Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Small Steps Corrupt

I find today's writer's block "what is your favorite mythological character or creature" by Herasrevenge somewhat self-serving. HERA'S REVENGE? MYTHOLOGICAL FIGURES? HMMMM?
Hera, for those of you woefully ignorant of the one true religion is the queen of the gods and wife and sister of Zeus.
Hey they were around when there were like five things in all of creation so it's not like they had many choices for a spouse.
I was on the look out for the one tool factory (Victorgraywolf probably) who was going to do that edgy thing and say JESUS, MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN but Livejournal never fails to disappoint and I couldn't find that guy in the first three pages so FUCK IT HERE WE ARE.
Her (his?) response:
The phoenix. It's my symbol of hope that someday I will be able to rise from the ashes of all of my problems to be reborn as good as new.


Well, I have to say things have completely and totally changed for me! First off, I am totally over J at this point. In fact, since my last post, I now have a BOYFRIEND!!!!! *happydanceofsqueeingjoy*

Oh good it's more of this.

The weirdest part about it: he's actually J's best friend since middle school. I know it looks bad, but we had been hanging out, just the two of us, a couple of times, and we were talking all the time online. Then, one day he asked me what I would say if he were to ever ask me out.

Oh don't care.
Next week will officially be a month, so I'm hoping we can go out on that day or maybe even make him dinner or something like that. Most of our "dates" are really just us hanging around each other's houses, but the time feels just as special as if he took me out for a night on the town.
Wow one entire month.

That's like, pffft, 30 whole days!

Well, I'm back on talking terms with J, and things are a bit awkward for me. See, he's planning on moving in with the girlfriend, who I still insist he barely knows, very soon. He doesn't have a job for sure out there, nor does he know what school he's going to be going to.

You're in college?
This is high school psychology.
Let's see what else...OH! I've officially decided I have to drop ALL of my classes this semester instead of just two due to health problems, so finding guys that way is completely out...Yes, that's all I've been focusing on right now b/c health-wise things aren't doing so well and I need an escape.

Oh good it's more of this. Have I reviewed this blog before?

Okay, I couldn't resist answering this one! I'm very much a realist. I know things aren't made out of silver and gold and unicorns and rainbows, but they're not total crap either.

>you've "squee"ed before
Actually "fuck it" indeed because I have SHIT TO DO IN THE MORNING.

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