Anyway I think we're continuing the crusade of stupidity today with Fierce Fat Fucks or whatever.
I was in line at the grocery store today when I noticed the woman behind me eyeing my enchiladas. Always one to make conversation I said “They are actually really good for frozen food, no preservatives or weird chemicals, and they’re tasty.”
That's when I get a bemused look on my face and put my hand under my chin as if to say "this is really interesting, do go on."
She sighed, in what I would call “longing,” and said – “I can’t, I’m on Atkins.” She paused, smiled wryly and said, “sixth time’s the charm, right?”
Nine hundred twenty ninth time is a charm.
At what point do you go with a new approach?
I must have made a “huh” face because she went on. “My work charges me extra for my insurance if I’m overweight – it costs me about $600.00 a year. I’ve been on and off every diet and I’m heavier now then when I started. I’ll lose 30 pounds and gain back 35, lose 20 and gain back 40, it’s a vicious cycle but $600 is a lot of money to me, so I have keep trying, right?”
Gearin' up for impending bottomsore.
If you smoke or you are fat or other health risks yes you should be charged more for insurance.
Welcome to reality, assholes.
Oh right, we're supposed to be moving backwards because there was a post I mentioned I wanted to cover.
Well in the interest of coherency I'm going to move back to a post from yesterday then return to our progress from yesterday.
Since Fat Bastard is going to cry if he’s not allowed to send a goon squad to disrupt Fierce Fatties or post his own hate, and since he’s using censorship as an excuse to not debate me face-to-face, I am posting all the hate we received over the past week into this post.
In other words,
I'd like to take this time to point out the Goon Squad is Something Awful, not 4chan.
4chan being the ones who were raiding you.
Anyway, moving back.
Oh wait, no, here's another good post:
People all over have been making the argument that, if fat people choose to be fat, then they are responsible for any illnesses that result.
>taking personal responsibility
What planet are you from?
If fat really were a lifestyle choice, then I would agree. Totally.
Errrr yes it is?
Just imagine all the money we could save for far worthier causes if we just threw all undeserving ill under the bus!
Hmmm there's a thought.
No, no, we can't do that. That'd be-- what's the word?
What's the word where something is a good idea but you can't do it because it makes you sound like Hitler?
In fact, here is a list of 20 other conditions I’m sick of paying for:
Proceed. I'm always prepared for some vitriol.
-Pre-eclampsia/HELLP syndrome: Haven’t you ever heard of abortion, ladies? Pay or die.
Yeah, exactly. Fuck fetuses.
"Fuck Fetuses" sounds like a punk rock band, come to think of it.
It probably is.
-Noise-induced hearing loss: Ear plugs are cheap, you know, much cheaper than hearing aids and cochlear implants. No, you didn’t need to get old either when suicide is an option.
I must say this callousness is a nice change of pace.
I particularly like the part where she says "you didn't need to get old either when suicide is an option" or as I would have phrased it "you didn't need to get old when you can FUCKING KILL YOURSELF." I know this is supposed to be hyperbole to drive a point home but I'm enjoying this.
-Conditions aggrivated by poverty: Here’s the classified section of the newspaper. Hey, only a buck! Lookitthat!
That is a good argument, actually. Get a fucking job and maybe you won't be so miserable.
I'm doing a full time job currently and I'm not even getting paid. It won't kill you, honest.
-HIV infection: I don’t care if your partner lied to you. Haven’t you evolved enough to read minds? And why didn’t you put that condom under the microscope to make sure there were no holes in it?
Actually if you use a condom correctly it will never tear. That "99.9%" shit is just to cover their asses.
Any physical or mental infirmity caused by battle: That’s what basic training is for. And they even give you protective gear! You should’ve USED IT!
You do realize ballistic weave vests are not invincible tools of destruction, right? It's pretty much for light arms fire and debris, not for taking rifle rounds to the chest.
I was with you until that one. Now you just sound silly.
This is by no means an exhaustive list.
Have any more to add?
How far are YOU willing to go with this?
Yeah I would: fat people who spend more time sassing off on the internet than losing weight.
Anyway, I don’t have a citation for the claim in the title, but one of my famous neighbors has a son who had gastric bypass surgery (who doesn’t?). Apparently, his wife had one too, got thin, and dumped him soon after.
Have I told you about my plan?
According to my famous neighbor, divorce is common in couples affected by bariatric surgery and that surgeons are well aware of this, yet they don’t discuss it with patients (what DO they discuss, exactly?).
When you're trying to sell an expensive car you don't talk about how the brakes don't work, come on.
Um, I thought bariatric surgery was about health? Are you trying to tell me that this woman’s newfound health inspired her to run off with a man she met online who, as she says, shares her love of corned beef? (Yes, that’s exactly why she left him. They both loved corned beef.)
So here's my plan. I think I've shared this before, but I feel the word hasn't spread far enough yet:
Find a nice girl in the third world and bring her to first world standards of living. She'll be so thrilled to have the filth cleaned off her she'll never leave you for another man over her love of corn beef.
In fact you might very well be the first person to ever feed her fully so you can pretty much introduce any foods you like.
