Friday, September 16, 2011

The Shit

Generic Harry Potter fan ahoy I guess.
She might write fanfiction.
I haven't seen any evidence that she does but Livejournal + Harry Potter fan = it's assumed.
If you could write the next Star Wars movie, what story would you tell? It could be anything: a sequel, prequel, or anything in-between. Describe your adventure in 300 words or less. Our favorite story will receive a Star Wars saga Blu-ray gift pack!

... No one cares about the fucking prequels. No one cares how the toilets got installed on the Death Star except fucking Star Wars nerds and they're so hopelessly pathetic they'll actively boycott a Star Wars video game they've been waiting for for years because they can't pick the color of their lightsaber.
The only natural thing to do is a sequel but the problem there is the original three are an entire saga told in trilogy form. You'd have to work fifty times harder to make your sequel not feel like an unnecessary appendage. Like teeth in your asshole.
As I understand it in the "Extended Universe" (or "EU" as I learned today. It took me a solid five minutes to realize they weren't talking about Europe) Luke eventually falls to the Dark Side which is curious because that was kind of the pivotal moment of the entire series where Luke is tempted by the Dark Side and ultimately denies it, which ultimately redeems his father, Darth Vader.
You'd think nerds with their love of Star Wars would be able to pick up on pretty fucking basic literary elements but nope.
Anyway I'm really just spinning my wheels at this point because any further Star Wars movies are objectively a bad idea. I guess if you offered me a fuck ton of money to do it I could come up with something like, I don't know-- Han Solo adventures or some shit. Basically I'd just try to pander as hard as I could to nostalgia. Get an older Han who acts more like Indiana Jones so you can cross those wires in peoples' brains-- I dunno. It'd suck but it'd probably get good reviews due to nostalgia goggles.
I guess the point I'm trying to make is you can't make a legitimately good movie but you can do a good homage. Maybe. Of course the alien creature that lives in Lucas' hideously distended and swollen neck would probably take over and we'd have another five hour saga of tortured dialogue from two cardboard cutouts and the most embarrassing attempt at romance I've ever seen in my entire life.

I would love to see the story of what happens between RotS and ANH.

No idea what this shit means.
So, my story, would be about what happens between the two. I want to see the training Obi-Wan does. Obviously, it's a way to communicate with the Force Ghosts, but I'd like to see that. And, I'd like a bit more of a backstory on Han. Because we don't know a whole lot about him. We know he's a smuggler.

That's not really what makes his character interesting or complex, though. He starts out as this giant space bastard and is kind of humanized-- ugh forget it.
Christ you people are thick.
But that's about it. I'd love a bit more of a backstory on Han. And the story of Leia is lacking a bit too. I'd love to see more development on her. And I want to see how the Empire grows. So here's my little "story", if you will.

I don't really care.

The Galaxy is in a state of unrest. War has broken out and the Galactic Empire is in control.
The Emperor has his apprentace, Darth Vader, in charge of overseeing the construction on
the most powerful weapon in the Galaxy, the Death Star.

Spelled "apprentice" wrong there, chief.
OH! I've been watching a lot of Glee lately. I got Season 1 on sale at Target the other day. It was like, 20 bucks. So of course I had to get it. I couldn't pass that up. Probably better in the long run. I wanted to get part two of season 1, since I already have part one. But yeah. *Shrugs*

Jesus I thought I was rambling and grasping at nothing with my Star Wars rant.
Am I really reading about how some dumb bimbo bought Glee DVDs?
Is this what has become of my life?

And I broke my bank account the other day getting a new charger for Lappy. He has issues. He really needs a new battery. And a new disc drive. And Geek Squad wasn't much help. I'm sure I needed a new charger. But I still feel like I wasted money somehow. Poor Lappy.

