VIEWPOINT: The Debt Everyone Is Freaking Out About Does Not ExistPretty sure it does.
Well, not quite. The actual truth is that the debt everyone’s freaking out about does not exist.[citation needed]
Some of the debt certainly exists, like the roughly $11.6 trillion owed to foreign and private creditors.THE DEBT DOESN'T EXIST
If you paid off 10 trillion dollars of the debt
you'd still owe 1.6 trillion dollars.
All right let's DO THIS.
Hot damn! I'm reading a book called 'Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World' and I must say that I am utterly amazed! I have this (somewhat) obsession with particular military generals and their motives -- not necessarily the wars themselves. I think It's because, as a reader, I like characters more and some of these leaders/generals were ... well, fascinating. XDXD I'M GOING TO SHIP GENGHIS KHAN XD
Anyway, this book gave much more depth and insight on the political objectives of Genghis and Kublai that were surprising. Such as, Genghis Khan outlawed bride stealing. He wrote all his laws down. The soldiers would learned all their laws by singing. Much to my own surprise, the Mongols hated/feared blood and body parts, especially the head.Oh wow imagine that primitive barbarians were superstitious.
Color me fucking surprised.
Don't get me wrong. He did terrible things, certainly. It's just amazing to compare today with back then, ya know?Good work, social justice warrior.
I'm getting really sick of authors who title their books (well, okay, the publishers too because they have a say in it) with a bastardization of Ray Bradbury's "Something Wicked This Way Comes". Your book will never be as good as Bradbury's, okay? Just stop it! DI pretty much refuse to read anything with a title that's a pun of another title of a book.
If you're that creatively bankrupt on the cover I can't even imagine what's inside.
I'm writing again, after a year or more! And it's a completely original idea. So far it's been running smoothly but I'm getting close to hitting the "this story REALLY sucks" wall.That's probably your brain telling you to stop.
Gah. I don't know what to do about that. I'm having fun but this is like my DEMON WRITING NUMBER ONE (tm) with echo'es.Echo'es.
That's a word, is it?
Maybe you should stop writing.
What the fuck does that even mean?
I was too focused on "echo'es" to notice you hadn't formed a coherent idea in the first place.
I had a horrible dream.Ever notice when someone describes a dream they had it's the dumbest fucking thing you've ever heard in your entire life?
I feel like the US is toast. I always have had that dredged "we're in trouble" feeling but I also thought some of our smart citizens would step up before it got too bad. Or that we have enough thinking people to put ourselves back together.Yeah.
Well, I fear I'm losing that hope. I'm finally believing that most everyone is an idiot.
Yeah that's right, echo'es.
If you feel like that imagine how actual intelligent people feel.
It's a horrible feeling, let me tell you.
There is an Oklahoma republican that wants to pass a law making it illegal to use human aborted fetuses in mass produced food for "flavoring". He apparently believes we're all eating aborted fetuses. This is the most retarded thing I've ever heard. It's obviously a ploy to ban abortions.Than*.
That's not the bad part.
I watched it on a news report off youtube. The hosts were (justly) mocking this. That horrible, sinking feeling came from the comments. Since the hosts hadn't specifically said this was "false", people were commenting: "well, is it true? Are people using human fetuses in food?"
That's like... so much worse then the republican.
She's intelligent, though.
Fuck you.
Wait no you can't no one would make that argument that's provably stupid.
Why is it okay to claim not knowing second grade grammar is acceptable and you can still be smart despite that?
Fuck this gay earth.
She posted her favorite quote and it's like the longest fucking quote in the history of the world.
Quotes are supposed to be a sentence or two and sound cool.
I was watching a show on kidnapped brides. I forget what country it was in -- well, rather, I dunno how to spell it and I'm too lazy to look it up. It was one of the 'stans.Kyrgyzstan you lazy pleb.
They've even made a bastardized version of a wedding to make it all offical. Like, they throw flowers at the poor girl and put a white scarf over her head, and BAM! she's married. The show I was watching showed this man kidnapping this poor girl and gah! It made me so angry.>We
Why do we even bother thinking we're civilized and different from animals?
>one backwards country that you can't even be assed to remember the name of does this
Most people don't kidnap women they want to marry.
What's with the righteous indignation? You literally couldn't be bothered to remember where this even happens.
So, I have this theory and I think it's a good one, (I'm only half kidding... maybe.) And as my theories are usually just delusions my mind subjects me to, I have no proof.Stupid.
Thus: I giveth my conspiracy theory to thine eyes!
