Making more cash than ever in EVE Online
1 day into this Stock Market Magnate thing where you trade stocks with fake money based on what the real stock market does and I made so much fucking money
why am I so excellent in everything I try?
You people are lucky I didn't join the marines or something because I'd probably be the leading cause of death for men ages 18-45.
Speaking of someone who has it going on: this shit.
What's wrong with this person? I'm really just killing lines until I'm under the picture. I think this'll be the last line.
Hurray made it. All right lets get to blogs.
Alright, that was a bit corny but what the hey... you know? Today has been an uneventful day... thankfully it went off w/o a hitch bcas Mondays usually suck for me. I was going to go with Colly to the movies tonight but she is sick and there is jack shit on that is half way decent to watch at the Gem. Just Disney movies and one raunchy comedy which I'm totally not down with.Thanks for this interesting update.
*heaves long sigh* Next month, Colly and I are taking Grandma out for her birthday. :3 We might take her to the flea market on Davis. :) Colly says that I can get games for cheap there... I wonder what their selection is like? Grandma likes books and religious stuff so maybe she can get something and I'll pay for it? Or Coll & I will go halfsies on it... idk.
Also get used to "bcas" because as near as I can tell that is how she believes it is spelled.
also get used to emotes because oh lord are they coming.
Anyways, the neighborhood dogs are out in full force.. barking their heads off.*le sigh* But, I didn't come here to bitch.. well even if I did, this is my journal eh? Right?? *nods*Woooooooow wonder how many readers you're scoring with envelope pushing updates like this?
I think I have a spot of akethesia.. or however you spell it. My feet and hands shake uncontrollably... right now they shake a bit but still... I have to see Dr. B about it. It could be my meds... the sz nurses thought it might too.
Yeah, I was having this dream about Sonic the hedgehog, when I woke up to Colly puking on the floor. I nearly puked myself bcas if I see someone vomit, then I do too. :/ It smells terrible in here now. She sprayed perfume in here but I can still smell it. :( *le sigh*How much do you want to bet the Sonic fanfic is coming?
She had a brewski at dinner, and beer and meds don't go well together... I told her that. :(
She's sleeping now, which is what I should do... IF I can ignore the stench...
Damn. The Conjuring isn't playing anymore. :( Just my luck. :| Goddamn Disney movies and that Miller Family movie is playing :/ WHY THE FUCK MUST THEY SHOW A HORROR THE ONE TIME WE AREN'T GOING??? *loses temper* Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks for that wonderful update, Sam.
LOL I also want to see Jobs bcas I like Ashton Kutcher. :)
What the fuck do you mean "the one time we aren't going", anyway? What, do movies play one time now?
Better go see Elysium (no not really don't see that piece of shit) while you still can.
I'm thinking of taking a bit of a nap. I need it. I'm feeling extremely droopy. I'm still getting the Asus laptop. I have an idea how big it is..Grrrrrl gaymer here!
So that's a good laptop. :) I'm going to install some progies when I get home. (Like the Sims 2 & 3) and Windows Security Essentials. :)
Don't hit on me silly boys! I can install Sims and Windows Security Essentials all by myself!
I only had to Google it for a half hour and only cried for teeeeeen minutes!
I'm getting this lappy for sure on Thirstday! *dances around in excitement* It will play the Sims2 & 3... so that makes me happy! :D My favorite game will always be TS2 but I do enjoy TS3. I have the base game plus pets for TS3 and I have the base game and pets + uni for TS2. I can't wait to get this lappy! :D But I'm first going to have to get used to Windows 8 bcas that's what it's running. :) I hope it's not too hard. Anyone in my circle have Win8 besides Min? I know Min will help me :)Incidentally she has renamed all of the days of the week to douchey things like "thirstday" instead of fucking Thursday.
Happy Tardar Sauce Day!That'd be Monday for the uninitiated.
Can we talk about how fucking shit this blog is for a second?
It has like all of the classic warning signs.
Shitty spelling
some retarded twat confusing non-sequiturs for humor or a personality
unfocused, nonsensical, irrelevant posts
the only thing missing really is fanfiction (which is a subset of nonsensical postings, really) and social justice warrior crusading and we're there.
I totally ship Norman and Emma. :DThere's the fanfiction shit.
Now we just need a social justice warrior thing.
This woman is in her fucking 30s.
Are you kidding me?
Tomorrow is Fryday... and panzo day too. :) I can't wait! :DPanzo, I have decoded from her infantile babbling, is pizza.
Oh there's another picture.
She looks a lot younger than her 30s.
In fact it looks like a different girl.
I dunno what those pictuers she uploaded were.
Happy Thirstday! Have a virgin bloody mary!So tomato juice.
Enjoy your V8.
Fuck the internet.
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