Microfont and it changes my cursor into some sort of bizarre crosshair so I can't highlight the text.
Not that I can see the text to highlight it but whatever.
i just signed up for a product review site, i feel like that means i should unlock my posts!... What?
I just set my industry jobs in EVE Online so I feel that means I should update my blog!
What the fuck?
I think my brain is about to explode, so I obviously do the best thing ever..BLOG.Whatashame?
This is going to be a quick one I think. So a week ago I had a Skype conversation with my Media Writing professor who is currently in Lebanon. She was the cutest thing ever, and she said that she wants me to look into freelancing! EXCITING!! Okay, so anyway, there were a few things that she said that I really wanted to make sure that I had down.
Just call her and ask again, Jesus.
Okay honestly. I am not in the mood or state or whatever to write a blog for the week. My lymph nods are so swollen I look like I have a triple chin and my whole body is like kssdhgjkwd.She can't blog this week but every single entry is about ten sentences long. It's not like this is a major investment, or anything.
This unexpected sickness has already ruined my plans of work for the week so I don't even know.
Also, my dad's sister died today.
because that's how small the font is--
never mind.
Also your dad's sister?
Dad's sister.
if only there was a word for that person.
Oh well.
That awkward moment when you realize that all of your blog posts are done on your phone and/or while on or waiting for a bus.... That awkward moment where you realize all your blog posts are done on a desktop.
Go figure.
What the fuck?
How is that an awkward moment?
Hello all, I think this will be a short post, just because my fingers are extremely cold and my nose keeps running.I seriously haven't heard someone describe something as "that's so gay" in like 5 or 6 years. I think collectively we're over it.
I wanted to talk about the use of slurs in everyday conversation- particularly the use of "that's so gay."
Like calling shit boss or rad or something.
I call shit rad all the time but most people aren't trapped in the early 90s so they don't say it.
I'm an ally of the LGBTQ community, and I am also the type of person who calls people out on their behaviors.Stand the fuck back. A pretentious twat who's going to boss others around on Livejournal.
There is someone who I am acquaintances with that I follow on Twitter, as well as being friends with on Facebook.Don't be such a fag.
(Btw the man sitting behind me is talking to his friend about the behaviors of gays and how it sickens him)
She has recently (or maybe it's been longer I just never noticed) continued to use "gay" as her word of choice to describe negative things.
I'd never call a gay guy a fag, though.
Unless he was acting like one.
It bothers me, and I've mentioned it to her, but more often than not I get "well you're not gay, so why do you care" as a response. Things like that make me so mad. In order for minority communities to get support and equal rights, they usually need those from the majority to stand WITH them. Not for them, or blah blah. As a heterosexual woman, I have a privilege in that regard that a LGBTQ person might not have.As a heterosexual man I could give a shit about your moaning.
Basically, I'm just really bothered.
Shut up.
So, you may ask, what are you going to write about this week Irene?Hi Irene.
I sure wasn't going to ask that, though.
In fact I was just thinking about something else entirely.
I wanted to write about this a while ago, but I kept getting ~inspired by other things so the topic was pushed back. This is also something that we talked about in my WGST (into to women and gender studies) class that I related to.WGST.
Women and Gender Studies.
Women and Gender STudies.
Acronyms work that way.
Holy shit yeah they do. They work however the fuck you want them to.
I'm not sure what to call them...hecklers? Woo-ers? People (typically men) who want to make me feel as uncomfortable as possible?I want you to feel bad about yourself but not because you're a woman.
It's because you're a bad person.
I'm talking about the times when I am walking somewhere, and some random person who I have never seen before, and probably will never see again, gets the urge to say something stupid at me.>I expect men to do 100% of the courting to woo me
seriously guys why the fuck are you dating white women?
I cannot imagine what would possess someone to do that.
This topic is soooo complicated, and rooted in gender and I barely have a grasp on it myself. I just wanted to talk about how uncomfortable it makes me.1. This never happened you disgusting bacon ham disaster and
What are you supposed to do when someone wolf whistles at you?
2. Shut up if, by your own admission, you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.
So the question I have is, is this actually about me? Or is it about these men and boys asserting their societal power that they have? How many times do women actually respond to hecklers, to tell them that they are completely disgusted by their lewdness?I have a cunt sensor.
I'm sorry if this makes no sense, and this is something that I'll probably continue to discuss and analyze later.
It goes off on a near constant basis and my objective in life is to not talk to or even make eye contact with cunts.
