Jesus Christ post something interesting in your blog for once so I don't have to seem like I'm phoning it in with this bullshit but anyway it's
Nils Pickert's five-year-old son likes to wear dresses, and given how
closed-minded people can be, Nils wanted to make sure that he grows up
with a strong, positive role model. So he did what any mind-bogglingly
incredible dad would do: he started wearing skirts himself.
Of course.
I didn’t want to talk my son into not wearing dresses and skirts. He
didn’t make friends in doing that in Berlin already and after a lot of
contemplation I had only one option left: To broaden my shoulders for my
little buddy and dress in a skirt myself. After all you can’t
expect a child at pre-school age to have the same ability to assert
themselves as an adult. Completely without role model. And so I became
that role model...
Personally I'd teach my kid to blend in and be like the water so he could grow up to be a badass Imperial Assassin but I guess teaching him to be a preening drama queen is an option as well.
And what’s the little guy doing by now? He’s painting his fingernails.
He thinks it looks pretty on my nails, too. He’s simply smiling, when
other boys (and it’s nearly always boys) want to make fun of him and
says: “You only don’t dare to wear skirts and dresses because your dads don’t dare to either.” That’s how broad his own shoulders have become by now. And all thanks to daddy in a skirt.
Needless to say the comments are an insufferable mix of smugness and SQUEEE GLOMP bullshit that makes me want to murder.
Here's an interesting case: black woman running for Congress as a Republican.
She's also anti abortion and all this other crap--
can ONTD_Political root for her?
On one hand she's their beloved POC rainbow but on the other she's at odds with their politics.
Always makes me sad when people of color are republicans. Just doesn't make sense.
Bitch is probably tired of losing money.
even if I, somehow, agreed with policies that were actually detrimental
to me as a minority, there is no way in east hell that I could join a
party that values their minority members more as tokens than as
legitimate politicians and activists.
This is why you're whining on the internet and she's going to be in congress.
Both parties had something to gain from this arrangement and could set aside their bottom sore.
I can't repeat it often enough:
morality has no relation to politics.
ANN ARBOR – Sticks and stones may break your bones, but a new University of Michigan study shows words can wound for life.
Apparently calling someone a faggot will make him kill himself.
Man this blog has a body count, then.
I'm basically a serial killer.
The study found the commonly used phrase “that’s so gay” to describe
something undesirable can have negative consequences for gay, lesbian or
bisexual students.
that's so "EVE Online character with more skill points than ISK".
Although subtle, such language is hostile, and can be harmful to sexual
minorities, said study author Michael Woodford, an assistant professor
of social work at U-M.
I can't even remember the last time I heard the phrase "that's so gay".
I can't even say that and sound angry. I need something with some teeth to it.
Here's a post about some Russian guy who was keeping these Vietnamese women as slaves in a textile factory--
barely got a response in the comments, naturally--
There's something really fucked up about ONTD_Political's priorities. Some guy calls someone else gay?
A literal slave trade?
Fuck that who cares--
whatever, I'm tired and whiny--
Tens of thousands of Ontario teachers will likely see their wages frozen
and their benefits cut this fall as the province's cash-strapped
Liberals swung a legislative hammer Monday to battle a $15-billion
Yes, that's certainly what caused a deficit.
Why would you want an educated workforce?
It's not just teachers. All public servants, provincial and even federal
are getting wage freezes or getting laid off. It's because of the
How about you get rid of all the bullshit?
A New Jersey city often described as the most dangerous in the country will no longer have its own police force, as a crunched state budget has intensified an effort to reduce costs by busting the local police union. Camden, New Jersey ranks among the most crime-ridden cities in America — in 2008, it had the nation’s highest crime rate — and this year, it is on pace to set a national record for shootings and murders.
The city, however, will lay off its entire police force by the end of the year.
Hey, Eidos I think I found a great setting for Deus Ex 4.
And, inexplicably, ONTD_Political blames this on the Republicans even though the deficit has ramped up since Obama took office.
Well, he is one of their fabled "person of color" and therefore is blameless according to ONTD_P so I guess--
Hunter Spanjer says his name with a certain special hand gesture, but at
just three and a half years old, he may have to change it.
"He's deaf, and his name sign, they say, is a violation of their weapons policy," explained Hunter's father, Brian Spanjer.
Island's "Weapons in Schools" Board Policy 8470 forbids "any
instrument...that looks like a weapon," But a three year-old's hands?
There should be a law against naming your kid Hunter.
There, crisis averted.
A Taiwanese minister has caused widespread debate on hygiene by suggesting that men should sit down while urinating instead of standing up.
Stephen Shen, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) minister, said that sitting on the toilet like women do creates a cleaner environment.
This has generated a lot of online debate, says the BBC's Cindy Sui.
Come on bro be serious.
Might as well cut your dick off while you're at it.
The comments, unsurprisingly, mostly agree with the assessment that men should sit down.
Apparently society is just completely keen on emasculating all men now.
How fucking dumb are men, though? We're just putting up with this shit.
Boring bullshit no one cares about--
Jesus Christ, Livejournal. Liven up a little. I feel like I have one foot in the fucking coffin reading this crap.
Even your sweeping ignorance on every subject known to man fails to stir.
Usually this is good for a laugh but I really feel like I'm just going through the motions with you today.
I feel like I ask for relatively little from you, Livejournal.
My criteria for a successful blog from you is tremendously low.
Tremendously low, and yet we're still here.
Here, having this conversation.
Anyway let's hope for a better Friday.
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