Friday, January 30, 2009

Like strength is felt from hope and from despair.

Today's annoying cunt is really cunty and I feel like playing grindan gaems so I predict a short entry.
Click here and let's get this over with.

So I went to a Judith Butler lecture and was shocked.

I know everything and everyone cool and her name isn't on the list, so GUESS WHAT?
I really liked what she had to say. Truth be told, I believe that as long as humans live on this earth, there will never be an end to violence or war.


I guess we all need to start taking responsibility.

Not me. I have not started or participated in war 1. I am completely absolved from all guilt when it comes to wars.

Maybe the human race isn't so hopeless.

Baseless assumption.

But then again, our human race, all of our civilizations were built solely on hope.

Actually our advanced, first world civilization that includes computers on which to type this drivel was founded on knowledge, not hope.
Hope accomplishes very little. Actually doing shit, while it certainly does not absolve you of responsibility and is far harder than sitting around hoping, actually accomplishes shit.
I feel as though I am responsible for my familial rift.

Maybe if you had been a better daughter mommy and daddy would still love each other.
I am responsible. I am the cause of my parent's martial strife.

MARTIAL strife?
Surely you meant marital strife?
Still that's kind of a funny typo.

Ever since my Dad--my step father--started raising me. He was always hardest on me.

>hardest on me
tee hee.
Now there's a lot of words I'm not reading.

I must say I was shocked at the civility of our nation as Barack Obama was inaugurated today.

I was shocked at the price tag. Nice to see in this questionable economy you put this fine nation into further debt with a huge party.
Way to reward yourself before accomplishing anything, chief.

I think we have someone in office that will do something for us.

Oh, he'll do something, whether it's good or useful is still to be seen, though.
An amazing orator, hopefully his pretty words will not be empty.

>amazing orator
Perhaps for once we will have a president we can trust.

HOW SO? What makes you think any of this?
Listen, kid, just because someone says they'll do something doesn't mean they will or even can.
Maybe he has already changed our jaded minds.

Whoever he has convinced wasn't really jaded.
I, for the record, remain deeply unconvinced.

I'm willing to hope. Its shining bright admist this stormy sky.

Maybe he won't let our nation fall prey once more to the bureaucratic sharks, nipping away at us bit by bit.

Yeah and maybe I'll win the lottery and spend the rest of my life swimming in ice cream, huh?
Young Goodman Brown once walked into a forest where the devil greeted him.

Oh what's up English 201?
And once the dream was over with he lost his faith in people and became a bitter Old man, scornful of all things that sought happiness.

Didn't know this was "read my bullshit essay" blog. Where's the part about the symbolism in his wife, Faith's, name?
Yeah that's right, uhh, i_am_super_sora, I read that story too. Three times.
Broken. I feel broken.

Really? I feel good.
Yeah it's pretty great to be me, actually.
I am so in love with one man. One man who I swear I would live and die for. Just his happiness.

Shit. You need a hobby or something. Maybe go through your old entries and fix your copious, copious typos? I mean, sure, no one is perfect (EVEN MY BLOG CONTAINS TYPOS, AND YES I AM AWARE OF THEM) but goddamn there's a line, and you crossed it.
I want to touch him, ohld his hand, help him with his pain.

See this is exactly what I'm talking about. "Ohld" his hand indeed.
SHe cut me where I didn't know I could be cut.

Your-- no, I can't imagine a place like that.
I guess a crevice of some sort, like your asshole or the inside of your mouth.
Also a lot of people don't like to think about their genitals or eyes getting cut.
By "a lot" I mean "sane people" of course.
Personally I don't like to think about getting cut at all, but if I absolutely had to be there are some areas that would be more preferable than others.
Never forget.

Finally some good advice from your stupid mouth.
Never forgive, never forget.
There are no guarantees in life
Not for the present,
Nor for the future.

This does drag on.

It is an art. As art it has one main function.
To reflect what other humans view the human soul as.

Wow that's really-- stupid. You should probably feel bad.
Perhaps in music we find God. or a version of it. God being a compilation of human souls and interests and within this one thing we feel connected to the rest of the human race. Our lives stop. We feel the wisdom and the power of each stroke of the bow, strike of the keys, or strum of the chord.

Ha, ha what kind of pussy chick music have you been listening to, sister?
I'm listening to Money for Nothing and all I hear is the most badass guitar ever.

Music is one thing that makes no sense at all, but at the same time makes the most sense to us.

So, I keep drawing the ace of cups.

Yup. If you don't know what that card means, then look it up.

You're getting in touch with your feelings. It's the initial flow of emotions, which somehow I doubt ever stops with you.
I'm getting in touch with my feelings, too. Oh wait, no, I'm cupping my balls.
Hope is a bitch cunt face....

Yeah get angry. Break things.

Good morrow, dear friends and strangers.

See you later, pantaloon wearing faggot.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Take care, lest your protests grow tiresome.

I don't know, guys, I think these bloggers might be a bunch if whiny bitches.
Born with out the ambition drive, it's been so awkward to be alive.

Ambition is bullshit. Always telling you to strive and do your best? Fuck that. Sleep in, play video games, eat Cheetos. Your life is enhanced without that nagging desire to achieve.
Alienate the alien for he does not belong here, he skin is that of the norm but he can't adapt like the others.

I'm not really sure what to say here because I've read this sentence five times now and I still don't even have a vague outline of what this means.
I started to lose weight then stopped at 217-220.

Whoa, don't push yourself, chief, okay. You're not Superman, after all.
I always miss the more interesting nights with my friends because of some lame decision I end up making. Damn, I need to get the weekends off. Well, better luck next time.

To quote Patton Oswalt: "you will miss everything cool and die angry."

So I've been joggin/working out and eating smaller portions recently. After my relations with Heather. I had realized that I severely needed to lose weight. Especially if I am to be looking to attract a girl.
Yeah you'll be a real ladies' man. What with that award winning attitude and everything.
Now, being single is good. I've had time to be myself and such.

I don't know how anyone else read that, but I read that as "masturbation".
It was hard at first but that just comes with the package.

"Comes with the package" EH? EH?
So I've been trying to chat/ meet with girls. Don't think I want an ultra serious relationship right now. I just want to date more so then anything right now.

"I want to fuck them with no strings attached."

Not an internet gal, just meet her through, I'll say, an accomplice.

Acquaintance* unless, indeed, you're robbing banks with her.

I've noticed that I'm starting to sort of "crush"/interested in her.

She probably already has a boyfriend, so why bother?
Though, I know myself all to well.

Yes, you are far too cowardly to act on these emotions.
Whenever I have a crush or an attraction to a girl, I'll never act because I'm afraid of them not wanting to associate with me at all if I try to show that I'm interested or something.

No, brosef, you were supposed to persevere in a climate of intense pessimism. You failed that test.
Also in other news, not too long after heather and I broke up, I did mj for the first time. Yeah, I know, I lost face with you (whoever reads this).

Oh, don't worry. You started with no face at all as far as I'm concerned and you've been steadily working yourself into negative numbers ever since.

Off to play smash brothers. Good day


I think something is most wrong with me.

There's something wrong with all of us. JOIN THE CLUB, BRO.

I seem to not have any real interest, recently, in the female gender


(and no I'm not what your thinking...I have a most disinterest in that).

Sure thing, chief.
Hey, you don't have to convince me. It's your own problem.

My days of mortality feel the weight of themselves more and more. How I fear my mortality.

BAH. So you sit around all day worrying about your own death? You might as well be dead now.

watch 300!!!!!

I did. It was cool. I liked the Immortals.
I'll tell you it is really that good. Easily one of the the most beautiful films I have ever seen, just visually.

Oh you liked all the nearly nude men running about stabbing each other with big, phallic spears?
Now there's a ton, and I mean a ton of ellipsis. Post after post of fifteen million periods. Not reading any of this.
My advice to you, friend, would be to stop being such a dork.
Christ all mighty grow a spine. I know it's hard and blah blah blah scared of dying bullshit but-- actually fuck it. Who cares what you do?

Monday, January 26, 2009

All Untruth is Sedition

That's some name you have there, by the way. I think I read about you in H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos.

