I didn't know this until recently: there are two writer's blocks at any given time. I guess the logic is between the two you'll find something worth making a bullshit post about but as it turns out the other question sucks too:
What would be your first purchase if you won the lottery?
The answer, according to Livejournal, is "pay off my credit card debts" which confirms the average age of Livejournal is at least six years higher than I expected.
Ignoring for the moment paying a debt isn't really "purchasing" something it's nice to see as a whole everyone is in massive, crippling debt.
Anyway today we have a blog FOR FRIEND'S ONLY but don't worry I don't think anything is actually censored from normal people.
I don't know what I mean by "don't worry" like anyone is losing sleep but whatever.
Anyway her (his?) pressing answer to this question:
I know it sounds stupid and maybe I'm losing my childish sides, but I would pay off some of my bills. And then the rest of it? Probably put it in savings. I know, right?
I find it hard to believe everyone is this fiscally responsible. Surely attitudes like this aren't how the recession started?
I think I'm done for the night, though. My back is killing me, and I just wanna relax for the last half hour I have. Only I won't, because my boyfriend likes me doing his nails, which he asked for tonight.... better get to it.
Oh so your boyfriend is gay, I get it.
I'm watching Advent Children Complete (in English) because it's SO GOOD. I don't know why I like it so much. But I do. I think it's because secretly, I freaking love Final Fantasy VII.
Advent Children is the Final Fantasy VII movie where they replaced all the characters with boring husks and replaced the plot with technobabble. It's not a bad movie if you are very young or very stupid because it has a lot of bright flashes and colors.
Back to VII. I LOVE ZACK. Oh my god, do I love Zack. I want to keep him. And take him everywhere. Crisis Core was such a sad game. Also, Advent Children made me love Tifa. She's kinda badass.
People played Crisis Core?
I'm a huge fan of Final Fantasy and I've never played Crisis Core. It's like a game made for girl fans of the series and I think it sold a ton so THANKS A LOT FANS OF FINAL FANTASY FOR CONTINUING TO RUIN FINAL FANTASY.
Anyway that's actually the end of her blog so I guess it's time for two blog Wednesday, the best holiday there is. Here's a furry with some problems.
That brings up an interesting point: is it possible to be a furry without problems?
Well, job thing went pretty terribly. I had 3 panic attacks and cried twice in the middle of training.
The job training is working at a call center, incidentally.
You know of all the jobs to get stressed out about this is not one of them.
I just can't handle 8 hours in a room full like that in that type of atmosphere, and pay attention and function.
You could come to my horrible high school where no one pays attention for more than five minutes, then. No need to function for lengths of time.
Oh but they'd probably mug you.
On second thought that's one of those jobs I suggest you avoid.
Today I made calls and have things set up to see my therapist again and called my lawyer to add this incident to my disability hearing file.
Ohhhh I see what you're doing. Say no more, you leech on society.
I hope this can even BE a documented incident - since I avoided breaking down in front of everyone they might think I am faking it and just don't want to work. That is SO far from the truth, but they have to be careful of people who do try to be leeches.
Instead of being down on this guy I should learn from his example. I had a rough day yesterday so why even bother trying? I can just collect disability.
Hi. Today I went shopping with my mom and got lots of new work clothes. Now I need to keep the job long enough to wear them all. Haha. Joke. Anyway, thanks mom.
Seriously, still super-nervous. I am slightly better today than yesterday, when I broke down a couple times. I really hope I am ready for this. :(
Whoever wants to hire this yo-yo: I found some evidence that she might not be a reliable worker.
The 'downside' of having a job is I'm going to lose all my help. Which is as it should be, I don't want to mooch off the system. But it's going to be hard budgeting for food and medical expenses, and I will have to cut back on my therapy visits and other care.
Seems a bit backwards that you get more help while working than when you don't almost as if they're encouraging you not to work but whatever.
AHHHHHHHHHH I leave in an hour or so to go to work thing. SO FREAKED OUT.
I might pop a xanax.
What was that book where they used mind-bending drugs to create a docile population of workers who didn't care they lived in a horrific police state?
Brave New World or something?
Ha, ha, yeah. Crazy imagination, that Aldous Huxley.
I'm debating closing this down to private entries only to prevent further drama.
Well aren't you a cocksucking liar?
Oh, I guess you were just "debating", fair enough.
So, yesterday I went to a Quaker meeting (aka church) with Merci.
Oh someone with agoraphobia, generalized anxiety, social anxiety and has trouble focusing on tasks for long periods of time is going to a small room where people don't talk for hours on end.
I bet this went well.
So I'm going to list a few things I don't like and then the activity I'm going to do:
I don't like being around people
I don't like loud noises or annoying lights
I think I'm going to a dance club tonight.
Good idea, yes or no?
My new years resolution is to lose some weight.
And overweight, you're a real winner.
I feel icky tonight! Girly probs in time for the holidays. :( Pain meds are not helping. Cookies are not helping either. So it's early to bed with a heating pad for me!!
Women and your vaginas.
They say that's your punishment for Eve's deception of Adam in the Garden of Eden.
I always thought that was a little suspicious. If Jesus died for all the sins of humanity, right, then why do women still suffer pain in childbirth and men must toil in the fields all the days of their lives, if that was the punishment for the Original Sin which indeed it was? Should that not have ended after all that Jesus shit?
I'm putting some necklaces I made up for sale on FurBuy.
It's an electronics distributor.
Maybe this is some furry pun on eBay and not an actual website?
Yes, let's go with that.
Anyway an awesome blog was just brought to my attention by someone in my Linkshell so EXPECT AWESOME FRIDAY UPDATE.
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