Wednesday, November 28, 2012

White women blogging

God why does this shit never end?
This is a thing, apparently. Conservative woman blogging.
I guess I'm supposed to be impressed she's blonde and attractive BUT HAS BRAINS LOL all right cool it, Anne Coultier.
Hey wait a second.
me and people named Ann- something, huh?
John Hawkins of Right Wing News recently did another poll of Conservative Bloggers regarding who they would like to see be the 2016 nominee. 
No don't care.
"These are the times that try men's souls," so wrote the great man from whom I borrowed my nom de plume, Thomas Paine, in his entreaty The American Crisis. It would seem that we have nearly come full circle once again into trying times that threaten our very liberties. Instead of King George III though, this time it is in the guise of a majority of the American people themselves that are bound and determined to destroy what is left of our nation in hopes of obtaining more of the tax payer's lucre for themselves.
Nope don't care.
Was Romney the strongest conservative candidate? No way! Did Republicans reach out to Hispanics as well as they could have? Not even. Did Hurricane Sandy help Obama by giving him a chance to “look presidential” and thus save the day and cause the despicable Chris Matthews to give thanks for the storm accordingly? Undoubtedly so. Did many hard core conservatives and fundamentalist Christians stay home on election day. For certain many did.
So there we have it. Romney was a poor choice and his main voter base (conservative and Evangelical Christians) stayed the fuck home because he's a filthy heretic.
Sales of AR-15 rifles have skyrocketed since the recent election. We are expecting a shortage of these rifles, as well as high-capacity magazines, ammunition, and related items. 
No, good.
I definitely trust my fellow citizens with high capacity magazines and assault rifles.
Obama's agenda is summed up in this image. He represents the envious, the self indulgent, the clueless, and the vain. He and his have taken advantage of decades of Howard Zinn "Hate Amerika" history texts and social and civic studies that take the proctologist view of America - hey, everyone has an asshole, but to see the entire person (with some notable exceptions) as an asshole is masturbatory fantasy. 
I voted for Julius Caesar so you can't blame me for this mess.
I am not a Libertarian.

I guess I had always defined Libertarianism with my own ideals. 
Me neither.
I wonder what I am?
I never really quizzed myself or thought about what my political leanings would be outside of "crazy" or as I like to think of it "doesn't fit neatly on a binary scale".
According to a totally accurate political quiz I just took I'm a "post-modern".
So thanks for that I guess.
  • Generally supportive of government, though more conservative on race policies and the safety net
  • Strongly supportive of regulation and environmental protection
  • Most (56%) say Wall Street helps the economy more than it hurts
Yeah I mean that sounds like me, mostly.
  • Very liberal on social issues, including same-sex marriage
  • One of the least religious groups: nearly a third are unaffiliated with any religious tradition
  • Favor the use of diplomacy rather than force
Even though I blatantly said a strong military ensures peace I guess I can agree with all this.
I don't really favor diplomacy or force is the thing. I'm a "whatever works best" kind of guy.
But, social media backfired for the Libertarian Party in my case. I saw what they really are, not what I wanted them to be. I saw the dippy shit their supporters wrote and posted and I watched as too many of them handed this election to Obama wrapped up in a bow.

Many are strongly anti-war and pro-choice. 
Who in their right fucking mind is pro-war?
The only time you can be in favor of a war is like WWII where your options were fighting or let Hitler win.
Even then you're not "rah rah war" you're more "holy shit if we don't do something Hitler becomes the emperor of earth".
Being anti-interventionist is a pre-9/11 mentality. According to some of their ridiculous memes, this party learned nothing on that day.
I'm not anti-intervention but then again I'm also not fucking stupid and know when your goal is to stop a bunch of fundamentally unhappy people from killing you blowing their children's arms off isn't the best way of pacifying them.
Now if it were me I'd say Iraq and Afghanistan are now the US and are therefore subject to imperial America's laws and that includes not keeping your brown girls wrapped up and enjoying McDonald's.
It'd be a tough 50 years but next generation all their kids would know is the rule of America.
Some might say that's too farsighted but I say that there can be nothing too far away for the glorious empire.
They also make the mistake that the Dems make and assume that a baby is part of a Mom's body and wuss out of taking a stand for it. They can call the Republicans all the playground names they want...but Republicans take a stand for what they believe in.
When is a baby a baby?
Most abortions occur when scratching your arm kills more cells than the baby currently is.
But that could potentially be a baby people argue.
So could potentially every single egg a woman produces and every single sperm cell a man produces but I rarely hear people arguing for the outlaw of periods or masturbation.
The other arguments I regularly hear are an increasing list of silliness like:
divine plan (maybe the abortion is part of the divine plan?)
maybe that baby would have found the cure for cancer! (statistically unlikely since 0 out of the literally trillions of people that have ever dwelt on the earth have managed that one but even if it were so what's to say that person hasn't already met some equally unfortunate and unrelated end?)
And my personal favorite:
how would you feel if your mom aborted you?
I am a Conservative Republican that has always wanted to say that she was a Libertarian because I do believe in a small, efficient, disciplined government that does not presume to decide what's best for its citizens. 
Then there's this woman.

My Favorite Quote of the Night: OBAMA

"ONE area we agree on is the importance of parents and the importance of schools." -President Obama
>Either presidential candidate giving a shit about parents or schools
Har har
Biggest Missed Opportunity: ROMNEY

During the Equal pay for women portion, Romney squandered an opportunity by not pointing out that women CURRENTLY working in Obama's White House are making less than the men. (Second missed was the 2-3 times Romney said the middle class had been buried over the past four years he didn't attribute the quote to Biden!) 
I don't even remember why I quoted this. The level of fucks I don't give is threatening to create some sort of tangent parallel universe.
It would seem that the very important subject of gay marriage is a topic that has not even yet begun to wane in its ascendancy. Indeed, there are many well-meaning folks that are trying mightily to make this into the new civil rights issue for our times. While I think that such comparisons are strongly misplaced, and frankly do an injustice to those good people of color that had to struggle and suffer to finally reach equality in their rights under the law, I can see cleverness in couching the debate in such terms.
Place your bets before a Bible quote is thrown out.
I give it next paragraph.
The rhetoric from the pro-gay marriage side of the debate has become quite heated. Often times, an immediate and vociferous proclamation regarding one’s bigotry and hatefulness is issued if one does not agree and support the concept of gay marriage. Evidently it doesn’t occur to these folks or it is rather ignored that those of us that support and defend traditional marriage do so out of strong sociological reasons that support the concept that a family composed of a mother and a father is typically the very best environment in which to raise and support children. The fact that many people who think this way also do so because of a strong religious Christian faith only seems to exacerbate the matter.
Oh shit. She's being long winded now.
Lost this one.
I can't even be bothered to count the paragraphs but it's like paragraph 9 or so before she finally gives us a quote from ol' Matthew.
Consequently it would seem that the foundation of Jesus’ whole argument is indeed biological. Unless “a man” and “his wife … become one flesh,” there is no valid marriage. For Jesus, and for anyone committed to His teachings, it is impossible to speak of a “Christian same-sex marriage.” Jesus’ words rule it out absolutely. The parameters for marriage between Christians, the parameters for a sacramental marriage, have been set by Jesus and cannot be changed. Indeed, as Christ said, “Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away” (Lk.23:33).
Thanks for that.
Is this the thing that's in now?
Anorexia blogs, men who act like women blogs, cunts doing the whole I'M SO WHOLESOME AND SWEET schtick--
Now conservative, Christian blogs.
As I was falling asleep last night and thinking about my story, I realized I had never heard the Obama's story. I have had complete strangers in the super market line impart their 9/11 tale to me...