Also are you really referring to an inanimate object by gender? And you've named it? Are you shitting me?
Also I like how you blame the Geek Squad for parts breaking on an integrated system. You do realize the DVD drive isn't really a separate, replaceable part on a laptop, right? I mean I guess someone with a fair (and I do mean fair) bit of technological savvy could replace it but it'd probably be cheaper and easier to buy an external disc drive. Assuming you can be assed to lug a separate drive about. I sure couldn't be. I'd just torrent any disc image I needed.
But, again, that implies technological knowledge sufficient enough that you wouldn't need to consult with the Geek Squad.

I remember, exactly where I was when the Towers were struck.

I was in my Freshmen year of high school. I was in first hour, which was band.

Holy shit that makes us about the same age.
I thought for sure I was saying mean things to some 16 year old.
Two posts about 9/11--
well, I didn't have a 9/11 post so she took mine. Let's go with that.
And, today, I've done some career thought. And I think, between the love of theatre, and my want to help people, that maybe I should look into Drama Therapy. Yes, it exists. And it sounds really interesting. So, I'm gonna look into it more. But it looks like if I want to study it, I need to either go to San Francsico or NYC. If I apply, and get into both, I'll go wherever it's cheaper, and if I get grants/loans/scholarships, whichever place I get more money. And, whichever city is less dangerous and whichever city is cheaper to live in, as that's a factor too. But yeah. I think it's worth a shot to look into.

Oh look, another event in FFXIV.
What is this? I like all these neat medals. I wonder how many Edie would have--
I'm taking one of her medals from her for acting like a dumb slut yesterday, though. I clearly hit my heavy shot macro (3) and that somehow turned into a quick nock (macro 0) that hit 5 different enemies.
I don't even understand how that happens. I couldn't have accidentally hit 0 instead of 3 because they're literally on the opposite side of the keyboard and I know for a fact I hit 3.
Maybe she got a little kill crazy.

So, I think I finally got the hang on potion making. ((I got onto Pottermore last Friday. So, I've been there a little over a week.)) I really haven't done much within that week. Dueling has been down, and I've gone through all the pages, and I was pretty bad at it.

Pottermore, as I understand it, is a Facetube-esque Harry Potter game.
If you got into the closed beta you could sell your code on eBay for literally hundreds.
And Hufflepuff is down by 684 points. Come on Puffs! WE CAN DO IT!

But yeah. Pottermore is going well, and now that I've got the hang of Potions, I'm enjoying it more.

I don't know what a Hufflepuff is but if that's a faction I'm joining any other than them.
Seriously, expecting something called "Hufflepuff" to win?
What is their logo? Two penises fighting over a mustache?
Oh there's the logo of Hufflepuff, in fact. Looks like some sort of weasel.
Apparently the choices are a lion, a badger, a snake or an eagle.
I think I see the lamest one in that bunch. If you remember back to last entry when I (embarrassingly) took the same Harry Potter quiz it called me the lion one. FUCK YEAH LIONS ARE THE BEST ANIMAL.

It's really hitting me that the last Harry Potter movie is Thursday. And I want to cry and cry and cry. I got tickets for a special showing of DH 1 before DH 2. So Maegan and I are going to that. No questions asked. We're going. And I've been watching the marathon on ABC Family this weekend. And it's just making me tear up. I guess Harry Potter means a lot more to me than I thought it did. That's not a bad thing. It's just really hitting me now.

Fucking hell.
Speaking of lions being the best, I remember when Animal Planet had that show about "what if animals that would never fight each other in real life fought?" and the lion always got punked out.
I seriously think the lion lost to everything including wild dogs. I think they just hate lions.

Um...hmmm...whatelse is going on? Not a whole lot. Watched the Princess Bride the other day. I love that movie. So much. And I painted my nails. Haven't done that in a little while.

That implies I'd like it if she told me in person. Let me clarify: I don't care about this in any form of expression.
I played some Lego Star Wars today. God I love that game. I finally got past Degohbah on ESB. I'm just about done with it. ESB that is.

I can't believe how many acronyms Star Wars has. It's almost half as many as pussy sensitivity.
Ohhhh goodness.
Anyway I think I'm going to go play Disgaea 4.

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