And all for what?
Bad words that no one on these fucking blogs ever seems to use?
Nudity that I'm confident in saying has never happened on Dreamwidth or Livejournal?
Anyway, welcome to Katherine's journal.
Dear Internet, I am really not on you much right now. I thought after the market I'd be able to catch up online and rest but we have commissions. Ruth's working on a big hoody commission so I'm doing the smaller stuff. I have a rather complicated embroidery project, two Jayne Cobb hats and four pairs of gloves. I'm not getting time to read fic and I haven't been on Tumblr or in chat or read my friends lists in days.HOLY SHIT
If you want to get in touch with me I'm keeping up with my email (kath.ballantyne at gmail dot com) and mostly with Twitter too though I tend to just catch up when I have gone to bed at night so I'm usually 12 hours behind.
How is it I can march into the bookstore and buy Neuromancer, a book that's quite literally about sex drugs and meddling in God's domain (3 things 'Murikans hate) and no one says word one and yet this blog has a warning sticker?
Today was busy but good. Sold some stuff, talked to lots of people and got a fair bit of spinning done (as in spinning yarn on a spinning wheel, not round in circles).18+ people.
I do a lot of weaving in EVE Online.
That is, weaving peoples' fates.
To their inevitable ill conclusion.
Hahaha it just occurs to me that her banner on this blog is her fan drawings of various male characters naked and kissing.
Guess that's why this shit is 18+--
oh but I saw that without warning.
Thanks a lot.
That banner kind of gives new meaning to the post "handmade stuff " when you add "you must be 18 or older to read this".
Not sure I want to see your handmade stuff.
Except it's just a bunch of doodles of puppies.
A drawing of two hideously malformed women kissing naked in bed--
Poll on Mudgee Guardian: Should mobility scooter users be registered or undergo training? This made me angry. And the stupid comments left by two people made me even more angry. At least there was one decent comment there.Should mobility scooter users have to be registered or undergo training?
For what?
That deadly vehicle that can't even go running speed?
I mean every single person I've ever encountered on one has been a complete asshole on it but I'm sure that doesn't mean they should register the fucking thing.
Sounds like an excuse to collect more tax revenue to me.
You are talking about placing more restrictions on people who can not get out without these devices. It is already limited to people who can afford the incredibly expensive scooters. How about we make our streets and shops more accessible for people who need assistive devices. I think that would cut down on the majority of problems.Assistive isn't a word I've decided.
The word is and always will be adaptive.
Assistive just sounds like a made up word I'd encounter in pussy sensitivity.
There is a massive stigma involved in using mobility devices, canes, walkers, wheelchairs, scooters. This is only made worse by media painting people who use them as 'other' as 'dangerous' as something that is a threat to able bodied people who are put across as having more right to use public spaces.Fuck you I've never seen an old man walking with a cane that wasn't the coolest motherfucker ever.
He probably has a sword in it and everything.
This is the comment that bothered me most.I know what you mean, brother.
A number of times I have witnesed situations where mobility scooters have narrowly avoided colliding with shoppers exiting stores, pedestrians sensibly conducting their business and waitresses delivering coffee to patrons seated outside. Unfortunately, the riders of the mobility scooters are, in many cases, unaware that they are the problem.I haven't yet seen one rider concerned, let alone apologetic, for the number of serious incidents narrowly avoided. Most of them are, for one reason or another, blissfully unaware that there is a problem and that they are guilty of travelling too fast on pedetrian thoroughfares.
It's like they're aware of two speeds: stop and maximum rabbit speed.
It's fucking downtown Greensboro. There isn't a ton of room to maneuver.
If scooters have narrowly missed avoiding colliding with shoppers exiting stores, pedestrians sensibly conducting their business (because people with mobility issues aren't being sensible??) and waitresses delivering coffee then I say good on them! They have managed not to hit people while they are navigating around an environment where they were not even considered when it was planned.It's a fucking straight road with no obstacles in your way.
How in the fuck is this not engineered for you?
This is engineered for anything that can move.
In Russia politicians overwhelmingly backed a bill that would ban the “propaganda of sodomy, lesbianism, bisexuality and transgenderism.”Livejournal, defender and furious masturbator of all things LGBT and dominated mostly by Russians is now in serious trouble.
Russia’s Duma, their lower house of parliament, voted an overwhelming 388 to 1 for the law that makes public events and the dissemination of information on the LGBT community to minors punishable by fines of up to $15,500. Similar laws have been passed in 9 of the 83 regions including St. Petersburg.
That is the common opinion of this ruling among bloggers, too.Can't help but think this is going to make a difference to how LJ runs.
I'm sure they'll continue being special snowflakes.
50 posts where she's bitching about the heat (she lives in Australia, it's probably never not hot where she lives)--
Here are 10 things to NEVER say to people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
That's a thing.
1. “I get tired too.”Oh shit I'm sorry I forgot the primary symptom of special snowflake syndrome is it's impossible for anyone to attempt to empathize because no one has ever felt this way before in the history of the world except the snowflake.
The ridiculous moniker hung long ago upon this debilitating disease continues to throttle us. “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”. Its name is all about being tired.
5. “It can’t be that bad.”I mean have you ever really thought about whatever shit you were going through?
This is so demeaning. So trivializing. So obviously a way of brushing aside our condition. The person speaking these words isn’t interested in us.They don’t want to be inconvenienced by even acknowledging that we might be suffering. So they just tell us, we’re not.
Usually I conclude it's not as bad as all that.
8. “If you prayed more you wouldn’t be sick.”Prayer cures all ills.
This one is a double-whammy. Not only is there no milk of human kindness being expressed over the fact that we’re sick. We’re also unspiritual, or selfish, or ungodly.
I know this because the average life expectancy went up when Rome collapsed.
Got up at midday yesterday, got breakfast and then went out shopping.God I got up at noon, too.
Man I already miss it.
Exhausting drive followed by exhausting shop and then the drive again. Same every week but so much more difficult when it's hot. Breathing and energy just fuck off in the heat and the brain fog is worse.Ever consider wearing long sleeves in the sweltering Australian sun might be some of your problem?
Wore long sleeves, jeans, sunglasses and a big floppy hat but still came home feeling so drained and sick like I do from sun.
In this post (18+ of course) she's whining about the new Livejournal beta page.
Which was fucking wonderful let me tell you but not for the reason she states.
My internet does not run fast enough for it. I can't do pages with lots of java script. They just don't work.>Javascript not loading
>internet is at fault
No pretty sure you just have too many toolbars installed.
Unless you're playing Farmville.
Then it might be their coding.
I can't do Infinite scrolling. It wont load. Half the time I have to refresh just to get LJ to load far enough that I can click next page. I can't load tumblr much at all. I get the Load More Pages thing and click on it and it times out. And if something goes wrong or my hand twitches and I close the tab (OMG the amount of times this happens >_<) then at least I will still be on the page of my friends list that I was on before but with infinite scrolling it just goes back to the start. It's usually when I totally give up on tumblr.Jesus Christ just give up on it, then.
I can't read tiny text and while I can zoom in with CRT + I would have trouble reading that font.
I also can't deal with that much white screen. I just can't. It gives me migraines. I can't read black text when it's in a screen full of glow. I can hardly even see that there is font there.
Clearly computing is not cut out for you.
Font is too small
but if I zoom in it's too big :(((((((
now you're just fucking whining.
I've met people who were literally blind that manage to use a computer. What's your problem, again?
Anyway I got Warhams to work on and vidya gayms to play and DVDs to watch--
basically I got better things to do.
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