Think of her like a Pygmalion experiment.
Here's a post entitled "On kinky sex or the way the world should be" and this is giving me more pause for thought than an entry in a blog should but probably not the way she intended.
Dare I venture?
Of course. I am a Space Marine, after all. I know no fear for I am fear incarnate.
Over the summer, I had the chance to attend a BDSM fetish fair in Boston and, needless to say, I had the time of my life.
I feel bad for BDSM devotees (devotees? Is that the right term?) because that's a fetish that requires dedication. You need to know how to tie knots, suit up a body harness-- some of that shit looks like it requires knowledge of construction.
So you do all this shit thinking you're going to-- I dunno land some nice pussy I guess and then look what shows up to your fair.
I blended right in, Boston was great, and I got all this cool fetish gear out of the deal.
Speaking from experience on leatherworking (Rank 40 [video game knowledge totally translates into real life]) leather can survive an amazing amount of trauma.
In the Fat-o-verse, there is a lot of discussion over expanding the concept of attractiveness to more people, and that brought me to this memory of my trip to Boston.
I'm just a simple man with a simple vision of beauty.
Or I'm stupid, I dunno, but I hardly consider rolls of fat attractive.
One of the first things I noticed about the people there was the ease with which they let it all hang out.
Well it's hard to keep it contained when you're wearing a harness.
Huge deathfats were walking around in fishnets and leather corsets, and no one batted an eye.
I already used why.jpg so I'm going to use an image I feel is equally appropriate:

R.I.P., Kitten ;_;
People who participate in fetish culture of any kind are sexual minorities, and while there is no guarantee that anyone will avoid prejudice, it is my experience that people who are into fetish are involved in other sexual minority pastimes as well, such as cross-dressing.
I wonder if my brilliant plan (or "The Plan" as I've come to call it) would be considered "cross-dating". I still prefer "propagating the remnants of crusader culture" like that one bint said to me that one time because I personally think crusaders are hardcore and anything to further that image I think does good.
There are conservatives there, too, and I chose to wear a modest, but edgy Goth outfit. I was looking for a good/bad schoolgirl look.
Great thanks for ruining that image for me.
Fuck the internet.
When it comes to the discussion of “real women,” that idea can seem just as limiting as saying that only thin women are beautiful and deserve the spotlight. What does a “real” woman even look like?
Statistical aggregate based on age and race.
Yes, such a thing exists.
Is she the statistical average? Or is there a range of shapes and sizes that we can call “real?”
I feel like this is the fifth entry in a row I've said this but I guess it bears repeating:
You can be a 90-pound compulsive eater. You can be a 400-pound anorexic. You don’t need to look sick to be sick.
>400 pound anorexic
Doing it wrong.
Oh, after looking I finally came to the entry I was first linked to that started this whole thing. June 3, 2010. This shit is ancient history.
Privilege… it’s something everyone has in some form or another*, but nobody wants to admit.
I have a lot of it in my personal situation.
I'll admit it.
It is pretty ballin' being a white man.
How much privilege can one person have?
I am a (lower) middle class cisgendered** straight white lady who lives in a medium sized city in the US.
And I'm upper middle class. How great is it to be me?
That’s a whole passel of privilege right there, but anyone living that life might not notice it, because I was pretty much BORN INTO all of those things.
I know, right? I didn't even do anything and already look at all this shit.
And what I want to focus on today is a privilege that I have not always had, and that is the privilege of being thin in the United States.
Whatever, adding it to my list of privilege. I'm thin and attractive.
Goddamn I must have bankrupted several small nations' luck by myself.
Things that thin people take for granted that are actually Thin Privilege…
I can go into any restaurant and not worry about whether the seating will accommodate me.
To borrow a line from Louis C.K.:
I could go to the year 2 and they'd have a table waiting for me.
I don't even know what they were doing in the year 2.
But a black guy looks at the same time machine and says "hey, man, not any time before 1980--"
Nobody is going to complain to me if I choose to wear a bikini that I am somehow ruining their day.
There should be laws.
You must be this hot to wear less than a Muslim Pacman ghost uniform (the word has left me because I only speak GOD FEARING languages like English and Latin. Also Japanese but let's not dwell on that--)
I'm convinced that's how they got started. Trying to keep the fatties under wraps but lost their way somewhere.
Nobody is examining the contents of my shopping cart at the grocery store and acting as the food police if I put some ice cream in it.
I mean that's their problem over there in the Middle East. All those delicious brown girls and you keep them wrapped up. What's wrong with you, friends?
Every single one of you should be saying "WOW! LOOK AT MY FORTUNE! SURROUNDED BY BROWN GIRLS AND OIL!" but no, so angry.
So big, so angry, so dead.
I could go on, but I think I have made my point.
Sorry, what were you saying about shit no one cares about?
I feel my analysis of the Middle East is ground breaking in several ways. How many people with advanced degrees have spent their entire live studying the conflicts there and some idiot that doesn't know dick about fuck figures it out instantly?
So not only did I find the source of conflict in the Middle East I also proved Zen works. It is better to unlearn something than to learn something.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan anyway I think I've spent enough time on this fuck. Doing other shit now~
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