I know thousands of people were killed in this act of senseless violence but what's my story in all this?
Holy shit, can you be more self-centered?
 but for the life of me can't remember ever hearing the President or the First Lady share where they were when those planes hit the Towers in NYC. What they thought, what they felt and what they told their two small girls (Their two girls are the exact ages of my first two boys).
... Were your sons in the towers, what?
Who gives a shit?
I'm sure they thought it sucked like the rest of America. Why are you making this a thing? Shut your fucking noise hole you stupid cunt.
Now, I don't normally rush to watch or DVR speeches by either, so perhaps I have just missed those stories the past 3 or 4 years...? I didn't have any luck Googling the question either... 
 I'm sure the second someone asked him what he thought of 9/11 you'd be whining about the Liberal media throwing another softball question.
It's cathartic to talk about that day. Where you were and what you were doing. 
Maybe I'm just a callous asshole but I can't say it occurs to me that often.
When people tell their stories the emotion is still so palpable and raw this many years later. I think the country has a touch of PTSD from that day, but like a huge group therapy group it helps to talk about it because we all went through it together.  
If you say so.
Oh she posted this on 9/11.
Shut the fuck up you hypocrite the only reason you're even mentioning it at all is because it's the anniversary.
I am evidently an anachronism. In many respects, I do not appreciate the “progress” we have made via the women’s liberation movement when it comes to how our boys have been indoctrinated.
I'm currently teaching a kid how to be fucking cool.
This occurred recently when he admitted (aloud, in public) that he watched My Little Pony.
 He's lucky he goes to the school he does because literally in any other environment that would have been social suicide.
This school is filled with kids who are generally thoughtful and intelligent but it's still pretty much a last chance kinda situation for them.
So basically it's not filled with the most socially normal kids you'll meet and even they think this kid is out there.
I'm actually working on this skill with a couple of them. We're all learning how to be the Fonz.
I don’t like the fact that guys are seemingly no longer guys in the younger generations. They seem to have all been feminized or out-right neutered. What really strikes me as odd is the fact that the new American culture seems to encourage this, as the discernible differences between young men and women appears to be narrowing.
No I teach in a public school and I can say that's not the case.
Maybe to your white, middle class soccer mom existence but I can tell you it's not the case.
The attitudes of these men are decidedly un-masculine as well. There is no sense of respect, let alone any modicum of a chivalrous attitude displayed towards women by these boys.
Women wanted equality.
That means no special treatment because you're a woman.
Can't have it both ways.
Girls are considered as objects or “Ho’s” by these self-centered punks, instead of young women with dignity whom are deserving of respect. 
Ah they just say that shit to get a rise out of you. Just calmly remind them that you've been on the internet longer than they've been alive and you're called worse things every single day on Xbox Live and to kindly sit down and shut up and they'll do it.
Number of times you should be mad:0
I think the feminization/neutering of our young men starts in the elementary school playground these days. No longer are boys allowed to play dodge-ball, or cops and robbers, or cowboys and Indians, let alone smear the queer. Those games are WAY too violent for our sensitive boys of this new millennium.  
I beg to differ. I let shit handle itself internally.
I've had 0 problems ever.
I even had this one kid turn himself in.
"This kid hit me so I hit him back."
Quick scan to see if anyone is dying or in tears and I don't see it sooooo why are you telling me about this?
Blank stare as everyone sits down.
No further problems.
We mustn’t regress and allow our little boys to run and rough-house anymore by playing such games in this new enlightened age of caring. 
If it were up to me I'd roll it back one step further and bring back the Agoge like they had in Sparta.
No more lunch: you have to steal your food and if you get caught you're punished as a thief.
Makes kids cunning and ruthless.
Dark times are coming. The more cunning and ruthless we can make our children the greater service we're doing for them.
That doesn't mean brutish or coarse. It just means what I said.
Heck, even making an imaginary gun with your thumb and forefinger today in such game play will likely get you expelled for violent tendencies, with a follow up trip to the psychologist to find out why little Timmy exhibited such abhorrent anti-social behavior. 
A kid was telling me that he has a SPAS-12 today, though.
What a fucking liar. That I won't abide. I'm smarter and older than you. Don't tell bullshit lies like that. Make me want to believe it, for Christ's sake.
And what becomes of these youngsters as they reach high school now-a-days? Well, they look for the easy way through school. They have been taught that they are wonderful and brilliant without ever having experienced failure or defeat and having to pick themselves up, work harder, and succeed accordingly.
Also a misconception. They're acutely aware of what failure is and what it feels like. They just feel  it won't touch them in school.
If you remind them, as I have, that you're grading their papers and their failure is a very real possibility they generally (generally) take it seriously.
One kid thought he was being clever by telling me he wasn't going to read the story and just answer the questions by Googling them.
While I applaud his pioneering spirit I am going to punish his idiocy in telling me.
They don’t learn how to effectively deal with failure and disappointment, so when real life shows up and failure does occur, these boys do not know how to pick themselves up, brush off the dirt, and walk it off.
It's women like this that make me wonder sometimes.
Don't you remember what it was like being a kid?
Your daily existence is pretty much a nonstop failure and disappointment.
Christ all mighty. You can't act like yourself because you're this awkward weirdo so any success is going to be attributed in your own head to an elaborate character you're playing.
Most of them aren't successful with girls--
No, being a kid sucks. Even if I'm not constantly telling them their grammar sucks they know they're living in an adult world where they don't quite measure up.
That doesn't mean not failing them but they're objectively not lacking in things to be disappointed about in their lives.
And if they were shouldn't you be kinda glad?
So after a few generations now of this post-women’s-liberation and feminization of men, we are now hard-pressed to find a young man these days that has a sense of purpose, a willingness to work hard to improve life for himself and his family, and a notion that God in His wisdom created the wonderful differences between men and women for a very good reason.
No one is more down on humanity than me but have you been outside?
I've literally never seen this in my life.
I mean guys are assholes and women are stupid whores, sure, but don't see many men who are "delaying manhood" who aren't 18 or 19 and not really adults anyway.
As for living at home-- sure. Have you seen the economy?
Today's young men are more likely to idolize Justin Bieber or find their heroes in sparkly vampires instead of the rugged self-sufficient John Wayne hero-types of my youth.
I saw your picture you dumb slut. I doubt seriously John Wayne was better off than one foot in the grave when you came screaming out of your mother's cunt.
It is exceptionally rare to find a young man these days that is willing to work hard, take personal responsibility, and try to better himself and his world. Such real men of honor and integrity are all the more remarkable because of their scarcity these days, and lucky is the young lady that can find one and have the sense to realize the quality of his character.
>Dating white women
Yeah look forward to this.
Somehow blaming you without blaming you.
I don't even know--
how would you deal with this?
Assuming you were stupid enough to put up with this.
I guess you'd find a way because you couldn't be smart enough to adapt a defense for this.
I don't even know what I'd say to this woman outside of "shut the fuck up you self-involved twat".
On the other hand, I guess the good news for these other “men-children” is that they evidently are still qualified under today’s standards to win a Nobel Prize or perhaps even grow up to be President of the United States one day. Yep, I am indeed an anachronism.
Yeah you're an anachronism, all right.
I'm an even bigger anachronism.
Shut up and know your place.
This is for real. Available on Crayola's website: Crayola® Washable Multicultural Markers.

Just in time for back-to-school..."an assortment of ethnic-sensitive colors."

Haah waaw.
Not like Crayola ever manufactured a color close to a human's skin tone in the first place.
If you are Catholic, you cannot modify the Nicene Creed to meet your new enlightened world view. 
Constantine did.
 The authentic Christian faith is not open to interpretation.
Apparently it is, or this page wouldn't exist.
One has to either accept, or reject, the full Deposit of Faith as handed down from Christ through his apostles and their successors. If that is not satisfactory, you may start your own church based on your own interpretations and beliefs, but don’t assume that it is also an authentic Christian church.
It is not for ANY of us to interpret what Christ meant. That authority was given from God in the person of Christ to the very first pope, Peter. That authority was given to His church in its Magisterium. 
But if I'm reading something I'm interpreting it in some way.
Wow, this.
This is a thing.
This is a blog that's updated regularly.

Monday, November 26, 2012


Randomly drawing from a list of over 500 women bloggers and by sheer coincidence I click on what must be the only two conservative blogs on the entire list.
Also one was run exclusively by men.
Clearly this list doesn't have a very thorough screening process.
This is Anna.
My EVE Online character is named Anna and she's been something of a bitch lately so I feel especially angry at this Anna.
I'm projecting and NO ONE CAN STOP ME.
This is how the Electoral College is supposed to work.  Each state being a battleground between the candidates.  To ensure each state has a voice and impact on the selection of a President.  But Tuesday it did not happen that way.
Turning my titanic intellect to this issue I have determined the perfect system for determining Caesar.
Every state will be partitioned into one of thirteen districts of roughly equal population. Each district will have an elector (selected by straight popular vote). Each elector will have one vote for president.
However, each elector is in fact pitting his vote against the elector opposite to him in the circle--
so two can cancel thirteen's vote out, two can cancel twelve's vote, etc. The choices are for one candidate or another or the candidate can abstain from voting.
Only one's vote isn't canceled out. The first elector is the pontifex maximus who holds the position for life and is selected through a labyrinthine process I haven't yet determined.
So where do we go from here?  Either we toss away the last bulwark against a scared voting populace and do away with the Electoral College to embrace a national popular vote.
You're bitching about battleground states but that would just ensure the battlegrounds would shift to New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, California, Texas, etc.
That might be better than letting Ohio and Florida decide the election but it wouldn't, in fact, correct the problem you state.
My solution would.
Or your fifteen minutes are used up.  That is what I think when I contemplate Dr. Karen King's possibly earth shattering discovery.
Oh I read this article in Smithsonian.
I read Smithsonian. That's why they let me teach children.
Apparently Dr. Karen King discovered this papyrus in Egypt or wherever they find this bullshit that is from the way long ago time and it contains reference to Jesus' wife.
Needless to say Christers are angry.
Dr. King claims this scrap of papyrus has Coptic writing and is from the 4th Century.

