This is a thing, apparently. Conservative woman blogging.
I guess I'm supposed to be impressed she's blonde and attractive BUT HAS BRAINS LOL all right cool it, Anne Coultier.
Hey wait a second.
me and people named Ann- something, huh?
John Hawkins of Right Wing News recently did another poll of Conservative Bloggers regarding who they would like to see be the 2016 nominee.No don't care.
"These are the times that try men's souls," so wrote the great man from whom I borrowed my nom de plume, Thomas Paine, in his entreaty The American Crisis. It would seem that we have nearly come full circle once again into trying times that threaten our very liberties. Instead of King George III though, this time it is in the guise of a majority of the American people themselves that are bound and determined to destroy what is left of our nation in hopes of obtaining more of the tax payer's lucre for themselves.Nope don't care.
Was Romney the strongest conservative candidate? No way! Did Republicans reach out to Hispanics as well as they could have? Not even. Did Hurricane Sandy help Obama by giving him a chance to “look presidential” and thus save the day and cause the despicable Chris Matthews to give thanks for the storm accordingly? Undoubtedly so. Did many hard core conservatives and fundamentalist Christians stay home on election day. For certain many did.So there we have it. Romney was a poor choice and his main voter base (conservative and Evangelical Christians) stayed the fuck home because he's a filthy heretic.
Sales of AR-15 rifles have skyrocketed since the recent election. We are expecting a shortage of these rifles, as well as high-capacity magazines, ammunition, and related items.No, good.
I definitely trust my fellow citizens with high capacity magazines and assault rifles.
Obama's agenda is summed up in this image. He represents the envious, the self indulgent, the clueless, and the vain. He and his have taken advantage of decades of Howard Zinn "Hate Amerika" history texts and social and civic studies that take the proctologist view of America - hey, everyone has an asshole, but to see the entire person (with some notable exceptions) as an asshole is masturbatory fantasy.I voted for Julius Caesar so you can't blame me for this mess.
I am not a Libertarian.Me neither.
I guess I had always defined Libertarianism with my own ideals.
I wonder what I am?
I never really quizzed myself or thought about what my political leanings would be outside of "crazy" or as I like to think of it "doesn't fit neatly on a binary scale".
According to a totally accurate political quiz I just took I'm a "post-modern".
So thanks for that I guess.
- Generally supportive of government, though more conservative on race policies and the safety net
- Strongly supportive of regulation and environmental protection
- Most (56%) say Wall Street helps the economy more than it hurts
Even though I blatantly said a strong military ensures peace I guess I can agree with all this.
- Very liberal on social issues, including same-sex marriage
- One of the least religious groups: nearly a third are unaffiliated with any religious tradition
- Favor the use of diplomacy rather than force
I don't really favor diplomacy or force is the thing. I'm a "whatever works best" kind of guy.
But, social media backfired for the Libertarian Party in my case. I saw what they really are, not what I wanted them to be. I saw the dippy shit their supporters wrote and posted and I watched as too many of them handed this election to Obama wrapped up in a bow.THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS.
Many are strongly anti-war and pro-choice.
Who in their right fucking mind is pro-war?
The only time you can be in favor of a war is like WWII where your options were fighting or let Hitler win.
Even then you're not "rah rah war" you're more "holy shit if we don't do something Hitler becomes the emperor of earth".
Being anti-interventionist is a pre-9/11 mentality. According to some of their ridiculous memes, this party learned nothing on that day.I'm not anti-intervention but then again I'm also not fucking stupid and know when your goal is to stop a bunch of fundamentally unhappy people from killing you blowing their children's arms off isn't the best way of pacifying them.
Now if it were me I'd say Iraq and Afghanistan are now the US and are therefore subject to imperial America's laws and that includes not keeping your brown girls wrapped up and enjoying McDonald's.
It'd be a tough 50 years but next generation all their kids would know is the rule of America.
Some might say that's too farsighted but I say that there can be nothing too far away for the glorious empire.
