I clicked on this thinking "at last, a blog for me"
but nope.
Dear Patriots:Fuck.
Speaking as an American and former Vietnam Veteran the events of the last week have sickened me to the core. Our gutless, Muslim sympathizer of a President, Yes, You Barack Hussain Obama, should be, at the very least be Impeached, and preferably tried for treason against the United States.
I expected Asian chicks.
Oh My, what a shocker…..Obama fumbled again.HE'S A MUSLIM TERRORIST.
The anniversary of 9/11 draws near, the anniversary of the most cowardly act ever perpetrated on the United States and where was Obama?
I’m sure more information will come out about the attacks on the US embassy and consulate that took place on the 11thanniversary of 9/11 as well as the attacks and protests that have started since 9/11/2012; however one thing is certain, Obama fumbled it.
Obama missed every intelligence briefing for a week leading up to 9/11/2012. He even missed the one after because it conflicted with a meeting he had and then he had to ….. get ready for it…… rush off to another fundraiser. According to a white house spokesperson, he was completely up to date because he read the daily briefings. First off, briefing papers are just that, a brief summary of the day’s events and analysis. Briefs are not designed to get you up to speed on a subject. They are however, designed to bring points forward for further discussion.Wow the levels of fucks I don't give about this.
Can we talk about how bullshit the title of your blog is?
Since the beginning of time there has been a steady war between the choices of good and evil....
Very true.
The RNC and the DNC have shown a clear contrast between these two choices the last two weeks. The voices have been coherent, clear as a bells sound in a cool winter morning, not only to hear but for all to see; at least for those who have eyes to see, ears that hear, and hearts that are softened by the pure words of Christ.Oh fuck.
You know
why not?
The problem with so many, sadly, in order to justify behavior contrary to revealed scripture, many have made themselves numb to the truth that vibrates deep within each of us; they have hardened their hearts, and have made themselves enemies of the very thing that would bring them peace, that might cause them to truly appreciate the Sanctuary that attracts so many to Americas boarders.America invented freedom thanks to Jesus.
This is the stereotype Democrats trot out to mock Republicans and the response is "right but where's that guy in real life?" and I guess he's here.
Incredibly for a blog called "Den of the Dragon Lady" it appears to be now kept up by two men.
Go figure?
I wish that all who would call themselves American would read our history without any pre-conceived notions or prejudice. By the Spirit of Christ which resides in all of us, they would find that those who we call our founders were and are men of God.Cutting away the mythology of the founding of the US the pilgrims came here not to find religious freedom (which they had in Europe) but to persecute those who didn't agree with them because the same freedoms they had in Europe were extended to such heretical groups as the Quakers and such.
The Founding Fathers were deist which is religious in the loosest sense of the term and were not, as this chucklefuck would proudly proclaim, deeply religious men.
To say this country was founded on Judeo-Christian values is a myth because, in fact, most of the values this country was founded on were co-opted from burgeoning European Republicans who were themselves based on older Greek and Roman standards.
It'd be more accurate to claim the US was founded on Pagan values because these were Pagan societies.
The Bible, when it speaks on the subject of nation building, is usually pretty keen to say "they'll do whatever they'll do" because the Bible has a vested interest in seeming spiritual and detached from the material world.
The Bible commenting on how to successfully forge an empire would pretty much undermine one of its primary messages.
I am the city wrought with crime so much so that I am the second deadliest city in America surpassed only by Detroit for murders. I am the state where its people once called itself the “land of pleasant living.”Baltimore.
Is this seriously a riddle?
It's Baltimore, idiot.
Who am I? Surely you have guessed by now…….I am the once Great State of Maryland, and once Great City of Baltimore……hard to believe isn’t it?.........sad to see the regressive nature of my state!Well I guess I've solved the riddle of the Sphinx.
We all have opinions.Well you know what they say about opinions--
There are not too many people in America that Obama likes. You never see him golf (100 rounds and counting) with anyone but his close knit circle members. Dick Cheney may have shot his friend but at least he has friends to hang out with.I'm sure Obama has friends.
I mean I'm no Obama fan but I'm sure the man has friends.
Also awesome job at attacking Obama:
My prayers go out to the Martin Family for the loss of their child.FIRST THE MUSLIMS
Trayvon Martin – I am tired of hearing that name. It’s like a call for blacks to riot once again. We have school students in Florida protesting this shooting during school hours instead of the being in the classroom.
Also what the fuck school can't break up a student protest?
I did that in 2 seconds and I'd been there a week.
"Oh you're protesting? Sit down and do your fucking work before I give you something to protest."
Worst of all they are being lead by the school administrators and faculty. What a great example of our tax dollars hard at work.Oh.
I was impressed today that if only men and women, those who hold tenaciously to leftist ideology would soften their hearts by turning from a devotion of popularity, party politics, and ego centrism in exchange for Godly principle, our country and certain parts of the world would not now be in peril.IF OBAMA WEREN'T SUCH A MUSLIM THE TWIN TOWERS WOULD STILL BE STANDING!
Also I'd like to point out that's not a coherent thought.
There is an ironic twist in history which few know of in light of what is going on in Iran at this very moment. King Cyrus of Persia...
Speaking of people with Christian principles--
a pagan who lived 500 years before Jesus.
lived about 500 years before Christ. History records that he conquered most all of Arabia and what is now Iran and Turkey. He is mentioned in the Bible in 2nd Chronicles 36:22. Cyrus restored certain political and social rights to the captive Hebrew and gave them permission to return to Jerusalem and directed that Jehovah’s Temple should be rebuilt.UNTIL THE SPARTANS GAVE HIM THE BUSINESS.
Holy shit this guy seriously goes on to say if we'd all accept Jesus there'd be no communism.
It is 2012, man. I don't think communism is a great threat anymore.
So there we have it. Cyrus II was the first Christian.
The man who literally called himself a living god--
the first man to achieve apotheosis before his death--
the first Christian.
I might call you an idiot but I don't have a political blog with over 300 entries so what do I know?
Poor Cyrus II. I feel bad for the guy because he's so demonized by history.
He just had the intense misfortune of losing to the West (back when the West was 1300 dudes standing in a valley) who would, of course, then proceed to call him an asshole for the rest of history and he's now hated by his own people because he's perhaps the most intense pagan until Julian the Philosopher.
By destroying the family, true religion, and the best economic system that has ever existed, with all these barriers of resistance removed, America is ripe for tyranny.IF OBAMA WEREN'T SUCH A COMMUNIST--
This guy is my favorite blogger ever. He is every single stereotype about Republicans rolled into one and he's dead serious.
He even quotes the Bible to explain how Jesus loves America.
I had no idea Jesus had such a strict political agenda.
The Apostles must have been really confused.
Oh and hey: the Book of Revelation?
All right
Oh, what?
666 is Caesar's number and was probably incorrectly transcribed by early monks and Satan's number should be 616?
Uhhhh, shit?
Wow, we really fucked that up.
Didn't any of you proofread before sending this out?
666, 616-- Jesus himself said not every jot and tittle would be right.
Or did he say every jot and tittle was right?
Oh fuck me.
Anyway time for bed I think--
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