Side note Coptic Christianity is separate from Roman Catholic/Christian and Eastern Orthodox but shares more with Eastern Orthodox.  It is a faith predominately found in Egypt. 
Thanks. Couldn't guess that Coptic Christianity is primarily practiced in Egypt.
Not with a name like Coptic or anything.
Did you know Greek Orthodoxy is primarily practiced in Greece?
Dr. King says this fragment refers to a woman named Mary as being Yeshua bin Yusef/Jesus's wife.  That would be a monumental upheaval to more than one billion Christians worldwide if verified.  Therein lies the rub.  Dr. King has not yet exercised due diligence in verifying the papyrus is authentic.
She didn't actually say it was authentic, though. She just said "well it seems I found this papyrus that appears to be from the 4th century that says Jesus was married."
I guess that is kind of her fault for assuming people wouldn't turn into shit chucking apes about it but the fact remains she didn't specifically state she'd found the missing Bible link.
A Reuters photographer caught President Obama right behind his favorite crutch, a teleprompter.  So like others in the blogosphere decided to have fun with it.

Fans of Masamune Shirow's Ghost in the Shell will recognize what I Photoshopped in.  I couldn't resist. 
It was a picture of the Laughing Man logo over Obama's head and I can say having watched the show it makes 0 sense in or out of context so I haven't bothered including the picture because I have 100% of the requisite knowledge to understand this joke (there aren't enough sarcasm quotes in the world to put around the word joke so I won't even try) and I still don't get it so I doubt attaching the picture will aid in anyone's understanding.
The Laughing Man (the first time)  hacked peoples' cyber brains so they couldn't see the faces of people committing crimes.
But then in a twist it turns out the Laughing Man is at least partially memetic as he didn't commit the later crimes or hacking jobs and it was other, unrelated people.
The entire show is a commentary on the nature of perspective and understanding and the effect of bias on memory and knowledge. That's just one of about a dozen messages the show had, like:
the nature of man
the effect of technology on the human condition
the nature of memory
the nature of cognition
the purpose and goal of terrorism
the hypocrisy of the drug industry
to say this woman probably didn't understand Ghost in the Shell is a crushing understatement.
You'd likely miss out on half of these messages if you didn't do the required homework of reading all of J.D. Salinger's writings (including the short stories that no one reads [even though these are his best work]) and I doubt our friend did.
Ascribing a political bend to Ghost in the Shell by itself is pretty stupid because it's basically apolitical and if I had to do it I would call it left leaning so this isn't really the analogy you want to be drawing here.
If the analogy made sense in the first place.
Back in 1934 Robert E. Howard help create a whole new genre of sword fantasy, the fearsome woman warrior.
... Fearsome warrior women?
Invented in 1934.
No, man, 1934.
Oh that story of Mulan is actually way older than the Disney movie?
Oh, shit?
Uhhh, wow.
 Red Sonya/Red Sonja had another impact in the world of fiction.  More than a new genre was created, a new term was also birthed.  From thence onwards any story that featured a woman warrior in skimpy armor was called a 'Chick in Chainmail' story.
I just wrote a half page thesis on the themes of Ghost in the Shell so I think my litnerd status is solidified for this entry and I can safely say I have never heard that term before right now.
I'm not saying you made it the fuck up but you made it the fuck up.
So where is this going this post?  Is it supposed to be just on fiction and fantasy?  Not really.  Like the authors in Esther Friesner's book, the United States Army has come to a realization of a different sort, body armor designed for men really does not properly fit all the women in the military.
... Yeah, of course.
Why the fuck not?
I just have a problem with the Army invoking another fictional female warrior in their attempt to sell the new designs - Xena.  One thing I can say is, if the new armor is based on the Xena armor then the US military won't see any chicks in high-tech chainmail. 
Why do you have a problem with that?
Lots of guns are named after Roman or Greek gods.
Because the US Army knows who kicks ass, that's what.
M61 Vulcan because when it goes off it's like Vulcan punching you square in the scrot.
Gotta make some body armor for ladybros?
Name it after the ladybro of modern TV, Xena.
This Friday Georgetown University signaled how far they have strayed from the Jesuit path to knowledge and wisdom. 
Yeah, the Christian path to knowledge and wisdom and yet not three posts ago you invoked Themis, goddess of justice, to express how angry you were about some bullshit grave injustice.
Doesn't look very Christian to me.
Something to ponder:

Iosef Stalin was a Failed seminarian.
Fidel Castro was a Failed major league pitcher.
Hugo Chavez was a Failed coup plotter.
Adolph Hitler was a Failed artist.
Joseph Goebbels was a Failed chicken farmer.

Notice what they all have in common? 
... People try many different things before finding their niche?
I mean holy fuck, what do you even mean by that?
Successful dictators/propagandists (Goebbels is the odd one out on this list) failed at one thing so therefore they became megalomaniacs?
In Imperial Rome they would say Ave Ceaser! or in English Hail Ceaser! as a greeting. 
I still use that greeting from time to time, incidentally.
That kind of thinking is something our Founding Fathers were allergic to.  George Washington could have set himself up as King, the veterans of the Continental Army would have supported him. 
Don't talk shit about Caesar.
Instead he talked them out of overthrowing the new government and after two terms retired back to his farm.  By these actions he embodied the spirit of a great Roman patriot - Cincinnatus. 
I'm ignoring the very obvious problem with this analogy:
Gaius Julius Caesar and Lucius Quinctius Cinncinatus both lived under the Republic.
A republic.
You know-- the thing the US is right now?
Some might say it's knit picking but I would say it's only the crux of her entire argument.
So when I see people flying a copy of the US flag where President Obama's picture replaces all the stars of the Union, I have to think of the Roman Emperors and their various cults of personality.  Some of these rulers even thought they were truly divine.  What history shows is most of them did far more harm to the Roman Empire than any external force ever could.
I don't even know where to start with this.
Many emperors were bad, granted. There were a lot of emperors.
Most of them doing more harm than good?
Let's look at the Julio-Claudian Dynasty only.
You have Augustus who by all rights at least possessed enough wisdom to continue with Caesar's plans--
you have Tiberius who was generally not as successful in life as Augustus but still enacted several revolutionary engineering projects--
then you have Caligula who was nuts. He's the odd one out.
Then you have Claudius who was well-liked by the people and was regarded as a fair and wise ruler.
Finally you have Nero who is generally demonized by modern history due to his persecution of Christians.
So you have like 1 bad ruler and 1 who was maybe an asshole out of 5.
That's still a way better batting average than modern leaders.
Then what about rulers like Pertinax or Galba who weren't liked in their own times but did a ton for the future of the Empire that we can only now see?
Are they bad rulers?
Holy shit is there anything you say that isn't provably stupid?
Whether my interpretation is what is on the minds of people who fly this flag is immaterial.  History shows that once a leader becomes more important than the country he leads, the country itself is on an arc of decline. 
Caesar, the architect of the Roman Empire died before its creation and it is still the longest enduring empire of all time.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
It stood for 1400 years.
Sure it was a bullshit shadow of itself that barely registered as a country by the end but of America collapsed today literally no one would care in 500 years because who the fuck cares about a country that stood for 250 years?
What would the summary of America be?
invented mass production-- went to the moon-- didn't really do anything with it-- collapsed into a cesspool of mediocre sitcoms and reality TV shows.
There has been a lot of religious talk of late and how the secular sphere intersects such.  Of faith held beliefs colliding with secular beliefs.  Of confronting Moloch.
It has been 2000 years but damn it it's time to confront Moloch.
So what has all this history to do with confronting Moloch?  Its very simple, in all three cases presented above an oppressive secular government has attempted or is attempting to wipe out any other locus of power.
... Much like the story of Moloch in the Bible.
Who was a god with a bronze statute that would be heated up and infants thrown into its yawning maw.
Ooooooor, and I'm just going to say it, a Christian corruption of the birthing rituals performed to honor the god Kronos.
It's not like the Bible doesn't do shit like that frequently.
Beelzebub (the lord of flies) is a corruption of Baal Zebub (the lord on high)
Apollyon is Apollo--
Intense propaganda campaign in the Bible.
And I'm not faulting them for it, shit. But let's call it like it is.
These other sources of normative mores, I think that is the term, rebuke what the secular mandarins want to impose.  They deny the validity of this secular dogma.
 What does this have to do with Moloch?
The Phoenicians (who worshiped Moloch [allegedly]) were clearly not a secular society.
Now we are seeing this secular dogma being attempted here in the United States.  Health and Human Services has issued a draconian ruling that will have drastic impact upon religious non-profits of all beliefs.  These non-profits have one year to comply with the demands of Moloch ... errr...  the Obama administration's diktats. 
... Moloch is frequently used as an analogy for something that requires a great sacrifice.
Maybe that's what she's going for?
After the trials of Nuremberg and what happened at My Lai, soldiers are now expected to refuse unlawful orders.  What the Obama administration is demanding of religious non-profits is an unlawful order.  It is an attempt to impose secular state beliefs upon individuals.  What next, will Cesar Obama demand all offer burnt sacrifices at the altar of Obama as divine being?  That did not work well for Imperial Rome nor France after their revolution.
Because Napoleon demanded burnt offerings.
Or fuck it let's simplify:
Imperial governments require burnt offerings.
Ohhh fuck.
Anyway this is boring so goodbye.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