They also make the mistake that the Dems make and assume that a baby is part of a Mom's body and wuss out of taking a stand for it. They can call the Republicans all the playground names they want...but Republicans take a stand for what they believe in.When is a baby a baby?
Most abortions occur when scratching your arm kills more cells than the baby currently is.
But that could potentially be a baby people argue.
So could potentially every single egg a woman produces and every single sperm cell a man produces but I rarely hear people arguing for the outlaw of periods or masturbation.
The other arguments I regularly hear are an increasing list of silliness like:
divine plan (maybe the abortion is part of the divine plan?)
maybe that baby would have found the cure for cancer! (statistically unlikely since 0 out of the literally trillions of people that have ever dwelt on the earth have managed that one but even if it were so what's to say that person hasn't already met some equally unfortunate and unrelated end?)
And my personal favorite:
how would you feel if your mom aborted you?
I am a Conservative Republican that has always wanted to say that she was a Libertarian because I do believe in a small, efficient, disciplined government that does not presume to decide what's best for its citizens.Then there's this woman.
My Favorite Quote of the Night: OBAMA>Either presidential candidate giving a shit about parents or schools
"ONE area we agree on is the importance of parents and the importance of schools." -President Obama
Har har
Biggest Missed Opportunity: ROMNEYI don't even remember why I quoted this. The level of fucks I don't give is threatening to create some sort of tangent parallel universe.
During the Equal pay for women portion, Romney squandered an opportunity by not pointing out that women CURRENTLY working in Obama's White House are making less than the men. (Second missed was the 2-3 times Romney said the middle class had been buried over the past four years he didn't attribute the quote to Biden!)
It would seem that the very important subject of gay marriage is a topic that has not even yet begun to wane in its ascendancy. Indeed, there are many well-meaning folks that are trying mightily to make this into the new civil rights issue for our times. While I think that such comparisons are strongly misplaced, and frankly do an injustice to those good people of color that had to struggle and suffer to finally reach equality in their rights under the law, I can see cleverness in couching the debate in such terms.Place your bets before a Bible quote is thrown out.
I give it next paragraph.
The rhetoric from the pro-gay marriage side of the debate has become quite heated. Often times, an immediate and vociferous proclamation regarding one’s bigotry and hatefulness is issued if one does not agree and support the concept of gay marriage. Evidently it doesn’t occur to these folks or it is rather ignored that those of us that support and defend traditional marriage do so out of strong sociological reasons that support the concept that a family composed of a mother and a father is typically the very best environment in which to raise and support children. The fact that many people who think this way also do so because of a strong religious Christian faith only seems to exacerbate the matter.Oh shit. She's being long winded now.
Lost this one.
I can't even be bothered to count the paragraphs but it's like paragraph 9 or so before she finally gives us a quote from ol' Matthew.
Consequently it would seem that the foundation of Jesus’ whole argument is indeed biological. Unless “a man” and “his wife … become one flesh,” there is no valid marriage. For Jesus, and for anyone committed to His teachings, it is impossible to speak of a “Christian same-sex marriage.” Jesus’ words rule it out absolutely. The parameters for marriage between Christians, the parameters for a sacramental marriage, have been set by Jesus and cannot be changed. Indeed, as Christ said, “Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away” (Lk.23:33).K.
Thanks for that.
Is this the thing that's in now?
Anorexia blogs, men who act like women blogs, cunts doing the whole I'M SO WHOLESOME AND SWEET schtick--
Now conservative, Christian blogs.
As I was falling asleep last night and thinking about my story, I realized I had never heard the Obama's story. I have had complete strangers in the super market line impart their 9/11 tale to me...
I know thousands of people were killed in this act of senseless violence but what's my story in all this?
Holy shit, can you be more self-centered?
but for the life of me can't remember ever hearing the President or the First Lady share where they were when those planes hit the Towers in NYC. What they thought, what they felt and what they told their two small girls (Their two girls are the exact ages of my first two boys).... Were your sons in the towers, what?
