Well, her blog came up while I was searching for one and here's her official response:
I think that reincarnation is one of the stupidest and cruelest myths ever spawned by the mind of man, and that assuming that everyone believes in it is very rude.
Anyway with that bit of merriment out of the way, BEHOLD. Guys, blogs, all are gay, etc.
I've been going through my medicine and vitamin cabinets, and I have a lot of old stuff that I don't want to risk taking anymore. However, I don't want to just throw it out, as I've heard that doing so can be dangerous to lower life forms, the environment, etc.
Take them all at once.
Surely all the bad stuff in one will cancel out all the bad stuff in another and you'll end up with a stomach of placebo.
Pretty sure that's how that should work.
Is there a recommended way to dispose of a) expired or unused medication (both OTC and prescription) and b) old and unused vitamin/mineral supplements? I have a lot of the latter, but a bit of the former, too.
Yeah. A trashcan. Fuck lower lifeforms.
It seems the Fight for the Light expansion pack for DC Universe Online is giving us a little more than they originally said they would:
People still play DC Universe Online?
(Yes, yes, I know, some people get e-mail on their mobile phones, but seriously, how large a percentage of their 1.4 million customers have set up e-mail on their mobiles?)
A majority, I'm guessing.
So now he's going to some convention about video games I guess and they have speakers about dumb boring shit like the social ramifications of video games (zzzz) and here's one of the speeches he's excited to see:
7:00pm: Can RPGs Teach You to Write? (Coronado)
In fact, take this line from the best selling RPG of all time as proof that RPGs can't teach you to write:

I'm in an absolute total blue funk today.
Yes, I know that other people have it worse than I do. Far worse. I am employed, I am doing something I love doing (the band), I have a house to live in, I have food to eat. That right there puts me above a whole lot of other people, all of whom are just as deserving as I am.
I always love it when pussies preface their whining by saying "I have no right to whine because there are people starving in Africa" like one has anything to do with the other or that even makes any goddamn sense.
Look, if you want to whine, just get it over with. Don't get all self-righteous on me.
But no amount of actual good fortune can account for screwed-up brain chemistry. And right now, my brain chemistry is such that everything feels totally effing awful.
I just want to go home and hide under a rock, because the world is a horrid place and will eat me alive.
Take all those pills you found.
Thefirstsecond DLC scenario for Dragon Age II came out a few weeks ago, and so I downloaded it and played it. Teri was over, playing Final Fantasy XI on the couch next to me.
GIRLS PLAY FFXI-- no I already knew this.
A friend of mine got a 3 day ban for "harassing" an in game couple that were married in game and wanted to get married in real life and in fact met through the game.
His "harassment" technique included sitting near them.
Apparently Square takes their in game romances seriously.
I later had the intense misfortune of partying with them. The one wouldn't change out of her wedding dress or engagement ring to don proper equipment.
Her argument was she was a healer and therefore didn't need the stats offered by real armor.
So I decided to party naked with the logic that, as a warrior, I was a damage dealer and not a tank and therefore didn't really need armor.
Somehow she got buttwounded and offended and accused me of not being respectful.
So I called her a stupid cunt and to summon her hasubando (JAPANESE[-ish] FOR HUSBAND BECAUSE IN FFXI WE ARE SO KAWAII [Japanese for "cute"] to her defense. He showed up in like three seconds and started yelling at me.
It was the funniest and most embarrassing thing I've ever seen in a video game.
The other people in the party wanted to fucking murder me for derailing their party, too.
Oh well, losers. Trust me, I saved everyone a huge headache by killing that shit before it got started.
Oh right, blogs.
Oh and the rest is an unfunny nerd joke that makes me want to hit this man in real life.
With a brick.
Do you think that criminals should be able to profit from selling their memoirs, after serving jail time?
Well the way the system is currently set up why shouldn't they be able to? What are you going to do, prevent them from a lucrative endeavor?
I say just kill all criminals so they can't profit off writing their memoirs. Everyone wins.
But no, as we have it, they should be allowed to. America is a capitalist society.
PRO: Someone who has been released from prison has supposedly paid his/her debt to society and ought to be able to earn a living however he/she chooses.
Exactly. End of discussion.