It goes like this: I think the republican party is going way overboard to ensure Obama gets reelected. Consciously, I mean.
Here's my conspiracy theory:
the county I work in doesn't want me to work tomorrow because the only jobs posted are really shitty schools that I'm not taking.
OMG! I think the Tea Party has just dealt itself a death blow. LAWLS!Are.
Tea Party: "Go on strike! Stop hiring people!"
Like there is any jobs.
There are any jobs.
Are jobs.
Not is jobs.
Maybe they think saying this will fool people into thinking there are jobs and that businesses are on "strike". OMG. Funniest thing I've heard all day.Also people are employed, you know.
I could go on strike from my job.
The job that I have.
I don't know to what end but I could do it.
Man. I am so, so far removed from Christianity. I hadn't realized it. Last night (well, this morning), that knowledge gave me a bitch slap that still has me seeing starts.>seeing starts
Seeing starts.
What the fuck
Seeing stars, dipshit.
You know when you hit your head and you see sparkly things that LOOK LIKE FUCKING STARS?
I'm Googling this. There's no fucking way you're this stupid.
It must be something dipshits in the Midwest say.
Google called me an asshole for even suggesting it.
Fuck you.
I downloaded a book called "Pagan Christianity". I love historical non-fiction on pretty much every subject. There isn't a lot of audio books on this sort of thing. It's mostly atheists ranting about Christianity or visa versa. The book purported to talk on the origins of the melding religions (as Christianity took over the earlier faiths and assimilated them.)As man turned away from the one true religion.
My library is kind of cool because they have this online thing that lets you "check out" electronic books as well as electronic audio books. We can "check out" 10 books at a time. They've formatted the books to disable themselves after the check out date as passed. It used to be 3 weeks (like the in library check outs) but they changed that to 1 week, 2 weeks, and 3 weeks check out periods.I wonder if this is common.
I bet that 3 week limit is easy to pop.
Now, I have an ipod that I take to work with me and listen to books on tape. For audio books, we get to choose between mp3s and wma files. Wma files is a windows extension. Both of these types have some sort of thing in them that makes it impossible to convert to another file type.Yeah well that's what you get for buying an Apple product, dipshit.
What bugs the crap out of me is that the majority of the books are in wma format. On the overdrive page, in big block letters, there is a category that says "IPOD compatible books". All these IPOD "compatible" books are in wma formats.
I'm listening to the "Emperors of Rome" audio class (via TTC.) I'm really not surprised by much in this course save this one law... It was apparently against the law to kill a virgin girl.Rome had a lot of weird laws.
We all know how those hostile take-overs go. When the emperor is deposed, whoever is raised in his place kills the entire family.Rome.
Back when people knew how to conduct business.
So the old emperor is deposed (I forget the emperors name) and the new regime orders the death of his family.OH YOU KNOW
Because the Roman Empire was just one continuous thing and didn't undergo any cultural change at all in its history.
He has several young children, one of which is a girl. The teacher mentions, almost as a side note, "oh, and ancient Rome had a policy in which you couldn't put a virgin girl to death."Yeah.
Supposedly the guard hired to carry this out said the princess looked up at him as said "if I'd done something wrong, tell me and I won't do it again." He sent a note to the new emperor saying he took care of the girls virginity before executing her.
Barbaric times and shit.
Now, I'm no blushing daisy. I know how these things go. Raping, pillaging, and burning towns down (in whichever order) was the ancient past time. It's just... that law leaves me cold. Ancient Romans weren't idiots either. They knew as well as you and me that people in that situation would be killed. It's govern sanctioned rape.But Genghis Khan
he definitely didn't rape anyone.
I wonder what emperor this happened under?
She to be fairly young as well. Girls were married off when they are 13-ish. It's not enough to kill her whole family, to also be on the point of killing her, but the government says they have to rape her first.Yeah people did some shit back then.
That is... terrible.
They knew they lived in primitive times and they were trying their hardest to move to the modern age as fast as possible.
But then you have the dark ages and shit and what can you do?
It's not like it's significantly better now, though.
I am fascinated by war history. I'm listening to "The Storm of War", a history of WWII. For some reason, I find Operation Barbarossa to be intriguing. It was like a train wreck in the war. I know hindsight is 20/20 but still...Really?
The invasion of the Soviet Union might not have been the best idea ever?
I've just been idly clicking the "back" button on this blog for like 15 minutes.
This woman never says anything remotely interesting.
How fucking terrible must your life be?
Fuck this I'm going.