False advertisement

I clicked on this thinking "at last, a blog for me"
but nope.
Dear Patriots:

Speaking as an American and former Vietnam Veteran the events of the last week have sickened me to the core. Our gutless, Muslim sympathizer of a President, Yes, You Barack Hussain Obama, should be, at the very least be Impeached, and preferably tried for treason against the United States.
I expected Asian chicks.
Oh My, what a shocker…..Obama fumbled again. 

The anniversary of 9/11 draws near, the anniversary of the most cowardly act ever perpetrated on the United States and where was Obama? 

I’m sure more information will come out about the attacks on the US embassy and consulate that took place on the 11thanniversary of 9/11 as well as the attacks and protests that have started since 9/11/2012; however one thing is certain, Obama fumbled it. 
Obama missed every intelligence briefing for a week leading up to 9/11/2012. He even missed the one after because it conflicted with a meeting he had and then he had to ….. get ready for it…… rush off to another fundraiser. According to a white house spokesperson, he was completely up to date because he read the daily briefings. First off, briefing papers are just that, a brief summary of the day’s events and analysis. Briefs are not designed to get you up to speed on a subject. They are however, designed to bring points forward for further discussion. 
Wow the levels of fucks I don't give about this.
Can we talk about how bullshit the title of your blog is?
Since the beginning of time there has been a steady war between the choices of good and evil.  
Very true.
The RNC and the DNC have shown a clear contrast between these two choices the last two weeks. The voices have been coherent, clear as a bells sound in a cool winter morning, not only to hear but  for all to see; at least for those who have eyes to see, ears that hear, and hearts that are softened by the pure words of Christ. 
Oh fuck.
You know
why not?
The problem with so many, sadly, in order to justify behavior contrary to revealed scripture, many have made themselves numb to the truth that vibrates deep within each of us; they have hardened their hearts, and have made themselves enemies of the very thing that would bring them peace, that might cause them to truly appreciate the Sanctuary that attracts so many to Americas boarders.  
America invented freedom thanks to Jesus.
This is the stereotype Democrats trot out to mock Republicans and the response is "right but where's that guy in real life?" and I guess he's here.
Incredibly for a blog called "Den of the Dragon Lady" it appears to be now kept up by two men.
Go figure?
I wish that all who would call themselves American would read our history without any pre-conceived notions or prejudice.  By the Spirit of Christ which resides in all of us, they would find that those who we call our founders were and are men of God. 
Cutting away the mythology of the founding of the US the pilgrims came here not to find religious freedom (which they had in Europe) but to persecute those who didn't agree with them because the same freedoms they had in Europe were extended to such heretical groups as the Quakers and such.
The Founding Fathers were deist which is religious in the loosest sense of the term and were not, as this chucklefuck would proudly proclaim, deeply religious men.
To say this country was founded on Judeo-Christian values is a myth because, in fact, most of the values this country was founded on were co-opted from burgeoning European Republicans who were themselves based on older Greek and Roman standards.
It'd be more accurate to claim the US was founded on Pagan values because these were Pagan societies.
The Bible, when it speaks on the subject of nation building, is usually pretty keen to say "they'll do whatever they'll do" because the Bible has a vested interest in seeming spiritual and detached from the material world.
The Bible commenting on how to successfully forge an empire would pretty much undermine one of its primary messages.
I am the city wrought with crime so much so that I am the second deadliest city in America surpassed only by Detroit for murders. I am the state where its people once called itself the “land of pleasant living.”
Is this seriously a riddle?
It's Baltimore, idiot.
Who am I? Surely you have guessed by now…….I am the once Great State of Maryland, and once Great City of Baltimore……hard to believe isn’t it?.........sad to see the regressive nature of my state!
Well I guess I've solved the riddle of the Sphinx.
We all have opinions.
Well you know what they say about opinions--
There are not too many people in America that Obama likes. You never see him golf (100 rounds and counting) with anyone but his close knit circle members. Dick Cheney may have shot his friend but at least he has friends to hang out with.  
I'm sure Obama has friends.
I mean I'm no Obama fan but I'm sure the man has friends.
Also awesome job at attacking Obama:
My prayers go out to the Martin Family for the loss of their child.

Trayvon Martin – I am tired of hearing that name. It’s like a call for blacks to riot once again. We have school students in Florida protesting this shooting during school hours instead of the being in the classroom. 
Also what the fuck school can't break up a student protest?
I did that in 2 seconds and I'd been there a week.
"Oh you're protesting? Sit down and do your fucking work before I give you something to protest."
Worst of all they are being lead by the school administrators and faculty. What a great example of our tax dollars hard at work.
I was impressed today that if only men and women, those who hold tenaciously to leftist ideology would soften their hearts by turning from a devotion of popularity, party politics, and ego centrism in exchange for Godly principle, our country and certain parts of the world would not now be in peril. 
Also I'd like to point out that's not a coherent thought.
There is an ironic twist in history which few know of in light of what is going on in Iran at this very moment. King Cyrus of Persia
Speaking of people with Christian principles--
a pagan who lived 500 years before Jesus.
lived about 500 years before Christ. History records that he conquered most all of Arabia and what is now Iran and Turkey. He is mentioned in the Bible in 2nd Chronicles 36:22. Cyrus restored certain political and social rights to the captive Hebrew and gave them permission to return to Jerusalem and directed that Jehovah’s Temple should be rebuilt.
Holy shit this guy seriously goes on to say if we'd all accept Jesus there'd be no communism.
It is 2012, man. I don't think communism is a great threat anymore.
So there we have it. Cyrus II was the first Christian.
The man who literally called himself a living god--
the first man to achieve apotheosis before his death--
the first Christian.
I might call you an idiot but I don't have a political blog with over 300 entries so what do I know?
Poor Cyrus II. I feel bad for the guy because he's so demonized by history.
He just had the intense misfortune of losing to the West (back when the West was 1300 dudes standing in a valley) who would, of course, then proceed to call him an asshole for the rest of history and he's now hated by his own people because he's perhaps the most intense pagan until Julian the Philosopher.
By destroying the family, true religion, and the best economic system that has ever existed, with all these barriers of resistance removed, America is ripe for tyranny.
This guy is my favorite blogger ever. He is every single stereotype about Republicans rolled into one and he's dead serious.
He even quotes the Bible to explain how Jesus loves America.
I had no idea Jesus had such a strict political agenda.
The Apostles must have been really confused.
Oh and hey: the Book of Revelation?
All right
Oh, what?
666 is Caesar's number and was probably incorrectly transcribed by early monks and Satan's number should be 616?
Uhhhh, shit?
Wow, we really fucked that up.
Didn't any of you proofread before sending this out?
666, 616-- Jesus himself said not every jot and tittle would be right.
Or did he say every jot and tittle was right?
Oh fuck me.
Anyway time for bed I think--

Monday, November 19, 2012


Why Mitt Romney and the GOP Lost: Ask Maya Angelou
Because he got fewer votes than Obama.
There ends the reason.
"When people show you who they are, believe them."

