People whining that some white guy got offended that a black man was bagging his groceries then got banned from the store--
he's claiming religious persecution, inexplicably--
A 22-year-old man who reported he was the victim of an alleged hate crime in Missoula during the early morning hours of August 5 has admitted he made the story up. “It has now been determined that the assault did not occur,” Missoula Police Lieutenant Scott Brodie said in an August 7 statement.
I bet the comments will somehow be whining about bigoted police.
We will never hear the end of this. Any attack that isn't caught on camera will be suspected to be another 'Joseph Baken' case.
Considering this is the first I'm hearing of Joseph Baken I kinda suspect this is the last we'll be hearing of this.
Here's someone claiming they'll fix this when they become "god-king" and I sincerely doubt you'll become god-emperor of man but even if you do I doubt you'd be able to fix this shit because you're be too busy whining--
Roma in France’s northern city of Lille were expelled from their camps over the weekend as police dismantled the settlements, despite promises by President Francois Hollande to end the practice.
The police raids started early Thursday (9 August) morning with 240 others, previously evicted from camps in Lyon, "voluntarily" leaving on flights to Romania on the same day. Each adult returned to Romania received €300 and each child €100.
Francois Hollande has some balls.
France's interior minister Manuel Valls claims the camps are unsanitary and pose a public health risk. The minister said each individual’s case was evaluated by French authorities before being returned to Romania, reported Reuters.
Rights organisations say France must abide by its commitments under international human rights laws to provide alternative accommodation and that it must respect the European Union rules on freedom of movement.
Come and fucking make me.
If they want to live here they'll do so legally, they will find a suitable place to live and they'll follow French laws.
If they want to live here they'll do so legally, they will find a suitable place to live and they'll follow French laws.
Welcome to France, asshole. Check your weapons.
Veronika Szente Goldston, Europe and Central Asia advocacy director at Human Rights Watch (HRW), said the raids had left 60 children without any homes and that France’s latest evictions are contrary to Hollande’s pledge in April to abolish discriminatory measures against Roma populations.
“Hollande’s promises to end discrimination against Roma couldn’t ring more hollow in the wake of this week’s events,” Szente Goldston said in a statement.
Oh wow a lying politician, imagine that.
Wait, wait--
I suddenly remember a quote from someone smart about politics.
How'd that go?
“Politics have no relation to morals.”
Q High, a LGBTQ-friendly high school, will open on Tuesday for their first full year of classes. One n Ten, a LGBTQ youth program in Phoenix, will sponsor the online high school.
can't wait for everyone in the comments to miss that little detail.
Johnny Hernandez cut class to the point that her former school told her not to come back. While meeting with another high school, the 16-year-old was told she had to change her clothing in order to register.
Her clothes met the dress code requirement — the school’s issue was that Hernandez is a male and wears women’s clothing.
“In my head I feel like I’m a girl,” Hernandez said. “I’m just not in the right body.”
In my head I'm a chaplain of the Imperial Fists
but in reality I'm this scrawny white guy--
At the same meeting, Hernandez heard about Q High, a high school that opened this year near Third Street in midtown Phoenix. The new high school is for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning students along with straight allied youth.
... How can an online high school have a physical location?
Am I confused?
Q High is a part of One n Ten, a nonprofit organization that focuses on assisting LGBTQ youth ages 14-24. With three satellite locations in the Valley and a youth center in Phoenix, One n Ten holds weekly discussion groups and offers programs to help youths with “self‐expression, self‐acceptance, leadership development and healthy life choices,” according to the official website.
Well with this much nonsense rolling around in Arizona my job application to 3 schools in Arizona should go right through I feel.
At five years old, Hernandez said she began having crushes on boys. Growing up, she said people physically fought her because they didn’t like that she was gay. Three years ago, she came out to her family as transgender. The majority of her family doesn’t like who she is, she said. Hernandez also feels she is “double-profiled” because of her Mexican background.
You know when I said I wanted to be a genetically enhanced super soldier in the grimdarkness of the far future fighting aliens and heretics I was told to grow the fuck up.
This guy gets his own high school.
“If people don’t like Mexicans, they aren’t going to like me, and if they don’t like gays, they aren’t going to like me,” Hernandez said. “I don’t care what the world thinks of me. I am who I am and I’m not going to change for anybody.”
Hernandez’s cousin, Monica Chavez, said several times that they have been out walking and overheard people nearby discuss her Hernandez’s transgender appearance.
