Unfortunately that blog was also really boring, so I won't be reviewing it.
Tons and tons of pictures (most involved softcore bondage) and then the occasional post about a Dungeons and Dragons campaign (bondage optional [I feel sorry for the people in that game])
Anyway, prepare for today's train wreck.
Who is the meanest movie bully?
Today's writer's block. Most people (unsurprisingly) don't seem to fully grasp what a bully is.
Darth Sidious.
Evil manipulative bully who tries to bend the entire universe to his will...
... kinda sounds like my ex husband lol :)
Darth Sidious, also known as THE EMPEROR from Star Wars.
He destroyed entire planets with a giant space laser.
That's like calling Hitler or Stalin a bully. I mean I guess technically but that's kind of putting it mildly.
It must be said that I have been in hiding in recent years. Pressure from the exhub and his goddawful family have made the world a difficult place for me to express myself. As if them translating paragraphs from my private blog (written in another language!) then quoting the Babelfish cod version back at me in a mediation session wasn't bad enough
>someone else found it
>another person (me) found it
I think I found a problem with your "private" blog.
that darned exhub still sees fit to control my life over four years on by raising an injunction against me to stop me moving from one part of the (same) country to another. This injunction even prevents me from taking my kid on a daytrip outside of town!!!! While when he has same kid can take them pretty much anywhere since he moved out of town last year, shacked up with a girl he went out with in high school and had a new child with her so to my mind I think he should focus on his new child
Hey if women have the power to bleed the father of funds while simultaneously denying visitation rights (when he isn't a criminal) I don't see why this isn't fair play.
and partner rather than obsessing about what his exwife is doing with firstchild and while (and I say this with a blue face) HE WILL CONTINUE TO SEE HIS CHILD I see his attempts at tampering with my life as most mean-spirited if not downright weird.
>Doesn't want his child moved 10000 miles away in an attempt to deny his rights to see his child
>downright weird and mean-spirited
I'll grant he might be a complete dickhole but from what I've seen so far I'm not really seeing any evidence to that end.
If this isn't control freakery I don't know what is. While my child is often used as an excuse by the exhub for his actions, it can blatantly be seen that he is not only acting as if I were doing something else (i.e. attempting to prevent access)so that he can use that with his family (and others probably and including new partner) to exact his continued abuse of me as a sort of twisted punishment for (as he sees it) convincing him to break up that "perfect and holy marriage."
Oh. Maybe you should express yourself a little better because you're really sounding crazy right now.
He would have gone on having affairs and telling me how I couldn't match up to these women he had fallen in love with from one day to the next and yet I was ordered to bring him breakfast in bed every morning otherwise he wouldn't drive me to work. The work I did paid for the house he lived in, the food he ate and the childcare he couldn't be bothered with at the time...
Oh, okay. If I may suggest a revision: just keep your first sentence about how he's trying to steal your kid then this one and you don't really need to say anything further.
Incidentally, as the eternal skeptic I don't believe any of this shit really happened and she's just batshit.
So anyway, enough with the hiding already. If I live under a shroud of their fear then they have won. While I still feel incredibly depressed (and yes clinically so - taking the pills, have the help)I also realise that I know their strategy: essentially a war of attrition has worked very well for that family for many years -
I find when your ex-husband has an injunction on your traveling ability it's a wise move to hang your dirty laundry for people to see and, especially, include the detail that you're depressed and on pills for it.
I'm no lawyer but even I could spin that into an "unfit mother" argument.
But yeah, loud and proud, sister.
There's a difference between "living under a shroud of fear" and "erring on the side of caution". The difference, admittedly, is probably too subtle for the feeble minds on Livejournal to fully grasp but I assure you it's very real.
Take it from one who has long meditated on the subject of fear.
They preyed on vulnerable lone young people for a very long time - including me. They will still continue to do so. They have become so prosperous and influential on their Holy Christian attitudes that I have no hope. All I can do is at least speak the truth about my experiences and then, the more they try to silence me, the greater the actions they take against me I know I stand true. I speak the truth.
Seriously, just post those two sentences I told you about. You really sound nuts by saying THEY'RE ALL PLOTTING AGAINST ME BUT IT'S OKAY BECAUSE EVEN IF THEY BREAK ME THE TRUTH WILL BE FREE!