~ Dr. Maya Angelou

There's been a lot of punditry going on about Mitt Romney and the GOP's loss of the presidential election.   It just isn't all that deep.  Just ask Dr. Maya Angelou.
No I think I figured it out.
Dr. Angelou has been quoted a bazillion times for saying, "When people show you who they are, believe them."  Simply put, Mitt Romney and the GOP showed the American electorate who they are.  And we believed them.
He showed them he was a man who got fewer votes--
so therefore he isn't president.
Why is this such a complicated concept for people?
Gentle Readers, you know how I am:  If I find something that I think will help someone, I feel compelled to share it.  Well, these past few days, I've been treated to -- no, blessed with -- some real words of wisdom that have not only lifted me, but freed me.  Perhaps they'll do the same for you.
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.
Truly one of the wisest men to ever walk the earth.
Despite emphatically not marrying a brown girl when that was pretty much what Rome was busy conquering.
Brown girl land.
I dunno, man.
He married his maternal cousin, in fact. What's that about anyway?
First are words of wisdom from my second-oldest sister (SOS).  Before I begin, let me tell you the value of having older sisters around when your mother is deceased.  Older sisters are like vaults of your late mom's wisdom, if for no other reason, because they knew your mom longer than you did and have more of her wisdom. 
"A man should be upright, not kept upright."
I was also blessed with words of wisdom from one of my book club members, Joann, who turned 70 last week and doesn't look a day over 45.  God has been good to Joann.  That's not to say she hasn't had her struggles -- who hasn't?-- but she looks good and has a happy spirit.  When I asked Joann for words of wisdom to reach the age of 70 looking and feeling like she does, she gave me these words of wisdom someone imparted upon her:

1) Find a church;
2) Keep a job;
3) Rest.

Of these three, she said the most important was getting enough rest.  
"A man's worth is no greater than his ambitions."
As for keeping a job, I've done that, but I want more than a job:  I want a calling.  That leads me to some words of wisdom imparted upon me by a former law teaching colleague who, like Joann, has been blessed with fabulous genes (she doesn't look a day over 40 and she's in her 60's), and an even more fabulous spirit.
“Death smiles at us all, all a man can do is smile back.” 
 I told her how frustrated I am about continuing in the practice of law when I feel I have other skills and talents I want to use, but I just don't know how.  
And the one quote that if the world learns nothing from Marcus Aurelius but this it should be his:
“You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” 
This time, I'm voting for President Obama because he's black.  Before you accuse me of "playing the race card," a phrase I find offensive because it is intended to thwart any meaningful and real discussion of race and racism in America, hear me out.
I'm voting for Mittens because he's white.
Last time, I voted for President Obama because I believed he was the candidate with the better intellect and temperament to deal with the challenges American would face.

I was not disappointed.
... You weren't?
I was.
Go see that Lincoln movie and stand in awe at how shit modern politicians are. Lincoln was a guy who got shit done.
Even if you don't agree with him you have to at least give him credit: he did some shit.
I knew that there was no way he was going to be able to reverse the tsunami that would become the Great Recession in only four years.
Lincoln ended the Civil War and slavery in four years.
Just saying.
To my knowledge, the GOP didn't even conspire to make Roosevelt a "one-term president," and his agenda was decidedly more radical than President Obama's.
Also a great doer of shit.
That's what I'm starting to learn. Conservative, liberal, Democrat, Republican--
as long as you do some shit you're okay.
The problem is no one wants to do some shit.
To my mind, the only plausible explanation is that a whole lot of white folks just aren't comfortable having a black president, no matter what he's done to save many of their broke behinds.

So I've already voted for Barack Obama because he's black. 
I voted for Gaius Julius Caesar personally.
I think Caesar's ashes would make a better president than the two chucklefucks running.
Since he's not been graded fairly because of his race, I've decided to balance the unspoken racial bias with my racially biased vote.  As a fellow African-American Ivy League-educated professional, I totally get it.  Been there, got the "unspoken racial bias" t-shirt many times over. 
Caesar: assassinated
Lincoln: assassinated
FDR: attempted assassination
If someone doesn't try to axe you you aren't doing a very good job is what I'm learning.
Hell, it's not like a whole lot of evangelical white folks aren't holding their noses about Romney's religion and voting for him just because he's white.
I haven't really heard anyone say they're voting for Mittens because he's white.
Outside of the joke I made a bit ago, that is.
Last week, "Take Our Daughters and Our Sons to Work" day occurred. I didn't take anybody's daughter or son to work with me. The obvious reason is that I don't have a son or a daughter. I could have taken countless great-nephews and great-nieces to work, though. The reason why I didn't is this: I don't want to teach my great-nieces and great-nephews to be employees like I am.
Don't want to teach them to be successful.
I want them to be entrepreneurs and business owners, even if they have a small business on the side.

The reality is that, at least in a good economy, anybody with a high school diploma and a pulse can get a job.albeit not one the pays a living wage. And in a bad economy, anybody can lose a job regardless of his or her qualifications or experience.  That's because, in bad economy, bosses -- or the government, if you're a government employee like me -- get to decide who stays and who goes. If you happen to be on the poopy end of that decision stick, you're stuck. You have a greater measure of control, to my mind, if you are your own boss and supply and demand, not people, 
Economic shrinkage is well known for being especially kind to small scale entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Please, do continue.
If you have a skill or a product that is needed or desired even in the worst of times (e.g., iPhone sales in a down economy -- WTF?)
>small business
I think I found a critical flaw in your logic.
When I was young, my parents would tell my older brothers all kinds of things to do in order to protect themselves from racism, such as "Don't run at night," "When you buy something, always ask for a receipt and bag," "If you get stopped in your car by the police, keep your hands on the steering wheel and don't reach for anything without asking first. And don't mouth off." At the time I wondered, "Do white parents tell their sons the same thing?"
Yeah pretty sure I heard all of these things at some point in my life.
Those words also reminded me of a sermon at my husband's church that boiled down to this: Guard your peace. I don't know what it is about the holidays, but somehow evil people feel the need to let loose with whatever comes into their minds, no matter how evil and hurtful it is, as did the author of the email in question. And it reminded me of this:

The devil don't celebrate Christmas, and evil don't take no holidays.
Shut the fuck up, Jesus Christ.
Do you ever shut up?
Have you ever just stopped and had a moment of introspection?
Have you ever just stopped and thought about why?
Or are you always going a thousand words a minute?
Silence and introspection, holy fuck.
She is reclusive, mysterious, breathtakingly beautiful, with a singing voice like no other that you recognize the instant you hear it. If you are a Sade fan like I am, do not miss this once-in-a-decade opportunity to see Sade (the singer AND the phenomenal band of the same name), because, and these are not my words: 
Pronounced Shah-day.
because letters work that way and fuck you, that's why.
What I Would Say to Today's High School Girls
Plz stop inviting me to bowling.
I know some of you were kind of joking but some of you weren't and while flattering I can't go bowling with you.
Yes I'm aware other teachers will (ostensibly) be there but I can't go because I'm not actually a teacher of this school.
I'm sure this woman's message will be some bullshit but mine is literal and immediate.
I had the pleasure of having drinks and appetizers with some of my high school classmates, all of us Black women, all of us in our late 40's.  
inquiries about whether I have a girlfriend and then giggling to your friends when I tell you no and emphatically not telling me if you have an older sister is not helping a motherfucker out.
I can't ask because it looks creepy. I need you to take initiative.
6) Know that God's got your back
Oh boy, the deity that drowned the entire planet and demanded his most faithful follower to sacrifice his own son to show is devotion before, indeed, sacrificing his own son has my back.
I'd feel more comfortable if you said Zeus had my back and he was pissed.
At least Zeus can be reasoned with.
All the ladies I dined with are church-going women. I'm not, but I consider myself to have a relationship with God. Having a relationship with God allows you to see beyond whatever current trouble you're going through and know that you'll get through it because He's got your back. I really don't know what atheists do in times of trouble, but I wouldn't want to be one. 
Considering 90% of the quotes people pull from the Bible aren't actually in the Bible and are later paraphrasing from sometimes unrelated texts from such exemplars of literature as Dante Alighieri and John Milton I don't think you need to be religious to find comfort in commonly cited religious thoughts.