Dustin told me he loved me last night.

Wow big day for you, huh? Well I hit level 29 on my red mage today in Final Fantasy XI so I totally one upped your shitty story.
Success is measured by who tells the best story and you just got OBLITERATED.
we were on myspace talking and on the phone at the same time.
Wow the conversation was so deep you required two communication lines open to properly express your thoughts?
Those faggy poets like Shakespeare and Donne could take some notes on you young lovers.
Oh wait, no they can't. They're DEAD.
he mentioned he might be starting to more then care for me, then he left me a comment saying he thinks he might be in love with me.

But yeah back to something more interesting, I'm thinking of switching to scholar once I get the big 30 because that way I'd have a subjob until 60, and besides scholar kicks ass. I know it doesn't sound like it but trust me on this, okay.
he also said that he does not see us having sex at any point in the near future, or at all so far.

Taking a play out of the book of the aforementioned John Donne, I think:
First we loved well and faithfully,
Yet knew not what we loved, nor why ;
Difference of sex we never knew,
No more than guardian angels do ;

That's from The Relic in case you were burning to read it in its entirety. I mention this because I thought it was The Valediction and so had to read TWO poems to find what I was thinking of.
Rough day for me to be sure.
that made me really happy. i shows he really does care for me in a completely seperate way than everyone else i have ever been with.

Let's see, when did she post this-- December 16th. I would bet folding money he has already hit it and quit it.
he said i'm his queen.
he makes me so happy.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
That's how I imagine that conversation going.
... That was a reference to Cthulhu again. That one felt weak so I thought I'd explain it.
i kissed jacob lee in algebra today.

Jacob? I thought his name was Dustin.
so pretty much, i've been grounded since monday night, due to me being on the phone with dustin at like 10:30 at night when i'm supposed to be off at nine, but whatever.

Shit's harsh. No one, no one, can understand the love you share with Dustin. You should definitely be butthurt over this.
- dustin and i are together. i don't remember if i said this or not.

But, but-- you kissed Jacob Lee 24 hours later!
What you are is a lying, cheating HARLOT.

i broke up with jake today too. way too clingy and over bearing.

dustin is calling.

Don't let it get you do-- oh you're already with Dustin.
Well I might say this is a refreshing change from the typical overdramatic bullshit.
Sara and I were having an actual conversation with the obsession today, and some trashy slut came over and pushed both of us out of the way and was like, "PSSSHHT! SCUSE ME!" and sat in his lap.

Ha, ha, ha DESTROYED.

i was so mad, i just walked away.

Being the bigger person, that's something to laud--
Sara and I trash talked her in front of Buddy and Dj the rest of lunch, and i don't think they completely got what we were talking about. haha.

Ha, ha wow that's some passive aggressive bullshit.

Elle and possibly Casey J. is comming with me to the concert tomorrow night with my church.

Glad to see all that church nonsense of being above the rabble and turning the other cheek and making peace rubbed off on you. Took the vital lessons, I see.
Now there's some words I'm not reading because every time I try my eyes cross involuntarily.
- 2007/seventh grade.

I assume the slash means also that year, so that means you are in... 9th grade.
This, by the way, of things she misses/wants/needs.
- innocence.

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."
i was kind of reluctant to admit that i was frighted


but in all reality, Jake and i are still doing really well. even though it's only day eight.

All this ninth grade romance is really fascinating, but don't you have any other thoughts? At all?
I know that's asking a little much from a 9th grade girl posting on Livejournal (might as well be asking the tides to turn) but seriously. Cut it out.

i want to is be more than what i had with DJ but less than what is had with Richard.

DJ and Dick, Jake and-- the new one, what was it? Dustin?
Hold on, let me diagram this.
Ok going earlier-- oh hey, that's it! I'm done! I'm actually done!
Well in conclusion good luck with all your problems, kid and hey get ready for a long, long life of mediocrity and working at a nail salon.
I'm not saying it's glamorous or even all that useful but hey, it's a demand that someone has to fulfill, and where would we be without the countless hordes of menials who grind the wheels of bureaucracy?

Friday, January 23, 2009


Today's entry is the blog of an actress. Actresses, and I assume actors as well though I have never had the fortune of reading one of their blogs, have a particular flavor of douchebaggery that is at once familiar and wholly unique to them. Anyone reading this for a long time may remember this award winner.
Today's entry is a lot like that, so if you're really pressed for time you can just remember that entry and go away.
But if you must have new content, then go here.

I am frustrated. Last night's rehearsal was really fun, but my performance was not.

I know what's coming and I see on the back of my can of spray primer it says "VAPOR HARMFUL!" and that it'll cause brain damage. I wonder if I can hit that shit enough to cause brain damage before the douchebaggery sets in.
I have always been able to cry, always. At the end of November, durig The Women auditions, the director had to give me time to calm down because I cried so much during a scene. ut suddenly, all of that is gone.

I can sneeze on command. Not as useful as crying on command perhaps, but if I ever want to clear an elevator all I have to do is yell I HAVE EBOLA and start sneezing like mad.
I'm going to be like those actors I can't stand, who just screw up their faces and make crying noises. That's not acting, that's faking.

Acting isn't faking?
All right.
And, as it turned out, screwing up my face and making the proper crying sounds got me some tears... but I still didn't feel triumphant because I had to fake my way to them.

You must suck at acting if you can't convince people your fake crying is authentic.
I am just so frustrated... I don't know how to fix this, especialy since I've never had a problem before. It makes me feel awful, and I have no one to blame but myself.

I have a solution. You might not like it, though. Take needle nose plies and dig out your big toe nail. Any time you have to cry, stomp on that motherfucker.
Tears aplenty.
Christ all mighty this post is as long as my entire front page combined. I understand my posts aren't exactly on the short side but I at least try to do some editing.
WARNING: This will be a very long entry.

This is on the previous entry. Had she warned me at the end of the other one that would be almost kind of funny, which I think we all know by now is impossible.
Also she wasn't kidding. This puts the other one to shame.

There is a but of drama in the roommate department.

Somehow I get the feeling that's a recurring theme in your life, and I don't mean on stage. Also I'll chalk that up to a typo on "there is a but" instead of "there is a lot".

They are not social pariahs like I am and so have lots of friends in our room all the time.

I have known many actors and actresses in my time in high school, and all of them said shit like this, and yet all of them were invariably amongst the most popular kids in school.
It's bullshit is what it is. To evoke pity they don't deserve nor require.
This, however, pushed me over the edge. I cannot have anything bad on my record because I have to be invited back my third and fourth years and I don't want anything to jeopardize that.

Jesus Christ you got written up for making too much noise. This isn't the end of the world.
Our room is too small for murders to occur.

On the contrary, murder your noisy roommates and leave the evidence on the other beds.
In other, happier news... It's my birthday today. I am a very old nineteen.

Oh sorry I was reading this label again. Are you still talking?
"I'm so excited we get to go to a forge. I'm gonna feel so powerful... I'm gonna be like Zeus!" -P.J.

That was her quote of the day. Glad to see you theater fags know your mythology. Zeus definitely was known for his forge skills.
Oh wait no that was Hephaestus, God of the Forge.
Nice try though.
Also it was real knee slapper. Funny and accurate. My kind of joke.
I was being sarcastic, in case you couldn't tell. Fuck you, P.J.
A really cool thing happened today at rehearsal.

Let me guess, you ramble on for seventeen million paragraphs about nothing again?
I was waiting backstage for my next scene and I thought, "Man, I wish I had gotten that role in Over the Tavern." I seriously thought that... and then was very happy when I realised my error. Being onstage again has made me een happier than I thought it would. I'm sure everyone today thought I was very unprofessional because I kept smiling through my scenes. Annie doesn't smile until her last scene, but I was so happy to be there that I couldn't stop.

What do you know?
Wow she updates daily, too. She puts my entries to shame when it comes to number of words.
So anyway, today was my first day of classes.

I bet you're taking really hard classes.

I'm doing a lot of editing, by the way. She goes on and on about each.
Voice and Speech II

Here's the funny part about this class:

Going to be very hard, but good class, anyway.

