Friday, March 4, 2011

I don't care

Not a single fuck.
Look at this dumb cunt.
Flipping me the bird in her avatar. Real classy, trash.
Anyway I do like today's writer's block:

If you could confront the worst teacher you've ever had, what would you tell him or her?

All in all it's just another brick in the wall.
I'm surprised (I don't know what I mean by "surprised" because I'm really not surprised at all) no one quoted that song.
That he was a huge douchebag and it was me who put acid in his coffee freshman year. HA. im glad you got fired.

Wait you put acid in his coffee and he's the douche?

I dunno. i was thinking maybe its time to start over. a new journal perhaps. all my most recent entries have been my life sucks, im broke, im fucked, im moving blah blah blah.

Oh I see a promising entry in my future.

but then again i could make a new one and then i would probably never write in it. coz i rarely come on my lj coz i dont really know anyone who uses it anymore. *sigh* i dunno. i guess im just bored coz scott started his new job today.

>I'm bored
>better be sure to tell the internet about how boring I am
Great thank you for this.

Coz well im actually on a computer for once at the library. Umm everything kind of well sucks. Me and Scott r both outta work. We are broke as fuck and there are no fucking jobs.


ok. so we packed up our shit and we moved to tennessee. well that place fucking sucks donkey balls.

we thought thatmaybe if i came back to florida andi worked and he worked there with the kids. we could get enough money and things would be ok.

You know that thing in good writing where they show and don't tell?
Welcome to the opposite.

SO last night i went to the dkm show and got kicked out.

some douche bag was sittin outside talking shit about mass and saying the red sox sucked and i yelled at him. and tried to hit him and security kicked me and scott out.

i feel really bad. i was being a drunk asshole and scott got kicked out of show coz of it. :(

Ha, ha oh wow.


im feeling stressed. i dont like to be stressed.

we gotta find somewhere to live fast. i need to get a new job fast.

Holy shit this post is from 2007. How is it your life is just this never ending cycle of needing to find menial work?
Have you ever thought about learning a skill?
God, fuck I am just nodding off, here. I don't think I've ever been this tired in my entire life and this blog is really not helping.

but i'd like one where i can work from home or maybe one that would just allow me to have my hair the way i want and keep my peircings in. arrgh.

>keep your piercings
They want professionals, not whores with tongue rings.
Sorry about that whole reality thing.

myspace is being wick3d lame as usual and not working so i find myself here on my livejournal. if i cant be addicted to one site it has to be another...

What fucking year is this?
Oh, 2007, right.

so i've managed to only drink 2 beers today. sort of by choice, but not really. i prefer to be drunk i think. granted i still tend to get very emo when im drinking.

As opposed to the rest of the time where you're just bubbly and not bitching about your lack of employment.
being drunk is probably my favorite activity. but i get paid tomorrow so i will totally be buying myself some drinks

So you know those "warning signs you're an alcoholic"?
I think if these two thoughts occur back to back you can skip the signs and just assume you are.
nothing much to report from here. still working at bradys. still kicking myself in the ass everyday for having a shitty job. still just making it. still drinking entirely too much. still feeling that im always alone. still wishing my life was something different. still alone. still listening to the same sad songs over and over again.

Well I tell them there's no problem
only solutions
Well they shake their heads and they look at me as if I've lost my mind
I tell them there's no problem I'm only sitting here doing time.
i dunno. things are going ok. other than the fact that im completely broke and i dont have a car. but its cool. im havng fun, but i know im fucking myself over everyday. i barely make enough money to cover my rent.

So I'm always really excited to see the guild leve "Hungry Like the Wolf" because whenever that comes up it's Duran Duran time.
and it sucks. and its not like i can be ooh i'll give it to you next week. coz i never make more that like 150 bucks a week. my rents is 100 a week. and usually whatever is left gets spent on ciggarettes.

So a real winner, eh?
No but have you seen that music video? It depicts pretty much the noblest endeavor a man can undertake. Bro goes on a quest to some third world cesspit to land a brown girl.
The creators of FFXIV know their shit so they said "let's name a lot of our leves after 80s songs. Why the fuck not?"
They just need a leve called "Money for Nothing" and I'm really in business.
Fuck there might already be one. I should check. If it does exist I'm leveling whatever job has it--
Would have made a great goldsmithing leve but no dice.
Holy fuck how far back does this blog go?
March of 2003 are you fucking kidding me? Let's see what was happening in 2003:

This journal is friends only. Sorry if you find that to be an inconveinence... but yea. Add me. and I most likely add you back. Peace Jigga.

Did you just call me a jiggaboo?
Oh man.
This girl averages 2 updates a year.
I can't exactly be angry at her with an average like this. I mean I brought this on myself. This is a blog literally no one reads and no one updates.
so I've noticed my wanton purchasing of aldgoat skin in FFXIV has actually slowly driven the price up so I let it cool for a few weeks and it's back down to dick.
When they add recipes for aldgoat skin I am going to be so rich. Richer. Whatever.
Well this has gone on long enough and is pretty much not on topic at any given point so I'm ending this train wreck.

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