You're a child of God. God created you. Act like it.
We, as the Greeks rightly believed, are children of Chaos.
There's A Reason They Call It A "Not Guilty" Verdict
I've been somewhat surprised at the backlash against the jury in the Casey Anthony trial. No sentient being with warm blood could help but be repulsed at the prospect of what Ms. Anthony was accused of. But proving beyond a reasonable doubt that she did indeed murder her daughter? That's another story.
The very notion of this is 100% alien to me.
It's 2012. Why isn't there a group of highly trained people who act as judge, jury and executioner?
"If you continually give, you will continually have."

~ A friend of mine
"As a rule, men worry more about what they can't see than about what they can."

~ Julius "the motherfucker" Caesar
 "Give. That's where your blessings come from."

~ My mother-in-law
"One who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived."

~Niccolo "top pro" Machiavelli 
If you combine the philosophy of Aurelius, Caesar, Machiavelli and Musashi you create a philosophy that handles every problem in life absolutely.
Got a problem in life?
They wrote books for you idiots to read so you won't have these problems.
Not their fucking problem you're too stupid to apply them.
They made this shit simple.
This goes on as I'm sure you can well imagine.
I'm going to bed.
Gotta teach 9th graders about The Odyssey.
The greatest book ever written.
Or, as I've been told, "it's, like, so boring."
It has a guy stabbing a giant in the eye with a fiery poker. Read it you uneducated twat.
Homer just invented writing for the purpose of telling your dumbass this story.
People literally died preserving it.
Nothing happens?
Just adventure on the high seas, murder, sex, vengeful gods and battling fantastic creatures.
Also it has a romance story or something I don't know.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Political Views of 500 Bints

That's how I welcome people into the classes I teach every day, incidentally.
Alias valiens. Downtown NYC art baby, now in Naples, FL. Homeschooling hipster. Capitalist creative. World foodie. Community seeker. Gun toting garden yogini. Can also be found on Twitter, Pandora and at IIN. More of this blog is true than you may think.
... Shut the fuck up Jesus Christ.
World foodie.
If a girl said she was a world foodie to my face I would punt her on the ovaries.
Anyway this bitch is in retirement (hopefully from life) and the last post was 2010 and literally the next 15 blogs had posts from this week but I'M STARTING AT THE TOP OF THE LIST I GOT.
I've been trying to feel my way back here, and just am not feeling it.

So much is happening in the real world, so much personal growth, and work is beginning to pick up. I want to keep blogging, but not on this blog. That's the realization. It just feels like a time capsule to me. Pre-lost baby, post-lost baby. Everything changed after her. So this is it. The official retirement of this blog. It seems crazy to me, having blogged since '04. So many links, so many friends made even. But I need a new outlet for the new me.  
It is almost the midway point in school. I have begun to see clients for Health Coaching, which is going really, really well. The first newsletter has gone out and been well received, the second one is in the almost ready. I'm trying to get my summer class schedule organized so it can go into the July issue.
A health coach.
Wait a minute. I was promised a feminist housewife not a feminist usual bullshit women do for a living.
My talented and wonderful friend Bree and I have been meeting for brainstorming and creating sessions for our Art Group. This has been a truly magical thing. We have been thinking arts thoughts, writing poetry, writing and planning a performance, doing improv together (that upsets the dog) and visiting museums.
This'll probably say a lot more about me than it will this woman but I remember thinking in one of my English classes that the scariest god in Greek mythology wasn't Ares for his wanton bloodlust or Zeus for being able to kill any motherfucker he wants with a lightning bolt but probably Eros or Aphrodite for their powers of making people fall in love.
Like what if I fall in love with a cunt like this?
I'd suddenly be tolerant of this nonsense.
I'd probably be miserable and okay with it.
What can Ares do?
All right I can die but that's all he can do, really.
This is probably why all important religions (Greek mythology) advocate being guarded when it comes to romance.
Well I guess I now know why that religion died out: made too much goddamn sense.
Also didn't spell shit out.
Here it is, retards. Figure it out or get fucked, not my problem.
Not how you want to run a self help camp.
We're gearing up for Earth Day weekend at Koreshan again. Amazing to see our last trip there was one of my last posts for so long. This photo of Baird in a mango tree was sent to me by some kind vendors last year. It's so very Baird.
Baird is her son.
She named
her son
Name your kid something manly so he doesn't turn out like a twat.
It's literally the first step after he's been fired out of your crotch cannon and you can't even get that right.
Step one (arguably the easiest step) and already you have irrevocably ruined this kid's entire existence.
I think I just figured out the worst thing that could ever happen to this kid:
there's an afterlife.
"Oh, what did you do with your life, Achilles?"
"Killed a bunch of Trojans and fucked bitches."
"What'd you do, Baird?"
"My mom took me to Earth Day."
I don't advocate naming your kid Achilles, incidentally.
My biggest challenge is keeping balance, same as it is for most people. This whole homeschooling three kids, starting a business while in school and supportive husband too busy as well thing is a challenge.
And you're homeschooling Baird.
You don't want this kid to be a well-adjusted, productive member of society.
That's all there is to it.
It's difficult to imagine homeschooling is legal in this country, actually.
I had to go to school to learn how to do this. You're 100% unqualified.
You might be (might being the qualifier here) a good mom but that doesn't actually make you knowledgeable in an area of study.
  I know I can't duplicate myself, I know I can't bag the whole sleep thing (!), but in fact I also know we all get the same 24 hours. So my real challenge is how to best support myself in those 24 hours, by organizing, prioritizing and being selective, and taking good care of my health along with that of my family. 
Step one: enroll those kids in a normal school.
Baird has to go to school with normal kids who will make fun of his name. It's the only way to avoid him developing a complex about it.
I've known about the kid for five minutes and already I have a complex about his name.
We lost dear Anci two years ago, our daughter of second trimester, as many of you are aware.
Hindi for "spared" I think.
Anci (Ahn-shee)has also helped us find clarity and continues to do so.
Use the Latin pronunciation. Why the fuck not?
Maybe it's best you're homeschooling them, actually.
Those poor substitute teachers.
Well excuse me for not being fucking clairvoyant and just guessing your whore mother was an expert on Latin.
The economy continues to be an inspiration to us and to everyone we know. There has never been a better time for making lemonade. But you don't need me to tell you that.
Yes that's the word I'd use to describe the economy.
I wish I were still in college because I'd totally use that in my paper.
The Fall of the Roman Empire?
The Plague?
The house is tidy, no one is sick, my desk has been cleared (though not entirely conquered for real), and it seems like a great moment to go to bed.
This blog?
Awe-inspiring, that is.
Like what the fuck is wrong with you?
All these changes in the world make it harder to blog. Not that I don't have just as much to say, but I'm out doing things, and spending so much time catching up from the month and a half with three fevers. And then catching up with my love, who is always off working. I'm just so glad we're all finally all the way better.
Off working to support you.
Like seriously, what did Zeus do to punish people?
9/10 they were totally asking for what they got.
He turned a bitch into a tree--
he turned some dudes into dolphins--
he turned one guy into a bull--
he lit a guy on fire--
like all of that is bad but what did this poor sod do?
Right now I'm finding some combination of faith and thought is the best answer. Thinking things through, and then letting go. I'm a big fan of leaving room for Grace.
Of all of the punishments wrought by the gods let this one never visit me.
Funny how it actually works when I actually do it. I'm not really a chat with God type, so it feels funny even thinking about my own faith this way, but I don't think I need to analyze it.
Pretty sure the gods are more metaphorical than literal but this is serious enough that I'd sacrifice a goat to prevent this from happening.
I'll admit I haven't been too big on the libations because I always considered it bronze age superstition but please let's just not have this happen.
I think I'm okay just letting it be. If it works, why am I going to mess with it? To be rigorous? Why in all things? Or maybe, why not invite the possibility that rigor can be the act of trying on faith a different way, and not freaking if it changes some things I thought I was sure about. Why should rigor equal cynicism?
Wrap the thigh bone in fat. Let's do it, come on.
Wait, how did that go in the Odyssey?
It's only written like a thousand times and I've only read it a thousand times. You'd think I know.
Day three of my Lenten fast. It's brilliant.

I decided to just move boldly forward without any particulars for my master plan. The plan is this. 1. Eat mostly raw, aiming for 90%. 2. Fill in with either macrobiotics inspired, or at least whole. 3. Once a week or so, eat a Healthiest Meals On Earth type meal.

