what that means. ASDFK you're a stupid cunt who should get caught in the most violent blizzard in a thousand years and die, unmourned and unloved, your flesh flayed from your body by golf ball sized hale.
How appropriate to use photos of oneself for a journal irreverently titled "Accidental Narcissism", don't you think?
Dear Nemesis,
You left your work unfinished.
P.S. I'm a fan.
So I was sitting on the couch, cocooned in a blanket and watching TV all drowsy-like, and complaining to my dad that I'd just seen X-Files Season 2 at Wal-Mart brand new for the same price I paid on Amazon used (it still hasn't come in; the SUSPEEEEEEENSE!) And he was like, "sorry, no more Mulder for j00!"

So yeah, I hit up Amazon earlier this week and got my copy this weekend.yaoiophile and I had some amusement re-watching. It's so nice to be able to watch without your feed freezing every five words.
Yaoiphile. Great.
I think we're long overdue for a picture spam post around here, too, since I don't seem to be terribly proficient at showing my face on my own journal. Which is weird, all things considered, because I'm certainly not shy about posting it elsewhere.
Let's see if it actually happens this time. I KNOW YOU ARE ALL HOLDING YOUR BREATH.
Yes, holding my breath. That must be what I'm doing.
You know when you really, really shouldn't read spoilers, but you just can't help it?
I was proud of myself for waiting three whole months to see the conclusion of the Niles/Daphne relationship for myself (which was a test to my fangirl willpower, truly - but well worth the effort).
Niles and Daphne was from, what, Frasier? Sorry to spoil plot details of a show that stopped production FIVE YEARS AGO.
Also great writing. Everyone believes the gay guy and the British girl will work it out after all.
Dumb show.
As insufferable as these ramblings must be, O watchers, reading back through multiple entries of the fan splooge from my hooneymoon phase with whichever new reality-distraction I'm adding to my harem always amuses me. Like it or not, this is who I am.
"insufferable" is being generous.
Pointless post is pointless. Obsessively over-analytical CS is obsessively analytical.
Now we get insight into her life, which, I don't know about anyone reading this, I was absolutely burning to know.
1. Do you sleep in your bra?
Pressing question.
Unrestricted boobies plz.
Gross. I'm sure if I didn't find you repugnant I'd be interested in those but even I'm a little bit amazed at how little I want to see that.
2. What color is your room?
Nope don't give a shit.
3. Are you happy with your looks?
For the most part. =] I am who I am, and I'm reasonably content with that. I would like some hips, though. Not exaggerated Jessica Rabbit ones, but. . . some.
Yeah other than that you're perfect.
12. Do you think you’re conceited.
I know how I'd answer that question: "is that a question? I don't see a question mark."
I try my very hardest not to be - however, there's the saying, "it's not bragging if you can do it". Honestly, I'm too self-analytical to really ever get too confident, I think.
From the girl with a blog entitled "accidental narcissism" and spends every waking moment talking about herself.
The least you could do is show some confidence so at least it isn't a constant pity-party which is even more pathetic.
1. What color is your bra that your wearing?
Flesh-colored. ;D (GET IT GET IT)
No-- oh I get it.
Har har.
13. What do you want to do after highschool?
Something that pays a bit more than what I'm making currently, and doesn't make me want to tear my hair out daily.
"slightly more than minimum wage" is how I read that. It's good to have goals, Cunt Stain.
17. Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?
Shit, I have to say "yes", don't I?
Heck no. You could lie. Everyone else does. Lying makes your life seem more interesting than it actually is.
19. Have you ever had a good feeling about something?
In before either "yes tee hee" or NO I AM SO EMO LOL RANDUM xD
Then she goes on to answer the questions about her "perfect guy" which, after reading the answers (slow day for me) I can only describe as "the Aryan superman". Nice try, Hitler.
This is typical - I fall head-over-heels for something based largely on an appealing romance that doesn't transpire until Season 7, but what's worse than biting my knuckles through $100-worth of boxed sets is already knowing that it eventually happens. (Oh yeah, and, um, aliens. And conspiracy theories. That stuff too.)
So let me see if I understand this correctly. You bought all of the X-Files not because it's an interesting show with well-written plotlines but for the hamhanded romance that develops at the end of the show?
That's like watching For A Few Dollars More to see if Colonel Mortimer gets his other pocketwatch back.
Spoilers: he does.
Since, unlike every other female carbon-based life form, I failed to find it in Twilight (though not without trying very, verytoohard)
Initially I would have thought that would make you superior to them, but after a moment of thought-- no, no it doesn't.
It makes you exactly the same, somehow.
You know, I don't have many friends who actually understand fandom in this respect, beyond "I really like that show, it's good!"
You know, like a normal person might think?
"I like this, it is therefore good" is perfectly rational thinking, Cunt Stain.
In fact I enjoy many things that contain no romance or sex and somehow they are still good.
Get your head around THAT one.
Also I note that, like me, her labels for her post have nothing at all to do with the actual post, but unlike mine, her labels send chills down my spine.
So in conclusion, Cunt Stain:
- be less of a douche.
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