Brutal, I'm sure.
Power of Play

I could take nineteen million classes if they were all like this. Here's what she did today in Practicum:

We did some easy stitching today and chatted.

Jesus Christ. I wish I could get graded and receive a degree for playing video games.
Mom and I went to Curves, then I decided to go to H&M and us my gift card to get a nice blouse.


There was such cool symbolism.

All right champ, let's see you navigate this one.
For example, when Sister A, Streep's character wanted the truth from Father Flynn, she opened the blinds in the window so that he was blinded by sunlight, like an interrogration light.

There was a lot of symbolism (some I didn't pick up on but read about later) with the windows- like people kept shutting windows, which someone said symbolised them shutting their minds from whatever they were thinking about.

The whole fingernails thing is hard to figure out- people have speculated that it is either about being gay or being overweight.

Well at least you're trying. Can't expect you to understand all that complicated light and window symbolism and take fucking Practicum. You're not a super hero, after all. One thing at a time.
All right you fags I'm done. My leg fell asleep while typing this and it's really going to feel weird when I stand up.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It begins.

Today I'm trying something new. Instead of my bitter jaded (awesome) self, I'm going to be pleasant this entire entry.
It's opposite day, I've decided, and I'm playing.

So I have been thinking as of late, why do we chose the hobbies we do?

Wow what a thoughtful question I hope spending three fascinating paragraphs on this subject brings you close to your answer! Also: God bless.

Really, now some of them are easy to explain they are cool and a thrill.

I think anything you do is cool because you're a cool person! Like all of Livejournal! LOL!!
So that one I can understand but what about the "duller ones"

As I said before, anything you do is cool w/me!
I mean I knit and do cross stitch and what not.

Please tell me more. Please.
I bake because my family and friends seem to like what I make so I am more then happy to do it and I LARP because well it is just fun *S*

LARPing, that is, Live Action Role Playing, certainly is tons of fun for socially well-adjusted individuals!
So lets see what I have been up to as of late?

I didn't ask but it's nice to see you're a mind reader because that is definitely what I was thinking.

It has been a good weekend this weekend.

This weekend. That's good. I was worried you were referring to a previous weekend and then I'd be totally lost.

Went to a movie with nolans cousin and saw My Bloody Valintine.

That sure is some creative spelling you have on the word "valentine", Lishazkatz. It's refreshing to see such a rebel on the virgin spelling planes of Livejournal.

I got things done for D&D tonight so I may work on my knitting.

D&D, LARPing, knitting AND cross stitching? My word what a range of talents you have! I bet there's a whole treasure trove of skill that you haven't yet shared with your faithful readers!
I have been a little moody but that is part from the season sensitivity, the fact I have not been sleeping well and the fact I have not been feeling well to.

Oh, well, as long as you have an excuse. That's okay.

I know not really great excuses but they are the truth.

Telling the truth is important. People always love to hear the truth.
I Love You, I find that these are three of the most powerful words someone can use on a person. And these seem to be the most important words there are in my opinion.

No, I agree. Also thanks for changing your font. It adds a lot of variety to my drab Times New Roman posts!
Squeeee I get make up from a place I thought I couldn't. *happy dance*


Things are going wonderfully with nolan and I.

Clever use of "I" there. Glad to see the grammar lessons haven't caged your creative spirit.
He is going to be getting his hearing checked by and occupational therapist through the school in the new year, either he is not hearing things properly or his hearing is to sensitive.

Oh that's good, I was worried he was like his mother.
Err, he-- uhh-- had hearing problems. That's what I meant.
I wasn't insinuating you're an idiot, or anything, far from it.
I know a lot of people have been telling me we are making to much out of some of the things he is doing but well.

I'm sure there's a bitter grammarian somewhere keeping a tally of how many times you've gotten the difference between "to", "two" and "too" right and I'm certain he's not happy about the result.
Luckily I know of no such person.
That I am not smart enough, looking at my friends and what they do, lawyer, managers, working for the government, jobs that you need to be smart to do.

Yes I have known a number of people who work for the government and all of them have been paragons of intelligence. Entire offices filled with nothing but the best and the brightest.
That really explains why our government, here in the United States, is run as well as it is.
But then I come down to earth and realize that no not really and it is just a matter of time before I am told to take a hike and they get someone better...and I wouldn't blame them.

What a sourpuss attitude!
Think positive, no one would want to fire you! You're awesome.
Well friends, I think that's about it for my new acquaintance, Lishakatz.
Have a pleasant evening.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Go ahead and fuck yourself

Today, like many of my blogs, contains a lesson in mythology because I thoroughly believe THERE'S SOMETHING TO BE LEARNED FROM THESE TALES.
Today's blog is entitled "Accidental Narcissism" and, like all blogs, narcissism is right, and coincidentally reminds me of the MYTH OF NARCISSUS.
Ameinias loved Narcissus, but, as a way of spurning his advances, Narcissus gave Ameinias a sword. Ameinias killed himself on the doorstep of Narcissus but before he died prayed to Nemesis that he (Narcissus) might never find true love, so Nemesis made him fall in love with his own reflection.
Narcissus later drowned admiring himself in a still pool.
Also Echo came into this at some point but no one knows what her deal is.
Moral of the story? Nemesis, like all children of Nyx, doesn't fuck around. Also it's bad to be like Narcissus. I don't know. I usually take a different meaning from things than most people.
So what do we know of this deplorable CUNT?

I'm CS. I'm 18, and I'm pretty average - don't let my vocabulary fool you.

First of all: ASDFK; it's snowing =DDD Go forth, little flakes, and accumulate! I think they may be listening for once.

I don't know what that means. ASDFK you're a stupid cunt who should get caught in the most violent blizzard in a thousand years and die, unmourned and unloved, your flesh flayed from your body by golf ball sized hale.
How appropriate to use photos of oneself for a journal irreverently titled "Accidental Narcissism", don't you think?

Dear Nemesis,
You left your work unfinished.
P.S. I'm a fan.
So I was sitting on the couch, cocooned in a blanket and watching TV all drowsy-like, and complaining to my dad that I'd just seen X-Files Season 2 at Wal-Mart brand new for the same price I paid on Amazon used (it still hasn't come in; the SUSPEEEEEEENSE!) And he was like, "sorry, no more Mulder for j00!"

So yeah, I hit up Amazon earlier this week and got my copy this weekend. [info]yaoiophile and I had some amusement re-watching. It's so nice to be able to watch without your feed freezing every five words.

Yaoiphile. Great.
I think we're long overdue for a picture spam post around here, too, since I don't seem to be terribly proficient at showing my face on my own journal. Which is weird, all things considered, because I'm certainly not shy about posting it elsewhere.

Let's see if it actually happens this time. I KNOW YOU ARE ALL HOLDING YOUR BREATH.

Yes, holding my breath. That must be what I'm doing.

You know when you really, really shouldn't read spoilers, but you just can't help it?

I was proud of myself for waiting three whole months to see the conclusion of the Niles/Daphne relationship for myself (which was a test to my fangirl willpower, truly - but well worth the effort).

Niles and Daphne was from, what, Frasier? Sorry to spoil plot details of a show that stopped production FIVE YEARS AGO.
Also great writing. Everyone believes the gay guy and the British girl will work it out after all.
Dumb show.
As insufferable as these ramblings must be, O watchers, reading back through multiple entries of the fan splooge from my hooneymoon phase with whichever new reality-distraction I'm adding to my harem always amuses me. Like it or not, this is who I am.

"insufferable" is being generous.

Pointless post is pointless. Obsessively over-analytical CS is obsessively analytical.

Now we get insight into her life, which, I don't know about anyone reading this, I was absolutely burning to know.

1. Do you sleep in your bra?

Pressing question.

Unrestricted boobies plz.

Gross. I'm sure if I didn't find you repugnant I'd be interested in those but even I'm a little bit amazed at how little I want to see that.
2. What color is your room?

Nope don't give a shit.
3. Are you happy with your looks?
For the most part. =] I am who I am, and I'm reasonably content with that. I would like some hips, though. Not exaggerated Jessica Rabbit ones, but. . . some.