Yesterday was easy. The kids had oatmeal for breakfast with rice syrup, blueberries, and goat milk. 
The point of Lent isn't to be a cunt. The point of Lent is self-denial so it can bring you closer to Jesus.
Holy fuck, do you seriously not get the point of one of the most sacred holidays in your religion?
I just talked about sacrificing a goat. That's about as heathen as you get and even I understand this.
I made whole wheat blueberry scones the other day, so we finished those as well. Lunch was cut peppers, some soaked and dehydrated almonds, a big salad of locally grown organic chrysanthemum greens with soaked and dried pumpkin seeds, garlic, heirloom tomato, fresh dill from the garden, blueberries, lime, extra virgin olive oil, pepper, Himalayan salt.
(From Lat. gluttire, to swallow, to gulp down), the excessive indulgence in food and drink. The moral deformity discernible in this vice lies in its defiance of the order postulated by reason, which prescribes necessity as the measure of indulgence in eating and drinking. This deordination, according to the teaching of the Angelic Doctor, may happen in five ways which are set forth in the scholastic verse: "Prae-propere, laute, nimis, ardenter, studiose" or, according to the apt rendering of Father Joseph Rickably: too soon, too expensively, too much, too eagerly, too daintily.  
Just added some bold face for you.
Something to think about, O Blessed One.
The girls and I loved it, but Baird didn't. He had raw peanuts-only peanut butter on the last of his ciabatta roll and some freshly squeezed orange juice. Kali used her ciabatta for a little grilled cheese.

After we made and drank smoothie twice, I really wanted something salty, and crunchy.
I am devoting Lent to eating raw & living foods, and streamlining my life.
The point of Lent isn't to diet.
Forget it.
It's not that important, honestly.
That means more household carnage. Things must go. It means looking at my computer time a new way. It means an electronic sundown. [Insert movie track sounds of impending doom].

I know I approach things too radically. I know, I know. 
Yeah your Lent diet sounded pretty extreme.
It sounds like more than I eat in a day.
That's your fasting meal.
More than I eat in a day.
2. Begin at the beginning. Keep reading the books, schedule a trip to Food & Thought, plan some foods the kids and Tim can eat (raw & cooked). Put ceviche on the menu.
I'm a little late to the trough, I realize. But yesterday I consumed all of Twilight by Stephanie Meyer.
Nah, that's cool.
So glad that fad died out.
Now it's Hunger Games but whatever, one step at a time.
Even if he was not a vampire, one fact is clear based on his smaller, seemingly insignificant relationship behaviors. He is not a nice man. 

He's a vampire, dipshit.
Also it's "if he were not a vampire"  because it's subjunctive.
That might seem needlessly nitpicky to you but I would argue you're only an English teacher.
At first I attributed the Cullen character's oddities to mere vampiric repertoire, as I'm sure most readers also have. He is, after all a predator of humans. The red flags were buried in the willingness to be taken, the desire to be led by the author.
So case fucking closed.
I don't think it's over-analyzing to point out Edward's controlling personality or anger issues. He is possessive, demanding, unpredictable, violent.
Vampires in most (decent) fiction are barely contained animals.
In fact in Warhammer vampires that lose too much of their civility literally become monsters.
There are times when life comes in rapid fire.
Two shots at half range if you haven't moved.
First, at church (a 2000 year old game of telephone, T gleefully calls it)  
So he's a cunt too.
 I won't call it a neat, clean faith. It is, perhaps, diverse in the trappings, but I've been told by some who claim to know, my theology is sound. If my outer label is smells & bells queer- and woman-friendly Episcopalian, heavily informed by panentheistic Indian Mysticism in general, and Trika Shaivism in particular, with a subtle Buddhist finish and humanist base, my inner spiritual life is quite clear.
I don't even know what the fuck anymore.
This is seriously The Meanest Mom 2.0 and I'm sad both of them are in retirement now.
Or glad.
I guess I should be glad since my goal is to stop blogging--
This is some Dragonball Z shit, man.
If I destroy blogs who will I have left to battle?
And on that somber note I'm going to bed.

Monday, November 12, 2012

ONTD is boring

I decided to mix it up because ONTD_P is getting a little tired but regular ONTD is boring as shit.
Christina Aguilera said Maroon 5 wouldn't have been successful without her!
Nine-Year-Old Girl Plays Football, Kicks Ass and Maybe Changes the World
This is the story I got the blog from no one gives a shit here we go.
Apparently she set up an account with Dreamwidth--
I don't even know what that is but apparently it's blogging stuff.
We've been told, over and over, by politicians in both parties, that in order to have an economic recovery, we're all going to have to sacrifice. We're going to have to undergo brutal austerity measures that make our lives demonstrably worse for a while in order to get back to prosperity. We just have to accept wage and benefit cuts, high unemployment, and cutbacks to government services, because that's the only way we will recover from this crisis.

That's just not true.
Not true just keep spending money you don't have.
Since the pursuit of happiness is actually enshrined in that Constitution conservatives love to tout, we've collected five suggestions for improving the economy that would also make our lives better right now.
Oh boy.
1. Longer weekends, more vacations.

Annie Leonard pointed out at the New York Times that Americans work longer hours than people in any other industrialized nation. We work nearly nine weeks more than Western Europeans, and we get far fewer vacations.

Yet right now there aren't enough jobs to go around. So instead of continuing to squeeze the workers who are still employed for more hours, Dean Baker suggested that we spread those hours among more workers.
Except companies already do this.
Good luck getting employed full time, idiots.
His idea, to subsidize shorter work-weeks with unemployment insurance benefits, would create an incentive for businesses not to lay off workers, but to cut their hours a little instead. His example, that a worker might put in 20 percent fewer hours but take only a 10 percent pay cut, would of course take some money from a worker's check, but at least compensate the worker with more free time.
(A recent article in Canadian magazine MacLeans also pointed out that Dutch workers, women in particular, often only work part-time to spend more time with their families—and that the Netherlands consistently ranks as one of the happiest nations on earth.)
There it is. Send women home.
Of course, part of the problem with the economy right now is that the workers who do have jobs aren't making enough money to keep spending, so any policy that saw those workers taking wage cuts could be problematic for recovery as well as for the people themselves.
Or as I read this, "we're really just jerking ourselves off here."
Therefore this idea works best for workers who already make a solidly middle-class salary; people barely making ends meet as it is would be little helped by additional cuts to their salaries.
... And part of a recession is a reduction in the middle class--
Am I the only person that understands anything anymore?
Am I going crazy?
Then again I did find a full time job.
As in I work 40 hours a week.
In times this insane.
I guess it really is as Warhammer says: only the insane have strength enough to prosper.
Price pointed out that in addition to fewer hours, more generous leave policies would actually create demand for jobs. “In practice, federal policy incentivizing employers to offer more paid vacations, family and parental leave and paid sick days, in addition to getting the US closer to international norms regarding these vital labor standards, would likely lead to additional hiring at the current relatively low level of demand.”
Personally I'd just destabilize the entirety of Africa and the Middle East (not that they need much help in that regard) and make about 1000 new bullet factories but that's just me.
number 2 is pretty boring and actually makes some sense so I'm glossing--
There's been a lot of focus on the youth unemployment rate, with good reason. But there's also a crisis facing older workers, who, facing long periods of unemployment, are being forced to spend their retirement funds early. 
Logan's Run up in this motherfuck.
No but seriously ask Japan what happened when it forced its geriatric workforce into early retirement and didn't have sufficient numbers to replace it.
(Protip: what happened was effectively the same as what's happening now) 
4. Bicycle stimulus.

"Green jobs" have been called for as part of any recovery package since the beginning of the economic crisis, a way to not only move the US back toward economic prosperity, but also to shift our priorities toward environmental sustainability. One interesting example of green job creation would be investing in bike paths in urban areas where cycling can easily take the place of car travel.
I have solved literally 100% of the economic, political and social ills of this country in the last 3 weeks during my planning period.
If fixing the mortgage crisis is win-win, investing in bicycle infrastructure is win-win-win: it not only could create jobs that would stimulate the economy, but is better for personal health and also for the environment, replacing gas-powered cars with people-powered transit. 
My job is 25 miles away through dangerous interstates and the hood.
I'm not biking.
Bicyclists save money on transit, are healthier overall, and don't have to spend time and money on the gym, and a city that invests in bike paths and safety encourages more and more people to take up biking to work.
So fuck the gym industry I guess.
When people drive less or give up owning cars entirely, the money they would have spent on gasoline and car insurance then can be pushed back into the economy in other ways—Philly CarShare noted that cutting back on driving increased people's purchasing power by nearly $3000 a year.
Then there was my solution of capturing the automotive industry and making it 100% electric.
I can't decide if I'm for or anti business, honestly.
I guess as long as they do what I say I'm for them but then I'm assuming direct control when it stops.
5. Raise wages.