ANTI: However, we know that most ex-convicts are not, in fact, rehabilitated, and many aren't even repentant, so to let them profit from telling the story of their crimes would not only reward them for being criminals, but possibly encourage more criminal behavior in those who read the stories.
Just like violent video games encourage kids to be violent, eh, gamer?
Also their ultimate view on their crime is irrelevant. What, do you want to lock them up until they repent? Why not just cut to the quick and kill them?
My solution is elegant, simple, saves the taxpayers a fuck ton of money and prevents stupid moral quandaries like this one.
There's also the philosophical aspects of the question. For instance, is it acceptable to always restrict the freedom of an at-risk population in order to prevent possible or occasional harm to society? Conversely, is it acceptable to always allow an at-risk population to act freely if it carries risk of possible or occasional harm to society? Is there a way to reach a middle ground, mitigating risk without restricting freedom?
I'm pretty sure they call America "land of the free" so no, you're not allowed to restrict people that way.
Unless you're okay not being the land of the free which frankly I am. Clearly people have shown they can't handle the freedoms they've been granted.
Now I'm getting language tips from this yahoo.
Predicament vs. Dilemma vs. Ambivalence vs. Indifference
Thanks for the bold font I have to fiddle around with now, asshole.
Let's see. A predicament is a particularly difficult, dangerous or unpleasant situation versus a dilemma, which is a situation with two (or more) equally unfavorable outcomes.
Ambivalence, by definition, is uncertainty versus indifference, which by definition is a marked lack of concern or care for a situation.
Does that about cover it, chief?
Yes it does.
I just got a bill from my auto club for my annual renewal.
Am I really reading about some dick's auto club?
Is this what has become of my life?
Apparently I owe them fifty-five dollars and ninety-five and three ten-trillionths cents.
Do you think they'd dun me for the extra three ten-trillionths of a cent? Or should I round up to $55.96, just to be safe?
Pfft, I dunno, call them?
I've been telling you idiots this forever: rules don't really apply to you if you know how to spin it.
Take me and Disgaea 4. I wanted my Flonne DLC but I preordered too late.
Fucked, you'd think.
Nope, two emails to Gamestop later and I'm enjoying yet another healer (TRIPLE REDUNDANCY UP IN MY PARTY YEAAAAH SON)
I could have played this two ways: I could have been straight with them and hoped they'd take mercy or I could lie. I suspect either would have netted the same result but Gamestop has done some shitbag things to me personally in my life and I believe I've always extolled the virtue of lying on this blog so I felt it my sworn duty to lie my way through.
(EDIT: I called them, and they said it was an error and that I should only pay the $55.95*. The guy on the phone seemed to have no sense of humor about it, either, which is really sad...)
He has no humor about it because it's probably literally the fiftieth call he'd gotten that hour and he's probably halfway between deciding whether or not to quit or fucking kill himself.
Nerds of the world, I have something to tell you: repeating jokes does not make them funnier.
Here's a post about International Women's Day.
To my disappointment this isn't about international women, that is, a day devoted to the delicious brown and yellow girl but instead an international day celebrating women-- I guess.
Let's talk about this yahoo's blog real quick, actually, because this post summarizes succinctly a big problem I have with this moron. Due to the way I process my own entries (I copy each block of text into Notepad first before copying that into my blog to remove any bullshit HTML tags or CSS nonsense) and one positive side effect (there are no negatives to doing this) is it gets rid of hyperlinks because those are created through HTML.
Anyway, here's an unfiltered post:
It's in celebration of the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day.
In related news, my old friend from junior high school, Viveka Davis, is participating in an event called Soul 2 Sole (and, apparently, so is her 72-year-old mother), which is a cross-country walk that will last six-and-a-half months. It started this morning at Oceanside Pier, and it will conclude on September 21st (the International Day of Peace) in Washington D.C.
Kudos to you both, Ms. and Ms. Davis!
Or, no, excuse me
When did the preferred spelling of "pyjamas" become "pajamas"?
Considering the word comes from Persian which contains both a 'y' and an 'a' after the 'p' I'm guessing this argument is ultimately pretentious. Also I know for a fact the British still spell it "pyjamas".
Oh man this is boring as fuck.
Time to go~
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