Friday, August 10, 2012

Oh Shit I'm Sorry

Oh boy. ONTD_Political was up in arms about health care reforms (of course) and something--
I dunno.
Apparently that whole "you can be on your parents' insurance until you're 26" thing doesn't extend to you getting knocked up.
To be honest I don't see the problem here. If you're starting a family of your own I think it's time to get off daddy's healthcare, you know?
Not to mention kids need a lot of healthcare. They vomit and shit all over the fucking place and no one can figure out why but it's probably not very kosher.
Anyway here we are.
I picked this one because we have another typical ONTD_Political Feminist who has this to say:
Bah. So sick of people being screwed over on health care, particularly women and kids.
But I thought men and women were equal?
Should it be "especially kids" if men and women are exactly the same?
Why particularly women if we're all equal?
Unless you're okay with being equal until it might behoove you to be advantaged--
you can't have chivalry and equality, you know.
I have watched, in the last couple of weeks, several different times (ESPN has been showing this, for some reason, nearly every day), a movie called 'Dogtown and Z-Boys'. It's a documentary about the Zephyr Skate team, a group of boys and one girl who were surfers-turned-skateboarders in 'Dog Town', California. 
Oh God I hated it when the Action channel used to show that crap.
They had another movie they showed all the goddamn time about snowboarding that was even more insufferable.
Hello! Just thought i'd pop in, wave a bit.

There is currently *so much* going on in fandom! I have so many tabs open and bookmarks and am subscribing to people left and right on AO3. Too much fic, not enough time!!
Too much fanfiction.
I know what you mean, girlfriend.
So, yes - saw Avengers. Loved it so, so much. Saw it again today, and i was the only person in the theatre. YAY. The first time was the midnight show, which was fun, but the audience was noisy and i missed stuff. This time - wheeee! 
>seeing The Avengers
Here's a post about Planned Parenthood going bankrupt or something (I see this post in every blog I review but I've never bothered to comment on it or mention it until now) but this one is different. Apparently they attempt to raise money through fanfiction.
Like if you want one of these cunts to write a fanfiction about how Goku really wants to fuck Vegeta you can pay her 10 bucks and she will.
Then the cash gets donated to Planned Parenthood.
I can't imagine this isn't against some sort of copyright law but whatever.
Ah, Yule-time! Pretty much my favorite time of year. The scent of cedar in the house from the tree, cinnamon-y and bayberry candles, cold nights and frosty mornings and, if we're very good...snow!

I seem, however, to have had my internal thermometer reset. I *cannot* stay warm, no matter what i do. Thank heavens for space heaters and electric blankets!
This is really dull but I can't believe how cunty it is too.
Did you try at this?
Like when other authors tried to be good at writing you said NO
It's that day of the year again, and again, I'm telling my dad's story.

Born in 1925, to a family of thirteen, 
How fucking old are you?

Hallo! I am sitting here, windows open, ac *off*, enjoying the hell out of our suddenly mild and lovely temperatures. Forties at night!! Seventies in the day!! So very wonderful. Cannot *wait* for true autumn to arrive.
There is something really annoying about the way you write. I've never felt like someone had an annoying voice through writing before.
Hallo, people.
We suddenly moved into nearly-summer weather. Mid-eighties and *humid*. Oh dear gods, i hate it. Hate. It. I want my chilly spring weather back, now, please.
*puts cold washcloth around neck*
See what I mean?
Don't you just want to punch her through the internet?
Today! I'm leaving for Writercon!!

Yes, it's going to *rock* but also....
I don't even want to know what that is.
We'll arrive at the 'con early Friday afternoon, and i kinda doubt i'll be able to get online while i'm there, so.....everyone have a lovely weekend! My flist will be skip=a billionty when i get back.

*flails more*
*runs in little circles*

Things to do! Things to do!!!

Yes, i am now 42. Wheeeee! :)
AKA way too fucking old to be acting like this.
So! Ask me anything, about any fic i've written. Um. This is not a request post. Heh. Just - ask me why, or how, or whom, or...whatever. I suppose you could ask about my 'writing', too, though i'm likely to be a bit...weird and vague about that. I'm never very coherent when it comes to the process. But i'll do my best!
Do you try to be as irritating as you are or does that come naturally?
I'm guessing it's a bit of both.
Like Sergeant Telion's sniper ability in Warhammer.
Let me make this obtuse simile even more obtuse:
because they said that was the marriage of natural talent with the genetic enhancements of a space marine--
so he's really good at shooting, see.
Like this woman--
she was this annoying naturally but then her natural talent was augmented by the internet and practice.
Like Telion's--
I'll stop.
Or perhaps it's a rant. I dunno. Anyway. Reading some nice, long big bang fics. And it's wonderful to get good, meaty stories. Wonderful! But...

Is it just me? And it's possible, it just me who gets really, really tired of the 'find one true love, date/hang out with/have sex with one true love, have some massive fight/misunderstanding/freakout, lose one true love, pine for days/months/years over lost love, reconnect and live happily ever after' story line? I mean... Yes, okay. Stories need, apparently, some kind of 'angst' or 'drama' or.....whatever.
No they don't.
They literally don't need any angst.
Hell, even drama is optional.
If you'd read more than fanfiction you might know this.
If i was madly in love, and suddenly my best friend said 'oh, by the way, your soul mate was mackin' on so and so at this party'... My first impulse would *not* be to move out and not talk to them for six months. My *first* impulse would be to confront them, find out the whole story, and *then* decide on what to do.

Am i too boringly practical for fiction? Am i just a spoilsport? I dunno.
The whole premise is so junior high stupid who cares anyway?
Yes yes!
I like anthologies. I like collections of stories on one subject, or by one author, or with one defining theme. I'm funny that way.
Yes, hilarious.
Hilarious like how much my fucking back hurts.
Anyway I can't stand this bullshit anymore
I think my spine is about to erupt
I'm going to mine ore in space

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