Anyway.. I decided to write this blog post about Steve Jobs.He wasn't a philanthropist.
He was the CEO/co-founder of Apple, and did lots of stuff with Pixar, and he was a philanthropist.
In fact he was pretty much the opposite of a philanthropist.
I'm not even being down on the guy. Objectively he didn't give a shit about humanity.
I respect that but people shouldn't be acting like a combo Jesus and Buddha died.
He died yesterday after battling pancreatic cancer for many years.You're writing about this because you're an unoriginal twat without a single shred of creativity in the vacuous expanse known as your skull so you can't help but post about the latest headline.
Sooooooooooo. You may ask, "okay Irene, why are you writing about this?"
Well, dear reader, my answer is coming.
My boyfriend (aww so cute awww) works for Apple. He was privileged enough to get some training over at Apple headquarters ..about a year back. He had a brief encounter with Jobs like in a cafeteria or something ( I think he like watched in awe as Jobs grabbed a parfait or a fruit cup) and I think that's totally awesome.If you're going to idolize someone you better make sure they either never existed or have been dead so long and their life so greatly mythologized they're basically fictional characters.
He basically idolizes Jobs- which, in my opinion, is pretty okay.
I mean why idolize Jobs? Sure he was rich but look at the guy. That's about all he had going for him.
Unlike Julius Caesar who was so badass they named a month after him and people still talk about him 2000 years later (or maybe that's just me) and he probably banged brown girls two at a time.
I mean holy shit there's an example to follow.
I don't idolize Caesar, though. That's silly. I just consider him a great American.
Because I voted for him for president.
There are far worse people that someone could want to base their life work on.List of people to base your life philosophy on:
Julius Caesar
Marcus Aurelius
Niccolo Machiavelli
Miyamoto Musashi
after that it's a descending level of unimportance.
Okay, so now you may be like "blah blah stop flailing about your boyfriend irene, no one cares."Literally no one cares.
I guess I'll run over to my point haha.
So, me being the most wonderful, amazing and humble girlfriend ever.. I was trying to figure out how I could help. My dude was pretty devastated over Jobs' death, so I did the obvious thing-- changed my facebook status.17. Do not fear death.
-- Miyamoto Musashi.
He has a 21 point action plan to not being a twat and that's 17.
Why does no one listen to this guy?
Oh wait they do. It's required reading in the military and business school.
I changed it to a pretty nifty quote from Jobs that I thought was adequate enough for the situation (if you have spare time, just look up some quotes from this man. AMAZING)No.
You know that awkward moment (ahaha) when you meet someone enough times that they friend you on facebook? And you're not actually friends so it's kind of weird?
No? Oh.I like how this is the one time you can't hurry the point along.
Well, this guy.. That I have some mutual friends with from high school commented on my status with a crudely edited version of my quote, talking about how expensive Apple products were and how they were a waste of money.
So I did the obvious thing, deleted the comment.
...He said the same thing again, which I promptly deleted. So he changed his status to what he kept repeating on mine.
Someone who I didn't know said "dude, too soon." And he said "it's never too soon."
Okay, so I totally understand how people can end up weighing certain people's deaths above others...and that's not cool. But I just don't understand how someone can be so mindless and just idiotic about a death.What Jobs leave in his wake, anyway?
Caesar and Aurelius left entire empires in their wake.
Machiavelli left an entire branch of Western philosophy.
Musashi left an entire branch of a religion and a philosophy.
What'd Jobs leave?
Some overpriced crap.
He didn't innovate a fucking thing. He was a good businessman and that's all.
This is kind of funny just because my build up for this entry has been so long, and I am so irritated I can't even say much about it.No that's cool thanks for wasting my fucking time.
People are just weird. Ugh.
Also, in case anyone was wondering, I think I missed my bus. :(((
Guy said a mean thing about a dead guy's company and you're mad at him now.
A guy neither of you have ever met and indeed will never meet.
Maybe I'm weird but I can honestly say I've only been upset at maybe three famous peoples' deaths and that never advanced further than "whatashame. He was a good man... What a rotten way to die."
I imagine when Clint Eastwood or William Gibson dies it'll elicit that response from me.
"This is terrible."
I'm not sure William Gibson counts as famous, actually.
I bet only nerds like me would recognize him if they saw him on the street.
He wrote Neuromancer and Burning Chrome you ignorant plebs read a book sometime Jesus Christ.
Anyway time to go now because this is boring goodbyeeeeee
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