Yeah other than that you're perfect.

12. Do you think you’re conceited.

I know how I'd answer that question: "is that a question? I don't see a question mark."
I try my very hardest not to be - however, there's the saying, "it's not bragging if you can do it". Honestly, I'm too self-analytical to really ever get too confident, I think.

From the girl with a blog entitled "accidental narcissism" and spends every waking moment talking about herself.
The least you could do is show some confidence so at least it isn't a constant pity-party which is even more pathetic.
1. What color is your bra that your wearing?
Flesh-colored. ;D (GET IT GET IT)

No-- oh I get it.
Har har.
13. What do you want to do after highschool?
Something that pays a bit more than what I'm making currently, and doesn't make me want to tear my hair out daily.

"slightly more than minimum wage" is how I read that. It's good to have goals, Cunt Stain.
17. Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?
Shit, I have to say "yes", don't I?

Heck no. You could lie. Everyone else does. Lying makes your life seem more interesting than it actually is.
19. Have you ever had a good feeling about something?

In before either "yes tee hee" or NO I AM SO EMO LOL RANDUM xD

Then she goes on to answer the questions about her "perfect guy" which, after reading the answers (slow day for me) I can only describe as "the Aryan superman". Nice try, Hitler.
This is typical - I fall head-over-heels for something based largely on an appealing romance that doesn't transpire until Season 7, but what's worse than biting my knuckles through $100-worth of boxed sets is already knowing that it eventually happens. (Oh yeah, and, um, aliens. And conspiracy theories. That stuff too.)

So let me see if I understand this correctly. You bought all of the X-Files not because it's an interesting show with well-written plotlines but for the hamhanded romance that develops at the end of the show?
That's like watching For A Few Dollars More to see if Colonel Mortimer gets his other pocketwatch back.
Spoilers: he does.
Since, unlike every other female carbon-based life form, I failed to find it in Twilight (though not without trying very, very too hard)

Initially I would have thought that would make you superior to them, but after a moment of thought-- no, no it doesn't.
It makes you exactly the same, somehow.
You know, I don't have many friends who actually understand fandom in this respect, beyond "I really like that show, it's good!"

You know, like a normal person might think?
"I like this, it is therefore good" is perfectly rational thinking, Cunt Stain.
In fact I enjoy many things that contain no romance or sex and somehow they are still good.
Get your head around THAT one.

Also I note that, like me, her labels for her post have nothing at all to do with the actual post, but unlike mine, her labels send chills down my spine.
So in conclusion, Cunt Stain:
  • be less of a douche.
That about sums it up I think.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Wisdom is the beginning of fear

Today's latest starts by describing what fearlessness is, or perhaps more accurately, what fearlessness isn't.
Why you would do this at all I have no idea but all right whatever I'll roll with it.
Fearless is not the absence of fear.
It's not being completely unafraid.

Fearless is having fears.

So there you go, people. Even having no fear is having fear. Good work, whoever wrote this. I seriously doubt it's you, Cassandra, since you don't seem to be possessed of enough insight to possibly say something like this, stupid or no.
When I go to a dictionary and look up fearless I see this as the definition:
free from fear

So the attribute of being free from fear is still having fear. That's like saying not collecting stamps is a hobby. This is stupid and you're stupid for even repeating it.
Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death.

While I appreciate the grimdark vision of fear and fearlessness this is really getting tiring.
I think it's Fearless to fall for your best friend, even though he's in love with someone else.

Please stop italicizing this shit. It's really hard to turn off.
Also you might call that fearless. I'd call that foolhardy if I happened to be feeling generous and straight up stupid and asking for trouble if I wasn't.
I'm going to stop here out of consideration for you, reader, but this goes on and on.
I really dont understand why i have the ability to be so completly and utterly oblivious to the fact that, im probably setting myself up for a great fall.

She has mentioned this "great fall" several times but hasn't really defined what it is. Based off the name it's like the Eldar's Great Fall that gave birth to Slaanesh and the Eye of Terror from Warhammer, or an event similar to the Apocalypse of Saint John or Ragnarok or similar epic fucking images.
But since this is Livejournal it probably means shes' going to break up with her boyfriend or has to start a new semester of school or she just found out she can't actually be a princess living in a magic castle with unicorns.
Which you can't, by the way, Cassandra. Unicorns are fictional beasts.
But, Im so interested and curious in whats going to happen in the future.
Will it hurt as bad this time? Will it be worse?

Well as they say "in the face of disaster lies opportunity for renewal."
We could conquer the world
if we could say that forever
is more than just a word.

This is so abstract and stupid I won't even bother thinking about it. Forever is a word.
i just realized how vulnerable i made myself seem.
i just realized how truley dumb about this ive been.


"Truley" indeed. I'm cutting you some slack on your spelling and grammar because I suspect French is your first language of choice so you will be allotted some leeway on this, but don't fucking push your luck.

If theres one thing ive learned; Never trust a man.

Well you're halfway there.
No matter how many butterflies he gives you or how fast he makes your heart beat, its all temporary.

Or you're dating a professional butterfly catcher.
Things have gotton crazy in my brain lately.

Its like no matter how hard i try i cant organize my thoughts, and that results in unorganized actions as well.

I think that's called being a woman.
Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. BURN.
The one that says, "no cassandra go to school" or "dont sleep in class,' is eaten completly from my sleepiness.

So that's what the voices in your head tell you, huh?
Must suck. When I narrate my life in my head I always agree with me.
On top of that, im pretty sure im hurting a couple of people who i care about.
Un-intentional of course, but it seems like everyday they are slipping farther and farther away from me. And its my fault. Even as i try to mend things, i get no response.

I'd like to point out the name Cassandra is Greek, and it means "she who entangles men" so if you are true to your name at all you probably shouldn't feel bad about it.
When will everything come together? Will anyone understand?

As I recall the mythological Cassandra had the gift or prophecy but was also doomed to have no one believe her prophecies.
There's a lesson or a message I'm probably trying to get across here but mostly I'm just trying to show off my huge fucking knowledge of mythology.
Oh here we go, an entry entitled "did you know?" which let's predict my answer:
  • yes
  • I don't give a shit
It's going to be one of those two. Possibly both.
The Truth?
My clever words are nothing but words of artists; finding their meaning in my thoughts.

My eyes just about rolled out of my head.
I'll never write beautiful words to tell you how i feel.
Only, awkward, jumbled, promises.
But every one; I swear to be true.

When im here, i rarely ever hear "im proud of you" or "youre doing great." Its always, "do this do that, you dont do anything around here" blah blah.

Face it, Cassandra. True to your name, Apollo cursed you.
Of course Apollo is a fictional entity so you're just DOOMED the good old fashioned way.
Im sorry, that i bust my ass at a piece of shit job, with nothing to show for it.
Im sorry that you had to help me with my insurance this month because my same peice of shit job fucked me.
Im sorry that you helped chip in for my car because im never going to hear then end of it.

Hey, free car for you.

Im sorry that im not perfect, and i make mistakes, and im forgetful, and tired.

But im trying, im trying so hard.
I just want you to see that, i just want to show you i am going to succeed.

Succeed or fail we all end up in the same place anyway, so try to have some fun while you get there.
That cheers people up, right? When they're down tell them to not be such a downer because they'll be dead in 70 years anyway?
Cheers me up, anyway.
I will be out of here, and out of your perfect little house, and you wont have to worry about helping me out anymore, because GOD DAMNIT IM SORRY THAT IM 18 YEARS OLD AND IM HAVING FINANCIAL PROBLEMS.

Im doing the best i can. why do you have to rub it in my face?

Christ, butthurt much?
Im sitting here listening to some music, and i just decided that if i EVER get married,
that i want me and my husbands' song or first dance to be "I could not ask for more" by Edwin McCain.

It says everything someone in love should feel, and its perfect. I think it will make a special day like my wedding day that much more memorable.



Ha, ha, ha, girl shit.

I gotta learn to love myself.

