Sure glad I'm leveling culinarian for when the food changes in 1.19 come-- oh they were moved back to 1.20.
Oh well~
Guess that gives me ample time to get it to 50.
So much, in fact, that I'm fast tracking weaver. R41 already~
If you came here for blogs and not a rant on video games (what's wrong with you, anyway?) then you can go here instead.
This blog is entitled "Purity Ponders" by "Purity Persimmons".
The avatar is what caught my attention, actually. It's just a unicorn but I'm pretty sure one of the greatest painted Warhams uses that exact avatar as its chapter symbol. Anyway, not important.
What always makes you laugh?
Unsurprising: the amount of people that said FUNNY CAT PICTURES FROM REDDIT xP
Reddit. The pox boil on the ass of the internet.
I was going to write an observation about the plethora of satire that seems to be around at the moment - how even the better quality material can abet our jaded, post-modern cynicism and render us less likely to actually protest about the corporations and individuals in question, or to seek viable alternatives - but time has defeated me once again. So you're spared a pseudo-intellectual analysis.
Thank you.
Spared the pseudo-intellectual analysis, my lucky fucking day.
I love how long her responses to the goddamn writer's block are. You know how most people type less information than is required to form a coherent thought? I guess Purity Buttercup Persimmons or whatever her name is stole the other words.
Also I clicked on her user info and her real name is Kathy.
Hi Katherine. :3
Or an affectionate meander through the annals of Fawlty Towers, One Foot In The Grave and 70s sitcoms, for that matter. Instead I shall give you the pithier (and probably more honest) response : fart gags and people falling over. Every time...
You know what never fails to make me laugh? Bullshit like this.
There's one entry I created in particular that I like to revisit. Yes, I found it.
Just loooove that pretentious philosophical waxing.
What’s your favorite show on television?
Her response: five sizable paragraphs.
My favorite show currently on TV is QI.
I am attempting to answer these questions each day (although I failed miserably in this modest endeavour yesterday, which hardly bodes well) as my small contribution to the 'save LJ from sliding down the toilet' campaign.
I think as my three years' of entries can attest LJ isn't really sliding anywhere so much as it has always been complete shit.
Also I find really long essays on trivial matters are often the key to saving any website.
This is a tricky one, though, as we do not actually own a TV. Obviously, I can watch programmes on the trusty laptop, but increasingly I find myself indifferent to what is on offer. Or too intellectually challenged to allot 60+ minutes to a topic which might require real concentration or provoke abstract thought. My bad, I know.
Surely someone as pretentious as you wouldn't be intellectually threatened by TV.
Or maybe that's sarcasm.
I know people bitch about not being able to read sarcasm in the written word (hint, idiots: context clues) but you are so devoid of humor it's impossible to tell and I suspect it would be difficult in real life as well.
Thus, a slightly tangential exercise in nostalgia; which I'm hoping may be excused on the grounds that a channel somewhere must surely be showing anything I happen to mention here.
Not how semicolons work.
I actually came across a perplexing grammatical issue recently in the form of Dawn of War II.
There was a semicolon (I think) but what followed the semicolon was the phrase "yet now".
Ignoring that I don't think I've ever seen the phrase "yet now" prior to this game I'm not sure if that warrants a semicolon. Yes, the full sentence is "Kyras left much corrupted and cleansing had to be both thorough and merciless; yet now, we are pure and noble." Yet sets up a contrast so I'd think you wouldn't need a semicolon, but "now" creates a juxtaposition between the past and the present so I'd think a semicolon might be warranted in this situation.
I've been trying to work "yet now" into my speech in real life but it's not as practical as I originally thought.
What are your favorite song lyrics, and why?
Remember this one? Only four paragraphs for this response.
Being strictly honest, they would be the same ones that I gave in answer to exactly this question a mere couple of months ago. If I wasn't such a Luddite technophobe I would provide a link to the post.
You don't need to say "Luddite technophobe", you know. It's as redundant as saying "stupid idiot". They both mean fear of technology.
But I am - and I am also full of the cold from hell and beset by an invasion of in-laws at the moment - so it seems much the simpler option to proffer an alternative selection. Here goes :-
Did you just have a colon and a hyphen?
Oh God.
What, is it "exercise in obscure grammar day" and no one told me?
You do realize a hyphen (or a double hyphen in writing, as it should be) is pretty much only there for when you want a pause mark but none fit (or you're unsure what would fit, as it typically is). I like the hyphen. It replaces all those douchier marks like hurr semicolons.
"Libraries gave us power..." from Design For Life by the Manic Street Preachers.
What an opening line for a song that became anthem to a generation and reached number 2 in the charts when singles charts still had some kind of genuine cultural relevance. The song was both a critique of and a love letter to the working class. A class that does not exist in that sense any longer.