Who gives a shit?
I'm sure they thought it sucked like the rest of America. Why are you making this a thing? Shut your fucking noise hole you stupid cunt.
Now, I don't normally rush to watch or DVR speeches by either, so perhaps I have just missed those stories the past 3 or 4 years...? I didn't have any luck Googling the question either...I'm sure the second someone asked him what he thought of 9/11 you'd be whining about the Liberal media throwing another softball question.
It's cathartic to talk about that day. Where you were and what you were doing.Maybe I'm just a callous asshole but I can't say it occurs to me that often.
When people tell their stories the emotion is still so palpable and raw this many years later. I think the country has a touch of PTSD from that day, but like a huge group therapy group it helps to talk about it because we all went through it together.If you say so.
Oh she posted this on 9/11.
Shut the fuck up you hypocrite the only reason you're even mentioning it at all is because it's the anniversary.
I am evidently an anachronism. In many respects, I do not appreciate the “progress” we have made via the women’s liberation movement when it comes to how our boys have been indoctrinated.I'm currently teaching a kid how to be fucking cool.
This occurred recently when he admitted (aloud, in public) that he watched My Little Pony.
He's lucky he goes to the school he does because literally in any other environment that would have been social suicide.
This school is filled with kids who are generally thoughtful and intelligent but it's still pretty much a last chance kinda situation for them.
So basically it's not filled with the most socially normal kids you'll meet and even they think this kid is out there.
I'm actually working on this skill with a couple of them. We're all learning how to be the Fonz.
I don’t like the fact that guys are seemingly no longer guys in the younger generations. They seem to have all been feminized or out-right neutered. What really strikes me as odd is the fact that the new American culture seems to encourage this, as the discernible differences between young men and women appears to be narrowing.No I teach in a public school and I can say that's not the case.
Maybe to your white, middle class soccer mom existence but I can tell you it's not the case.
The attitudes of these men are decidedly un-masculine as well. There is no sense of respect, let alone any modicum of a chivalrous attitude displayed towards women by these boys.Women wanted equality.
That means no special treatment because you're a woman.
Can't have it both ways.
Girls are considered as objects or “Ho’s” by these self-centered punks, instead of young women with dignity whom are deserving of respect.Ah they just say that shit to get a rise out of you. Just calmly remind them that you've been on the internet longer than they've been alive and you're called worse things every single day on Xbox Live and to kindly sit down and shut up and they'll do it.
Number of times you should be mad:0
I think the feminization/neutering of our young men starts in the elementary school playground these days. No longer are boys allowed to play dodge-ball, or cops and robbers, or cowboys and Indians, let alone smear the queer. Those games are WAY too violent for our sensitive boys of this new millennium.I beg to differ. I let shit handle itself internally.
I've had 0 problems ever.
I even had this one kid turn himself in.
"This kid hit me so I hit him back."
Quick scan to see if anyone is dying or in tears and I don't see it sooooo why are you telling me about this?
Blank stare as everyone sits down.
No further problems.
We mustn’t regress and allow our little boys to run and rough-house anymore by playing such games in this new enlightened age of caring.If it were up to me I'd roll it back one step further and bring back the Agoge like they had in Sparta.
No more lunch: you have to steal your food and if you get caught you're punished as a thief.
Makes kids cunning and ruthless.
Dark times are coming. The more cunning and ruthless we can make our children the greater service we're doing for them.
That doesn't mean brutish or coarse. It just means what I said.
Heck, even making an imaginary gun with your thumb and forefinger today in such game play will likely get you expelled for violent tendencies, with a follow up trip to the psychologist to find out why little Timmy exhibited such abhorrent anti-social behavior.A kid was telling me that he has a SPAS-12 today, though.
What a fucking liar. That I won't abide. I'm smarter and older than you. Don't tell bullshit lies like that. Make me want to believe it, for Christ's sake.