I often hear this shit, particularly from girls, and I never really understood this.
What does it mean to "love yourself"? Does it mean to like yourself?
I never think about whether or not I like or don't like myself because it seems to be to be a dead end either way. If you like yourself then fantastic, but if you don't you can't suddenly become someone else, so why bother?
Instead it's more important to work hard to be confident in whatever you do and, most importantly, carry yourself as if you had some bearing and manners.
So exactly like you're not doing, in fact.
I just wanted to find a music player with this fucking song.
i couldnt.. this is the next best thing.

this song gives me chills and gets my heart racing.
something about it...

Ha, ha, ha wow this is bad. Whining SHIT.
Par for the course of this blog, really.

Im perfectly happy being single.
Im not alone, and thats the important part.

If your mouth is open you're lying.

It would still be nice to meet someone, maybe?

There it is.

But i want to meet a guy who is actually FUN to be around, who acually LIKES me.

Well that pretty much destroys our chances because I don't even know you and I feel nothing but contempt.
so, why was i so upset. there is obviously a reason as to why. i just wish i remember everything. Since i was drunk, i must be making it all up.

Yes, surely, since you have no memory if it it's impossible for you to have gotten drunk and whored around right?
But you wouldn't be posting this if there wasn't a niggling doubt in the back of your mind, would you? As much as you try to shake it off with flimsy excuses the possibility is there and the worst part of it, the absolute worst part is you will probably never know.
That's your problem, Cassandra. There seems to be a very real disconnect between cause and effect with you. You do shit, then it mystifies you when the chickens come home to roost.
I'd tell you what you can do but short of smartening the fuck up there's nothing to be said.
Well Cassandra, I can't say I come away liking you but it certainly has been real.
Ehh, that's all I have.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Today's entry is very exciting for me, as a Warhammer nerd, because her location is "The Rock" which any Warhammer fan will know as the home base of the Dark Angels Space Marines. What follows I can only assume is the mad ramblings of a filthy heretic.
A discussion about death between my friend and I.

Sounds fascinating.
Just kidding.

Me: I know, its crazy with all this going around. I've never lost anyone.

Never lost anyone and you're, what, 18? Pro at death and dying here, people.
Travis: Yeah but i feel like im kinda wasting my life now, heh.

Travis sounds like a pussy.
To quote Clint Eastwood: "we all have it comin'."

Travis: That may be true. But i can die anytime, and i want to of done something

Action starts with good grammar, bro.
Yes! Heard some fuckin' awesome Tucson metal bands, and a fuckin' awesome Sierra Vista band, major shreding going on I tell you what. Lol....You Apart was so fuckin' great, rock you can really dance and jump around to.

Maybe it's because I like my music to sound like music and not like a cat being put through a wood pulper but I somehow doubt there has ever been a good thrash metal band ever.
OMG, you don't even know how cool they were!

No I certainly do not.
I am sure everyone was watching, and since I had a little to drink I didn't care you was watching me.

I'm sure everyone "was" watching you. Because you, after all, are the center of the universe.
I'm sure all the guys wanted me but I only had eyes for Cody.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. If I had to describe you in a word it would be DELUSIONAL. Only I'd say it like this: DELYOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUSIONAL.
Is it wrong of me to make out with a guy I don't know.

Probably, but I deserve some fun. Girls got needs to.

YOU "DESERVE" NOTHING UNTIL YOU LEARN GRAMMAR. Realistically you're entitled to nothing that you haven't earned, so go fuck yourself.
Today Tim saw me wearing this sweater and cracked a joke saying I shouldn't wear my heart on my sleeve. How silly! :D

Today the source of my happiness is.....

Being single again.....I don't have to worry about pleasing anyone but myself. I can do whatever I want, go wherever I want and see who ever I want. The only problem is with more time on my hands, where do I begin.

The funniest fucking thing is literally less than a week later she's in another relationship. Don't spend any time thinking. Thinking is the devil's handiwork.
My happy post for today: Today my little 8 month old nephew Xander made me so happy. I love watching him. He is the silliest little kid.

Xander isn't a name, it's a fighting word.
Next post is entitled "First attempt at being friends after break up" so apparently this bint is in a perpetual state of relationship-ending. This post is a long exposition about sending and receiving text messages.
I think I have just found a new low for blogging. This is painfully, painfully boring.
Now there's a haiku she wrote that goes on for one, two, three four... Ten stanzas.
Hint: when the word "stanza" comes up you're not writing a haiku anymore.
I tried to love you
But its so impossible
You shot down my love

All right as we all know a haiku has five syllables then seven syllables then five again for the last line, so let's start counting. five, seven... Fuck you.
Err, good work, I mean.
Wow only nine more of these to go. It's like I'm already back in class!
Mistakes are made to regret.

I didn't like you before but now I'm kind of turning around on you. That sour grapes logic is exactly what more people need to have.
One thing I don't love so much about the full moons. It seems that whenever there is a full moon people seem to go crazy.
Wow that's really strange. I bet you're the first person to think of this.
I mean, that's how she's describing it.
Whereas I seem to calm down some. Odd.... Customers are crazy, making even more outrageous demands than normal.

Maybe you should give this condition a name.
Like, I don't know, lunacy? Yeah, lunacy sounds good.
Well I'm off. I've got a lot of shit to do (just kidding ha, ha, ha, ha).

Monday, January 12, 2009

oots oots oots

Michelle's Journal. I do love being on a first name basis with the SCUM OF THE INTERNET, so thanks, Michelle.
Michelle's "El Jay" as she calls it has the subtitle "... WHO'S READING THIS AGAIN?" Which is a cool application of capslock. Makes me think she's screaming it defiance. NONE SHALL PASS!
I am going through a LOT.

A LOT, guys. She's going through a tough time so please be nice to her :(
Nursing school is killing me emotionally, I never knew it would affect me this way. I've only been two 2 classes and I don't want to go back.

"two 2" classes. That's brutal. I'd say "stick through it, kid" but I know that's basically the point of first days in 101 classes. PURGE THE WEAK, so to speak.
I'm having trouble making friends cause they're either too stuck up or I just don't get around to talking to them. Having a friend would definitely make it easier, but of course I don't :(

:( Wallowing in self pity will get you friends.

All the answers are pretty much true it's just the BEST answer is the right one.

Hi welcome to college.
All I want to do is have fun again, like in high school. All I want is to be done with school and live with Ray. I want to finally get married, have a job, and do what I want.

>have a job
>do what I want
do ho ho ho ho.
I wish I wasn't such a shy and nervous person.

I used to be like you. I used to worry what other people thought and worried about leaving the wrong impression. Then I stopped giving a shit.
Why just today I had to deal with people I didn't know in an environment I wasn't familiar with. I got nervous for a second but then I remembered I didn't give a shit, so I marched in there and said my bit.
Believe me life is so much easier (and better) when you don't give a shit. Make it up as you go along! No one knows what they're doing, and everyone is wrong. Have fun with life, because in the end, you'll be dead and then you definitely won't care. So carpe diem and memento mori and all that other Latin shit.

I called a guy a loooser, then he's like, "can I take you out to dinner?" I was like, "free food heeeck yeaaahh!" Then we ended up going to the grocery store and buying little debbie cakes and beer.

Whenever anyone describes a dream to another person they inevitably look like an idiot.
I'm starting my careere (and I still can't spell it but i can spell diarrhea hehe)

... WHAT. How does being able to spell diarrhea somehow excuse you from spelling career? I can spell a fuckton of words but it doesn't excuse my inability to spell _________(just kidding I can spell every word).
A LOT. I'll be responsable for a lot of things too.

Well there you go, another word you can't spell. Responsible. Hell, let's go crazy. Let's keep a running tally of words you can't spell.
I did choose a day to wake up early when WoW is down. I'm retardeddddd...There's nothing to doooo!

I feel your pain.
I mean not in the exact same way because I play Final Fantasy XI, a game that requires a small (very small, let's not go completely bonkers here) amount of initiative to play.
Also I never wake up early. Especially not to play a game, so I don't appreciate that, either.
... I guess what I mean to say is my game is down right now and I wish it wasn't.
One nursing class: $900

That's insane. I better pass. And good thing that's the only class I'm taking. Good God! :O

ps. My boobs are ginormous ....if that's even a word. But I have to deal with it. I want to punch someone.

