Friday, April 5, 2013


Dreamwidth. Day 2.
After the fall.
I cannot tell you how many times I have asked this question to folks on the pro-SSM side:

 I feel like the entire world is warping into the Warhammer boards.
Fuck off and spell your words all of you.
You can't put an Eldar Missile Launcher on a Fire Prism either so whatever.
I don't know what I'm talking about.
If the meaning of marriage is changed from what it has always been - one man/one woman - and opened to mean in practicality, "anything you choose", then upon what basis could we deny marriage to any combination of persons who demands it? 
Same Sex Marriage.
Jesus Christ.
Also it's refreshing to see someone on the opposite side of the fence for once.
Usually everyone is so free and gay.
Nice to see someone taking a different stance in an issue that isn't really any of their fucking business.
Everyone mind your own goddamn business.
Also here's how we deny it:
when it either involves parties that cannot consent or when it begins to harm genetic diversity.
Slippery slope arguments will never work.
No that's it.
The line stops there.
The answer, of course, is WE CAN'T.

I have never once had an answer to this question. Ever. If there is any response at all, it's just yelling about how there is no slippery slope argument to be made when it comes to this issue and that we're just crazy for making it. (In addition to being "haters" and bigots for denying people who love each other to express that love how they choose.)
I mean if 5 guys want to get married I'm ok with that too.
Any number and combination of consenting adults doesn't bother me in the slightest.
My response to the 'There is no slippery slope' is, ORLY?

Here you go. Here's a consensual relationship. If they wanted "marriage" or at least to be left alone to continue the relationship if they choose, tell me upon what basis they should be denied this so-called civil right?

And if you do think they should be denied marriage (if they did ask for it) then explain to me why you are such a hater and a bigot and a.... a... an incest-a-phobe.

I'm waiting.
At no point did anyone okay incest.
The common argument against incest is it harms genetic diversity and might make retard babies but you people can't possibly get any dumber than you already are so you might as well.
I mean I don't know how you can be against gay people.
The lead singer of Judas Priest is gay and you wish you could be half as hair metal (gay) as he is.
Are you kidding me?! $219 to get my stupid taxes done at H&R Block?
I mean it was a huge pain in the ass and took about an hour to do mine but I was done and it didn't cost me 219 bucks.
If you're bitching about 219 dollars I think it's safe to assume you probably can't afford that much and should therefore bite the bullet and do it yourself.
Wow, yesterday had to be one of the most bizarre Good Fridays I've ever had.

The service went well. It was quiet and somber and we also had Communion. No problems there. But for some reason, afterward everyone wanted to go out to eat. (I have been trying to fast on Good Fridays for the last few years, at least part of the day.) It wouldn't have been so bad if it had been a small group and we'd gone somewhere relatively quiet where we could reflect and have meaningful conversations. But somehow it ended up being a HUGE group and we ended up going to a bar, of all places! 
That's where the devil lives!
It was loud, it was annoying with basketball games on the multiple TVs and everyone was acting like it was just another fun Friday night. I couldn't believe it. I was very disappointed. How can you walk out of church and then switch over so fast to this sort of thing? Don't get me wrong, it's not like anything inappropriate was going on. It was just a good time. And that would have been fine, on any other day. But not on this day. Not for me. 
She posts on Dreamwidth.
No fun allowed ever.
I am so sick and tired of homosexuals behaving like victims, whining about their lack of rights, claiming to be bullied at a greater level than anyone else might be bullied, and all the rest! The truth is that we're talking about the most protected class of people in the country! (Second only to Muslims, it would seem.)
Truly the gays are our most protected group.
I'm going to be honest. I always find it hilarious when Christians, by far the most protected group in the US and the majority, bitch about being the minority or someone else having rights.
I'm sure they'd argue they're not protected but then again they seem to think their rights extend into the realm of policing others so whatever.
If you don't believe me, try an experiment. Go to any YouTube video, blog post, or comment section of any article that is speaking positively about SSM or anything else pertaining to homosexuality. Very politely express disagreement with what  has been said. It can be as generic as simply saying, "I disagree with this view."  
The internet automatically doesn't matter because everyone here is so fucking offended by everything it isn't even worth not trying to be offensive.
Just go for the gold.
You included.
You're every bit as bad as they are.
Then just wait. In a few moments you will be FLOODED with people screeching at you. They will call you a "hater" (such a silly and childish word!), a bigot, a bully. They will swear at you and say the most vulgar things. Quite often, they will tell you to die.

