Hope nothing hits my shitty high school preventing my journey there tomorrow~
Anyway here we have a blog.
It's called "Zameenah's World". Presumably "Zameenah" is some kind of nickname she's picked for herself and not, you know, her real name.
I don't know what prompts me to say this because the kids at my school have crazy fucking names so it could easily be her name and it wouldn't be the craziest name I encounter in a day.
If you decided to start a band, what would you name your first album?
I think I'd just do like what Led Zepplin did and just give them numbers.
Or name it after Warhammer things but come to think of it I think a band already does that. They're called Bolt Thrower. Apparently Games Workshop signs off on it because they even use official Warhammer art as their album cover which most of that shit would make for a great metal album cover anyway.
Dream Dragon. Duh.
The fuck?
What's your favorite thing to do on long car rides?
Drive. Because I'm an adult.
Or play Pokemon. Whichever.
Or read.
Both while listening to music.
>sleeping while listening to music
How do people even do that? You people must like some boring music.
Here's a post entitled "Why is it..." which made me think we were about to launch off into a Jerry Seinfeld bit but no:
that some men are so damn stupid and stubborn and just not worth...me?
I'm FAbulous.
And I know it.
Now here's a quiz she took that tells her how great her personality is and I took the same quiz and it called me overly introverted and paranoid so THANKS A LOT.
I'm sitting here watching the Last Dragon and I'm laughing my ass off. This shit used to be my favorite movie in middle school.
Movie's awesome.
I was IN LOVE with Taimak (the lead), or Bruce Leroy as they call him in the movie. The acting is horrible, the lines are horrible.
No shit. It's a parody of Kung Fu movies.
I know some of you are gonna laugh and find this trivial, but I was almost in a three car accident today.
I know some of you are gonna laugh and find this trivial, but I almost fucking died today.
A bad one. It seems a brown truck on the other side of the highway going in the opposite direction from me tried to change lanes, lost control, jumped the median, hit a car, spun out and then hit another vehicle(a red truck). A truck right in front of me.
Holy shit that sounds awesome.
Oh here's another quiz she took called the Dante's Inferno Hell Test.
Let's see.
I find this question leading, Dante's Inferno Hell Test:
Have you wished bad things upon your fellow countrymen?
Do you use God's name in vain (ex. "God damn it," "Oh my God")?
Now you're just being silly.
Have you ever taken pleasure in someone else's misery?
Do you have any pagan religious beliefs?
Define "pleasure" and "pagan" please.
Have you ever intentionally given bad advice?
Does "advice I think might not be entirely sound so I can observe the result" count?
Okay this is definitely leading:
Hammering away on scandals is a good way to damage those with whom you disagree politically. True/false.
It is a good way to damage someone whom you disagree with.
That doesn't make it right but that is a good tactic, yes.
And the results are in:
Level 6 - The City of Dis Heretics Extreme
She was lustful and gluttonous which in terms of religious crimes mine is way cooler.
Men suck!
That is all.
Herp derp.
Well I wasn't treacherous so I escaped the greatest crime there is.
Although I did say I'd assassinate someone if it meant I'd become powerful and wealthy which I don't consider a wrathful action. It's just business and I'm sure they'd do the same.
I'm so bored.
And I have $20 in my pocket.
Buy bullets and maybe rent a gun.
How much are bullets? I get the impression they're actually more expensive than I expect.
Let's see.
Assuming I own the manliest gun there is, the Colt Python, which chambers a .357--
Oh. 25 bucks for 50. 50 cents a bullet?
How can you afford not to shoot people?
Yesterday, I got up at 6am and got ready to go meet the Team in Training Team.
The team in training team.
So the team that's training to be a team, what?
This sounds like something my school would dream up.
That's the team that's training for the marathon to help raise money for Leukemia research.
But to do that we're going to meet every Tuesday at 12:15 but if you have a class then you still have to attend so get the other teachers there to teach your class unless you have an intern in which case you can let them teach but you're not supposed to leave them alone with the students so you better send another teacher who does have planning to watch them and hey if we can't meet Tuesdays at 12:15 we'll meet Thursdays at 2:00 because everyone is free then so why don't we just meet then instead and FUUUUUUUCK.
Here's an entry entitled "Sparta was part of Greece!" and I'm not sure what she means because at several points in Greek history each Greek state was definitely its own independent state.
I guess she's arguing they were ethnically Greek which, yeah, but--
According to Byzantine sources, some parts of the Laconian region remained pagan until well into the 10th century AD
at around 1:30am listening to the David Bowie cd that a certain someone made for me when all of a sudden, I hear hysterical blood curtling fighting going on behind my apartment. The young couple behind me is fighting again. But this time, it's bad. She thinks he's hiding something from her and she just wants him to tell her.
So speaking of "fighting the power" in that Rift game there are two sides, the Guardians and the Defiant and I picked the Defiant because I'm hardcore like that but we are complete pussies when it comes to insane PVP versus the Guardians.
I don't even understand how this logically works because you'd think the net population of this game would be of a base intelligence but apparently everyone stupid picks the Defiant.
I mean I know this happened in World of Warcraft where all the kids went to the Alliance but honestly that made sense because the Alliance looked like "the good guys" and so only people wanting to avoid the kids picked the Horde but in Rift all races look effectively the same so there's no real aesthetic reason to pick one over the other.
I guess plot wise the Defiant feel more edgy with "LOL THERE IS NO GOD" but honestly it's not like they're raging atheists-- they admit there are gods (because in the Rift world there provably are gods) they just said the gods are assholes and we're forging our own destiny.
Also it doesn't help that the Guardians kind of cause THE END OF THE WORLD and somehow still manage to tout themselves as the righteous good guys.
You know, exactly how I imagine religious people in real life would act.
They argue the Defiants were brokering in technology they didn't understand (some sort of magic bullshit fueled by dragons who are evil) but when they destroyed it they unleashed a guy named Regulos who's apparently so badass his only other name appears to be "The Destroyer" so good fucking work, Guardian assholes.
So I'm kind of torn between these two sides. One I agree with philosophically and aesthetically but the other actually seems to attract a higher caliber of player so I'm not really sure what to do at this point.
watching VH1 and their show on race and it's funny as hell. You should try to catch it if you can.
Did you know the two groups that are the LEAST married are black women and Asian men? LMAO.
Oh no shit?
Wait, we can set up some sort of extrapolation matrix with this shit because statistically the interracial couple most likely to occur is black men and white women.
No, this is already doing my head in.
I'm just going to call you an idiot and move on.
Did any of you ever notice that Asian men never seem to get the poontang in Hollywood movies? LMAO.
I dunno I just Googled Jet Li's wife and she's admittedly not "Hollywood poontang" but she's pretty cute.
Jackie Chan didn't do too bad for himself either.
Nice work, gentlemen.
Now there's a quiz she took that reports she's most like Greta Garbo which--
I don't even know how to address this.
Anyway I think I have something to do now maybe I don't know--
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