That's the subtext I get from nearly every sentence, by the way. She thinks she's special due to minor inconvenience number 43858 today. Also I bet she wanted me to get the imagine of some huge breasted model but I bet she's hugely obese.
Oh and getting 5 billion tests done on my stomach, throwing up, and some more fainting.


btw I got an A in Microbiology Lab...woooo!

Wow. You're not a complete failure after all.
I hate sociology.

Sociology is piss easy.
I seem to be more antisocial more than ever.

Somehow I doubt you mean antisocial. Probably more like "I don't talk to people."
I realized today in class that I don't talk to anyone.

Yeah that's not antisocial. Antisocial is being hostile to organized society.
So the 9/11 attacks, that was antisocial. Also counterculture.
That's the thing about these collegefags. They think blaring Rage Against the Machine in the school bookstore while some poor idiot is trying to get his book purchase together (hi me) is counterculture when in reality it's just annoying. Also please stop.
Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely happy and everything. But lately it seems like it's an act, like any chance I get I'm thinking about him and wishing he was right next to me and I would actually feel RIGHT for one.

I think that's called being homesick.
Also it's okay to be sad you're not obligated to be happy all the time. Remember when I said you should stop giving a shit? That kind of goes into that.
Why do guys always tell you to loose weight?

Earlier prediction was true. Do I know people or what?
Why do guys always tell you to loose weight? Ok yeah, let me just be annorexic and DIE. hope you'll be happy then.

I would be.

I'm like haha eff you I like my food :)

So what's the fucking problem? Shut up and eat your Little Debbie's.
Also I knew she was fat because:
  • World of Warcraft. No skinny girl plays. It's a rule.
  • "big breasts"
  • dream about buying snack foods
Anyways, Just wanted to say gooood morning.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Punctuation is for faggot nerd losers. Didn't get the memo? Well Sexi_Conejita (presumably not what her mother calls her) received said memo. You are now officially behind the times.
I'm sorry I haven't osted lately, real world sucked me up and then when I had time to spare aka winter break I wanted to be free!!!

Yeah I haven't "osted" in a while either because I'm being a reclusive bridge troll and grinding in Final Fantasy 11 all day.
I actually need to be packing as we speak but I am slightly tipsy and tired so I shall write this, fold clothes, and pass out....I leave tomorrow about 3 so yay I guess....

As "we" "speak"? Excuse me? Are we having a conversation?
Somehow I get the feeling her going on a long tyrade with no punctuation constitutes a conversation in her mind.
I was really emotional today because my baby aka 9 year old dog was attacked today and no one seemed to care about him...

I usually care about animals more than people but even I can't be mustered to give a shit.
It was just "Oh wow, he was attacked-okay, now I want to go shopping and to the salon" and I lost it several times in fact...I haven't cried so much in YEARS but the thought of him dying was too much for me...

Apparently you don't care either. Somehow it becomes a story about you and not your poor dog.
Selfish pig slut.
Anyway, I have been lurking around like a creepy stalker type person as I am being tortured by my evil professors who have set it up so that I have an exam practically every week since the 3rd week of school *sigh*

Sorry can't hear you over the sound of Santana rocking out.
Most of my classes are gen eds, however so it's oh so very easy and kinda like why am I here @ times...

To earn a degree. College is easy, be thankful you're not taking a hard major like medicine or some shit.
I hate my family but the lure of shopping will make me deal with them...
I was expecting an interesting entry from this but it rapidly turned into a "WHO I'D BONE FROM HARRY POTTER" which is kind of pedolicious as Harry Potter and friends are children, right?
I only read the first book when I was in middle school and decided even then it was too infantile so I kind of moved on but I seem to recall that's how it went.
Enter the year you graduated from high school in the search function and get the list of 100 most popular songs of that year.
Christ not one of these.
Bold the songs you like, strike through the ones you hate and underline your favorites. Do nothing to the ones you don't remember/care about.

I strike the entire list.
1. Vet
2. Neurologist
3. Nurse

You, neurology? Ha, ha, ha. In fact, you and any of these jobs gets an audible "heck no" from me. I wouldn't even trust you with a dog.

Your result for The 3 Variable Funny Test...

Well I know this test isn't accurate at all because it said she had a sense of humor. Which, as we all know, is a lie.
I can't sleep because it is too hot and I feel as though I have sweated out my entire body in the past 5 seconds...

Oh if only there was an invention that could cool the room through some sort of endothermic reaction. Perhaps it could propel the cool air with some sort of fan?
Air something. I'm sure it'll come to me.
Have just finished rereading a book about 2 hours ago and my brain is sofast at work that I REALLY can't sleep. Grr...Am currently jaming to Corinne Bailey Rae live and will, eventually, pass out from sheer exhaustion....Hopefully, this will be soon as the sun is now up and it's ridiculous that I am still awake...

Air conditioning. That's it. Air conditioning.
Got an email from FIA that I should do some editing and should probably look into a Beta Reader, but I'm far too lazy for that...

Beta reader meaning PROOF READER?
I have grown some balls!!!

lol so randum xD
well I'm tired of this bullshit already.
See you later, fags.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Fags who don't know how to work the internet, that's who.
Nooooooo. So when I installed windows XP it meant all my old programs went bye-bye, including photoshop CS.

Backup programs on discs? IMPOSSIBLE!
My dad got CS4 in the mail yesterday (I've been using the trial) and when it prompted me to enter the serial code for CS it DIDN'T WORK. Apparently I'm missing four whole numbers! D:

Call Adobe?
I don't know what to do. I can't find the CS box anywhere, it's HISTORY. When I tell my dad he's going to be uber pissed- blaming me for copying down the serial wrong, I'm sure, even though I checked it when I was copying it down. I don't know why the four other numbers aren't on there. UGH.

Well it's only four digits, so you only have 10,000 options. Better start guessing.
Surprisingly my dad payed me for all my hard work yesterday by going out of his way to buy more Sunkist oranges from Costco (I had run out).

Also you might want to work on not producing line drawings only before getting Photoshop. I'm fairly certain the correct order to do things it to learn something first and then buy the fancy tools to aid you in its execution.
That's just me, though.
And is it just me or did I play THREE jrpg's this year with pirate ships and or ghost ships or ghost ships of former pirate ships? Seriously? Is that a requirement for jprg's?

Hi, 1998 is calling and they want you back. It's a requirement like a sewer level is a requirement in FPS.
JRPG Rule number #43: Must have ghost pirate ship. I'm not joking, Eternal Sonata, Tales of Vesperia, TLoZ: Phantom Hourglass.


I'm going to be spending the next couple of days upgrading my computer to Windows XP.

Better late then never, I suppose.
Personally I'm typing this on a Mac 2. I don't trust new things.
*gigglesnorts at the silliness*
So far the gameplay has been this.... cutscene, fight, cutscene, cutscene, cutscene, redesign party, fight, redesign party, fight, redesign party, fight, cutscene cutsence, cutscene, redesign party...

You just described EVERY JRPG EVER MADE.
I have nothing of interest to say!

Implying, of course, you can have a blog and fill it with interesting thoughts.
You can't.
I'm just worried about how many times I can bake it before I dunno, it gets brittle or something. I honestly know nothing about Sculpey chemisty.

Doesn't it say on the package "bake once or it will turn into napalm and kill your family"?
Now there's a picture of some gay doll she owns.
Looks expensive.
Not that I don't totally adore them- just been too busy with school and Sydney Walls and videogames.

Video games, like board games or card games, is two words.

Purchased Fable II, I'm so excited and I can't wait to start playing.

No just kidding I liked Fable.

I was surprised to see it was rated M. Geez, what exactly did I buy here? XD

LOLXD die.
I'm under the impression that many individuals in other countries, especially European countries, are told that all Americans are complete and utter morons.

They'd be right.
Europeans are just as stupid, though. In fact pretty much everyone is stupid unless they can prove otherwise.
One particular person just got through explaining to me that Spain was in Europe. Wow. Thanks. Didn't know that one.