Republican presidential candidates like Rick Perry have been trying to score with the talking point that 46 percent of Americans don't pay any income taxes.
Yes. I already solved this issue.
Plebeians, listen to me.
Perry, especially, doesn't like to follow that point up with an explanation of why. It would undermine his chief campaign promise: that he's a job creator, that as governor of Texas he's been good for the economy, 
Fucking Texas.
I saw they tried to secede from the union today.
They're lucky I'm not Caesar, in fact.
I only know one way to bring unruly provinces back into the fold.
I mean it would cease to be a province but you get where I'm going with this.
The federal minimum wage isn't enough to support one person, and certainly not enough for a family—
Jesus Christ how many teams of PhD economists do they have working on this bullshit?
I don't know shit about economics (I do play EVE Online though) and I solve these problems over my lunch break.
Pro tip: I don't think the problem is lack of a plan. I think it's lack of balls to implement it.
It seems that the war on drugs is having a somewhat adverse effect on both the number of people using drugs and those infected with HIV (both are increasing). This declaration calls on all governments to halt the war and to adopt a more rational, evidence based approach to drug classification.
Wow who would have thought the war on drugs was an ill informed venture?
Holy shit this whole blog reads like ONTD_P jr.
And I hit the start.
Too bad it had such a promising start but then it just got boring as shit.
Then it ended.
Not that I'm complaining about that part.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

you people are fucking stupid

if I have to spell out why the head of the CIA would resign over something as seemingly benign as an extramarital affair then you people really need to stop posting to a politics website because it just isn't happening for you.
I think I am missing some context...? I mean, that seems like a strange thing to resign from your post over.
1. generally you don't want your operatives in a position where they can be easily blackmailed and
2. it's likely a pretext because some serious shit is about to go down.
I can't believe how fucking dumb you people are. How transparent can this bullshit be and it still confused you?
Then again it isn't a matter about your precious gay rights or POC bullshit so I guess I can see why this'd be confusing.
This is like soft power politics and spy games and zzzzz BORING WHERE ARE THE GAY GUYS KISSING xP?
Doctor Who fandom, I am tired. 
Me too.
9th graders, man.
They just can't listen for one second.
"Don't write on this. Please don't write on this. I'm looking at some of you and I know you're going to write on it. Please don't write on this."
Not even two minutes later: "oh we're not supposed to write on this?"
No that's cool go ahead I just warned you literally ten times.
Of course I don't know -why- they couldn't write on it because there were enough copies for every class but whatever I don't make the rules.
I just enforce them.
And sometimes I don't even fully enforce them if it's really bullshit and I can get away with it.
I saw the episode, mostly because I was tired of seeing other people's opinions posts and not knowing what they were talking about, so I just went ahead and watched.

And you know? I could talk about what was problematic in this episode. I could talk about Amy and Rory and how love is not a competition. 
>love isn't a competition
Except love being a competition is literally one of the oldest plots there is.
It's a show about a magic time man who fights silly talking robots. I don't think this is a show known for its realism.
I could talk about the bisexuality-as-a-phase joke. I could talk about how nothing Dalek-related made any fucking sense because there was this thing called the Time War that was a big fucking deal and also Daleks hate the impurity of being mixed with anything human and how every other Doctor has had a problem with killing all the Daleks when he could have makes him no better, and I wonder what Four, who nearly killed all the Daleks when they were first created and decided not to, would have to say about this.
It's a silly show about a magic time man. Stop thinking so hard about it.
I just finished the Hunger Games trilogy in two days, like a year after everyone else read them. I just really hate the battle royale trope, okay, I find it horrific and dehumanizing 
... That's the point.
It's supposed to be dehumanizing.
That's the fucking point of the story--
Jesus Christ, people.
 and I didn't like it when Ralph Ellison did it and I had to read it in every damn American lit class, I didn't like it in the Japanese Battle Royale movie. So I stayed away from The Hunger Games, knowing that that was the plot, but when I saw the movie, I saw a very personal journey of a girl of the forest, and that was far better than I had imagined. So the other day I decided I felt like reading the books, and now I need to talk about them.
I legitimately hate modern reading audiences.
They are fucking uneducated, weak and stupid.
But the worst part is they're so pretentious about it. Can't you just be stupid and proud of it like most Americans?
Hope you all are going to have a lovely new year's eve. I made no plans, so it's really no different than any other night, but I MIGHT stay up past ten tonight! Woohoo! And watch a movie or something. 
Been busy on the internets doing a rebranding project the last few days. If it weren't for fandom, I swear I would live like it was 1915. I can barely handle the technological fact that I have a dishwasher; now I have to find out about Klout scores? 
 I went from not having heard the term before to knowing all about it in literally 10 seconds.
Does anybody know where I can find some good research material about what a girls' boarding school in England would be like in the 1940s?
Pffft I don't know, Google it?
Alternatively make it up.
Am back from vacation. Am exhausted. Am thinking of laundry sitting all night in dryer getting wrinkly because I was too tired to deal with it. Am marathoning Big Bang Theory just because, and I need good icons for it, because now I have more icon space. 
Declining use of personal pronouns.
Am really glad it’s Friday and I can maybe sleep all weekend. Not really. But it’s a nice thought. 
As you know, I’m editing for a medical journal these days, 
As you're doubtlessly aware.
I downloaded the Richard Feynman lectures on physics from the Six Easy Pieces selections (and several others, it was a giant folder, I don't remember everything, if you want them I can upload) and was listening to the first one on atoms and their movement on the drive to and from work today (I've got an hour commute each way, I have to make it productive somehow.)
Join the Kool Kids Klub and listen to Warhammer audio dramas.
Butcher's Nails, The Throne of Lies, Prospero Burns, Dead in the Water, The Serpent Beneath, Red and Black--
The Throne of Lies is fucking sweet, too. Before I found myself giving 0 fucks about the Night Lords (in fact I considered them the least interesting Space Marine legion loyalist or Chaos) but now I kinda like them.
I've always loved physics, and the weirder it gets, the better.
Not as cool as speculative biology which starts out by asking seemingly dumbass questions that 9th graders would ask but then branching off into crazy shit.
Like why is nature's solution to locomotion like 3 choices?
Why has a creature never evolved a wheel before?
Guysguysguys. Right now, go read Handlebars by orange_crushed . It is brilliant and amazing, all about Amy and Rory and the Doctor.

She is twelve years old, almost thirteen, and she is standing on top of the garden shed in an old blanket. It isn't a blanket, and it is. It's a toga. Never mind the flowers. She's about to be sacrificed to the gods of the volcano, represented here by a sandbox dragged underneath the awning. She closes her eyes and imagines the smoke and ash floating in the air around her, the low sound of chanting, the jingle of gold chains. She's tied her own hands together awkwardly with a handkerchief and her wrists are sweaty where they're rubbing together.
Wow that's really awful.
Speaking of awful I'm considering writing an EVE Online story because there's a fabulous prize of I win.
I read the other entries and I think it's a matter of writing a story and entering it and I'll get it.
People chose really weird topics for their stories.
While focusing on a backwards religious space empire might sound like a good idea for a story the Amarr are fucking lame and they really should have just ripped Warhammer off more than they did for them.
Instead the interesting plots are left by the wayside.
What is a Capsuleer? How are they made?
What effect must this have on someone's psychology?
 Basically you're taking normal people (normal relatively) and making them effectively immortal.
Then you're giving them immense power over regular people and making them accountable to basically no one and telling them to not be complete assholes.
Ships are still partially crewed by regular people, too. What happens when you lose a ship?
No one would give a shit. Mortals are to be bought and sold.
You're paying these people in literally pennies and it's more money than they could otherwise make in an entire lifetime.
ONTD_P whines about class struggle now.
Holy shit retards stand back because your dipshit whining wouldn't even register in EVE's setting as a thing that exists let alone an issue.
Posting this for mathnerd , a friend of tsukara , who is a student from Germany, living in the States while she gets her MSc in differential geometry. However, she has several chronic illnesses and pain conditions that are preventing her from continuing as a student, which means she loses her medical insurance. She has already spent all the money available to her through loans on medical expenses, and if she can get home to Germany she can receive treatment from the health system there, but after all her medical bills she can't even pay for a plane flight. She needs $600. If you could, go and read her journal, offer her some encouragement in what is undoubtedly a very difficult time for her, and consider helping her get home. 
Good luck with that shit.
Anyway time for bed.