I private-lock the boring stuff after a while. It's nothing but my desire to keep my journal clean.AND YET I SEE WORDS.
seriously guys, i feel like, stylistically, fanfic masturbates to itself.Wow when did you make this shocking discovery?
I haven't even read any fanfiction and I knew it was an exercise in verbal masturbation.
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller>The Song of Achilles
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
It's a solid ancient Greece fanfic. It has semi-legal teenage gay porn, genderswap, wifeswap. I'm not saying that as a bad thing - just not my cup of tea, so I'm not going to finish it. Anybody who has read the Iliad knows how he dies, anyway (Achilles throws a fit).
Also known as "The Iliad" you illiterate plebeians.
Holy shit
this blog is boring as fuck.
I pee a lot. A LOT. The reason for this is because I have super intense allergies and I try to take at least 3 grams of vitamin C a day. My allergies are so bad that if I don't take meds before bed, I'll throw up from the drainage when I wake up, ESPECIALLY if I drink something quickly and on an empty stomach.Would you believe this is by far the most interesting thing in like 20 minutes of reading?
This has changed my morning drink from coffee to tea because coffee burns like hell coming back up, but tea kinda just tastes like sweet tea. Hoorah!
Her bitching about allergies and vomiting?
So last night I was all ready to Zen into sleep and get up early and go walking and all kinds of really good and productive things. Cos I listened to the Miracle of Self-Discipline, a little one hour audio by Manesh, and I was MOTIVATED to get off my ass and stop distractions!Oh my God what the fuck am I doing
So we did rum & the Green Hornet, and I lent her FEED & DEADLINE, as well as the Manesh audio, cos that's how I roll.
is this really what has become of my Wednesday?
I would have updated with something earlier, but my life has been pretty decent in the last week (since I found out about you-know-what, the stress levels DROPPED and I could stop feeling shitty about myself). I guess I'm in the "fuck it all!" stage of grieving a relationship? Oh I love this stage except last time I dared myself to be strong by showing up at a party where he was at, and I guess he dared himself to be strong by showing up at a party where I was at 2 days later, and basically, he's much stronger than I and I was set back a freakin' MONTH.Man Dragon's Crown is such a good game
if you have a PS3 and hate fun don't get it.
Otherwise do.
It's like everything right about video games rolled into one thing.
First world problems, huh?Why do I not find any super cool apps for Android Market for Dreamwidth&LJ? I would be on Dreamwidth SO MUCH MORE if there were super cool apps. You know, where I could read like at least TWO PARAGRAPHS of my friends page, not just get an RSS feed of titles that I have to click and open.
Can I loofah in the shower the morning after I apply Jergens natural glow (fake tan lotion)?Oh to be consumed with such nonsense.
I seem to remember, in high school, that I didn't like Jergens because it came off in the shower. But it could be because I didn't let it set.
I *must* loofah. I epilate my legs & arms every other day (electronic tweezers for the win for Polish/Irish/German/Mexican granddaughters!), and so I *must* *must* *must* exfoliate. There's no getting around that, unless I want to spend an hour inspecting my body looking for ingrown hairs with tweezers.
But I really would like to get a Jergens glow. But I must loofah really hard.
I have 14 unusued Dreamwidth invite codes if anybody is interested.Oh my God this piece of shit used to be invite only?
Holy shit man.
SUCKER PUNCH.I'm going to start a new hashtag called #whitewomen
and then explain to me what happened.
omg i don't even think the filmmakers knew.
let's do this shit.
Made a mocking comment on how such-and-such a thing was "too mainstream." Nobody got it. Was afraid for half a day that I might actually be a hipster. Looked them up and, hey, I'm way too gangsta for a hipster!#whitewomen
maybe I shouldn't because that's all this blog would be.
Sounds stupid and also gay.with the invention of twitter lists, I do believe it is possible to have a twitter-based RPG. This would be EXCELLENT. Make a master account, follow the people, make a list, and let others subscribe. Now if ONLY I were, like, more into RPGs. Bwa
think about it! there could be TAGS and all!
Fuck blogs, man.
This is so fucking boring I can't even pay attention to it.
It's the anti-attention equation.
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