Shit don't get butthurt about it on Livejournal, get even. Say something mean like, like, I don't know. Spain is pretty badass. I mean shit, their national sport is killing bulls. With swords.
What's our national passtime? OH, HITTING A BALL WITH A STICK AND RUNNING IN CIRCLES? Pussies.
Then sometimes they try to outrun bulls but one guy is always too slow and gets gored to death.
The way I see it Spain is basically nonstop survival of the fittest: bulls versus men. Also they have kickass guitars. What else are you going to listen to while there's bull fighting? Flutes and violins? Hell no you need a badass guitar solo in that shit.
Sorry I kind of got offtrack.
I know there are a lot of cases where Americans are interviewed on history and world politics and answer all the questions incorrectly or with ridiculous answers,

Well in a recent survey something like 60% of adult Americans believed America fought China in WW2.
and that Americans are known for doing very arrogant things and making fools of themselves at home and when they visit other countries,

I'm waiting for the BUT... Where she tries to defend America with something totally unrelated to the matter at hand.

but that does not mean that ALL Americans are like that.

Hey, if the shoe fucking fits.
I know a great deal of Americans are undereducated, but when you live in a country with the third largest population in the world, do you think it's going to be easy to perfectly educate every single individual and create an education-system that keeps taxpayers happy?

I'm sick of people bashing on America. I'm sick of people stereotyping Americans.

I'm sick of the fucking apologetic logic Americans are adopting. When your science and math scores are amongst the worst in the world you shouldn't be reaching for an excuse you should be, I don't know, looking into it maybe? When I see every goddamn blog ever can't distinguish between "your" and "you're" and spelling "paid" as "payed" I see a fucking problem that won't be cured with flimsy excuses of the weak-minded.
If you don't like it then TOO BAD.

No, if you're so married to a failing system then fuck you.

I think it's the best damn country on the planet and I prefer it's culture to that of any other.

How can you even objectively say that? Have you been to any other country?
I think they're interesting and wonderful and would love to visit them

"Would love" implying you haven't, so shut the fuck up you uncultured yokel.
I hate it when you have a whole day planned, beginning to end, and then you suddenly get SICK.

Considering my entire day is usually something like "play Final Fantasy XI" "paint Warhammer figures" my "busy days" aren't really slowed down by illness.
It's pretty fucking great to be me, actually.

By the way, I have the following games for sale.

Great let's see what you're sel--
Original Persona 3 w/ artbook: $60
Persona 3: FES: $30
I have to find your ignorant opinions of that now.
Blah just some nonsense about not being able to think of a name for the main character and some other assorted SHIT.
So, like all blogs, this one continues to disappoint.
I have too much of my own nonsense to think about than to worry about her nonsense. I want to read shit like last blog where I thought some idiot was having a baby. If I wanted to read about how aweome Persona 3 is or how shitty Xenosaga is I'd read my own opinion on a reputable gaming site. Like this one, perhaps.
Your dolls are the most interesting part of your blog and the only reason I say that is because they're kind of neat looking. For an artist, though, they sure are factory-perfect. I'd strip that paint off and do it up myself right-like, but I don't play with dolls because I'm a guy and we have to play with action figures otherwise our penises turn inside out and become vaginas.
Well ladies and gentlemen, that's my offering for this day.

Monday, January 5, 2009

It's Fucking On, Chaps

Once in a blue moon there is a blog that is so perfectly horrific the entry basically writes itself. I knew once I undertook this project I would find the ultimate bad blog that would rob me of all rational thought, and today I have found that creature.
Today's blog is entitled, get this, "Your a star...." Is that an improper use of "your"? Yes. Is that too many periods for an ellipsis? You better fucking believe it.
I want:

To move to North Carolina

To have 4 or 5 children

Yeah, great. Ever read a book called "March of Morons"? NO? WELL LET ME EDUCATE YOU, YOU STUPID TWAT.
In March of Morons it's the future and the average IQ is 45 (ignore for the moment that the average IQ always has to be 100) and the entire world is run by a group of smart people who are worked to death just keeping the morons in line.
To get an A in Organic

Chemistry? Not that hard, friend. Try harder.
To stay up all night having a great talk
so good that you don't even realize that its morning

only way that's happening is if you're not you, so go to hell.
Your an amazing person and, looking back on our friendship over these past 4ish or 5ish years or whatever I truely see how much you have shaped my life.

Too bad that shaping didn't involve spelling OR grammar.
One day I was crying because I found out that a boyfriend cheated on me, I looked over at you tears on my cheeks, just to see your face also covered with tears.

Let's analyze this.
One day I (speaker) was crying because I (speaker) found out that a boyfriend (implying more than one?) cheated on me, I looked over to you tears (your tears?) on my cheeks (missing punctuation?), just to see your face also covered with tears.
You plucked my eyebrows for picture day in the 11th grade, because I had no idea how to do it.

Yeah pulling hairs out is really that hard. MAN UP AND YANK THAT SHIT OUT.
I guess in a way I'd find myself..Something that lately I have been lacking:

you're right there. Where else would you be? I DON'T KNOW WHO I AM!
You're a stupid cunt who can't spell and is giving me a migraine.
1. I have failed a college class..Organic Chem, I guess this woul be a little easier to swallow if I felt I deserved to fail, but honestly I put a lot of work into that failure, and now to just retake it, is a blow to the face.

You failed organic chemistry? Quit college now. That's the first "hard" challenge of college and you clearly weren't up to it. It only gets worse from there.
I studied for 30 hours to recieve a 50 percent on one test...I can look back on that class and I know I tried my hardest.

Your hardest wasn't good enough. I hear Wal-Mart is hiring.
I don't think I want to pursue the nursing thing anymore, because of the earlier mentioned failure, its just hard and frusterating.

No I guess you wouldn't. Maybe take up English I'M SURE YOU'D BE GOOD AT IT (he lied).
I know its what I want to do, and I don't just want it handed to me, but is it too much to ask for something to go according to plan?

According to plan? What plan? You took a class that's a fundamental in your major and you fucked up big time. Clearly you either have to shape the fuck up or switch majors.
For not everything I approach in life to be a struggle.

Yeah life is such a struggle for you. Bitching on the goddamn internet all day about it.
Grand Valley is the only school to demand classes like Biochem and Genetics.

Christ and you're going to be a NURSE? Someone who gives people DRUGS? You're barely fucking literate and you're going to read all of those labels? You're going to hit someone going into anaphylaxis with morphine and wonder why they died because you couldn't read the goddamn label on the needle.

I believe that some things hold meaning, based on the idea that they are meaningless.

That's where you'd be mistaken. Life is meaningless and then you die.

There is a beauty in finding your own meaning, interpretations that are only yours.

There better be because in the end that's all anyone can do.
Hopefully, I'll be getting all A's. (haha).

You make your own fortune.
Also this entire paragraph seems to have random letters underlined so I thought maybe there was a hidden code or something but she seems to just really suck at the internet or something, unless "Im icyou" means something.
I can do anything I want to and I can rely on myself to do it and if I can't then I independently make the desision to involve others.

Except pass organic chemistry or spell, apparently.

I believe that I have a multitude of defense mechanisms

Me: So will you still be here tomorrow? Do you have to work?
Callie: No I don't work, I"m going to Allendale to hang with friends.
Me: Oh that sounds like fun [walks up stairs and wispers 'I love to be alone, thanks for asking me to hang out']

I don't know whats wrong with me lately, I guess I've just thinking about all the people in my life past and present, and for reasons I may never know this makes me sad often.

Instead of in the future, implying you could know what happens in the future, is that it? Or are you sad that you're trying to live in the past?
You're dumb I shouldn't think so much about your stupid life.
I can remember is wanting to grow up and be seen as someone who is mature [I tend to be a little silly, and I didn't want to be known for that any longer].

More good news: The baby should be here any day,

his name will still be Chance

Chance. You're naming your fucking retard CHANCE!?
I'm trying to find a picture that expresses my emotions because GOD KNOWS WORDS DO NOT EXIST FOR THIS FEELING.

my biggest fear is becoming a failure

Well I have some bad news.
Its so amazing.
My sister is having a boy.