They say all kinds of stuff about me - that I had serial affairs, that even the child so argued over isn't even the exhubs (?) that I have been manipulative and deceitful since I knew them...
... I will cut the infant in half and each party will get half--
Oh God this just goes on and on forever and it's all this crazy shit I don't care about.
I've concluded you are both unfit parents and the child will be raised in a monastery setting for a purpose over which you need not worry yourself.
Now there's a long, rambling post where she speculates that, thanks to a dream, she might be "precog" or, to non-crazies, she can predict the future accurately due to psychic influence and it somehow ends with a rant against her ex-husband.
Are you seriously trying to lose your child?
All I need to do is point to the post where you're on pills, the point where you theorize a grand conspiracy against you and this latest gem to say "clearly this woman is unstable and in need of psychiatric help."
This article is opinion only and while I attempt to be as balanced as possible I apologise in advance if I offend any of the celebrities involved.
If I apologize any celebrities involved like yeah, they'll be reading this.
Nope, I'm afraid it's just me and you, honey.
I've been keeping a minor track of glamour-girl Jordan aka Katie Price for some years now, ever since I discovered that she and I were pregnant at the same time and roughly the same stage. I remember being quite astonished that at about 5-6 months pregnant she was papped going to nightclubs and staying up till 3am while I was constantly knackered and could barely stay awake after coming home from work, never mind getting glammed up to go partying! There was also that slight element of disapproval too, the "tut tut, she should be taking it easier for the sake of the baby"
Slight air of disapproval from those doctors who insist you shouldn't drink or smoke while pregnant like pffft, what do they know anyway?
With their degrees in medicine and thousand of years of collective medical knowledge?
but when little Harvey was born with disabilities I found myself feeling a bit sorry for her. People were quick to blame her late nights and alleged consumption of champers for her son's disabilities and while that certainly wouldn't have helped, it was all down to genetics and there was nothing anyone could really have done.
This just in: fetal alcohol syndrome is genetic.
Hint: I think there might be something in the name that would suggest most (normal) people to conclude that it isn't a genetic factor.
Despite the continued bad press, Katie proved herself to be a sensitive, caring and very good mum to her son.
Just, you know, not sensitive enough to keep his brain from being as smooooooooooth as a marble. I actually don't know anything about this trollop because I'm not from the UK (despite just using the term "trollop"). Let's see--
Okay the kid is missing part of his brain and he's autistic.
I'm not sure how you can diagnose autism when you're missing parts of your brain but I'm not a doctor.
... Not sure why I felt the need to qualify that. Clearly I'm not a doctor.
So anyway apparently this isn't FAS but I'm not entirely convinced because I know eye trouble is part of the package diagnosis for FAS so I'm seeing a lot of the symptoms labeled under different things.
Oh God this goes on and on about how this bimbo hooks up with a boxer then dumps him when he loses an important fight--
How many times am I going to say in this entry "I don't care" or more importantly "stop this"?
My first forays into the world of MMOs could certainly have led to addiction -
Speaking of MMOs, behold:

Coming soon: rank 50 other things.
Why isn't marijuana legal when tobacco is?
God I hate this question.
Cocaine and opium are also the product of plants and yet they never seem to enter the equation.
The reason pot isn't legal and tobacco is is because tobacco isn't a direct competitor with the alcohol industry like marijuana would be.
Deal with it, nerds.
Also I feel it should continue to be illegal because then what else would you potheads have to discuss?
Tobacco, therefore, has several hundred years of collective ignorance and acceptability behind it.
It does have some minor health benefits, as does marijuana.
Tobacco has several health benefits?
Excuse me?
Ah yes, I, too, read the pamphlet written in 1750 about the "wonderful benefits" of tobacco.
Might want to update your sources a little.
That pamphlet went on to argue about the "scourging effect" on the "body's maladies" that the smoke had.
Cleansing smoke from Valhalla.
Makes sense to me~
Oh God I'm 4 years back now and she's still bitching about her ex-husband. How long has this drama gone on?
Get over it, Christ on a cross.
Anyway I'm going to do something better with my time which is to say I could be doing literally anything. Like heroin.