And what becomes of these youngsters as they reach high school now-a-days? Well, they look for the easy way through school. They have been taught that they are wonderful and brilliant without ever having experienced failure or defeat and having to pick themselves up, work harder, and succeed accordingly.Also a misconception. They're acutely aware of what failure is and what it feels like. They just feel it won't touch them in school.
If you remind them, as I have, that you're grading their papers and their failure is a very real possibility they generally (generally) take it seriously.
One kid thought he was being clever by telling me he wasn't going to read the story and just answer the questions by Googling them.
While I applaud his pioneering spirit I am going to punish his idiocy in telling me.
They don’t learn how to effectively deal with failure and disappointment, so when real life shows up and failure does occur, these boys do not know how to pick themselves up, brush off the dirt, and walk it off.It's women like this that make me wonder sometimes.
Don't you remember what it was like being a kid?
Your daily existence is pretty much a nonstop failure and disappointment.
Christ all mighty. You can't act like yourself because you're this awkward weirdo so any success is going to be attributed in your own head to an elaborate character you're playing.
Most of them aren't successful with girls--
No, being a kid sucks. Even if I'm not constantly telling them their grammar sucks they know they're living in an adult world where they don't quite measure up.
That doesn't mean not failing them but they're objectively not lacking in things to be disappointed about in their lives.
And if they were shouldn't you be kinda glad?
So after a few generations now of this post-women’s-liberation and feminization of men, we are now hard-pressed to find a young man these days that has a sense of purpose, a willingness to work hard to improve life for himself and his family, and a notion that God in His wisdom created the wonderful differences between men and women for a very good reason.No one is more down on humanity than me but have you been outside?
I've literally never seen this in my life.
I mean guys are assholes and women are stupid whores, sure, but don't see many men who are "delaying manhood" who aren't 18 or 19 and not really adults anyway.
As for living at home-- sure. Have you seen the economy?
Today's young men are more likely to idolize Justin Bieber or find their heroes in sparkly vampires instead of the rugged self-sufficient John Wayne hero-types of my youth.I saw your picture you dumb slut. I doubt seriously John Wayne was better off than one foot in the grave when you came screaming out of your mother's cunt.
It is exceptionally rare to find a young man these days that is willing to work hard, take personal responsibility, and try to better himself and his world. Such real men of honor and integrity are all the more remarkable because of their scarcity these days, and lucky is the young lady that can find one and have the sense to realize the quality of his character.>Dating white women
Yeah look forward to this.
Somehow blaming you without blaming you.
I don't even know--
how would you deal with this?
Assuming you were stupid enough to put up with this.
I guess you'd find a way because you couldn't be smart enough to adapt a defense for this.
I don't even know what I'd say to this woman outside of "shut the fuck up you self-involved twat".
On the other hand, I guess the good news for these other “men-children” is that they evidently are still qualified under today’s standards to win a Nobel Prize or perhaps even grow up to be President of the United States one day. Yep, I am indeed an anachronism.Yeah you're an anachronism, all right.
I'm an even bigger anachronism.
Shut up and know your place.
This is for real. Available on Crayola's website: Crayola® Washable Multicultural Markers.Haah waaw.
Just in time for back-to-school..."an assortment of ethnic-sensitive colors."
Not like Crayola ever manufactured a color close to a human's skin tone in the first place.
If you are Catholic, you cannot modify the Nicene Creed to meet your new enlightened world view.Constantine did.
The authentic Christian faith is not open to interpretation.Apparently it is, or this page wouldn't exist.
One has to either accept, or reject, the full Deposit of Faith as handed down from Christ through his apostles and their successors. If that is not satisfactory, you may start your own church based on your own interpretations and beliefs, but don’t assume that it is also an authentic Christian church.AGREE WITH ME OR BE DAMNED AHAHAHHA
It is not for ANY of us to interpret what Christ meant. That authority was given from God in the person of Christ to the very first pope, Peter. That authority was given to His church in its Magisterium.But if I'm reading something I'm interpreting it in some way.
Wow, this.
This is a thing.
This is a blog that's updated regularly.