Monday, October 7, 2013

I got your Kant right here

Let's get ready for pretention!
To my Republican friends (and you know who you are):
It begiiiiiiins
My sincerest sympathies to you on the death by suicide of your Party.

I'm not being snarky or nasty, I really mean it. The Republican Party has a grand tradition that goes back to Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt and Robert Taft and Everett Dirksen. I honor and respect that tradition.

The truth is, though, that the Republican Party has been sick for years -- at least since the Nixon Administration. It probably became terminal sometime in the mid to late '80s, though it wasn't clear until the '90s that the Party was cancerous, devouring sustenance to all else in favor of its own growth.
If someone started an apology with "I'm not being snarky or nasty" I'd have his teeth for a necklace.
Some of you probably refuse to believe that your Party is committing suicide. That's understandable. Denial is one of the important stages you have to go through in the grieving process. But you should get through it as quickly as possible.

Others are in the bargaining phase, thinking that if only Obama would make a deal this wouldn't have to happen. But the truth is that it's way too late for any deal of that sort to do the Republican Party any good.
This isn't suicide for either party but assuming it was the death of the Republican party then why wouldn't it be the death of the Democratic party?
Granted this government shutdown wasn't technically their fault most people seem genuinely put off by the government period anymore.
If you like urban fantasy at all, you gotta read this one. 
DC Comics: Your chance to break into the big time... to draw a naked woman committing suicide. There are times I'm really glad I don't buy comics anymore, and this is one of them. How can they -- I mean seriously -- not see how disgusting this is? Betcha this would never have happened under Jeanette Kahn.

Oh, wait. She ran the "Kill Robin" 900 numbers, didn't she?

What's disgusting about that?
The suicide or the nudity?
The combo?
I guess the implication is it's somehow sexist but people kill themselves all the time.
Some years ago I tried to read Kant's Critique of Pure Reason: I was unable to do so. I might be able to do so having read this book -- which is in itself quite difficult, but which spells out in plain(er) language many of the ideas (as opposed to Ideas, of course) which Kant was striving for in the CPR
What has happened in your life that you decide to read Kant then post on your Dreamwidth about it?
What occurs that allows those two events in succession to be a good idea?
bobdole is 90 today, and Kay Bailey Hutchison is 70. Celebrate accordingly.
... By doing nothing outside of what you normally do.
Anyway fuck blogs.

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