that's not quite right. I was listening to public radio today (because the dial fell off my radio fuck you) and here's how this website was billed to me: changing the way you read and write forever.
Like whoa. There have only been a few innovations in reading and writing in history. Is this really that time?
Scrolls to codices, codices to bound books, St. Augustine realizing you didn't have to read out loud like a twat and you could keep your lips shut while reading, the printing press--
maybe arguably eReaders but I contend that's more a delivery system than an actual reading and writing innovation--
What the fuck is Medium?
It's Twitter and blogging and news folded into one.
Isn't that just Yahoo News, then?
This is an invention of the dude who invented Twitter so this is pretty much just Twitter again and no one seems to give a shit because unlike Twitter where you can act self important and pretend like everyone on earth cares about how good Panera was for lunch Medium appears to have something approaching quality control.
So the invention is Yahoo News again and it's further blurring the line between news and entertainment and I'm somehow supposed to be amazed.
I don't get it.
Anyway we're just going to read through some articles since it's basically blogging.
I'll link each article if you care to follow along (no one does).
So without a single thought to my own safety let's dive right in.
There wasn’t any touching or overt sex talk. But it was still harassment—just harder to talk about.People are assholes.
Sexual harassment often goes unreported because of fear: fear of retribution, fear of losing friends, fear of professional backlash, fear that no one will believe you.
Grow a set.
Nope don't care about this.
One neat feature is it tells you how long the article should take you to read so I'm going to time how long they say and how long it takes me to "read" it.
This article: 7 minutes.
Me: 15 seconds.
Here's "Assume Good Will"
Time to read: 4 minutes.
“Don’t you just hate Obama? He’s such an idiot.”>Empathy for politicians
I was 18 years old and desperately trying to impress my new friend from Texas. I’ll never forget his response:
“Well, hate is a pretty strong word, and I have a hard time believing that the President of the United States is an idiot. I might not agree with him on a lot of issues, but I certainly don’t hate the man.”
Fisher and I would go on to become the best of friends, and that is largely due to how genuinely thoughtful he is when it comes to everything—not just politics. Thanks in part to Fisher, over the next four years, I challenged myself and my beliefs in an effort to build a strong foundation upon which I could stand in the world. This resulted in finding my way from the far political right to the very center—often struggling with compelling and opposing viewpoints. It was through simple attempts at human understanding that I was able to make the greatest progress.
With the Federal Government currently shut down, political gridlock gripping Congress, and hyper-partisanship at an all-time high across the country, I think the world could use more empathy.
time to read: 28 seconds.
Jesus Christ I've been sitting here for 2 hours doing everything but update this blog.
Medium is really uninteresting.
This is the future of reading, is it?
Fuck reading, then.
Power dynamics need to change, women also do not have to put up with: “Hey, nice smile!” “Not only are you smart, you are beautiful!” “You look good today in that outfit.” “Nice story — did anyone ever tell you how beautiful you are?”Never compliment women.
Got it.
How to get a girlfriend.
Step 1: fuck off to a place where they don't interpret benign compliments ("nice smile") as rape.
Here's a fucking rad story about rehab that kinda makes me regret making fun of this shitty website.
Bro you deserved a better platform than fucking Medium for this garbage.
Fuck me I meant for this to be a big expose on this piece of shit Medium but I feel the life draining from me slowly as I read this.
Like as I read it I'm suddenly keenly aware of my own mortality and how much fucking time I've wasted on this crap.
I feel myself literally dying right now.
I need to inject Red Bull into my dick or something to recover from the lethargy I'm feeling right now.
UUUUUUUUUH nope I'm out.
Song of the now.
Why is this the song of the now?
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