Oh, okay, it's your sister.
Whew that was close.
I have to write this paper for my writting course, and I must say that I'm really trying on this, and so far I like what I have written, I didn't realize how much I missed writting.

Writting. Of course just because you write a lot does not mean it is good writing, but hey there is something to be said for sheer crushing volume. Maybe if you write enough you can smite your professor under the weight of 10,000 stapled pages and send her into traction so she won't have time to grade it between bouts of PAIN.

I am sad tonight becasue I have failed.

I have this Ethics class, its actually pretty crazy some of the discussions that we get in.
Like people's morals and a lot of religion talk.

An ethics class about morals? That class sounds completely bonkers!

We are learning more about the brain then why people do certain things.


But I think it is because you need to know how it works before you can figure out what it does.

No shit.
Next you'll be telling me that, pfft, you have to put PANTS on BEFORE shoes!
Then last and maybe least I have Algebra.
Oh I'm so glad I'm paying out the ass to learn how to graph.

Hey maybe if you had fucked up less in high school, eh?

I just don't know


Friday, January 2, 2009



You know what scares me? That 2010 is just around the corner. That's spooky.

Usually I'd ask people to qualify such statements with why it's spooky but I've long since grown past that phase of my existence. You're right, an arbitrary measurement of time is downright eerie.
In retrospect, it almost seems like I spent the year wrestling with depression, anxiety, and suicidal impulses, and it just wasn't fun.

Too bad you didn't throw in the towel. That way I might not be reading this garbage.
It pisses me off that nobody told me that I could register with the student disability services, or that I could get disability benefits, or how to get financial aid for meds or roughly a thousand other things that I needed to know.

Why wouldn't you look into such things? Why wouldn't you say "well my life is a torrent of pain and misery, I better see if I can somehow alleviate my problems." But no, none of that. Instead you kicked back and waited for someone to solve your problems for you.
The rest of my family, to the man, have decided that I am merely a hypochondriac whose pills and frequent doctor's visits are a bid for attention.

This is the first I'm hearing of you and I think that.

At the last doctor's visit, in fact, I had had a "transvaginal ultrasound," during which the technician took something shaped like the Wii remote controller and jammed it up my vagina.


I do want more attention, but there's easier and less painful ways to get it.

But not nearly as EROTIC.

Ultrasound = pregnancy, to him, but I = virgin.

SHE IS BEARING OUR SAVIOR. Or a lying whore, whichever makes most sense.
"I told you about this, dad. That's why I take metformin."

"And what's that?"

"It's a drug that does something to your blood sugar, I think. They usually prescribe it to diabetics."

Yeah, don't Google the medications you're taking. I'm not too familiar with the drugs they shove off on crazies to get them to go away, but the name "Metformin" makes me think whatever it is, it isn't fucking around.
Dad calls it my bedroom. He made it a point that I got the nicest room, and I'm the only one who isn't sharing a bedroom.

I should point out here that there are nine children in this family. Nine.
Also he would make it a point to give you the good bedroom because I'm sure you'd pitch a bitch until you had your way.
On one hand good for you, you don't have to share your space with slobs, but on the other, be less of a cunt.
I feel myself leaving -- pulling up roots, unlatching tentacles, letting go. I feel unwelcome and harassed, and I simply want to leave. Part of the problem is this room that isn't my room, but is my room; the room I helped decorate but can't really make my own. My need for a place to withdraw too is overwhelming, and this room is too impersonal.

Crazy punctuation made that overly hard to understand for what could have easily been summarized as "I'm tired of living with nine+ people so I'm moving out because I'm an adult and can do such things under my own free will."
Now there's a major too long, didn't read story about a bookshelf or some shit. I guess it's supposed to accentuate how alienated this rare snowflake is but quite frankly I don't give a shit about her diseased plight.
That's what she is. A disease. She can't define herself how normal people might: through their interactions with others, their achievements or even a set of character traits. Instead, she defines herself by how many she inflicts.
The thing I want most, the thing that I honestly need, is a supportive environment. A place where I can be myself.

You are you. You are the Plague of Justinian.
If I want to be confident, I need active support. Because without it, I will collapse, like an Chinese-made mail-order bookshelf.

Collapse like a pedantic piece of writing. "An" Chinese made bookshelf indeed.
Here's a comment form said topic:
i tried to read but I'm drunk.

Which is actually how I advise reading this tripe. While drunk, that is.
Now she has posted pictures of herself and she looks about how I expected. Unkempt, slightly overweight, posture like a question mark-- if she were male she'd be balding and impotent already.
For some goddamn reason I have been getting cramps in my right calf muscle. Just the right calf. And I haven't been exercising or doing anything, and I think I'm getting it at night. WTF. Whyyyyy.

Walking funny, sleeping funny, uhh--
I know from a little research that this is not too uncommon, but it still sucks and is weird, as is my insomnia, leg-kicking, and the fact that my ADHD medicine isn't working yet.
Right there. That's why.
Also you're on ADHD meds, something for what the doctors call ovarian cysts (a serious fuck medical condition to be sure) but factoring in your other nuttiness, I doubt very much you have them.

It's possible that this has something to do with hypoglycemia.
I think I have some advice for you, from a game called Oblivion:

So far, haven't notice anything on Strattera except for the following:

Followed by a litany of shit.

I start wondering how much EPA/DHA our fish oil tablets contain.

Happens to me all the time.

So, if your question is "What's Strattera like?" my answer is that it isn't doing dick.

Actually my question is "why am I still reading this?" Followed by "I wish I had some Valium to get me through this."
... That isn't really a question.

I did eventually write those letters, which is why I never got diagnosed before.

With ADHD, that is. Sometimes I don't feel like doing shit, so I don't. Or I force myself, as the case may be.
Apparently "criminal lack of discipline" equates with ADHD in today's society.
I guess you could characterize anxiety as a voice repeating endlessly a sentence in your head, and even though it's usually useless and unhelpful crap like "You're dumb, you're dumb," or something worse, when I'm supposed to be doing something it can be helpful.

You fancy yourself a writer and that's the best you can fucking do with an anxiety attack?
So when I was in school, the voice was often going, "Write that paper or you will fail."

That's not anxiety. That's a good idea.

Thing is, I can have beer without alcohol, but I can't have coffee-less coffee.


No, decaf isn't okay.

Some other chemicals in there are what messes me up, I don't know what.
Coffee is very acidic so a sensitive stomach might have problems--
Tea is okay, though, and I really like hot tea, so that's cool.

Hot tea, cool, har har har har.
Then I came down with the flu, and spent much of the day after Thanksgiving in bed, trying not to die.

You dodged the bullet twice, apparently. I'm here to inform you that death moves at its own pace and one day it will catch up.

No one was burned during the Salem witch trials.

No, indeed, that was the Inquisition.
Also, gay men were never burned at the stake as punishment and that's not where the word "faggot" comes from.

Regular fountain of knowledge.

Then Dr. Kandy Kane did what I did not expect and told me to drop my pants.

She stuck the soup spoons in my vulva and I started hurting. She didn’t say “Relax!” which is why I like her.

Have you ever asked yourself, "How many jokes could a cartoonist make about Prometheus being chained to a rock and having his liver eaten every day by an eagle?"

No but I have often mused that the Greek gods are top tier trollin' on a near constant basis.
That's why I like them, actually. Even the supposedly benevolent ones are basically just doing it for their own entertainment.
That's what this bitch needs, actually. Just pick your favorite god from antiquity and try to emulate their divine example as best you can. With a little time and effort you, too, can be top tier trollin' on a daily basis.
It's an incredible power that not everyone can (or should) be privy to, and with it comes an incredible responsibility to use it indiscriminately, but should you follow this path then you'll know you were meant for it.
Shit if that's too much work for you just study closely Eris, Goddess of Discord's golden apple scheme that started the Trojan war. Just Wikipedia "The Judgement of Paris" and kick back.
Epic (literally epic poetry) tier trolling there.