I dare you to try this. 
You dare me?
Like what, I'm running some sort of risk by doing this?
Fuck you I do this constantly.
Self righteous whore.
Here's an article she links entitled "18 reasons you're still unemployed"
except I'm not unemployed--
so I don't know.
Maybe it's not directed at me.
But it says "you" so I guess it is?
I was unemployed for a period.
Maybe it's referring to then?
This entire series has been fantastic, but this portion is making me burn with fury.

I have come to absolutely loathe this wicked ideology. It offers NOTHING positive to anyone. All it does is enslave those who follow it and bring death and misery to those who refuse.
She's referring to Islam.
That's kinda funny, when you think about it.
That'll be the day, when I bow to this demonic blood cult and pay its followers money to allow me to live.
>Blood cult
>yours involves you drinking "the blood of Christ" which some of you believe literally becomes blood when you drink it
yeah okay.
People in glass houses I guess.
Remember in FFXIV when the thaumaturge guild was like this creepy blood cult?
Then they totally changed the feeling of the entire class to be generic black mage with lightning magic?
That was my favorite class.
Fuck video games too.
I doubt anyone's reading my LJ anymore, but I'll x-post it there just in case.
This blog is named "Veritas Poet" and I can't shake the feeling I've already reviewed this blog.
There's that article about being unemployed again.
And she's still mad at it.
Stop posting it if it makes you that upset.
Computer showed black screen/no memory error last night. Freaked me out just as I was going to bed at 10:30. Rebooted and it seemed okay, but I wanted to put stuff on my  old flash drive. Of course couldn't find it, ended up having to rush to the store this morning for another one. Thankfully, backup is done. 
Well it could be the RAM going bad or the motherboard going bad--
It'd be easy to check the RAM and replace it if that's the case.
What do you want to be she didn't do that and just bought a whole new computer?
The death of Andrew Breitbart shredded me. 
Poor Andrew Breitbart.
Wait, who?
Let's see--
Some sort of conservative shill, it looks like.
Fair enough.
 Did you know Jesus says it's okay to call yourself a follower of His and still live openly with your lesbian lover? I didn't either, until I read this!
Yeah, man.
Jesus was hardcore intolerant.
Why just read all this textual evidence I have to support this stance:
Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?
Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.

For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins
I'm sure Jesus, based on this evidence, would be violently opposed to gays as followers.
Also didn't he hang out with whores and lepers?
In one post she manages to praise a book called "American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History" which sounds fucking rad while simultaneously calling Muhammad violent and against Jesus.
Like all right but--
you know.
How do you miss the point of your own religion this hard?
Isn't it about tolerance and forgiveness?
How are the least tolerant and forgiving people routinely part of it?
American Sniper: okay because he's following AMERICA and therefore JESUS
Mohammad though is EVIL because he's one of THEM MUSLAMS.
Can't they both be kinda both?
Like I'm sure Muhammad did something okay.
I don't know what but I'm sure he loved his mom or took care of a sick puppy once or something.
And I'm sure that American sniper guy might be a bit of an asshole.
You know life isn't really that cut and dry. You can't divide people up into "following God [good]" versus "not following God [bad]".
Basically what I'm trying to say is everyone is at least a little bit of an asshole.
Especially this blogger, holy shit.
She's giving Dreamwidth a bad second impression!

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