Four years ago, Chavez was diagnosed with limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, meaning her leg muscles deteriorate as she grows older. She began using a wheelchair and wanted to attend a school with a smaller population.
“Ever since I’ve been in my wheelchair, I’ve been scared of what people think or if they’ll stare, and it bothers me if they stare,” Chavez said. “I just get nervous. I’m looking forward to (starting Q High) but at the same time I’m not.”
You get all the labels to affix to your body.
You get all the labels to affix to your body.
I bet the people who comment here are getting label envy.
“My main goal is to make them feel like a teenager, like a youth,” Smith said. “It’s just one part of your identity; it’s not who you are, it’s not what defines you.”
Q High is a public charter school through the Arizona Virtual Academy and funded by the Arizona Department of Education. All classes are online and academic requirements are determined by the department.
I bet everyone misses this, too.
Is this even a thing? Can you take high school online?
How can you make them feel well adjusted, "like a youth" and "it's just one part of your identity" when you've basically acknowledged that they're such special snowflakes that not only can they not attend normal high schools they can't attend high school in a physical location and can only be interacted with through the bubble that is the internet?
Attendance will be taken in order to enforce that the 17 students attend class Tuesdays through Fridays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to meet the weekly minimum requirement of 25 hours online.
P. sure high school is Monday-Friday, boss.
I dunno, though. I only graduated with honors and have a teaching certificate. I don't have my school administration degree.
I should have gotten that garbage instead. I'm an idiot.
“My whole vision is to create an environment where they feel like they are in their own school community and not just coming to sit in front of a computer for seven hours on end,” Smith said.
>not just
I've learned some of my most important things from sitting in front of the computer for 7 hours a day.
What beautiful idea, cut out the bigots and let these kids get on with their lives and education. If the public schools/government won't step up and protect their students, take them out of the game, and reap the benefits of well-adjusted, intelligent human beings who feel safe.
Says one comment.
Isn't part of growing up confronting adversity?
Isn't this kinda like admitting they can't?
Also the state of Arizona, I just checked, is paying this guy a principal's salary.
A principal makes somewhere in the neighborhood of 80 Gs a year.
This school is online only and educates a whopping 17 children.
Soooo let's calculate this out--
assuming there is a faculty of ONNNNE person at this high school (there isn't, there are at least 6 teachers) the average cost to teach one student for one year is 4705.
I'm not too familiar with the statistics of Arizona (because who the fuck is) but the average student in NC costs about 1000 a year for the state to educate.
A student in a physical location.
In an actual building.
With actual books.
4705 dollars.
I know it costs more.
Can you imagine? I can barely imagine what that would be like. The safety and increased self-acceptance. I get dizzy thinking of it.
So happy for the kids who have this!
Of course they're safe. They're learning online.
Unless it's Blackboard. Then your entire future is in jeopardy if Blackboard suddenly decides it's not gonna post what you told it to.
There was a time I had to post a 60 MB file on Blackboard.
It took 27 hours.
No joke I could have walked it to the professor's house and presented it live and been back home faster than that file took to upload.
I can't believe this happening in Arizona, of all places.
I wonder if this school accepts asexual students.
Considering it's ONLINE I'm guessing yes.
They accept both straight and gay students so yeah.THERE YOU GO.
I find this a confusing comment. Fynoda wasn't asking whether they accept bisexuals, but asexuals. It's be nice to think that their open, inclusive philosophy would mean they did but in my bitter experience, this is rarely actually the case. it's fair enough to query it, and the answer isn't obvious. Being the minority even within the minority is petty tough if they aren't accepting of atypical difference.
Shut up.
With the exception of aromantics, asexuals fall under the straight or gay label (or bi/pan), so why wouldn't they be included alongside other gay or straight students?
... Aromantics?
Oh, shit.
An aromantic is a person who experiences little or no romantic attraction to others. Where romantic people have an emotional need to be with another person in a romantic relationship, aromantics are often satisfied with friendships and other non-romantic relationships. What distinguishes romantic relationships from a non-romantic relationships can vary diversely, but often includes physical connection (holding hands, cuddling, etc.) and monogamous partnership.
I found this on the internet.
Anyway shut up.
I was ready to call myself aromantic because I often find myself playing the juegos on a Saturday night but apparently that's not what they meant.
I mean, you can be straight or gay while also being asexual. Hetero-romantics and homo-romantics and aromantics.