Don't care.
This song celebrates the empowering democratic merits of education. The importance of being given access to the written word and the encouragement to utilise this opportunity. The fact that many of these Libraries and Institutes were commissioned and paid for by the Miners and their ilk. The staggering fact that once, people such as this revered academic achievement and aspired to better themselves.
This was pop music in England?
The sad truth that there will always be elements who hold in contempt anything they do not immediately understand or sympathise with. The inherent dichotomy that seems always poised on the brink of violence or self-immolation.
"Inherent dichotomy" has to be one of the douchier things I've heard in the last-- 10 or so hours.
I heard some douchy things last night, okay.
What is your LEAST favorite movie of all time, and why?
My least favorite movie of all time-- I don't remember this question.
There are so many shitty movies to choose from.
So many shitty movies--
Oh, right. Man of the Year.
I cannot recall a time being angrier in the theater than when I went to see that piece of shit.
Pretty Woman.
Appalling premise. Objectifies and commodifies femininity and taught a generation of women to aspire no higher than feisty but ultimately submissive handmaiden.
"Feisty but ultimately submissive handmaiden" is what I'd look for in a spouse.
By which I mean--
No fuck it no covering for that statement.
Although I wouldn't want her to look like Julia Roberts.
That'd be unfortunate.
The Julia Roberts character is basically an early WAG prototype.
WAGs (or Wags) is an acronym, used particularly by the British tabloid press, to describe the wives and girlfriends of high-profile football players, originally the England national football team.
Thanks, Wikipedia.
The Richard Gere character seems to have no redeeming features whatsoever. And the whole thing peddles a candy coated, 'lifestyle choice' interpretation of prostitution which is incredibly reductive and damaging. I have no idea why this film has become such a cult classic - it even had Roxette on the soundtrack for crissakes - but I think we are overdue an almighty backlash rather than the promised and depressingly predictable re-make.
Your movie sounds way, way better than my choice. Man of the Year has absolutely no redeeming features. Yours had Roxette at least. The only redeeming feature of Man of the Year is it ends and it didn't somehow kill you while you were watching it.
I find when you're trying to make a comedy it's a really good idea to have brutally serious action scenes and melodrama.
Would you rather be a vampire or a vampire hunter, and why?
Vampire hunter, obviously.
Vampire. Better odds.
Yeah because in Dracula, Dracula kills Van Helsing.
If you could get a free, unlimited supply of one food for life, what would you choose?
The greatest internet scholars of our time have debated this subject endlessly for weeks and the conclusion is breadsticks.
I was a part of this glorious debate so I'll just repeat it because I believe this conclusion to be correct.
What I choose is academic. I'd be sick of the sight of it in a couple of years, I imagine. If not sooner.
Much time was spent on this exact issue but breadsticks fit alongside almost any other food so you wouldn't grow tired of them.
What is your favorite opening line of a book, and why?
I bet yours is pretentious~
"There was only one catch, and that was Catch 22."
That is a good book, though.
Most people completely miss the fucking point of it but what else is new.
From Joseph Hellers "Catch 22." A flawed book, and possibly overrated, but points up the sheer futility of war with considerable literary flourish and pitch black wit. I think the opening line would pique anyones curiosity, and it also encapsulates the entire thrust of the novel.
What's your deepest, darkest fear? Have you tried to overcome it?
Death. Any ideas how to overcome that one (not involving religious or quasi-religious metaphorical flummery and mummery) will be gratefully considered.
Well you're going to die no matter what, so what's the point in fearing it?
I realise actually shelling out cold hard cash for music is just so last decade, but the new Adele album - "21" - is well worth it.
Excuse me?
The girl has a voice to send shivers down any spine and songwriting skills that very much belie her years. Check out singles "Rolling In The Deep" and "Someone Like You" if you don't believe me.

Fuck the poooolice.
She puts the soul into soulful and is a talent to be treasured.
She puts the soul in soulful.
She does?
I didn't think she did.
Maybe I'm mistaken?
I'm listening to "Rolling in the Deep" as we speak and I'm not really feeling it.
I mean people were comparing this to Dusty Springfield?
Ohh I don't know about things anymore. I think I'm going to go do something else before my brain explodes.
Says one comment.
I'll tell you what: when you can shoot 15 arrows in the span of 10 seconds you can do whatever the fuck you want and I won't say shit.
Don't give a shit--
Lina Inverse is from the animu Slayers, incidentally.
If she were Lina Inverse this blog would be interesting so I know this is a complete FIIIICTION.
I don't think anyone cares that much.
Truly you have mastered Zen.
Craving and desires: POINT OF BUDDHISM.