How crazy is that?
I was going to review it just out of principle.
Like no matter how shitty it was I was going to muscle through but it turned out to be friends only.
But the real kind of friends only where I wasn't allowed to see any of the entries.
Anyway we have this hippie.
It's been a busy, full weekend and it's not quite over yet though today's work is for my first volunteer job, Planned Parenthood. I'm getting ready to head out for Reproductive Rights Lobby Day in Olympia to meet with my district's legislators and attend a rally, all on President's Day!Busy weekend being a militant liberal.
Sunday I went out to Carnation for a gouda making class with my chicken-neighbor friend, Sarah. I now have my very own cheese mold and I've already gathered all the other tools I need to make hard cheeses!This is one of those blogs where fucking everything is a hyperlink to something.
Somehow "cheese mold" was linked to something.
Guess you can shop for cheese mold online.
There's a website for that.
You can just casually buy cheese mold online.
Do you ever stop to think maybe our society is too decadent when you can do something like that?
We've made it easy
to make life harder.
You can just go to the store and buy cheese you know.
But if that's too fucking mainstream for you or you have 800000 moral objections about bullshit no one cares about you can buy mold online to make your own cheese.
It blows my mind that this is even a thing.
I did it! I made my very own hugelkultur yesterday.Your own what?
No, sometimes it's better to not ask.
Oh shit. That's the end of this blog.
It was all about some weird co-op in Washington.
Guess it's time for a two-play FRIDAY.
Guys.Who gives a shit?
No, seriously, guys.
One of my co-workers (who knows that medieval and Renaissance geekery is My Thing In Life) just tried to get into an argument with me about how Showtime's The Tudors is incredibly accurate.
There is one Very Special Snowflake on my FB who posted about the Todd Akin debacle I posted about earlier today and he keeps on with strawman arguments and rape apologism and Godwin's Law and I am currently grinding my teeth down to little bitty nubs.Who gives a shit?
Anybody have a spare bazooka they're not using? I'll bring it back as soon as I am done.
You're arguing on Facebook.
Clearly your entire existence is pointless.
This is what's bothering you in life.
Someone said something stupid on Facebook.
And it warrants a blog post.
How about you unfriend him?
Or ignore him?
You have options here.
Oh there's a picture of you.
Man them harpoons m8
Did I mention that when I went to the doctor, my weight is up to 273?273
Deeply unhappy about that.
Makes me want to crawl under a rock and never come back out.
You couldn't get out of your own way if you tried.
I am one of those fools who enjoys swimming, even when the water is rather ridiculously cold.Well you know they say some whales swim around the polar ice caps, so.
Clearly you're built for that sort of thing.
So, in an effort to try to shape up, I bought a hula hoop...y'know, one of the semi-pro ones? I just did my first half-hour hooping session and my abs hurt, I am huffing and puffing, and actually worked up a sweat. I only managed to keep the hoop up for about thiry seconds at a go. I really hope it gets easier...or at least I can keep the hoop up longer.Must be a pretty big hula hoop.
I have to take a class this quarter entitled "Basic Computer Skills."Yeah I couldn't either.
No, I can't test out of it.
Not even my argument of "well I built my own computer and I reinstalled Windows just this weekend so I think I can swing a spreadsheet" worked.
Not that reinstalling Windows is hard. It's pretty much just follow the onscreen instructions but that's on par with a spreadsheet in terms of difficulty and it's, like, way scarier if we're going by computer newbie logic so you'd think that would count for something.
But nope.
As all y'all know, I am going to be a nurse. Having been interested in the body, all its weirdness, and all the Very Bad Things that can happen to the body, I tend to read anything I can get my hands on about epidemiology, the history of medicine (as I am interested in both history and medicine, the history of medicine is Very Much Relevant To My Interests indeed), plagues, pandemics, and assorted bacterial/viral/fungal Happy Fun Times resulting in the deaths of populations.Yeah she does this thing that I've somehow managed to avoid up to this point where she'll just randomly uppercase what she feels are important thoughts.
I know Dark Age thinkers would do shit like that but come on.
Pretty sure you're not allowed to write "y'all" then try to pretend like you're a medieval thinker.
To say vaccines are worse than the illnesses they prevent is total, complete, and utter hogwash.You know usually the flu vaccine makes me kinda sick for about 24 hours after I get it.
That didn't really happen this time. I remember thinking "oh, well maybe I'm finally not a pussy" but then I caught Nurgle's Rot this year so I'm starting to think maybe the flu vaccine wasn't as effective this year as it has been in years past.
Imagine coughing so hard your ribs break.I coughed so hard one of my floater ribs made a weird popping noise.
While I'm at it, since the measles/mumps/rubella (MMR) vaccine is the primary one Jenny McCarthy et al. froth at the mouth most about, there is such a hullabaloo raised about autism caused by vaccination and it is rage-inducing. These people go on and on about vaccines causing autism, because apparently there's nothing worse in the world that autism. I beg your pardon? Autism is somehow worse than death? Or causing pregnant women to miscarry is okay as long as your kid is neurotypical? *flail*headdesk*flail* These anti-vaccination people don't seem to realize --Doesn't that logic kind of apply in reverse?
So it's okay that my kid has autism as long as you don't miscarry?
You know it's pretty easy for you to say "autism isn't that bad" when no one you know his profoundly autistic.
Ordinarily I wouldn't give a shit but it's really kind of hypocritical when one of these social justice ONTD_P warriors is really insensitive about shit.
Since, you know, if it's any little thing that sets them off they demand to be accommodated immediately and without question.
In fact "need of the many" would be the kind of argument I'd make.
Not you.
I think we mixed our cue cards up or something.
Apparently they live with some yahoo or something.
These people are middle aged, I'd like to point out.
They're all in their late 30s or early 40s.
I dunno.
I just figured out that one of the guys on my FB friends list is a Nice Guy.WHAT A FAGGOT.
Nice guys.
Someone should beat him.
Boe's laptop managed to get a virus, so there's even less psoting than usual from my neck of the woods.REBOOTING IN SAFE MODE WHAT
Anyway fuck blogs and fuck the internet.
I'm going now.
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