Let me see
But regarding whether they accept asexuals, it seems obvious that they do. While the article calls the high school an LGBTQ high school, it seems obvious that they accept everyone--except bigots. Basically, it's a safe space for LGBTQ people that's also a high school. They accept everyone as long as you aren't going to discriminate against your classmates, it seems.And you don't mind grappling with Blackboard for 7 hours a day 4 days a week.
This is so, so needed here in Arizona. While I was lucky that the response to my coming out was congratulatory and accepting, that is most definitely not the case for many LGBTQIA
Oh, the acronym changed on me again.
Let's see.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual--
Oh don't tell me I know this one--
Haha yes I'm awesome.
Oh boy.
Asexual I'm guessing.
Ever read the Chaos Daemons codex in Warhammer?
How the language of Chaos has verb conjugations but also the root word corrupts and that's the true power of the runes of Chaos?
I feel like that's this acronym. It warps and mutates and feels like it isn't physically bound to the dimensions of the page upon which it's written.
I would've loved to have gone there!
The only thing that worries me is that when these kids apply for jobs...wont some bigots discriminate once they see the school name? I hope it's not the case but you know...people.
I'm guessing when this guy shows up in a dress and full beard his odds for a job are pretty much gone.
I mean Christ. I'm a highly qualified (it literally says the words "highly qualified" on my teaching certificate) teacher and I can't even get a job.
I even shave once in a while and own a tie.
Do you honestly think this guy stands a fucking chance?
I'm not saying it's right I'm just saying that's how it be.
Yeah they would definitely lose the choice about whether or not to out themselves on job applications, etc. after attending.
Or fuck it let's simplify this:
you went to high school online?
Do you know how to conjugate a fucking verb?
the school’s issue was that Hernandez is a male and wears women’s clothing
do not pass go
do not collect anything whatsoever
the school sounds great and everything but I'm really side-eying the article for this bit
God fuck this blog.
God fuck this blog.
I mean holy shit.
All right let's move to a new article.
US Embassy Reykjavik Iceland
We decorated the embassy this morning and are now ready for tomorrows Gay Pride Festival. Hope to see you all in the parade.
My interest in Iceland has increased from 0% to maybe 10 whole % because EVE Online is made by an Icelandic company and honestly considering what I've read about the country I'm amazed they're aware there are gay people.
The entire country is smaller than the city I live in.
Their contribution to world cuisine is a boiled goat head.
You can just crack the skull open to get to those delicious brains.
the fuck is wrong with you people?
Thanks for the cool game though.
Thanks for the cool game though.
Iceland is at the forefront of the global gay rights canpaign. Same-sex partnerships were legalized in 1996, giving them equal legal status with heterosexual marriage. In 2000 step-adoption rights for same-sex couples were legalized, and in 2006 same-sex adoption was legalized, regardless of marital status. In 2008 the parliament passed an amendment to the 1996 law, making it possible for same-sex couples to register their partnership in church or any other religious congregation.They should pass a law that makes their landscape less bleak. No wonder the entire music score in EVE Online makes it seem like the world is about to fucking end. I think it literally is about to end in Iceland.
I wonder what the temperature is in sunny Reykjavik at this very moment?
Summer, early morning in the Northern Hemisphere?
54 degrees farenheit.
Rain today,
cloudy tomorrow,
cloudy the next day--
rain the next day--
partly cloudy the next day--
This is fucking awesome.
Most recently the queer movement in Iceland has been focusing on the rights of transsexual people, e.g. the right to change information on gender and name in the National Register. Furthermore, it emphasizes its duty to support queer communities around the world, that do not share legal and social privileges comparable to those of Iceland, by sending letters of protest to mayors, presidents, prime ministers and other authorities repressing queer rights, and doing so in hope to support our brothers and sisters around the world.
How about you protest the weather because based on your weekly forecast for this week it seems to have gone to war with you.
The parade is very popular in Iceland. One year the police estimated that upwards of 100.000 people attended,
That's a third of the country's entire population but considering your options are that or another day playing EVE Online, the country's only pass time, might as fucking well.
They were probably so awed by a color other than gray they could scarcely believe it.
No wonder that game has a dominant color scheme of black and gray.
No wonder that game has a dominant color scheme of black and gray.
which is close to a third of the country's population, and half of the capital area population.Cooooooooooooooooooool.
I can't imagine an event in the US that would mobilize a third of its entire population.
No wait I have one:
combo free McDonald's and gun show.
Or wait no I have one:
world's largest job fair.
Get it because of the unemployment rate?
Should have stopped at the first one.
This is why I'm forever stuck telling jokes on the internet.
Anyway time to goooooooooo
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