Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Praise Russia

So for a long time I've let this phenomenon go unnoticed. With no thanks these selfless knights of the internet admirably perform this duty tirelessly.
Russian blogs on Dreamwidth are mostly just pictures of tits.
develish1 provided the following reason why this journal should be viewed with discretion: Some of the content here may contain swear words, discussions of, or videos featuring, adult situations, and occasionally adult images which should only be viewed by those over 18.
It is worth noting this is not a Russian tit blog.
I haven't read any of it but already I don't like the cut of its jib.
I mean the Russian guy had no warning and whamo, tits.
This fuck gives a paragraph warning before she whines about the new Yahoo Mail.
Who the fuck uses Yahoo Mail in 2013 besides me?
Get a Google Mail.
 Yes we're still in London, and no I still don't have any pics to hand...

Today I awoke to raging toothache again, but given hubby is suffering with his back I was in good company. Since we had plans to meet people today though, we were both determined not to let it stop us and headed off into the city...

We met up with two more of my lj friends today, in the Embankment Gardens, serenityslady who is over from the US and who I'd never met before, and bas_math_girl who is a fellow Brit who we met for the first time a little over two years ago.
This blog is literally nothing but warnings, whining about bullshit and pictures of David Tenant.
QUICK! Am I talking about this blog or every single blog I've ever fucking reviewed?
Remember when I first started this and I gave actual advice on how not to be shit?
Life is annoying, and confusing....

First the annoying bit;

I still have toothache.

Apparently I've discovered a new pet hate tonight, one I've thankfully avoided for the most part, until now it seems....

But I swear...............if I EVER see another instance of this;

"Who would of ever thought?"

when what they actually mean is this;

"Who would HAVE ever thought?"

I may well scream!! Loudly and repeatedly.

Seriously people, I know spoken English is pretty lax these days in many cases, especially among the young (and goddess doesn't that make me sound old) but if you said that to my face I'd still want to correct you, so I sure as hell don't want to see it when I'm trying to lose myself in a fic!

Ok where to start?
Let's start with "spoken English is lax" when "would've" versus "would of" would be largely pronounced the same.
Second who the fuck says "goddess knows"? Like who are you to judge with that level of affectation?
I'm in what I'm told I should call my mid-late 40's.
You're almost 50 goddamn years old and you write fanfiction and are a fangirl for Dr. Who.I don't think you have the right to be casting stones.
Back when I was at school we were still taught English in a way that emphasised correct grammar, sentence construction, and punctuation above all else. I still use an Oxford comma and I'm PROUD of that, no matter what current trends seem to lean towards.
This fic is definitely not that. There's a lovely slow build to things, with a subtle seduction built in, and yes it's hot, but it's not overly graphic, and is in fact more realistic than most. It still had me reaching for my fan of course, or I wouldn't be singing it's praises. 
I've worked for several very large companies over the years, in retail and utilities, so I should be used to this level if corporate idiocy by now, but sometimes they can still amaze me, in all the wrong ways.

Before I start I should probably say that I don't even pretend to understand all the finer points of banking in general, or the legislation surrounding it. This is simply a gut reaction from someone with their own financial problems who is amazed at what she sees....
oh shit
incoming news: banks are corrupt!
Almost every UK bank has received "bail out" money in the last few years, millions and millions of pounds of tax payer's cash diverted their way to help them stay afloat, mainly because if we lose too many of them our whole economy will fall with them.
Ah you are British.
I thought that was an affectation like everything else about you.
In that case I take back correcting "emphasised".
Your grammar is still shit, though.
She never actually gets to the fucking point about what pisses her off about banks.
Lots of shit with sending cards--
How's this?
They steal your money.
Fuck this blog is boring.
I'm going.
Also I forgot last time but the song of the now is this.

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