if I have to spell out why the head of the CIA would resign over something as seemingly benign as an extramarital affair then you people really need to stop posting to a politics website because it just isn't happening for you.
I think I am missing some context...? I mean, that seems like a strange thing to resign from your post over.
1. generally you don't want your operatives in a position where they can be easily blackmailed and
2. it's likely a pretext because some serious shit is about to go down.
I can't believe how fucking dumb you people are. How transparent can this bullshit be and it still confused you?
Then again it isn't a matter about your precious gay rights or POC bullshit so I guess I can see why this'd be confusing.
This is like soft power politics and spy games and zzzzz BORING WHERE ARE THE GAY GUYS KISSING xP?
Doctor Who fandom, I am tired.
Me too.
9th graders, man.
They just can't listen for one second.
"Don't write on this. Please don't write on this. I'm looking at some of you and I know you're going to write on it. Please don't write on this."
Not even two minutes later: "oh we're not supposed to write on this?"
No that's cool go ahead I just warned you literally ten times.
Of course I don't know -why- they couldn't write on it because there were enough copies for every class but whatever I don't make the rules.
I just enforce them.
And sometimes I don't even fully enforce them if it's really bullshit and I can get away with it.
I saw the episode, mostly because I was tired of seeing other people's opinions posts and not knowing what they were talking about, so I just went ahead and watched.
And you know? I could talk about what was problematic in this episode. I could talk about Amy and Rory and how love is not a competition.
>love isn't a competition
Except love being a competition is literally one of the oldest plots there is.
It's a show about a magic time man who fights silly talking robots. I don't think this is a show known for its realism.
I could talk about the bisexuality-as-a-phase joke. I could talk about how nothing Dalek-related made any fucking sense because there was this thing called the Time War that was a big fucking deal and also Daleks hate the impurity of being mixed with anything human and how every other Doctor has had a problem with killing all the Daleks when he could have makes him no better, and I wonder what Four, who nearly killed all the Daleks when they were first created and decided not to, would have to say about this.
It's a silly show about a magic time man. Stop thinking so hard about it.
I just finished the Hunger Games trilogy in two days, like a year after everyone else read them. I just really hate the battle royale trope, okay, I find it horrific and dehumanizing
... That's the point.
It's supposed to be dehumanizing.
That's the fucking point of the story--
Jesus Christ, people.
and I didn't like it when Ralph Ellison did it and I had to read it in every damn American lit class, I didn't like it in the Japanese Battle Royale movie. So I stayed away from The Hunger Games, knowing that that was the plot, but when I saw the movie, I saw a very personal journey of a girl of the forest, and that was far better than I had imagined. So the other day I decided I felt like reading the books, and now I need to talk about them.
I legitimately hate modern reading audiences.
They are fucking uneducated, weak and stupid.
But the worst part is they're so pretentious about it. Can't you just be stupid and proud of it like most Americans?
Hope you all are going to have a lovely new year's eve. I made no plans, so it's really no different than any other night, but I MIGHT stay up past ten tonight! Woohoo! And watch a movie or something.
Been busy on the internets doing a rebranding project the last few days. If it weren't for fandom, I swear I would live like it was 1915. I can barely handle the technological fact that I have a dishwasher; now I have to find out about Klout scores?
Been busy on the internets doing a rebranding project the last few days. If it weren't for fandom, I swear I would live like it was 1915. I can barely handle the technological fact that I have a dishwasher; now I have to find out about Klout scores?
I went from not having heard the term before to knowing all about it in literally 10 seconds.
Does anybody know where I can find some good research material about what a girls' boarding school in England would be like in the 1940s?
Pffft I don't know, Google it?
Alternatively make it up.
Am back from vacation. Am exhausted. Am thinking of laundry sitting all night in dryer getting wrinkly because I was too tired to deal with it. Am marathoning Big Bang Theory just because, and I need good icons for it, because now I have more icon space.
Declining use of personal pronouns.
Am really glad it’s Friday and I can maybe sleep all weekend. Not really. But it’s a nice thought.
As you know, I’m editing for a medical journal these days,
As you're doubtlessly aware.
I downloaded the Richard Feynman lectures on physics from the Six Easy Pieces selections (and several others, it was a giant folder, I don't remember everything, if you want them I can upload) and was listening to the first one on atoms and their movement on the drive to and from work today (I've got an hour commute each way, I have to make it productive somehow.)
Join the Kool Kids Klub and listen to Warhammer audio dramas.
Butcher's Nails, The Throne of Lies, Prospero Burns, Dead in the Water, The Serpent Beneath, Red and Black--
The Throne of Lies is fucking sweet, too. Before I found myself giving 0 fucks about the Night Lords (in fact I considered them the least interesting Space Marine legion loyalist or Chaos) but now I kinda like them.
I've always loved physics, and the weirder it gets, the better.
Not as cool as speculative biology which starts out by asking seemingly dumbass questions that 9th graders would ask but then branching off into crazy shit.
Like why is nature's solution to locomotion like 3 choices?
Why has a creature never evolved a wheel before?
Guysguysguys. Right now, go read Handlebars by orange_crushed . It is brilliant and amazing, all about Amy and Rory and the Doctor.
She is twelve years old, almost thirteen, and she is standing on top of the garden shed in an old blanket. It isn't a blanket, and it is. It's a toga. Never mind the flowers. She's about to be sacrificed to the gods of the volcano, represented here by a sandbox dragged underneath the awning. She closes her eyes and imagines the smoke and ash floating in the air around her, the low sound of chanting, the jingle of gold chains. She's tied her own hands together awkwardly with a handkerchief and her wrists are sweaty where they're rubbing together.
Wow that's really awful.
Speaking of awful I'm considering writing an EVE Online story because there's a fabulous prize of I win.
I read the other entries and I think it's a matter of writing a story and entering it and I'll get it.
People chose really weird topics for their stories.
While focusing on a backwards religious space empire might sound like a good idea for a story the Amarr are fucking lame and they really should have just ripped Warhammer off more than they did for them.
Instead the interesting plots are left by the wayside.
What is a Capsuleer? How are they made?
What effect must this have on someone's psychology?
Basically you're taking normal people (normal relatively) and making them effectively immortal.
Then you're giving them immense power over regular people and making them accountable to basically no one and telling them to not be complete assholes.
Ships are still partially crewed by regular people, too. What happens when you lose a ship?
No one would give a shit. Mortals are to be bought and sold.
You're paying these people in literally pennies and it's more money than they could otherwise make in an entire lifetime.
ONTD_P whines about class struggle now.
Holy shit retards stand back because your dipshit whining wouldn't even register in EVE's setting as a thing that exists let alone an issue.
Posting this for mathnerd , a friend of tsukara , who is a student from Germany, living in the States while she gets her MSc in differential geometry. However, she has several chronic illnesses and pain conditions that are preventing her from continuing as a student, which means she loses her medical insurance. She has already spent all the money available to her through loans on medical expenses, and if she can get home to Germany she can receive treatment from the health system there, but after all her medical bills she can't even pay for a plane flight. She needs $600. If you could, go and read her journal, offer her some encouragement in what is undoubtedly a very difficult time for her, and consider helping her get home.
Good luck with that shit.
Anyway time for bed.
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