This is one of THOSE BLOGS (in a voice as accusatory as I can possibly make it) where I have to agree a thousand times over that I'm older than 14. What kind of sense does this even make? 14 year olds can't make informed decisions about anything. If a 14 year old were irreparably harmed by one of these blogs (heh heh) there's no way this fucking warning would hold up in court.
All for what? This cunt's declaration that she loves the Lord Jesus Christ? Wow, how controversial.
Anyway what spawned this entry was the writer's block of the day:
If you were given the chance, what one thing would you tell the entire world?
I'm not gonna sit here and pretend I have any wisdom that could really change the whole world so I think I'd go with something more that's pissing me right the fuck off: your and you're. I'd explain to people (even non-English speakers, fuck you) that these words are not the same.
Of course most of Livejournal went with the tried-and-true "PEACE IS THE ANSWER LOL" which given the number of times people have said that and it hasn't stuck I'm guessing peace either isn't the answer or no one cares enough to try it out, so time to find a new angle, people.
It's a nice thought but nope, not working.
I would tell the world to simply love one another as God loves them excluding no one, to forgive everyone and to smile, laugh, live and love evereyday as if it is their last.
What about the terminally ill? I bet they're feeling forsaken and not loving life, exactly.
Fuck you there are plenty of reasons to be miserable. Don't tell people what to do.
Hey, hey, here's a thought: if we're all children of God what's so special about Jesus?
I have always loved Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater house.
Nope don't care. Next entry.
I believe all our disease can be cured through the injestion of plant matter extracted in its purest form.
Dumbest fucking thing I've read today, probably. If this were the case there'd be no disease. You really think people wouldn't have figured this out before now? With hundreds of thousands of years (or 4000 years if we're going by your reckoning, I'm sure). I mean Christ all mighty, a plant can cure cancer?
Yeah pack that radiation shit up, we don't need to work this hard.
Which famous or infamous historical person would you bring back to life, and why?
I would bring back to earth, our Lord Jesus Christ.
>Jesus Christ
Ha, ha, ha.
I would love to meet Him and to thank Him face to face for all of the mighty works He has done and for all the blessings in my life.
What'd he do, really? I mean he healed some blind people (allegedly) and walked across water (neat trick if there are no boats to be had I guess) and then he died.
Everyone that was alive is now dead and everyone alive today is going to die so that's not really a "mighty work", is it? He didn't even write his own fucking book. He had his followers do it for him. Really if they hadn't written it down no one today would have even heard of Jesus, so really we should be thanking the Apostles first and Jesus second.
Oh man all of these are writer's blocks, I just realized. WRITER'S BLOCK SPECIAL, WOOOOO--
What is your greatest fear?
My greatest fear is losing my Alan, being alone and homeless with no food or resoures. I am physically challenged in that I am reliant on a wheelchair
Yeah maybe if you weren't such a hambeast.
If you've been following a relatively obscure band and they start to become popular, do you tend to lose interest at some point? Is mainstream appeal a turn off when it comes to music?
What are you, a hipster? You liked it before, what changed? Nothing about the actual music, to be sure. Now here's a really long and boring story about how she found love in a "really odd place" (the internet, fucking wow) and-- whatever, Christ.
Well. That's the end of her blog. Short entry today, wooo--
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